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  1. #31
    Registered User JohnButz's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    That's because you eat MassPort cake and Infinite Force Pizza!

    Being that it takes me a long while to post my workouts, review and on all of the "I Am Juggernaut" logs, I probably won't be posting much about nutrition. If I find that weight loss is slowing down, or my energy is dropping, I may start, but so far so good!
    I had a little IF Pizza last night (6 slices)--- didn't have a cheat for about 12 days so it tasted good!
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  2. #32
    ★HADOUKEN★ 화장실이 어디예요? Kelgogi's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Subscribed

    First of all, I completely forgot to sub this shiz the other day. I'm going to be following the Hell out of you both, two of some of my favorite guys on here!

    John - EXCELLENT form on those weighted dips, bro. I try to strap on the weights as well for my dip workout, but I need to start going as deep as you from now on. I think, with the added weight, my confidence level drops a bit, so I end up putting more emphasis on my triceps when I should be spreading it to my lower pecs like you. That was an awesome video, and I may spread it around to my gym rat friends on ********. Plus, the added IF plug is good product placement in FB land. Emah right? Also, pizza is my ultimate cheat food. Gah.

    Dieter - Good on you, bro. Seriously. I'm uber proud of you. I think this thread is an amazing idea because it's just what you need to prepare for the beginning of the contest for you. Better to slowly acclimate your mind to the rigors of such training, right? I have this funny feeling in the back of my head that you're transformation is going to be ludicrous. I'm talking Mighty Morphin Power Rangers climbing into the Megazord transformation.
    ♦Controlled Labs Sponsored Log (White Blood 2)
    ♦Infinite Labs Sponsored Log (Juggernaut)
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  3. #33
    Registered User CLB454's Avatar
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    Way to go on the P90X and congrats on the increased time in your run.
    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    Yesturday I started "Phase 2" of P90X. In this phase, it's a lot of different movements with single sets.

    ---Chest, Shoulders & Triceps---

    In this order...

    Slow Motion 3-in-1 Push-Ups - 12 reps followed by 12 standard push-ups
    In&Out Shoulder Flys - 20lbsx10
    Chair Dips - 15
    Plange Push-Ups - 10
    Pike Presses - 15
    Side Tri-Rises - 15 each side
    Floor Flys - 24
    Scarecrows - 10lbsx15
    Overhead Tricep Extension - 20lbsx10
    Two-Twitch Speed Push-ups - 20
    Y-Presses - 20lbsx12
    Lying Tricep Extensions - 20lbsx10
    Side-to-Side Push-ups - 20
    Pour Flys - 10lbsx12
    Side-Leaning Tricep Extensions - 20lbsx10 each arm
    One-Arm Push-Ups - 12 each arm (I tried, but I had to do them girly style)
    Weighted Circles - 10lbs 2x10 each arm
    Throw the Bomb - 10lbsx10 each arm
    Clapping push-ups - 15
    Slo-Mo Throws - 10lbsx12
    Front-to-Back Tricep Extension - 20lbsx10 each arm
    One-Arm balance Push-Ups - 10 (also did these girly style)
    Fly-Row Presses - 20lbsx8
    Dumbbell Cross-Body Blows - 20lbsx30 (did these as fast as I could)

    Standard Crunches - 1x75
    Oblique Crunches - 2x25 each side
    Reverse Crunches 25

    ---Evening Run---

    2 weeks ago, my 1 mile time was 14 minutes and 45 seconds (sloooooooow) Lastnight, it was 13minutes and 26 seconds. This is an improvement of 1 minute and 19 seconds over a span of 2 weeks!

    ---Supplementation--- (the ratings will be evaluated on a daily basis)
    2 Scoops of Crimson (Face) Punch Juggernaut before my training. 5:45 A.M

    Energy - 10/10. The night before, I only had 4 hours of sleep, so I woke up not a happy camper and dragging butt. However, Juggernaut provided me with a smooth, and great energy. It didn't hit me like a ton of bricks. It slowly came on and stayed there for the entire morning.

    Focus - 9/10. The focus is there. I love the focus that Juggernaut gives. It helps create an animal like intensity.

