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Forum: Religion and Politics

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Anyone else think Christians are absolutely pathetic?

Between the Jew worshipping and the constant cucking of the church I must say it's difficult to imagine why a grown man with pride can call himself a Christian in 2024. There was a time when Christians were anti-jew (based) but now we have nothing but jew loving cucks. I saw our resident cuck...

Islandboyo‎, 05-21-2024 06:23 PM
2 Pages
1 2
05-25-2024, 05:00 AM Go to last post
44 902

Habitual pants sh!tter Joe Biden may not be on Ohio ballot Lol

ClivesTriceps‎, 05-22-2024 03:26 PM
2 Pages
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05-24-2024, 08:42 PM Go to last post
45 1,292

Non-COVID, Excess Deaths in US Since Vaccine Roll-Out Near 1 Million, Vaxes to Blame

Never-before-performed calculations show that the number of excess, non-COVID deaths in the US since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines is 904,000 deaths. These are deaths not caused by COVID, and are over and above the number of deaths which would be expected given normal death rates, which...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 02-15-2024 05:11 PM
2 Pages
1 2
05-24-2024, 07:17 PM Go to last post
30 1,145
05-24-2024, 06:59 PM Go to last post
2 217
05-24-2024, 06:00 PM Go to last post
4 219

Exclamation RIP - Iranian President and Foreign minister dead in helicopter crash

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un Indeed we belong to Allāh, and indeed to Him we will return ----------------------------------------------------------------- Is this a true accident? Do you think an outside entity might have participated in this?

2011change‎, 05-19-2024 10:17 PM
4 Pages
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05-24-2024, 05:41 PM Go to last post
116 2,389

Best 2020 Election Steal Documentary, Epoch Times Investigates Who's Stealing America

Like any media they have their slant but Epoch Times is an actual news organization and Josh Phillips is an actual reporter. Did not Know: In swing states Biden got hundreds of times more votes than many down-ballot senate race Democrats, a sure red flag for election fraud. This is the...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 01-26-2024 04:01 PM
2 Pages
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05-24-2024, 03:56 PM Go to last post
31 1,244

Insulin Spikes Artery-Clogging Plaque: New Study

Q: What does this have to do with either Religion or Politics? A: Indirectly. I'd made previous threads about the over-prescription of statins and their general effectiveness. That subject itself was more on the periphery of this section's purview, but relevant enough that it got some traction and...

JUSA‎, 05-24-2024 08:54 AM
2 Pages
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05-24-2024, 12:27 PM Go to last post
30 435

Masks/respirators for respiratory infections prevention:state of the science review

38000 words, 413 references One conclusion: these devices work

J.L.C.‎, 05-23-2024 05:27 AM
7 Pages
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05-24-2024, 11:58 AM Go to last post
186 2,219
05-24-2024, 10:52 AM Go to last post
0 102

lmfao @ rethuglican filth

hurr durr Pass laws giving fetuses personhood. Cry about IVF being banned. Pass new laws restoring IVF and act like it is some huge achievement. LMFAO. The party of uneducated rabble. Soon, dear leader will be imprisoned or worse. Your clown show ends. America is over this bullshyt.

FidelEternal‎, 05-23-2024 11:59 PM
3 Pages
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05-24-2024, 10:27 AM Go to last post
65 756

I can ether cuckservatives in my sleep

Feels good mane

georgeenoob‎, 05-24-2024 12:45 AM
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05-24-2024, 10:22 AM Go to last post
32 608

joe biden farts on black Democrat meet up then look confused.

c7aIr9zFItgKamala Harris family Embarrassed

drakkarman‎, 05-23-2024 09:57 PM
05-24-2024, 09:54 AM Go to last post
17 420

RIP mudbloods: PET scans show blackened hearts for those that submitted to authority "A COVID-"vaccinated" heart is "a heart that is working...twice as hard as it should...and it does it for 6 continuous month after two vaccinations...These people...weren't having chest pain...weren't having a sense of myocarditis, they...

LizzieTish‎, 05-22-2024 08:18 PM
2 Pages
1 2
05-24-2024, 05:22 AM Go to last post
39 951

Why women should not vote

I recently graduated (want to be a software engineer), but am now taking Artificial Intelligence classes to supplement my coding and design and all that. Well, I had a class, and the Professor was talking about how AI is being used in China, for facial recognition of citizens and social credit...

CalmWind‎, 05-22-2024 06:02 AM
2 Pages
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05-24-2024, 04:33 AM Go to last post
51 945

Post The Left cant meme because they are memes

its certified Biden campaign to hire meme manager as president struggles for support from young voters - The Biden campaign is aiming to speak the language of youth by hiring someone to manage its content and meme pages, as the...

Procta‎, 05-23-2024 12:07 PM
05-23-2024, 11:54 PM Go to last post
11 307

Poll Poll: Who would win in a boxing match - Anachron, or Bodhy?

Which one of the rivals would win in a boxing match?

FelixTheCat1919‎, 05-22-2024 08:10 PM
2 Pages
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05-23-2024, 09:53 PM Go to last post
31 738

Biden daughter admits diary is true. Fears she was molested as well

Looks like old Joe will plough anything that comes in front of him Liberal press headlines ”Why incestuous ****philia is beneficial to all of us”

freeheeler‎, 05-23-2024 10:55 AM
05-23-2024, 07:33 PM Go to last post
6 312

Democrats defend putting rapey men in womens prisons

party of satan OBQnX7F0TG4

128‎, 05-23-2024 05:39 PM
05-23-2024, 05:39 PM Go to last post
0 127

Top Fauci Aide David Morens Caught DELETING Emails, Accused Of LYING To Congress

lVq8o5ETBCM Trust the Science! Btw, there was another thread on this, but here is a video of what might be as close to a mainstream source talking about this. I haven't watched the Hill recently, they lean pretty far progressive left, but not mainstream establishment DNC left.

JUSA‎, 05-23-2024 12:30 PM
05-23-2024, 02:06 PM Go to last post
6 197

Arrow "offender"...nah son it's "Justice-impacted individual"

why are politicians like this Bill proposing change from ‘offender’ to ‘justice impacted individual’ advances to governor’s desk CHICAGO — State lawmakers have...

Procta‎, 05-23-2024 10:26 AM
05-23-2024, 02:01 PM Go to last post
9 209

U.S. politicians all using the same language to condemn Netanyajew's arrest warrant

For the bootlicking goyim still pretending as if Israel doesn't run this country, observe the talking points being parroted by all of "our" politicians after an ICC prosecutor announced they were seeking an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu:

Zelensky‎, 05-22-2024 02:24 PM
05-23-2024, 12:53 PM Go to last post
17 412

Post Twitter files - cia

Pretty lengthy breakdown of the CIA implementing itself to be the sole arbitrator of "truth" The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the most famous of the 18 US government agencies that comprise the Intelligence Community (IC) of the...

Procta‎, 05-23-2024 10:15 AM
05-23-2024, 12:07 PM Go to last post
4 170

Dear Lord, please let the AZ GOP pull the plug on Lake.

She is such a horrific canidate that I just can't figure out how that are willing to nominate her for something again. She threw away the governors race to a lady who literally didn't campaign. The most recent poll shows her underperforming Trump by 12 points. Trump is going to easily...

LinuxJon‎, 05-22-2024 10:43 PM
2 Pages
1 2
30 629

Smile Want to make a formal apology to dabbmw

I apologize, brah : ) You're a g in my book.

OPGenesis‎, 05-22-2024 08:10 PM
05-23-2024, 10:39 AM Go to last post
22 510

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