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    The Long Road to the Stage

    Forgive me in advance for the giant ass wall of text that will be this first page. It's gonna be like 8 or 10 posts of novel-length stuff so bare with me.

    Well, figured I would make a new log as posting in the teen section and turning 21 this year doesn't really suit me. There isn't really an offseason type of section and I don't follow to many logs in the 'Workout Log' section. This place feels more like home to me. I am subbed to many of the logs here and regularly post in several. Chances are if you are viewing this log/have seen my name in other logs I have stepped foot in your log.

    I don't really expect to have too many followers in this log except the ones that already follow me although it seems most people either just don't post and lurk or don't follow anymore. I am not close to competing and would put myself about 4-6 years out to get to the point where I'd be satisfied with my physique and strength to compete. I would like to possibly compete in a PL comp as early as next summer depending on job prospects/internships and where my lifts are at but that's pretty far in the future. I tend to write a lot and be pretty intricate with my log for my own tracking purposes as I sometimes review previous posts but I also like to include the (no homo) lulz and cool story bro's simultaneously as thats how I'd be if you met me...serious one second and lulzing/bringing the lulz the next.

    Anyways, if you read that far then thanks, but pepper your angus for the rest of this.

    I'd post up some mandatories but I'm currently cutting, around 12-13% BF and it would look like where most of you guys start your prep so I'll save myself the embarrasment lol. I'll throw up some progress pics from my cut/recomp deal and where I'm at now to give you guys an idea of where I'm at somewhere on this page.

    Epic dear diary incoming so beware..

    In terms of my training history, I've been lifting consistently/seriously since 2009. My join date says '07 but I just joined for something for soccer. I got a little weight bench and some sand weights and did some bench/curls for a few weeks that summer but that was about it. IIRC the next summer I got a solid rack and weight set and lifted on I believe 5x5. I'd have to look for my old logs. Regardless, diet wasn't that solid as the main thing I was focusing on was dat dere sixpack and was probably eating in a deficit for a large majority of the routine which explains the lack of progress I made on it during those months.

    End of 2008 and Beginning of 2009
    I really started lurking/researching/posting about actual routines and dietary info. Before that (and around my join date) I primarily used this site for lurking in the old teen "misc" section and eventually saw guys like bladen (o lawd if anyone is aware), brett, b neva, bondons, etc. make actual gains and looked for posts by them. Back in those days the general info in the teen section was to eat little debbies all day and run 5x5 and forget arm/ab work since squats worked both of those, maximally. I tried that and in 2009 gave it another go and ate in a surplus and took advantage of those noob gains for pretty much the entire year, with a few months off dedicated to all the sports I played.
    BTW... played soccer in the fall all 4 years, indoor track in the winter once, tennis in the spring 3 years and outdoor track in the spring for 2 years in HS...ah the good ol days. Currently trying out Rugby (have 2 seasons experience and pretty awful lol), and a bit of tennis still.
    I'd say I still lifted during most of all that but it wasn't really a priority, at least that first year of actual lifting. Following the strength routine I ventured onto MAX-OT and HST (I forget the order). Each was around 3 months long and I basically followed them to a T. A big mistake I made after all that progress was again focusing on trying to get leaner/dem abs as my setpoint was around 12-15% BF growing up and never really had them.
    I wasn't ever fat, but in 7th grade I pretty much got addicted to halo 2/ate like **** on dat dere chips/freeze pops and spaghettios diet, disregarded sports, didnt put a lot of effort into school (still got As and Bs, ah middle school lulz) and that was pretty much my life for the next few years. Halo was around 12-14 hours/day at that point, sometimes more on weekends. I did get pretty damn good though and have a montage to back up that claim
    Anyways, point is I turned skinnyfat by my freshman year of HS and decided to take up soccer in the fall again. The varsity soccer team was extremely good and was basically the talk of the town (small ass school of like 500ish kids, small town, etc.) and were nasty. Never seen people that big before and was pretty intimidating but a lot of them minus a few were pretty much dbags. A good reason I started lifting was due to mirin their physiques and getting made fun of for being weaker/douchebaggery at the captains practices so kudos to them.