    Pumps - 9/10. To be fair to Juggernaut, I'm flabby so it's hard to see any pump I get, haha! With that being said, I can actually see, and feel the pump when I use Juggernaut. It's an awesome feeling.

    Endurance - 11/10. I did a lot of reps in my morning workout, but I wanted to keep going! The endurance that Juggernaut provides me is just amazing. I felt like I could have done the routine again.

    Taste - 8/10. Taste is subjective and I really enjoy the taste of Crimson Punch. It reminds me a lot of a childs vitamin, and that's not a bad thing for myself!

    1 Phenyl Core - 1:15 P.M.

    I love Phenyl Core. It's a great product, especially when on a recomp like I'm doing.

    Energy - 9/10. Needless to say, I was pretty tired at this time, the lack of sleep really caught up to me. It helped hold me over for the rest of the day and I was able to get my mile in at 9:30 P.M. Not jittery and a smooth transition like I experienced with Juggernaut

    Appetite and Cravings control - 10/10. This is amazing. It does it's job and does it excellent. I don't find myself craving crap food and I'm able to stay focused and eat good, healthy foods. I ABSOLUTELY love this fat burner.

    ---Other Supplements---
    Orange Triad multivitamin - 2x3. I take 2 with breakfast, lunch and dinner
    OxiMega Fish Oil - 2x2 with breakfast and dinner
    Nature's Made Flaxseed Oil gelcaps - 2x2 with lunch and before bed
    Lemonade Flavored Whey Protein - 1 shake made of 2 scoops after training
    Cinnemon Bun Flavored Protein - 2 shakes made of 1.5 scoops. between breakfast and lunch and before bed.
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  4. #34
    ★HADOUKEN★ 화장실이 어디예요? Kelgogi's Avatar
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    Dude! This is the first time I've ever been featured on the Members Taking section of a product. Granted, there are only 35 (listed) of us taking MassPort, but I'm on it with John, esco, and blue!
    ♦Controlled Labs Sponsored Log (White Blood 2)
    ♦Infinite Labs Sponsored Log (Juggernaut)
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  5. #35
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    Originally Posted by Kelgogi View Post
    Dieter - Good on you, bro. Seriously. I'm uber proud of you. I think this thread is an amazing idea because it's just what you need to prepare for the beginning of the contest for you. Better to slowly acclimate your mind to the rigors of such training, right? I have this funny feeling in the back of my head that you're transformation is going to be ludicrous. I'm talking Mighty Morphin Power Rangers climbing into the Megazord transformation.
    Thanks man, coming from you, that means a lot! At first this was a "get healthy" thing, but now it's my lifestyle. It's the way that I want to live the rest of my life. It's something that I enjoy and it's beneficial both physically and mentally. I also want my son to learn the proper ways of nutrition and exercise. If there is one thing he gains from me in my life, I want it to be this.

    Originally Posted by CLB454 View Post
    Way to go on the P90X and congrats on the increased time in your run.
    Thanks much CL! I'm looking to improve on my time even more tonight. The past few runs, I've had some cramping or "stitches" in my side, and I had to slow down to a fast walk. I think if I can keep my pace, I should be able to break past the 13 minute mark!

    I'm doing this log for a few reasons. Reason number One is a type of pay it forward. The guys and reps at Infinite Labs have been great with helping me get my diet and such in order. Reason number Two. No matter what your situation is, you should make yourself a priority, and it should start right now! It's nice to give, but some of us can tend to get caught up in that and lose ourselves. You don't need to spend $1000's on gym memberships, special clothes and supplements, it really can be done at home. I'm sure there are people who share the same goals that I have and I hope they can learn something from this!

    Reason number Three is for the motivation. Simply put, these logs force us to be accountable for what we're doing. I know that if I don't get on here and update this, I'll have people all over me, haha!
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  6. #36
    Registered User JohnButz's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Kelgogi View Post
    First of all, I completely forgot to sub this shiz the other day. I'm going to be following the Hell out of you both, two of some of my favorite guys on here!

