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Forum: Motivation

Tips for getting and staying motivated over the long-term, motivational pics and quotes, and more!

Balancing Work/Gym

What's up fellow members. Just got this new job warehousing, and it's kicking my butt. Its physical, generally I move lots of bags of rock/soil/other large items and by the end of the day I'm tired. I have no real energy to push myself in the gym and I feel over exhausted when I...

Blazerboy777‎, 07-01-2015 12:43 PM
07-02-2015, 11:25 AM Go to last post
3 1,190

Legs motivation video. Got quads?

CurtisKaine‎, 07-01-2015 12:22 PM
0 674

Getting shredded helps you pick up attractive black girls proof

go to youtube and type in "Aesthetics in the Hood"

CurtisKaine‎, 07-01-2015 08:57 AM
0 831

Better myself

Hello, I've been thinking recently, i really wanna better myself. I want to join the marines, I've used the gym for over a year now im fairly strong, but i am so unfit! I smoke fairly heavily, and i cant barely run to the end of my road. You have to be able to pass strict fitness test to even be...

MonsterGainz‎, 07-01-2015 04:01 AM
07-01-2015, 07:25 AM Go to last post
2 760

Smile 301lbs to 180lbs

Hi all! About 5 years ago I was 20 and 21 and a half stone+, when I decided enough was enough, with an extremely strict diet and exercise plan. No fad diets no starving myself just honest hardwork in the gym, in 18 months I had lost 8stone, fast forward a year I had went back up to 17stone+...

andymcguinness‎, 06-07-2015 01:09 PM
07-01-2015, 01:52 AM Go to last post
17 2,696

lost my motivation to lift help!

I have lost majority of my motivation to lift. Around this time last year I was out of shape decided to do something about it, so I started running lifting heavy and eating right checked on these forums everyday for new tips. Once I got into decent shape I started getting looks from girls all the...

zumba6798‎, 10-05-2009 06:23 PM
06-30-2015, 07:41 AM Go to last post
14 31,463

How u stick to it

Sometimes i may want to quit,but my friends donot let me do so.They say u go nowhere if u quit now.It's not smart of u.Then,in oder to not give up,i post a beauty on my wall to encourage me.Wat u do to make u go on?

ellasmoth‎, 06-28-2015 08:18 PM
6 861

bodybuilding competition

I think of a bodybuilding show as a art show . it's a celebration of accomplishment . a day to present to the spectators your work of art . a day to motivate others . a day to show them what is possible with hard work . I of course want to leave the venue as the winner . but just getting to that...

havok77‎, 06-27-2015 04:06 PM
06-29-2015, 08:55 PM Go to last post
3 912

Arrow Gaining Weight With Hernia & Dys****ia

WtoBxdUpntc I'm new here and have decided to reach my goals. No matter how difficult. If I can teach one soul out there that you don't have to lose to your pain & breaking the norm is okay, I'm happy. Let's grow.

SuitedGhoul‎, 03-19-2015 03:40 PM
06-29-2015, 06:04 PM Go to last post
9 2,249

Come on surely someone on this site must want to do cardio!!

Okay I admit I am pissed! I am a lazy fuuuuking sob!! I cant lift and cant lose weight. I only lose weight when I do cardio. The problem is I have tendinitis of the ankle but I am still ready to do cardio. I dont give a rats if it hurts when I do cardio. I just need to lose the fat. I need someone...

cabcaz‎, 06-27-2015 11:00 AM
06-29-2015, 10:34 AM Go to last post
3 912

How to maintain your healty life with demanding job ?

I am working very hard kitchen job for 5 days in week for 10 hours daily. My workout consists of cardio and weight lifting in gym 3-4 times a week. Also i cycle to work and back every day for 14 km uphill and downhill. After whole week i feel exhausted psichly and mentally my muscles feel sore and...

hybridtheory8‎, 04-22-2015 02:41 PM
06-29-2015, 10:33 AM Go to last post
13 2,413

Finally got a barbell/plates still need a squat rack. Ready to be a new me.

I have a bench, a barbell, and a ton of plates 2.5 x2 5 x4 10 x4 25 x2 35 x2 45 x2 I'm nothing but fat, weak as all hell.

SickSadWorld38‎, 06-24-2015 05:07 PM
5 1,065

training with continuous lack of sleep?

Working on river. Schedule is 6 hrs on and 6hrs off. 28 days on 14 days off. So for 28 days straight i work two 6hr shifts per day of heavy labor. When my shift is over i have 6 hrs to eat, shower, and usually end up getting about a 3 hr nap. So it totals out to about 6 hrs of sleep per day thats...

cmallard14‎, 06-28-2015 07:44 AM
6 1,197

SERIOUS PROBLEM: How do I deal with this?