    Strong getting offtrack but I tend to ramble on in my head and just write that **** down so feel free to skip that whole shpeel . 2010 I decided to up the notch and take my diet/training more serious. Bulked on MAX OT for about 6 months, followed up by my first proper cut where I got results and got the leanest I ever have thus far at the end of summer. Destroyed that progress by jumping into a huge surplus right away when I got to college for my first semester and didn't track anything and ate a ****load and partied a lot. Decided to jump on a fullbody routine laid out by Casey Butt after reading some of his stuff and reading up on the weightrainer site/blog and was fascinated by his knowledge of natural training and maximum potentials.

    End of '10 - '11
    Made great gains but progressed a bit slow for about 2-3 months during the beginning moving up the volume and intensity in the way a beginner would. During the "actual" routine 3 months in I made solid, consistent gains and made tons of strength/size progress for 6 months of solid bulking. Continued bulking that summer, idn't really track macros, didn't do much cardio or activity due to depression that summer. Ran 3 waves of Sheiko and got to mid-high teens bf% wise at around 190. After that ran a variation of HST til the end of the year, saw good gains but did a bit of overtraining. Also played rugby for my second season that semester which didn't help in that department. Did a mini cut near the end, then decided to pretty much gain weight back as I was gonna have a surgery for 2 months and be out of lifting.

    Beginning of '12 - Orthognathic (Jaw Surgery)
    Was out of lifting for about 7 weeks. Double jaw surgery, don't feel like writing too much about it but cliffs are basically - had braces in high school, orthodontist ****ed up my jaws by having teeth extracting and pushed my teeth back, either misinformed me/my mom about needing the surgery or just didn't tell us about it (don't remember was pretty young when I first got them, had them on in like 6th grade - soph year HS) and when I got them off pretty much was told that I would need to have the surgery/wanted it due to my jaws being messed up and for the aesthetic benefits of my side profile getting phucked up. That was sophomore year of HS, took a lot of convincing and research to convince my parents. Its very expensive (tens of thousands of $$) but luckily we picked a great surgeon and was able to get almost all of it covered. Those first 2-3 weeks after surgery are probably the most painful/embarassing moments of my life.
    Not sure if anyone is aware but with the surgery your jaws are literally cut and moved forward. I have a bunch of scars on the inside of my mouth, nothing outside but it's pretty interesting. All kinds of screws and plates in there now lol. Anyways...your face bloats up and you look like a chipmunk/like you got into some kind of serious accident and whenever we had to go back to the hospital every few days during the recovery process I dreaded it because people looked at me like I had a mental illness due to how bad the swelling is. I don't have any pics or anything but if you google post-op jaw surgery it's some pretty serious ****.
    In terms of gains, I lost 16 lbs in like 2 or 3 days, the surgery took about 6 hours, completely knocked out obviously and was given all kinds of pain killers during those 2 months (didn't feel the actual effects and luckily didn't get addicted because apparently it's pretty easy when using them for that often). I think the lowest I got was somewhere in the mid 160s, obviously very depleted/flat and atrophied as I was on a liquid diet for about 4-5 weeks of those first few months and got in 500 cals or less the first 2 weeks.
    Going back to school also sucked, especially due to the fact I live on campus. I was only about 4-5 weeks recovered, could just barely start getting down very soft stuff (pretty much lived off soup/easy mac/jello/milk and noodles at school the first few months). The swelling was not much better, so it was very embarassing being around people in a fragile state like that. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that you need braces for the surgery so I had those put on in August and just got them off the first or 2nd week of that was "fun" having to deal with that on top of it and completely killed my confidence for a good amount of that semester.

    Said I wasn't gonna get into it but w.e. I always put personal **** in my logs and almost treat it like a diary of sorts (no homo) so I have something to look back on years down the road. I'll post up what I wrote out earlier and my workouts from the first week of my current cycle and then update to where I'm currently at tomorrow since I have to get up at 7 am for work...haven't gotten 8 hours of sleep in like a week, running on 4-6 all this past week fuuuu.

    Previous Logs:
    Beginning of '10

    'Summer '10 - June '12
    Last edited by xKyle10; 07-01-2012 at 11:48 PM.
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    "The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found.
    There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength.
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    Currently on my 5th cycle of 5/3/1 and in a deficit. See below for more details on that. I kind of wanted to throw this in here after I had updated it past all my workouts and was caught up but I typed it up earlier and it will add something to the log.