    John - EXCELLENT form on those weighted dips, bro. I try to strap on the weights as well for my dip workout, but I need to start going as deep as you from now on. I think, with the added weight, my confidence level drops a bit, so I end up putting more emphasis on my triceps when I should be spreading it to my lower pecs like you. That was an awesome video, and I may spread it around to my gym rat friends on ********. Plus, the added IF plug is good product placement in FB land. Emah right? Also, pizza is my ultimate cheat food. Gah.

    Dieter - Good on you, bro. Seriously. I'm uber proud of you. I think this thread is an amazing idea because it's just what you need to prepare for the beginning of the contest for you. Better to slowly acclimate your mind to the rigors of such training, right? I have this funny feeling in the back of my head that you're transformation is going to be ludicrous. I'm talking Mighty Morphin Power Rangers climbing into the Megazord transformation.
    Thanks Kel!

    Originally Posted by Kelgogi View Post

    Dude! This is the first time I've ever been featured on the Members Taking section of a product. Granted, there are only 35 (listed) of us taking MassPort, but I'm on it with John, esco, and blue!
    Welcome to the club! Maybe after the IAJ contest is over you will join JD and I in THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN!?
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  7. #37
    Registered User JohnButz's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    Thanks man, coming from you, that means a lot! At first this was a "get healthy" thing, but now it's my lifestyle. It's the way that I want to live the rest of my life. It's something that I enjoy and it's beneficial both physically and mentally. I also want my son to learn the proper ways of nutrition and exercise. If there is one thing he gains from me in my life, I want it to be this.

    Thanks much CL! I'm looking to improve on my time even more tonight. The past few runs, I've had some cramping or "stitches" in my side, and I had to slow down to a fast walk. I think if I can keep my pace, I should be able to break past the 13 minute mark!

    I'm doing this log for a few reasons. Reason number One is a type of pay it forward. The guys and reps at Infinite Labs have been great with helping me get my diet and such in order. Reason number Two. No matter what your situation is, you should make yourself a priority, and it should start right now! It's nice to give, but some of us can tend to get caught up in that and lose ourselves. You don't need to spend $1000's on gym memberships, special clothes and supplements, it really can be done at home. I'm sure there are people who share the same goals that I have and I hope they can learn something from this!

    Reason number Three is for the motivation. Simply put, these logs force us to be accountable for what we're doing. I know that if I don't get on here and update this, I'll have people all over me, haha!
    Great post! And Yes I will be keeping you accountable!
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  8. #38
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    I got a little bit of my cardio done today. My wife and I decided to pack our lunches and our son and hit a local nature trail for a nice hike. It's a nice change of pace and scenery when it comes to cardio. Plus, we'll be getting snow in a couple months, so I want to get outside as much as possible!

    It was a nice trail with some hills, and places to stop for pictures with these little information boards. It's crazy to think that places like this are available! I never knew the trail was there, and here it was sitting under my nose the whole time. Sure beats taking a walk to the park everyday! We unleashed out little monster into nature and he ended up picking "floweys" for moms.

    I have my run coming up later, so be sure to stop in and check for results.
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    Originally Posted by JohnButz View Post
    Great post! And Yes I will be keeping you accountable!
    Oh, I know you will! It's going to be a lot of fun! Let's do work son!
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    08.17.2011 Hamstrings/Calves light

    Leg Curls



    Running 2miles (14:57)

    Every lift done with a very slow negative, at least 4 seconds.

    Supps for today:
    Orange Triad
    Orange Oxi-mega
    Cyclo-REM GF before bed
    Infinite Pro Isolate
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  11. #41
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    I got a little bit of my cardio done today. My wife and I decided to pack our lunches and our son and hit a local nature trail for a nice hike. It's a nice change of pace and scenery when it comes to cardio. Plus, we'll be getting snow in a couple months, so I want to get outside as much as possible!

    It was a nice trail with some hills, and places to stop for pictures with these little information boards. It's crazy to think that places like this are available! I never knew the trail was there, and here it was sitting under my nose the whole time. Sure beats taking a walk to the park everyday! We unleashed out little monster into nature and he ended up picking "floweys" for moms.

