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    Originally Posted by RapidFail View Post
    I usually don't have a problem with them - overhead extensions are usually worse for me. I think the 8-12 rep range might be the problem and going lighter could help.
    Could be right mate. What kind of bar do you use when doing them?
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    Originally Posted by safcpaul View Post
    Could be right mate. What kind of bar do you use when doing them?
    10kg straight training bar
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    Week 3 Day 2 - 52 minutes
    I did this workout in the evening, which is not my preference. I have never felt more ready for a deload, which I think is mostly due to the poor sleep, partly due to cutting and partly as a result of this program being higher volume than I was doing previously.

    High-bar Squat (rested 3 min between sets)
    3 x 72.5kg @ RPE 7.5
    3 x 72.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    3 x 72.5kg @ RPE 9
    3 x 72.5kg @ RPE 9
    Felt lighter than the 70kg last week - good sign I guess.

    Romanian Deadlift (2 mins between sets)
    6 x 72.5kg @ RPE 7
    6 x 72.5kg @ RPE 8
    6 x 72.5kg @ RPE 8.5

    Pull Ups (2 mins between sets)
    Bodyweight (74.7kg) x 7
    Bodyweight x 6
    Bodyweight x 6
    Felt these a lot in my elbows, possibly still affected from the skullcrushers yesterday. Lost a rep compared to last week's performance. Definitely feeling ready for a deload.

    Barbell Curls (90 seconds between sets)
    12 x 22.5kg
    11 x 22.5kg
    9 x 22.5kg
    Matched last week's performance.
    Last edited by RapidFail; 03-23-2021 at 02:22 PM.
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    Week 3 Day 3 - 36 minutes.

    Overhead Press (rested 2.5 mins between sets)
    5 x 35kg @ RPE 9.5
    5 x 35kg @ RPE 9
    5 x 35kg @ RPE 9
    5 x 35kg @ RPE 10
    My ceiling is lower on one side of my gym room and if I don't stand to one side I can hit it while doing the OHP. That happened in the first rep of my first set today, which contributed to the high RPE. Regardless, my pressing strength is way down from my peak.

    Lying Banded Leg Curls (1 min rest between sets)
    15 x medium band
    15 x medium band
    15 x medium band
    Hard work! The medium band is a big step up from the light and I struggled to get 3x15.

    Push Ups (superset with neck extensions)
    18 x bodyweight
    16 x bodyweight
    15 x bodyweight
    14 x bodyweight
    3 reps down compared to last week's performance.

    Neck Extensions (superset with push ups)
    10 x 7.5kg (reduced weight)
    15 x 6.25kg
    15 x 6.25kg
    Doing these by holding two plates behind my head. Should have used 6.25kg last week - not sure how I managed it.
    Last edited by RapidFail; 03-24-2021 at 03:26 AM.
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    Week 3 Day 4 - 42 minutes including a single warm up set for the CGBP.

    Chin Ups (2.5 min rests between sets)
    6 x bodyweight + 7.5kg @ RPE 8
    6 x bodyweight + 7.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    6 x bodyweight + 7.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    6 x bodyweight + 7.5kg @ RPE 9.5

    Close Grip Bench (2 min rests between sets)
    8 x 47.5kg @ RPE 7.5
    8 x 47.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    8 x 47.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    Actually started with an appropriate weight, unlike the last two weeks.

    Bulgarian Split Squats (2 min rests between sets)
    6 x 28.5kg (each leg)
    6 x 28.5kg (each leg)
    6 x 28.5kg (each leg)
    Went conservative with these. God I hate them!

    Lateral Raise (1 min rest between sets)
    15 x 6.75kg dumbbells
    12 x 6.75kg dumbbells
    12 x 6.75kg dumbbells
    Forgot I only needed 12 on the first set! Stronger than last time, though my form may have been a bit less strict.
    Last edited by RapidFail; 03-27-2021 at 06:49 PM.
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    Week 3 Day 5 - Took 58 minutes including warm ups.

    Deadlift (3 min rest between sets)
    3 x 97.5kg @ RPE 7.5
    3 x 97.5kg @ RPE 7
    3 x 97.5kg @ RPE 7.5
    3 x 97.5kg @ RPE 7.5
    I deadlift (and RDL and row) with Versa Gripps, which I love. I don't need them at this weight and rep number, but they allow me to concentrate on my form without having to worry about grip. Forgot them for the first set, totally fine, but the reason for the higher RPE.

