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Forum: Female Misc.

For other topics or just to meet other people.

Considering tongue patch diet

What u rekon femmisc yea or nay?

Hannah82‎, 10-29-2013 03:22 PM
2 Pages
1 2
45 5,819

Smile San Francisco peeps! Help turn SF into Gotham City for a deserving kid! (Make A Wish)

I posted this in the big misc too... Just spreading the word for a good cause. Make a Wish Foundation: "Miles may only be 5 years old but he is fighting a very adult battle, one that we hope he will win. Miles has leukemia. He is a bright, positive, little boy who finds inspiration in...

CaliSun‎, 11-04-2013 07:36 PM
11-05-2013, 07:35 PM Go to last post
3 1,232

Bachelorette party ideas, please help!

My youngest sister is getting married this Sept. There will only be 4-5 girls. We plan on doing an overnight retreat so we don't have to drive. She's not doing the typical traditional wedding, so we're trying to keep the same idea for a party. Any ideas on what we can for fun...something...

kimm4‎, 05-14-2013 06:31 PM
11-05-2013, 06:50 PM Go to last post
27 2,463


Found out about this today, and thought it was cool. It is a site that lets you enroll in free classes from different universities (Yale, Tel Aviv, Columbia etc). So if there is some subject you would like to know more about, but it it was never offered at your school, or you don't intend on going...

sgtpeppers‎, 09-05-2013 07:38 PM
11-04-2013, 06:03 PM Go to last post
3 1,473

Poll Poll: The ring she loves or the one I want for her?

planning on proposing in a few months she's pointed out a ring she "absolutely loves"... but I think it looks like it fell of a dead grandma. I showed her what I would have bought her.. and she said she liked it too & said I have good taste.

bluejay83‎, 10-20-2013 06:36 PM
11-04-2013, 05:09 PM Go to last post
14 1,487

breastfeeding and protein powder

My 3 month old seems to throw up (sometimes projectile) after I have my whey protein. (i'm nursing) I'm assuming he has allergies to the cow protein. My question is, is there some type of whey that I can take that is less like to have an effect on him?? TIA

Jaimesgirl123‎, 11-04-2013 08:35 AM
11-04-2013, 08:35 AM Go to last post
0 993

Check Out My Aesthetic WBFF Cousin, Female Misc!

Is female misc mirin? She just won a pro card last year. This is her full aesthetics crew. She is third from the left. Also I have received my female-misc permit from Trinity as of 10/24/2013 so im allowed to post here by law.

apieceoftofu‎, 10-24-2013 02:59 PM
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11-03-2013, 10:00 PM Go to last post
31 5,289

Happy birthday to my little man, future fitness superstar!

Happy 1st birthday to my littl(est) man! He knows the importance of eating clean And best of all, could teach the teen misc a thing or two about squat form :D (Although I concede eating full-fat cheese off the floor is hardly "clean eating" no matter how you interpret it)

sonti‎, 10-31-2013 03:42 AM
11-03-2013, 09:08 PM Go to last post
14 1,962

hot dads

I'm a little upset the male physique thread was deleted while I was google image searching this picture of Beckham. I don't see what was so verboten about it. Anyway, the point I was going to make was that while I think Becks is a handsome man, weirdly skinny arms n' all, (I'm a leg woman anyway),...

dreahere‎, 10-30-2013 07:26 AM
16 4,660

cycle problems

Hello! First off, I know I should go to the doctor but my insurance is garbage and I'm hoping the problem will eventually resolve itself. My period has always been fairly irregular (typically 40-45 days between cycles or more), but it has been 4 months now and my period has yet to resume. I am not...

missrach21‎, 10-31-2013 09:27 AM
11-03-2013, 12:35 PM Go to last post
9 1,196

Why is there so much hate towards feminism??

Just because I believe in equal political, social and economical rights for women to that of men does not mean that I am one sided. To post #53, in some cultures there are ALOT of things that we consider beyond horrible (e.g. infanticide, rape, executing homosexuals such as 13 year olds in...

royasa‎, 08-02-2013 10:32 PM
8 Pages
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11-03-2013, 03:32 AM Go to last post
237 31,475

Any parents with 13 yr. old daughters? Need advice.

Well my step daughter is starting has blown a fuse or something. She's always been a good girl and very trust worthy since I've known her. Now all of a sudden she's really testing the waters with us. She has a boyfriend that we both don't approve of and I truly dislike. We've noticed that she's...