    I have my run coming up later, so be sure to stop in and check for results.
    Looking forward to you crushing that run time!
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    Awesome stuff guys. I'm sub'd!
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    2011 "I Am Juggernaut" Grand Prize Qualifier (Arnold Classic Round)
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    Ello folks! My name is Justin and I like long walks on the beach, green gummy bears and watching my 2 year old son shadowbox while I attempt to pay attention to MMA.

    ---Mission Statement---
    Almost this time last year, I had some blood work done, and I decided I needed to make a change. My goal is to gain my health, prevent medications and a complete recomp. I started my journey New Year's as a promise to my wife, my son and most importantly myself. I started at almost 280lbs, the heaviest I've ever been. After messing around with calories and different intakes, I finally found my sweet spot. Since the mid-April, I've lost 35lbs.

    ---The Path---
    Due to my living circumstances, I workout at home. For my resistance training, I follow P90X with PowerBlocks, I'm doing the Couch 2 5k program with my wife, and I also do other various things such as ride on the stationary bike. My training history is not very extensive, but the past couple weeks has been the first time I've ever used dumbbells. Throughout High School Football training, we used machines and lots of barbells. So least to say, if you need me to lift up the back end of a garden tractor, I can do it. BUT! if you need a jar of pickles're going to starve! So, just ignore the current lack of weight that I'm using, I'm getting there! I also find it VERY important to have tip-top form, than to lift heavy amounts of weight. So If I'm having trouble with movement and not getting good, clean reps, I'm not scared to drop the weight to make sure I have the best form that's possible.

    Within this log, I will share my workouts, Infinite Labs supplementation and also rate these supplements when I use them.

    Good stuff Justin. Nice to finally get to "know" you. How are you liking the powerblocks? I looked at those at first as a Christmas gift for my wife but ultimately went with the Ironmasters. They were more durable, expandable, and better value. Though as quick as it is to change plates on it, the pin system in the powerblocks is quicker.

    And I've actually considered 90x for the cutting phase of my transformation. Going to keep a close eye on how you like it.
    Juggernaut Log:

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    2011 "I Am Juggernaut" Grand Prize Qualifier (Arnold Classic Round)
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    Originally Posted by CyberSteak View Post
    Good stuff Justin. Nice to finally get to "know" you. How are you liking the powerblocks? I looked at those at first as a Christmas gift for my wife but ultimately went with the Ironmasters. They were more durable, expandable, and better value. Though as quick as it is to change plates on it, the pin system in the powerblocks is quicker.

    And I've actually considered 90x for the cutting phase of my transformation. Going to keep a close eye on how you like it.
    So far, I love them. Like you said, they're very quick to make a transition from one weight to another. That's much needed for P90X. I also like the form factor, I think they're nice and small and I haven't had any problems with them due to size at all.

    I really like P90X. It's a nice fast pace and it really keeps me on my toes.

    I'm glad you'll be watching closely, the more the merrier!
    --- Blankety Blank Blank ---
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  15. #45
    ★HADOUKEN★ 화장실이 어디예요? Kelgogi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by JohnButz View Post
    Thanks Kel!

    Welcome to the club! Maybe after the IAJ contest is over you will join JD and I in THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN!?
    You know I'll be there with you and Dieter once I'm done with the contest. There's no reason for any of us to stop being Juggernauts contest or not. Emah right?

    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    I got a little bit of my cardio done today. My wife and I decided to pack our lunches and our son and hit a local nature trail for a nice hike. It's a nice change of pace and scenery when it comes to cardio. Plus, we'll be getting snow in a couple months, so I want to get outside as much as possible!

    It was a nice trail with some hills, and places to stop for pictures with these little information boards. It's crazy to think that places like this are available! I never knew the trail was there, and here it was sitting under my nose the whole time. Sure beats taking a walk to the park everyday! We unleashed out little monster into nature and he ended up picking "floweys" for moms.