    Front Squats (2.5 min rest between sets)
    6 x 57.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    6 x 57.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    6 x 57.5kg @ RPE 9.5
    These are right up there with Bulgarian Split Squats as my least favourite exercises.

    Dumbbell Rows (superset with calf raises )
    12 x 25.5kg
    11 x 25.5kg
    11 x 25.5kg
    Love this exercise! Will start with the same weight next mesocycle.

    Calf Raises (superset with DB Rows )
    20 x 35.5kg
    20 x 35.5kg
    18 x 35.5kg
    I use the Versa Gripps for these too. Up 2 reps compared to last week.

    Deload next week - I'm so happy! Finished my cut yesterday and weighed in at 73.1kg (161lb) which is the lightest I've been for years. My weekly average weight was 74kg exactly, which was my goal. 3 weeks of maintenance now, then I'll start a lean bulk that should go until late September, with the goal of getting up to 80kg without going over 15-16% body fat (I reckon I'm around 13-14% now).
    Last edited by RapidFail; 04-16-2021 at 08:18 PM.
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    Week 4 (Deload Week) Day 1 - Took 29 minutes including warm up sets. No RPEs here because they're too low to rate accurately. That said, nothing here felt light - bench and rows are with my challenging Week 1 weight, just 2 less reps, so should have been around an RPE 6.

    Bench (rested 2 min between sets)
    3 x 57.5kg
    3 x 57.5kg

    Bent-over Row (2 min rest between sets)
    4 x 60kg
    4 x 60kg
    No warm up set, so kinda challenging.

    Skullcrushers (1 min rest between sets)
    12 x 20kg
    12 x 20kg
    Switched the rep range from 8-12 to 12-15 after elbow pain last week. Right elbow was clicking but not painful today.

    Dumbbell calf raises (1 min rest between sets)
    12 x 40.5kg
    12 x 40.5kg
    Did the first set without a Versa Gripp and nearly had to drop the weight - won't do that again!
    Last edited by RapidFail; 03-30-2021 at 09:10 PM.
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    Week 4 (deload week) Day 2 - took 29 minutes to complete.
    Like yesterday, the weights felt heavy and hard, but with low reps and sets, the workout was short and left me feeling hungry for more (actually not so much today - squats, RDLs and pull ups all in the same workout is always going to feel hard).

    High-bar Squat (rested 2.5 min between sets)
    3 x 67.5kg
    3 x 67.5kg

    Romanian Deadlift (2 mins between sets)
    6 x 67.5kg
    6 x 67.5kg

    Pull Ups (2 mins between sets)
    Bodyweight (74kg) x 6
    Bodyweight x 6

    Barbell Curls (1 min between sets)
    8 x 22.5kg
    8 x 22.5kg
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    OK, I'm after some advice now. The day I finish this deload (Saturday) I will be going away on a 5-day family holiday. Normally I would start the next week of training on Monday, but I won't be back until Thursday evening and probably won't want to train until Friday morning.

    I'm not planning on doing any resistance training on holiday, but might do some push ups if I feel inclined. My main question is, if I take the whole week off (after a deload) do you think I'll be OK to carry on with the program as if nothing happened, or is my strength likely to decline?
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    Week 4 (deload week) Day 3 - Took just 20 minutes.

    Overhead Press (rested 2 mins between sets)
    5 x 30kg
    5 x 30kg

    Lying Banded Leg Curls (1 min rest between sets)
    15 x medium band
    15 x medium band
    Forgot to wear socks - ouch!

    Push Ups (superset with neck extensions)
    15 x bodyweight
    15 x bodyweight

    Neck Extensions (superset with push ups)
    15 x 6.25kg
    15 x 6.25kg
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    Originally Posted by RapidFail View Post
    OK, I'm after some advice now. The day I finish this deload (Saturday) I will be going away on a 5-day family holiday. Normally I would start the next week of training on Monday, but I won't be back until Thursday evening and probably won't want to train until Friday morning.

    I'm not planning on doing any resistance training on holiday, but might do some push ups if I feel inclined. My main question is, if I take the whole week off (after a deload) do you think I'll be OK to carry on with the program as if nothing happened, or is my strength likely to decline?
    Given you've been training consistently for a while now, I don't think taking a week off would set your strength back. You could even consider it strategic deconditioning if it makes you feel better

    [I was just taking a look at your log to see how you do your volume ramping, good stuff bro!]
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    You could do an intro workout or 2 when you get back.