    Basically just going to keep on with 5/3/1 for the remainder of my deficit and then maintain my bf% for the rest of the year/pretty much do a recomp with the following routine I composed. I can't take credit for the meat of it as it's pretty much Lyle McDonald's generic bulking routine (have a solid pdf q&a that I found online that I'll attach since I haven't seen it around here - I pretty much put my own personal spin on it to hit my weak points the hardest and progress in the way that I have found is the best for me. It looks like a lot of volume but if you have followed my last log/look below to see my current workouts it's not that bad. When I was doing FBR and HST I pretty much did 2 heavy sets near my max of deads, squats, bench, close grip bench, ohp, dips, curls and probably something else I'm forgetting, 3x a week so my CNS holds up pretty strong.

    Anyways here it is, critique/ask questions if you have any. Might be a bit unorthodox but I put a lot of thought into it, mostly the exercises and rep ranges based off current progress up to this point. It will be a few more cycles of 5/3/1 until I run it so it's subject to change but here it is.

    Recomp/Lean Bulk Routine

    *Principles of Lyle Mcdonald's Generic Bulking Routine, Sheiko for Squat (after smolov jr), Smolov Jr for bench (once over maintenance/during recomp/immediately finishing cut). After a cycle of sheiko for squat, do coan/phillipi for DL progress. (sumo)

    4+ Week Cycles of Progression (as many as possible until stalling occurs), Deload as Needed for 2 Weeks @80-85% of previous weights for week 1 and 90-95% for week 2. To move into the next cycle I'll either continue where I left off or reset whatever lifts are stalling/possibly exchange them for a similar movement (listen to body/CNS for this).

    - 2-3 sets of 2-5 reps progressively moving up. 2-4 work sets. Do this for the main lifts/wherever other lifts require it.
    Most lifts will be done as follows, unless they follow a specialization protocol
    Work Set 1 = Heaviest. Stop 1-2 reps before true failure. Work Sets 2-4 - Keep weight the same and aim for the same reps/slightly lower, or use lower weight.

    - Heavy sets (2-6 reps) = 2-3 sec eccentric, no pause, explosive concentric
    - TUT/hypertrophye sets (8-12 reps) = 2 sec eccentric, slight pause, 2 sec concentric

    (Off days where needed, listen to CNS/body and rest when needed. Also depends on work/school schedule).
    *Abs/core/forearm work 2-3x/week. Can be on off/cardio days or workout days. Probably on lower body days/days that don't interfere with deads/squats.
    Mobility work and stretching (geared towards posture improvement - Anterior Pelvic Tilt and rolled shoulders/scapula winging) done as needed (pre lower day workout & off/cardio days, 4-5x/week).

    Upper 1
    Flat BB Bench: 5/3/1
    UH/Berto Row: 3-4x6-8
    Standing OHP: 2-3x4-12 (varies)
    Weighted Pullup/Chin variation: 2x6-8
    Weighted Dips: 2-3x4-8
    Breathing DB Pullover: 3-4x8-12
    UH Tri Pulldowns: 2x6-15
    Rolling DB Tri Ext: 2-3x6-15
    DB Hammers: 2-3x6-12
    EZ Bar Curls: 2-3x6-15

    Lower 1
    Squat: Sheiko #29? (Look over log to see where best progress happened)
    Leg Curl: 3-4x6-8
    Leg Press: 2-3x8-16 (varies)
    Leg Extension: 2-3x8-15
    Rack Pulls: 2-4x5-12
    GMs or GHRs: 2-3x10-12
    Seated Calves: 4-5x12-16


    Upper 2
    Incline BB Bench: 3-4x6-8
    DB or Kroc Row: 3-4x6-Failure
    Seated DB Press:
    Weighted Pullup/Chin Variation: 2x3-5
    Flat DB Bench: 2-3x4-10
    Breathing DB Pullover: 3-4x8-12
    OH Rope Tri Extension: 2-3x8-12
    1 Arm DB Floor Press: 2-3x5-12
    Supinated DB Curls: 2-3x6-12
    Concentration or DB Preacher Curlsx8-15

    Lower 2
    Sumo DL: 5/3/1
    Leg Curl: 3-4x6-8
    Leg Press: 3-4x5-8
    Pistol Squat (1 Legged): BW Progression. Add sets @ 10 reps/leg and weight once 3x10 with BW can be done.
    Hyperextensions: 1-2x8-12
    GMs: 2-3x6-10
    Seated Calves: 4-5x4-8



    Rate of Weight Gain:
    *Don't go over 2 lbs/month MAX. Ideally 1-1.5 lbs/month. Stay around 10-11% BF MAX. Alternately: 12-15 lbs/yr.