    I have my run coming up later, so be sure to stop in and check for results.
    This post made me all sorts of happy, brah. I used to go hiking on a weekly basis. It's been far too long since I've done something outside. Keep up the hard work, and I'm ecstatic that you're bringing your fam into this healthy life of yours.
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  16. #46
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    Originally Posted by JohnButz View Post
    Leg Curls



    Running 2miles (14:57)

    Every lift done with a very slow negative, at least 4 seconds.

    Supps for today:
    Orange Triad
    Orange Oxi-mega
    Cyclo-REM GF before bed
    Infinite Pro Isolate
    Great looking hammy workout John. Interested why yo split up hamstring quads calves?? I consider this before so I could hit the hamstrings harder on their own day is that your thinking?

    Originally Posted by JohnButz;
    Welcome to the club! Maybe after the IAJ contest is over you will join JD and I in THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN!?
    I too would like to apply I've always been a gentlemens gentleman hahaha.
    On a mission

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    OK, tonight didn't turn out as planned, but it's no cause of concern. We still did WORK!

    One scoop of Crimson (Face) Punch Juggernaut 30 minutes prior to our session.

    Instead of running for a mile, we did a hair under 3 miles of run/walking in 41 minutes. We ran for a minute and a half, and walked for 45-60 seconds depending on how my wife was feeling. I finished this off with a nice 100 yard sprint.

    Energy = 9/10
    Focus = 10/10, I really wanted to go!
    Endurance = 10/10 and I didn't want to stop.

    I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to try to get under 13 minutes today, but it's not worth it if my wife isn't feeling comfortable. So, she called for an extra running session this week and that will take place tomorrow evening.

    Tomorrow A.M - Back, biceps and core.
    Tomorrow P.M - Breaking 13 minute mile.

    Stay Tuned
    --- Blankety Blank Blank ---
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    OK, tonight didn't turn out as planned, but it's no cause of concern. We still did WORK!

    One scoop of Crimson (Face) Punch Juggernaut 30 minutes prior to our session.

    Instead of running for a mile, we did a hair under 3 miles of run/walking in 41 minutes. We ran for a minute and a half, and walked for 45-60 seconds depending on how my wife was feeling. I finished this off with a nice 100 yard sprint.

    Energy = 9/10
    Focus = 10/10, I really wanted to go!
    Endurance = 10/10 and I didn't want to stop.

    I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to try to get under 13 minutes today, but it's not worth it if my wife isn't feeling comfortable. So, she called for an extra running session this week and that will take place tomorrow evening.

    Tomorrow A.M - Back, biceps and core.
    Tomorrow P.M - Breaking 13 minute mile.

    Stay Tuned
    Hey J you might not have done exactly what you wanted to do but you still did something bro. Hit it all hard tomorrow man
    On a mission

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    Agreed. I am still checking in here and with some of the other juggernauts and keeping some other logs in spots. It really does help me stay accountable. Plus I am now seeing other advantages to the blogs. I ahve picked up two clients just from my juggernaut pictures and then reading some of my blogs. So hey bonus!!! You are doin great bro you are gonna get where ya want to be seems that your mind is totally in the right place and thats a big part of it.

    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    Thanks much CL! I'm looking to improve on my time even more tonight. The past few runs, I've had some cramping or "stitches" in my side, and I had to slow down to a fast walk. I think if I can keep my pace, I should be able to break past the 13 minute mark!

    I'm doing this log for a few reasons. Reason number One is a type of pay it forward. The guys and reps at Infinite Labs have been great with helping me get my diet and such in order. Reason number Two. No matter what your situation is, you should make yourself a priority, and it should start right now! It's nice to give, but some of us can tend to get caught up in that and lose ourselves. You don't need to spend $1000's on gym memberships, special clothes and supplements, it really can be done at home. I'm sure there are people who share the same goals that I have and I hope they can learn something from this!

    Reason number Three is for the motivation. Simply put, these logs force us to be accountable for what we're doing. I know that if I don't get on here and update this, I'll have people all over me, haha!
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    I know it's just Pre-Season...but tomorrow night is.....

    --- Blankety Blank Blank ---
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    Originally Posted by MrSimpson View Post
    Great looking hammy workout John. Interested why yo split up hamstring quads calves?? I consider this before so I could hit the hamstrings harder on their own day is that your thinking?