    Something more strenuous than a deload.

    I don’t think it’s a big deal either way though.

    Worst case **** feels heavy and your first week numbers are lower than you want but you’ll bounce back 2nd half of the week probably
    the latest and greatest in training...or whatever.
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    Originally Posted by Camarija View Post
    Given you've been training consistently for a while now, I don't think taking a week off would set your strength back. You could even consider it strategic deconditioning if it makes you feel better

    [I was just taking a look at your log to see how you do your volume ramping, good stuff bro!]
    Thanks, it's just wave loading for the primary and secondary lifts and double progression for the accessories.
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    Week 4 (deload week) Day 4 - Took just 21 mins

    Chin Ups (2 min rest between sets)
    6 x bodyweight + 2.5kg
    6 x bodyweight + 2.5kg

    Close Grip Bench (2 min rest between sets)
    8 x 42.5kg
    8 x 42.5kg

    Bulgarian Split Squats (2 min rest between sets)
    6 x 28.5kg (each leg)
    6 x 28.5kg (each leg)

    Lateral Raise (1 min rest between sets)
    12 x 6.75kg dumbbells
    12 x 6.75kg dumbbells
    Last edited by RapidFail; 04-01-2021 at 04:31 PM.
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    Week 4 (deload week) Day 5 - Took 34 minutes including warm ups.

    Deadlift (2.5 min rest between sets)
    3 x 92.5kg
    3 x 92.5kg

    Front Squats (2 min rest between sets)
    6 x 52.5kg
    6 x 52.5kg
    Still felt like death!

    Dumbbell Rows (superset with calf raises)
    8 x 25.5kg
    8 x 25.5kg

    Calf Raises (superset with DB Rows )
    15 x 35.5kg
    15 x 35.5kg

    Leaving on a 5 night holiday today, so there'll be a bit of a break in this training log.
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    I'd personally have extended the dev block and deloaded on the week I was away half of anyway
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    Originally Posted by WolfRose7 View Post
    I'd personally have extended the dev block and deloaded on the week I was away half of anyway
    I might have had I not been cutting and dealing with poor sleep - I felt more than ready for a deload last week. Ate at an estimated maintenance of 2700 calories last week and maintained my weekly average weight of 74kg.
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    Originally Posted by RapidFail View Post
    I might have had I not been cutting and dealing with poor sleep - I felt more than ready for a deload last week. Ate at an estimated maintenance of 2700 calories last week and maintained my weekly average weight of 74kg.
    That's reasonable man, I've always been the opposite tbf never pivot when I should and always keep going haha
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    Mesocycle 2
    Week 1, day 1
    I got back from holiday yesterday. After a deload and 5-day break from lifting I decided to start the next week of training early. Had good sleep all week, but one nasty hangover - whoops! Weighed 74.6kg this morning.

    Bench (rested 2.5 min between sets)
    5 x 60kg @ RPE 9
    5 x 60kg @ RPE 9.5
    4 x 60kg @ RPE 10
    5 x 55kg @ RPE 8.5
    I was concerned about my bench before this workout started. Judging by the RPEs, I haven't gotten any stronger in the last four weeks, or perhaps I'm a bit de-conditioned after the holiday. I'll continue with the progression, i.e. 4 x 62.5kg next week, and if I can't make it I'll consider it a failure and reduce the load by 10%.

    Bent-over Row (2 min rests between sets)
    6 x 62.5kg @ RPE 8
    6 x 62.5kg @ RPE 8
    6 x 62.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    6 x 62.5kg @ RPE 9.5
    Good, but probably need to increase the rest to 2.5 mins between sets, nearly failed the last set.

    Skullcrushers (superset with calf raises)
    15 x 20kg
    15 x 20kg
    15 x 20kg
    Increase load to 22.5kg next week.

    Dumbbell calf raises (superset with skullcrushers)
    15 x 40.5kg
    15 x 40.5kg
    15 x 40.5kg
    Increase load to 43kg next week.
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    Meso 2
    Week 1 - Day 2
    I probably should have followed advice and taken a couple of easier sessions before jumping back into the program. I was significantly more sore after last workout than I would usually be. Will be interesting to see how the second half of the week goes.

    High-bar Squat (rested 3-3.5 min between sets)
    5 x 70kg @ RPE 8.5
    5 x 70kg @ RPE 9
    5 x 70kg @ RPE 9.5
    4 x 70kg @ RPE 10
    RPEs a bit on the high side, knew I couldn't get the 5th rep on the last set without risking injury. Will continue with the progression and go for sets of 4 with 72.5kg next week.