    Current 5/3/1 Best Lifts & Calculated 1RMs (Based on Epley's Formula via 5/3/1 e-book) (0.0333*Weight*reps + Weight)
    Squat - 260x9 (cycle 3). Projected 1RM ~337 (have hit 300x1 last summer on Sheiko, albeit only parallel. I squat well below parallel, pretty much ATG)
    Bench - 200x9 (cycle 3). Projected 1RM ~260
    Sumo - 370x9 (cycle 4), 360x12 (current cycle). Projected 1RM ~480-503 (latter is probably off)
    OHP - 130x6 (cycle 4). Projected 1RM ~156 (Have hit 155 last year, albeit heavier/fatter)

    Goals (End of Year)
    Squat - 345
    Bench - 275
    Sumo - 505
    OHP - 180

    BF/Weight Goal
    Maintain 8-9% BF rest of year, keep weight near mid-high 160s.

    Current Cals
    ~2400. Don't have set macros, but usually protein is 180-200g, fat 50-70g and carbs anywhere from 180-260g. "Refeed" usuallly once a week whenever getting yucky or family parties/whatever occurs. Currently follow IF and fasted training most days.

    Current Supps
    Iso Whey (as needed to fill protein quota), creatine mono 5g/day, fish oil 3 caps/day, orange triad 3 pills/day, vitamin d3 5000-10,000 iu/day (or none if outside for a few hours), vitamin c 500mg/day, BCAAs pre-fasted training (10g), 400-600mg pre-workout. Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tbsp 3x/day

    ^On a perfect day it looks like that, usually I forget something. Haven't taken in a lot of whey lately, been eating a lot of chicken, steak, salmon, burgers, etc. to hit protein.
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    "The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found.
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    An old vid I made that gives a pretty good overview on my progress for a visual aid to my huge wall of text above. Doesn't cover anything from this year though, but I'll cliff that with some pics I set up. That's my old channel (mirin username from the halo days? Epic montage is in channel btw ), I plan on getting a quality camera and doing a vlog series once I'm leaner. I also still have a bit of swelling left in my cheeks from the surgery (ya rly), as it takes about a year or so to go COMPLETELY away, but it's much better then even just a month ago and not that noticeable right meow. If the vlog thing doesn't happen this year, it definitely will next summer. I wouldn't be comfortable recording lifting **** at my college gym as it would be seen as ridiculous douchebaggery and it's a completely different atmosphere than my current gym (btw, you guise jelly? I'll probably get some lifting vids there but the iPhone pisses me off with the way it takes vids when they come out on youtube/the comp and the quality isn't really all that good. Anyone that has any recommendations for a cam to produce similar quality stuff to Berto/Matt Ogus type quality ish and is under like $500 would be greatly appreciated.

    Anywho, here's that vid I was talking about. Feel free to mute the sound if that's not your type of jam brehs. I have a huge/unique interest in music and a very vast collection so hopefully some of you will appreciate it. I usually include a song at the end of my workout posts.

    '12 Cut/Recomp Progress
    Keep in mind I atrophied a lot and lost a lot of size due to the extreme deficit/liquid diet and not being able to lift for a few months, so I had to spend a few weeks jumping back up to regain LBM (muscle memory for the mophuckin win btw, that ish works amazing). I started off with 5/3/1 right when I could lift but lowballed my maxes a bit and took 90% of them (as I still do) and just now in my 5th cycle am having some trouble. My squat strength doesn't hold up well 5/3/1 style especially in a deficit and I just had to reset it. Not a straight cut, took a while to get the ball rolling and be srs with the macros, especially at school and going hard on the weekends making up for lost time the previous semester/earlier in the Spring when I was all depressed and **** lulz.

    This is the leanest I've ever been, which was at the end of my cut in 2010. Currently approaching that bf% and will hopefully surpass it soon. If I am at 162-165 and ~8% I will be extremely happy with those LBM gains since then.