    I too would like to apply I've always been a gentlemens gentleman hahaha.

    Yeah, just trying to improve my legs a bit by giving them more direct separate attention. We would love to have you in the "League."
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    OK, tonight didn't turn out as planned, but it's no cause of concern. We still did WORK!

    One scoop of Crimson (Face) Punch Juggernaut 30 minutes prior to our session.

    Instead of running for a mile, we did a hair under 3 miles of run/walking in 41 minutes. We ran for a minute and a half, and walked for 45-60 seconds depending on how my wife was feeling. I finished this off with a nice 100 yard sprint.

    Energy = 9/10
    Focus = 10/10, I really wanted to go!
    Endurance = 10/10 and I didn't want to stop.

    I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to try to get under 13 minutes today, but it's not worth it if my wife isn't feeling comfortable. So, she called for an extra running session this week and that will take place tomorrow evening.

    Tomorrow A.M - Back, biceps and core.
    Tomorrow P.M - Breaking 13 minute mile.

    Stay Tuned
    Still great work! I like the dash at the end!
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  23. #53
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    I got a little bit of my cardio done today. My wife and I decided to pack our lunches and our son and hit a local nature trail for a nice hike. It's a nice change of pace and scenery when it comes to cardio. Plus, we'll be getting snow in a couple months, so I want to get outside as much as possible!

    It was a nice trail with some hills, and places to stop for pictures with these little information boards. It's crazy to think that places like this are available! I never knew the trail was there, and here it was sitting under my nose the whole time. Sure beats taking a walk to the park everyday! We unleashed out little monster into nature and he ended up picking "floweys" for moms.

    I have my run coming up later, so be sure to stop in and check for results.
    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    OK, tonight didn't turn out as planned, but it's no cause of concern. We still did WORK!

    One scoop of Crimson (Face) Punch Juggernaut 30 minutes prior to our session.

    Instead of running for a mile, we did a hair under 3 miles of run/walking in 41 minutes. We ran for a minute and a half, and walked for 45-60 seconds depending on how my wife was feeling. I finished this off with a nice 100 yard sprint.

    Energy = 9/10
    Focus = 10/10, I really wanted to go!
    Endurance = 10/10 and I didn't want to stop.

    I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to try to get under 13 minutes today, but it's not worth it if my wife isn't feeling comfortable. So, she called for an extra running session this week and that will take place tomorrow evening.

    Tomorrow A.M - Back, biceps and core.
    Tomorrow P.M - Breaking 13 minute mile.

    Stay Tuned
    That is awesome! i agree with John that thats still a good time. I like the walk/run thing as well. Very effective way of increasing your endurance! Glad you wife wants to go again! That a way to DO WORK Justin! Y
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    Originally Posted by JohnButz View Post
    I just strap a chain to my lifting belt, but I have already broke one belt and this one I am using now seems to be on it's way out.

    Flippin sweet! Already breaking belts! Nice ROM btw. Have you ever seen or broken a strap? I never have, but I heard it happens.

    Originally Posted by JohnButz View Post
    On the subject of nutrition

    I used to do the typical BB type diets eating 6-7 times a day for years.

    Honestly, these type of diets leave me miserable, so about a year or so ago I looked into other methods like intermittent fasting and similar approaches and found for me this is a much better approach.

    Now, I almost always eat 4 times a day--usually the same thing everyday too, and have a cheat meal anywhere from once a week to 12 days or so----I can almost tell when it is time.
    I've always wondered about intermittent fasting? Keep telling myself I'm going to try when I can think about it.
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    This early A.M...Back and Biceps!

    Pull-Ups are performed with a resistance band hooked to my ceiling.

