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Forum: Religion and Politics

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Sticky Thread Sticky: Official R/P Chat Thread Version 5.0 - All your jimmies are belong to us...

Can't we all just get along? Let's start this off with some bipartisan content and set the mood.

A-GAME‎, 05-16-2017 12:05 AM
193 Pages
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05-04-2024, 03:53 AM Go to last post
5,782 361,016

Arrow Sticky Thread Sticky: General Forum Rules

Welcome to the Forums It is our hope that the members of the forums will help each other in providing motivation and information to those looking to reach their fitness goals. To protect our members and the forums, the following rules are effective in all sections. Please take...

anonymous‎, 05-19-2014 08:12 AM
05-19-2014, 08:12 AM Go to last post
0 102,190

Go to first new post In sweeping change, Biden administration to ban medical debt from credit reports

In a sweeping change that could improve millions of Americans' ability to own a home or buy a car, the Biden administration on Tuesday proposed a rule to ban medical debt from credit reports. The rule, announced by Vice President Kamala Harris and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director...

havoc00‎, Today 01:54 PM
Today, 04:48 PM Go to last post
22 181

Getting fit is great – but it could turn you into a rightwing jerk The more self-actualised you become, the higher you are on self-righteousness, blaming other people’s problems on their failure to be as healthy as you. There is a dark side to...

Dave22reborn‎, Yesterday 11:43 AM
4 Pages
1 2 3 4
94 975

Russia vs Ukraine Thread V: The Fate of Humanity, Traditional Values vs Globohomo Part 1. Part 2.

Evil_D‎, 01-02-2024 12:45 AM
151 Pages
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4,514 132,928

The Lord Jesus Christ is so kind-hearted that he died for our sins(wrongdoing)...

The Lord Jesus Christ is so kind-hearted that he died for our sins(wrongdoing) so we could have a chance to be saved from ending up in hellfire and end up in Heaven after we die. (For those who missed Ron's earlier post.) Hey everyone. Did you know our past, present, and future...

tayebe3‎, Today 09:18 AM
Today, 04:38 PM Go to last post
2 88


Kids SHOULD DECIDE THEIR GENDER WHENEVER and WHEREEVER DRAGS ARE fINe Inflation everywhere, no jobs available unless you want to work for Walmart but HEY....THE ECONOMY IS DOING GREAT

2011change‎, Today 03:59 PM
Today, 04:38 PM Go to last post
3 53

Biden on 2nd Amendment

Biden on second amendment advocates: “By the way, if they want to think to take on government if we get out of line, which they're talking again about, well guess what? They need F-15s. They don't need a rifle."

Procta‎, Yesterday 12:08 PM
2 Pages
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Today, 04:34 PM Go to last post
37 471

Angry Russia conducting marine exercises 66 miles off Florida coast

So here we go boyos, draft incoming Putin sees Biden's weakness and reacts in b4 TrUmP Is GoInG To GeT Us InTo A WoRlD WaR!!!!

bluebeltATT‎, Today 11:13 AM
27 241

Pulse Nightclub Shooting Memorial... 8 Years Later

After years of delays, scaled-back plans underway for memorial to Florida nightclub massacre 8 years ago today... I hope they get their memorial... and their closure.

NYPat‎, Today 08:57 AM
3 Pages
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74 786

Arrow DOJ Memo: Merrick Garland is above the law & immune to prosecution

gwg77‎, Today 01:53 PM
9 136

Hunter Biden CONVICTED on all charges

inb4 he gets a week probation

Zelensky‎, Yesterday 08:20 AM
5 Pages
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133 2,136

Breaking News: Joe Biden Favored to Beat Donald Trump in 538 Election Forecast

Nutsy54 is on suicide watch.