    Anywho...thus far...

    March 9th (wasn't that pale, lighting in that bathroom is dreadful on the iPhone for some reason, not good under fluorescent lighting I think..)

    Was only about 180ish in this pic, still hadn't gained back all the stuff I lost (probably just glycogen and whatnot, mass looked to be there). Peak was 185 before really cutting/recomping.

    April 19th

    Weight fluctuated from 182-185

    April 30th (home bathroom lighting of peace)

    183ish I think

    June 5th (a bit after post workout so had some pump left, cheating haha)


    June 20th (post feed, transitioned to IF)


    Will have to take some this week. Was 178 the other day and abs look leaner when flexed. Still not much definition when relaxed. Looking more solid in the gym. I had to take about a week off from injuring my back from phuckin cheat curls of all exercises but was able to go to the gym earlier today...err technically yesterday.

    Gonna post up Cycle 5, Week 1 workouts and then head to bed. Have to wake up in like 4 hours fuuuu, and have squat day and sprint work tomorrow. Might need a nap before that lol
    Last edited by xKyle10; 07-01-2012 at 11:49 PM.
    ~Sh!tty Chest Crew~ CEO & Founder
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    "The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found.
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    Originally Posted by bigryan03 View Post
    First and IN!
    Appreciate it brah, first sub aww yeeah what time is it in aussie land cuz?

    5/3/1 - Cycle 5, Week 1, Day 1


    Duration: 51 Min
    Sleep: 9.5ish Hours

    5/3/1 Deadlift (90% 1RM = 400.5)
    Warmup = 160x5, 200x5, 240x3
    295 lbs x 5
    300 bs x 5
    340 lbs x 5+ (5 reps)
    No belt, everything was very tight, and couldn't get low. Just did prescribed reps. After this cycle, resetting max to 405 and pulling conventional, need to get lower and engage hammies/glutes more.

    V-Bar Pulldowns

    HS Low Row
    45/side x 12

    HS High Row
    25/side x 12
    50/side x 12

    Seated Leg Curl

    Standing 1-Legged Curl

    Seated Calf Raise
    160 x 15, 12, 15

    Leg Raises (Against Pad)
    BW - 3x12

    Meh workout, was just really tight and was not rested enough, needed another day to recover or possibly 2. Need to foam roll more consistently, especially on off days. Also need to do myofascial release on glutes, traps/neck and bottom of feet. Can't let HIIT conflict with W.O days.

    5/3/1 - Cycle 5, Week 1, Day 2


    Duration: 68 Min
    Sleep: 7.5 Hours

    5/3/1 Bench (90% 1RM = 220.5)
    Warmup = 90x5, 110x5, 130x3
    145 lbs x 5
    165 lbs x 5
    185 lbs x 5+ (12)
    BW PR, possible overall PR. Had a spotter, guy kept guiding the bar/gave it a few taps on a few after 9th rep when I didn't need it, hate when people do that but should have been more clear. Either way, solid. Also, every set except last I did a different setup, still PL style but feet wide/flat versus on toes and back. Once I get more comfortable will use it on heavy/all-out sets.

    Flat DB Press

    Incline BB Press
    Tucked and just outside shoulder grip, going down to lower chest. This is how I used to Incline BB Press and got up to 185x5 where I ego-lifted/didn't warm up properly and injured my right delt, this felt fine. Will alternate between this after flat bench and flat DB after bench. Will also change up reps and sets between the two.

    Pec Deck (Arms on Pads)

    DB OH Tri Ext (1 Arm)

    OH Rope Tri Ext
    Last 2 = PRs

    DB Pullover
    30x12 (3 Sets)
    1st time I successfully did breathing pullovers and man what a difference, exercise is much more challenging and was twitching almost.

    UH Pulldowns (Different Pulley, harder)

    BB Curls
    75x8 (good form)
    85x6 (pretty strict)
    95x5 (cheat)
    Never actually did heavy BB curls. Some cheat form on the 95, 85 was pretty strict. Can't say I loved it but will mess with it this cycle.