Hey all, I'm preparing my whole body for one single date and that's it. The date is September 10th 2015. I'm spending so much time and energy lifting weights and English isn't my first language so I'm studying English for 2-3 hours every day all for the purpose of this one particular date. ...

MoonWalker0‎, 06-18-2015 07:57 PM
06-27-2015, 09:41 PM Go to last post
9 1,604

Do teenage girls even like muscles?

Guys help, I'm losing motivation! I know it's been asked a lot before and I understand that most girls are into the Brad Pitt Fight Club look but tbh I don't think anyone will notice that look unless you're shirtless. I'm 18 and I'll be starting university in a few months and when I'm trying to...

TheNewBeginner‎, 06-26-2015 12:15 PM
06-27-2015, 03:18 PM Go to last post
6 2,729

Cool 1st time gym nerves?!

Hi all, I've taken the plunge and paid for 12 months fitness memebership at my local gym, paid upfront on the basis that I'm tight and if I've paid for it I'll use it! I'm fairly unfit to be honest, could do with losing a couple of stone and have next to no upper body strength.... but...

Docherty87‎, 06-23-2015 12:25 PM
06-26-2015, 10:51 PM Go to last post
9 2,047

Measuring progress without actually measuring?

Hi peeps I've been measuring my gains which has lead to both celebration and disappointment over the last 18 months (yes I guess I'm still a newbie). My aim is to obtain the 'classic' look - I wan't good size but if I can give the illusion of more mass with good muscle definition and form then...

Sizematters81‎, 06-25-2015 05:29 AM
06-26-2015, 07:14 PM Go to last post
4 929

Is it too late for me?

Well, Its been a year since I dedicated myself to Bodybuilding. Its also been a year since I made any real progress. im now at the point of just eating whatever I want when I want. Ive gained back alot of fat and im guessing I weigh around 370lbs again. I dont know whats been going on. I watch...

adamfett007‎, 06-25-2015 09:15 AM
06-26-2015, 09:18 AM Go to last post
11 1,153

Did I start too late to ever turn pro?

Last year I was 20 years old, nearly 200lb, fat as hell (25% BF? Maybe even more) and extremely unhappy with my life. Girlfriend was lying ****,university was kicking my ass, I felt unattractive and I hated to even look at myself in the mirror. So after I finally told my bitch of an exe to shove...

AlkalineBased‎, 06-26-2015 12:30 AM
3 1,019

When did you hit your first plateau?

How many months into lifting did you hit your first plateau? What were your lifts before/up to that point, and how fast were you getting the beginner gains? How long did the plateau last, and how did you get out of it? What is your rate of gains (specific lifts) after the plateau? ...

JihadShark‎, 06-22-2015 12:56 PM
06-25-2015, 10:45 PM Go to last post
3 4,272

Lost all motivation tbh

I just realized getting a better body wont do anything. It wont make you happy, it wont get that girl you love so much, it wont get you girls, it'll just get you noticed honestly.

ggEmanz‎, 06-24-2015 10:19 PM
06-25-2015, 10:25 PM Go to last post
3 930

Being Encouraged to Work Out Actually Hurting Motivation...

Hi everyone. I'm very new to this site and working out, I only started trying it a little bit this year because my boyfriend is very into it. He used to be very overweight and now works out every day. He wants me to work out with him too, which I have a little bit in the past, but I live 40 minutes...

AltoYourClef‎, 06-22-2015 07:29 AM
06-24-2015, 08:26 AM Go to last post
6 933

New to the scene

New to the lifting scene, here's a few quote's that keeps me fired up and motivated. What do I fear? I fear stagnation and lack of progress. I fear never reaching my potential and being average. I fear being forgotten...The past...Yesterdays news. I fear giving up and being passed by..going...

Doza905‎, 06-20-2015 01:19 PM
06-23-2015, 05:22 PM Go to last post
2 790

unrealistic expectations

Hey everyone. I have an issue. Im recently down from 315 to as of today 244 lbs. My journey began march 1st. Even though i look and feel so much better then before and even though i know what im doing right now is good (currently losing 2 to 3 lbs a week for last 4 weeks) everytime i weigh in i...

darmstrong266‎, 06-21-2015 10:27 AM
06-23-2015, 11:43 AM Go to last post
5 1,025

Unhappy I desperately need your help. Heading towards a dark place.

Good morning everybody, today I would like to share my story with you and hope that you can help me out here as I'm on the verge already. I am not a native english speaker therefore you might find a lot of grammatical mistakes and whatnot, I am also not a professional writer so the text might be a...

Ishayu‎, 06-19-2015 09:29 PM
06-23-2015, 11:15 AM Go to last post
11 1,446

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