    Wide front pull-ups - 25
    Lawnmowers - 30lbsx15
    Twenty-ones - 20lbsx21
    One-arm cross-body curl - 20lbsx16
    Switch grip pull-up - 20
    Elbows-out lawnmower - 30lbsx15
    Standing bicep curl - 20lbsx12
    One-arm concentration curl - 20lbsx12
    Corn cob pull-up - 15
    Reverse grip bent-over row - 20lbsx15
    Open-arm curl - 20lbsx10
    Static arm curl - 20lbsx16
    Towel pull-up - 25
    Congdon locomotive - 30lbsx30
    Crouching Cohen curl - 20lbsx8
    One-arm corkscrew curl - 20lbsx10
    Chin-up - 25
    Seated bent-0ver back fly - 20lbsx12
    Curl-up/Hammer down - 20lbsx10
    Hammer curl - 20lbsx10
    Max rep pull-up - 35
    Supermans - 5 (10 second hold)
    In-out hammer curls - 20lbsx8
    Strip-set curl - 30lbsx6, 20lbsx6, 10lbsx12

    This is the first time I've done this workout, and do my arms feel BLASTED, and it didn't take them too long to feel that way either. I can see how and why this program helps with conditioning, haha!

    2 Scoops of Crimson Punch Juggernaut Pre-Workout.
    6 scoops of flavored BCAA's in 2.2liters of water pre, intra and post.
    2 scoops of lemonade flavored whey post.

    JUGGERNAUT daily review:
    Energy - 9/10
    Focus - 10/10
    Pumps - 10/10
    Endurance - 9/10

    I felt great the entire workout, thank you Juggernaut! I really wanted to keep going, but my arms eventually became numb and I wasn't sure what was going on there, haha! I had to wait about 30 minutes to type this out because they still didn't want to move. I think I used "The Force" to move the weight on that last drop set.
    --- Blankety Blank Blank ---
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  26. #56
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    OK, tonight didn't turn out as planned, but it's no cause of concern. We still did WORK!

    One scoop of Crimson (Face) Punch Juggernaut 30 minutes prior to our session.

    Instead of running for a mile, we did a hair under 3 miles of run/walking in 41 minutes. We ran for a minute and a half, and walked for 45-60 seconds depending on how my wife was feeling. I finished this off with a nice 100 yard sprint.

    Energy = 9/10
    Focus = 10/10, I really wanted to go!
    Endurance = 10/10 and I didn't want to stop.

    I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to try to get under 13 minutes today, but it's not worth it if my wife isn't feeling comfortable. So, she called for an extra running session this week and that will take place tomorrow evening.

    Tomorrow A.M - Back, biceps and core.
    Tomorrow P.M - Breaking 13 minute mile.

    Stay Tuned
    Instead of a 13 minute mile you got in 41 minutes of cardio - I call that I fair trade off!! I like the 100 yard sprint at the end. If you ever want to really push yourself - try sprinting the 100's and walking around the curves - see how many laps you can do and try to improve on that. Well done Justin!!
    Certified Personal Trainer
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    This early A.M...Back and Biceps!

    Pull-Ups are performed with a resistance band hooked to my ceiling.

    Wide front pull-ups - 25
    Lawnmowers - 30lbsx15
    Twenty-ones - 20lbsx21
    One-arm cross-body curl - 20lbsx16
    Switch grip pull-up - 20
    Elbows-out lawnmower - 30lbsx15
    Standing bicep curl - 20lbsx12
    One-arm concentration curl - 20lbsx12
    Corn cob pull-up - 15
    Reverse grip bent-over row - 20lbsx15
    Open-arm curl - 20lbsx10
    Static arm curl - 20lbsx16
    Towel pull-up - 25
    Congdon locomotive - 30lbsx30
    Crouching Cohen curl - 20lbsx8
    One-arm corkscrew curl - 20lbsx10
    Chin-up - 25
    Seated bent-0ver back fly - 20lbsx12
    Curl-up/Hammer down - 20lbsx10
    Hammer curl - 20lbsx10
    Max rep pull-up - 35
    Supermans - 5 (10 second hold)
    In-out hammer curls - 20lbsx8
    Strip-set curl - 30lbsx6, 20lbsx6, 10lbsx12

    This is the first time I've done this workout, and do my arms feel BLASTED, and it didn't take them too long to feel that way either. I can see how and why this program helps with conditioning, haha!