    Romanian Deadlift (2 mins between sets)
    8 x 70kg @ RPE 6.5
    8 x 70kg @ RPE 7
    8 x 70kg @ RPE 7
    RPEs on the low side, but I'm OK with that for this lift.

    Pull Ups (2-2.5 mins between sets)
    Bodyweight (74.6kg) x 7
    Bodyweight x 6
    Bodyweight x 6
    Same performance I ended the last meso with.

    Barbell Curls (90 seconds between sets)
    12 x 22.5kg
    10 x 22.5kg
    8 x 22.5kg
    One rep down on the second and third sets.
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    Meso 2
    Week 1 - Day 3
    I had to turn this into an upper day, because my quads and particularly my hamstrings were (are) still very sore from the Day 2 workout 48 hours ago.

    Overhead Press (rested 2.5 mins between sets)
    7 x 32.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    7 x 32.5kg @ RPE 9
    7 x 32.5kg @ RPE 10
    5 x 32.5kg @ RPE 9.5
    That's 3 for 3 of my primary compound lifts that I have failed to hit my target reps. As per the other lifts I'll continue with the progression and go for sets of 6 x 35kg next week. I may need to invest in some microplates for the OHP, because the 2.5kg additions are proportionately a much bigger increase.

    Push Ups (superset with neck extensions and lateral raises)
    17 x bodyweight
    17 x bodyweight
    15 x bodyweight
    15 x bodyweight

    Neck Extensions (superset with push ups and lateral raises)
    20 x 6.25kg
    20 x 6.25kg
    16 x 6.25kg

    Lateral Raises
    15 x 6.75kg
    14 x 6.75kg
    12 x 6.75kg
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    Meso 2
    Week 1 - Day 4
    Evening workout (yawn). Quads seem to have healed after 72 hours, but hamstrings are still sore 84 hours after I trained them last. I tend to feel glutes and hams a lot with split squats, so I swapped them for calf raises. Looks like leg curls and split squats will both get a miss this week (I'm disappointed about the former but not the latter - eff you split squats!).

    Chin Ups (2.5 min rests between sets)
    8 x bodyweight + 5kg @ RPE 6.5
    8 x bodyweight + 5kg @ RPE 8.5
    8 x bodyweight + 5kg @ RPE 9
    8 x bodyweight + 5kg @ RPE 10
    First set was easy, then it got hard really fast. Last rep on set 4 was a real grinder.

    Close Grip Bench (2 min rests between sets)
    12 x 45kg @ RPE 6
    12 x 45kg @ RPE 7.5
    12 x 45kg @ RPE 9
    Like the chins, big increase in fatigue between sets.

    Dumbbell Calf Raises (1 min rest between sets)
    20 x 35.5kg
    20 x 35.5kg
    17 x 35.5kg
    It actually felt like my calves weren't 100% recovered from the Day 1 workout.
    Last edited by RapidFail; 04-15-2021 at 06:06 PM.
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    Meso 2
    Week 1 - Day 5
    Hamstrings are STILL a little sore, 5 days after the RDLs on Day 2 of this training week! Persisting with Deadlifts regardless.

    Deadlift (3 min rest between sets)
    5 x 95kg @ RPE 7.5
    5 x 95kg @ RPE 8
    5 x 95kg @ RPE 8.5
    5 x 95kg @ RPE 9.5
    A bit closer to failure than I like to be with Deadlifts, but my form was good. Sets of 4 with 97.5kg next week.

    Front Squats (superset with DB Rows, 2 mins between exercises)
    8 x 55kg @ RPE 8.5
    8 x 55kg @ RPE 9
    7 x 55kg @ RPE 9
    Probably could have got the last rep of the last set, it was as much exhaustion as anything else. I'll continue the progression and do sets of 7 with 57.5kg next week.

    Dumbbell Rows (superset with front squats, 2 mins between exercises)
    12 x 25.5kg
    12 x 25.5kg
    12 x 25.5kg
    Hard work. Weight increases to 26.75kg next week.
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    Originally Posted by Filmbuff81 View Post
    You could do an intro workout or 2 when you get back.

    Something more strenuous than a deload.

    I don’t think it’s a big deal either way though.