MinisterOfLust‎, Today 01:21 AM
15 293 Bird Flu Research Which Made Virus More Transmissible to Human Restarted

They are full speed ahead no matter what you think. This time 50% fatality rate. As long as they have the thirty percent of morons stupid enough to vote for a Biden they think they can pull if off. Just blame the unvaxed. Bill Gates 2020 interview: "The next pandemic WILL get attention"...

chicagopizzaboy‎, Yesterday 09:10 PM
1 67

I've become convinced that NYpat has to be a Jew

There's no other explanation. Even a Fed wouldn't be this bad.

swoleyo‎, Today 12:28 PM
Today, 02:44 PM Go to last post
16 155

Will Universal Basic Income make us lazy? Apparently, a UBI won't turn everyone lazy. I tend to agree but I don't think in binary here, either. I think people have a natural yearning for creativity and development. They will tend to be creative...

Bodhy‎, Today 12:17 AM
Today, 02:32 PM Go to last post
29 387

NYP's Madcow: Blumpf is going to put me in a re-education camp

EhAFnVyEx1s While I am completely ok with her being put into a holding camp until she gets her mind right, I really doubt she is anywhere near important enough for that to ever happen.

Fishman15‎, Yesterday 06:33 PM
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47 621

Dont get hate for israel

This all reminds me of the byzantine empire and how the west treated them. They were still a force against the turks and in todays case, iran. Yet due to religous issues, theyll be neglected and then iran will just take over and become a bigger problem. Just funny how it seems identical scenario...

davik‎, Yesterday 01:04 PM
Today, 01:54 PM Go to last post
20 291

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Covid Vaccines Are NOT Vaccines

qw5wJk5wOUM Cliffs: Remember when some people were saying 'they' re-defined what vaccines were and that vaccines previously actually kept you from getting a disease? Then they were screamed at, called anti-science, laughed at for being anti-vaxxers, etc? Well, turns out -- the 9th Circuit...

JUSA‎, Yesterday 06:53 AM
4 Pages
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104 1,026

The devastating consequences of Covid lockdowns

KXKsvpHSuWI Good vid, and echoes a lot of the points I made myself back in the days of the pandemic. The Dr speaks in Melbourne, the place with the most severe lockdowns on Earth and the worst effects on people. The argument? It is wrong to think in binary when dealing with Covid, or any...

Bodhy‎, Today 07:26 AM
Today, 01:38 PM Go to last post
28 340

Congratulations Newsom # 8935. Thanks Mexico

America's dirtiest beach revealed: Beautiful coast is making dozens sick due to river pumping in raw sewage in what's been branded a 'portable toilet'

freeheeler‎, Today 12:53 PM
1 94

More trans surgeries are necessary

Instead of dealing with the root cause of the problem. Liberalism

freeheeler‎, Today 10:40 AM
Today, 01:29 PM Go to last post
29 221

Thumbs up Which mod gives Bodhy that weekly mod rep?

It's hilarious seeing him bounce back and forth constantly lmao

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 12:22 PM
0 45

Queer Kids Stuff - Happy Pride Month!

Gotta fight the hate and make sure kids know about alternative lifestyles and abortion. Cheers! 1rac4kbzbww?si=UurOzUiperuyd7z_ CIsVGDq8nd8

dabbmw2002‎, Yesterday 10:59 AM
2 Pages
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Today, 10:33 AM Go to last post
34 582

Post San Fran, CA implementing cutting edge ideas

I mean if you can steal up to a certain amount of money and not get prosecuted, then every store is like this, no? San Francisco opens 'free' taxpayer-funded supermarket “Equitable access to fresh and healthy food options is critical for communities to thrive…” ...

Procta‎, 06-10-2024 12:22 PM
2 Pages
1 2
57 962

why do liberals get hate when they only want the best? (srs)

is it more the intentions are good, but they sacrifice common sense? so they arent' inherently bad people

7empest‎, Today 07:23 AM
11 149

Official CNN Insanity tracking thread

ITT Post the most insane cnn article headlines quoted with article link, video clips of insane cnn moments, screen shots of opening pages blatant beyond bias, along with any other cnn insanity. Just looking at the headlines every morning on cnn, including this morning, it becomes apparent we...

gachase21‎, 01-30-2018 03:43 AM
208 Pages
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Today, 08:50 AM Go to last post
6,229 324,838

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