    2 Scoops of Crimson Punch Juggernaut Pre-Workout.
    6 scoops of flavored BCAA's in 2.2liters of water pre, intra and post.
    2 scoops of lemonade flavored whey post.

    JUGGERNAUT daily review:
    Energy - 9/10
    Focus - 10/10
    Pumps - 10/10
    Endurance - 9/10

    I felt great the entire workout, thank you Juggernaut! I really wanted to keep going, but my arms eventually became numb and I wasn't sure what was going on there, haha! I had to wait about 30 minutes to type this out because they still didn't want to move. I think I used "The Force" to move the weight on that last drop set.
    Nicely done sir. "The Force"...HA! Good stuff.
    Juggernaut Log:

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    2011 "I Am Juggernaut" Grand Prize Qualifier (Arnold Classic Round)
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  28. #58
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    Originally Posted by J_Dieter View Post
    This early A.M...Back and Biceps!

    Pull-Ups are performed with a resistance band hooked to my ceiling.

    Wide front pull-ups - 25
    Lawnmowers - 30lbsx15
    Twenty-ones - 20lbsx21
    One-arm cross-body curl - 20lbsx16
    Switch grip pull-up - 20
    Elbows-out lawnmower - 30lbsx15
    Standing bicep curl - 20lbsx12
    One-arm concentration curl - 20lbsx12
    Corn cob pull-up - 15
    Reverse grip bent-over row - 20lbsx15
    Open-arm curl - 20lbsx10
    Static arm curl - 20lbsx16
    Towel pull-up - 25
    Congdon locomotive - 30lbsx30
    Crouching Cohen curl - 20lbsx8
    One-arm corkscrew curl - 20lbsx10
    Chin-up - 25
    Seated bent-0ver back fly - 20lbsx12
    Curl-up/Hammer down - 20lbsx10
    Hammer curl - 20lbsx10
    Max rep pull-up - 35
    Supermans - 5 (10 second hold)
    In-out hammer curls - 20lbsx8
    Strip-set curl - 30lbsx6, 20lbsx6, 10lbsx12

    This is the first time I've done this workout, and do my arms feel BLASTED, and it didn't take them too long to feel that way either. I can see how and why this program helps with conditioning, haha!

    2 Scoops of Crimson Punch Juggernaut Pre-Workout.
    6 scoops of flavored BCAA's in 2.2liters of water pre, intra and post.
    2 scoops of lemonade flavored whey post.

    JUGGERNAUT daily review:
    Energy - 9/10
    Focus - 10/10
    Pumps - 10/10
    Endurance - 9/10

    I felt great the entire workout, thank you Juggernaut! I really wanted to keep going, but my arms eventually became numb and I wasn't sure what was going on there, haha! I had to wait about 30 minutes to type this out because they still didn't want to move. I think I used "The Force" to move the weight on that last drop set.
    Nice work JD! Hitting those arms from all angles! I bet you had a huge pump with that workout and Jugger!
    Workout Log:
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    08.18.2011 Arms

    Today, I continued my week of power movements and very slow negatives. I am not really getting much of a pump this week, but the idea is to really delve into the Type II A and II B muscle fibers. The volume is pretty low and honestly I have a bit left in the tank, but this is going to be a marathon and not a sprint in experimentation.

    I had my usual multi and fish oil.

    I also had




    Barbell Curls

    CG Bench Press

    CG Chins


    EZ Curl

    Lying Tri Extension

    Last edited by JohnButz; 08-18-2011 at 11:26 AM.
    Workout Log:
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  30. #60
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    Originally Posted by JohnButz View Post

    Today, I continued my week of power movements and very slow negatives. I am not really getting much of a pump this week, but the idea is to really delve into the Type II A and II B muscle fibers. The volume is pretty low and honestly I have a bit left in the tank, but this is going to be a marathon and not a sprint in experimentation.

    I had my usual multi and fish oil.

    I also had




    Barbell Curls

    CG Bench Press

    CG Chins


    EZ Curl

    Lying Tri Extension

    I'm excited to watch your experiment here. How long are you going to be doing these types of workouts with the slow negatives?
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