    Worst case **** feels heavy and your first week numbers are lower than you want but you’ll bounce back 2nd half of the week probably
    Looking back at my performance and slow recovery this week, I think you were spot on with this post. I felt more motivated to jump straight back into the program, so that's what I did, but it definitely wasn't the smartest decision.
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    I'm in a bit of a conundrum now for how to manage fatigue on this program. To date my workouts have typically been: Monday, Tuesday, REST, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, REST.

    Softball season has begun and I will be playing a game on most Saturday afternoons. This week I did the last workout on Friday morning, but found my glutes were still sore from deadlifting while playing softball on Saturday. I'm also too sore from softball to be able to train on Sundays. My first idea is to rework it into a 4-day full body, (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri) while doing Deadlifts on Thursday, Chins and Presses on Friday.
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    I've put an updated 4-day full body version in this thread:
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    Originally Posted by RapidFail View Post
    Looking back at my performance and slow recovery this week, I think you were spot on with this post. I felt more motivated to jump straight back into the program, so that's what I did, but it definitely wasn't the smartest decision.
    Well now you know how you’ll respond next time and can adjust accordingly.

    There’s no right or wrong answer with how you approached it. You needed to figure out how you’d respond one way or another.
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    Originally Posted by RapidFail View Post
    I'm in a bit of a conundrum now for how to manage fatigue on this program. To date my workouts have typically been: Monday, Tuesday, REST, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, REST.

    Softball season has begun and I will be playing a game on most Saturday afternoons. This week I did the last workout on Friday morning, but found my glutes were still sore from deadlifting while playing softball on Saturday. I'm also too sore from softball to be able to train on Sundays. My first idea is to rework it into a 4-day full body, (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri) while doing Deadlifts on Thursday, Chins and Presses on Friday.
    I think your new plan looks solid, you’ll probably need to adjust it again once you know how you feel, but shifting the really strenuous work earlier in the week and doing lower stress leg work on the last workout will probably keep you fresh.
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    Mesocycle 2
    Week 2 - Day 1
    Sticking with the 5-day routine this week because we have a bye round in softball. Average weight for last week was 74.3kg and my lean bulk starts today.

    Bench (rested 2.5 min between sets)
    4 x 62.5kg @ RPE 9.5
    4 x 62.5kg @ RPE 9.5
    4 x 62.5kg @ RPE 10
    3 x 60kg @ RPE 9.5
    Forgot to do a final warm-up set with the working weight, so the first set felt crushingly heavy. Questionable form on the third set, no chance of getting the reps on the fourth. Re-setting the weight - I'll be doing sets of 3 with 60kg next week.

    Bent-over Row (2.5 min rests between sets)
    5 x 65kg @ RPE 8.5
    5 x 65kg @ RPE 8.5
    5 x 65kg @ RPE 9
    5 x 65kg @ RPE 8.5
    Glutes and hamstrings are still sore from Friday/Saturday, which was particularly noticeable in this exercise.

    Skullcrushers (superset with calf raises)
    12 x 22.5kg
    12 x 22.5kg
    12 x 22.5kg
    Same weight next week, will try to add reps.

    Dumbbell calf raises (superset with skullcrushers)
    15 x 43kg
    15 x 43kg
    15 x 43kg
    Will have to add reps now, as I can't get any more weight onto the dumbbell.
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    Meso 2
    Week 2 - Day 2

    High-bar Squat (rested 3 min between sets)
    4 x 72.5kg @ RPE 8.5
    4 x 72.5kg @ RPE 9
    4 x 72.5kg @ RPE 10
    4 x 72.5kg @ RPE 10
    Clearly pushing near the current limits of my strength. Really had to grind on the last two sets, but my form was decent. Progressing to sets of 3 with 75kg next week, which will be the heaviest I've ever squatted.

    Romanian Deadlift (2 mins between sets)
    6 x 70kg
    6 x 70kg
    When I warmed up I immediately recognised that my hamstrings are still significantly sore from last week (and BORs yesterday), so I went with my deload reps, sets and weight in an effort to aid recovery. Hoping to be back to normal progression for RDLs by this time next week.

    Pull Ups (2-2.5 mins between sets)
    Bodyweight (74.3kg) x 7
    Bodyweight x 7
    Bodyweight x 6
    Added 1 rep on last week's performance.

    Barbell Curls (90 seconds between sets)
    12 x 22.5kg
    11 x 22.5kg
    8 x 22.5kg
    Added 1 rep in the second set.
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