Herbalizer‎, 11-11-2008 07:50 AM
3 Pages
1 2 3
11-02-2013, 02:08 PM Go to last post
60 4,256

Meal suggestion?

I need some breakfast suggestions, ladies. I've hit a plateau so I'm changing things up a bit diet and training wise. I plan on competing in about a year so I know I have a lot of work to do. Unfortunately, paying a coach isn't an option right now so I'm going to alter things myself and see what...

GruffalosUnited‎, 11-01-2013 06:26 PM
11-01-2013, 06:26 PM Go to last post
0 884

What men need to know about womenz.

If a woman is upset hold her and tell her how beautiful she is. If she starts to growl, retreat to a safe distance and throw chocolate at her.

cowboybiker‎, 10-08-2013 06:53 PM
6 Pages
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10-31-2013, 11:12 PM Go to last post
158 14,006

Happy Halloween Everyone

health4life24‎, 10-31-2013 05:19 PM
10-31-2013, 05:28 PM Go to last post
2 786

Hormone supplementation/birth control pills and changes in strength

I've been taking the Yaz birth control pill (combo estrogen and progesterone) for a few years now. Last week, I was put on a progestin-only pill for endometriosis instead (Visanne), as the estrogen was causing havoc. For the past few days, I've noticed that my strength has noticeably increased. Is...

aim8‎, 10-31-2013 03:02 AM
0 1,473


Approval from the landlord to get a dog has finally been achieved. Any suggestions on certain breeds to start researching? Any tips / advice? Some basic info: I'm a big fan of the Shar Pei. I have a fenced back yard. I am able to walk the dog every day, multiple times a day. I live in...

GruffalosUnited‎, 10-27-2013 09:17 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
10-30-2013, 12:08 PM Go to last post
81 7,442

Baby biting - advice?

I know there are quite a few long term nursers here so I need some advice - my baby (turns 1 next week) is biting/clamping/yanking/pulling on my boob. I have tried the "mommy ouch!" for the bites but it is the yanking/pulling that is horrible. They are black/blue now and it hurts worse than as a...

sonti‎, 10-29-2013 03:03 AM
10-29-2013, 06:16 PM Go to last post
5 1,068

Lightbulb One reason I've realized why lifting weights is good for females. For unawares

One reason I've realized why lifting weights is good for females is exercises that workout your back. This exercises can strengthen your back, alleviate pain from breasts, and support your breasts. Never thought of it till I got curious. So if you feel pain on your back from breasts or know...

crowe15‎, 10-29-2013 11:41 AM
10-29-2013, 01:00 PM Go to last post
2 1,077

Smile Amazing feminist Chimmanda Ngozi on Ted Talks

Thought I'd share :)

royasa‎, 10-28-2013 07:51 PM
10-28-2013, 07:51 PM Go to last post
0 729

Smile New to body building

Hello everyone! I'm new to the body building scene. Been athletic most of my life but now I'm older and have lost a bit of my flare. I would like to build the body I have always dreamed of. Any tips for a newbie?

kholmes1026‎, 10-28-2013 10:59 AM
10-28-2013, 01:28 PM Go to last post
1 606

Red face Pole dancing? Underrated?

Yay or nay? For and or against? Personally I've never been graceful in my life, even as a runner because my movement is so out of whack; I've been researching and the ladies doing it have impressive strength maybe some of you ladies are already dancers? Tips and tricks encouraged. Sexy,...

FlyWeightPhenXX‎, 10-16-2013 09:37 PM
2 Pages
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10-28-2013, 09:48 AM Go to last post
32 7,765

Anyone had gallbladder removed?

It's been a week since I've had my gallbladder removed and I'm back at gym doing light cardio (30 min on bike) but am itching to get back into weights. I know this would be a stupid move a week after surgery and am going to wait until surgeons approval (will ask next Wednesday). Just wondering if...

viccles007‎, 10-23-2013 02:16 PM
10-27-2013, 06:43 PM Go to last post
1 1,142

Restraining order ???

Has anyone had to file a restraining order against someone? More specifically that person was harassing you where you exercise? Did you have to find a new place to exercise?

SqueezeMe‎, 10-15-2013 10:44 PM
2 Pages
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10-26-2013, 06:31 PM Go to last post
58 5,414

Are you "old school" ?

I was driving this morning, listening to this Van Halen song " Hot for Teacher", and this sudden thought was in my head...I must be old school! and I love it! So I was curious what some of you would consider to be "old school" material... :)

Summersalt‎, 10-24-2013 11:50 AM
10-26-2013, 06:30 AM Go to last post
28 2,379

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