    DB Hammers

    Low Cable Flyes

    BW Dips (Not to lockout, fast reps)
    20 reps
    10 reps

    Solid workout, lots of good stuff occurred. Need to add in close grip, probably will just do flat. Will actually have a workout partner starting Saturday or Sunday depending on when I do deads. Gonna try and hook him up on 5/3/1 at least with the main lifts so that will be cool. It's actually my buddy Jay's older brother. Lanky dude and an absolute beast at track and field, made states and set some records for his school, just finished this year. 6'5" 170 probably 7-8% BF. ROM and wingspan is ridiculous on everything. Gonna try and help him bulk up and get strong as hell.

    5/3/1 - Cycle 5, Week 1, Day 3


    Duration: NA Minutes
    Sleep: 8 Hours

    5/3/1 Squat (90% 1RM = 256.5)
    Warmup = 100x5, 130x5, 155x3
    165 lbs x 5
    190 lbs x 5
    221 lbs x 5+ (12 reps)
    Reset squat to 285. Still doing low-bar to emphasize hammies and glutes more but I am weak in a deficit on them. Weights are in KGs at my buddy's school gym where I did these so roughly 221. Other sets were give or take, don't feel like calculating.

    Couldn't get access to student gym so went to the track and did sprints on the turf, barefoot. Only had chucks and track would have ruined them. Drove to my gym after and did rest of workout.

    HIIT - Sprints (Sprint, walk back to goal line, Sprint, walk back, etc.) Rest was pretty much the walk back, maybe 30 seconds at goal line. Also sprinted through each distance, so these were all-out.

    50 yards (twice)
    40 yards (twice)
    30 yards (twice)
    20 yards (twice)
    10 yards (twice)
    100 yards (once)

    BB Hip Thrusts (Against Bench)
    155x12 (2 Sets)
    First 2 = reset to ground. Last 2 = constant tension, liked that more.

    Cable Pullthroughs
    60 x 12
    65 x 12
    70 x 12

    Seated Leg Curl

    Machine Calves
    Lvl 22 x 12
    Lvl 23 x 12
    Lvl 24 x 12

    Machine Neck Work (Front)

    Machine Crunches

    Caused a lot of hammy DOMS. Right delt/trap tie-in was hurting when I did sprints but Jay said it was just because I am tighter there from using it more. No issues with it the next day/today though. Solid stuff, I was dead after those sprints, would have been nice to get the whole workout in one area but whatever.

    5/3/1 - Cycle 5, Week 1, Day 4


    Duration: 87 Minutes
    Sleep: 11ish Hours

    5/3/1 OHP (90% 1RM = 144)
    Warmup = 55x5, 70x5, 85x3
    95 lbs x 5
    110 lbs x 5
    120 lbs x 5+ (10)
    Pretty sure this is a PR, don't feel like checking. Glutes flexed is win though, helps crank out more whereas before I wouldn't be able to, at least not strict like this.

    Flat DB Press
    90sx5 (see below)
    Got help on 1st rep with 90s pushing elbows up. Guided elbows the whole time but said he didn't really help except last 2. Either way, first time pressing 90s

    Pec Deck (Arms on Pads)

    45 Degree Incline DB Press

    UH Row
    215x12 (strapped + belt)

    BB Shrugs
    315x3 (straps busted), 9
    One of my versa gripps is busted. The velcro is frayed. Will email customer support and hopefully get a new one if I sent one back, if not will just have to use poverty straps.

    OH Rope Extensions

    Standing Alternating DB Curls

    Lying Rolling DB Tri Ext

    Face Pulls

    Incline Cable Press (Standing)
    40x12 (2 Sets)


    Motivation: Robbie Sardinia - 5 Weeks Out

    Wanted to do some more stuff but it was 90+ outside and no AC...I was dead. Also was fasted and hungry. Solid workout for what I did accomplish. I need more back work. I like free weight t-bars but get yelled at when I do those, will try and see what happens. Also thinking of doing Kroc rows (never did them) or DB Rows (hardly ever do them) for this cycle and focus on progression for those. Elbows and RCs were holding up.
    Jay's brother just bought a membership, so gonna be lifting with him using 5/3/1 (at least main lifts) so that will be cool and some extra motivation for me. Cut is going well. On my 6th hole on the lifting belt, goal is 9th or 10th hole. Strength is holding up except on squats, pretty satisfied with everything. IF is making everything very easy, especially to hit cals. I find myself struggling to get in 2400-2500 where before I would eat them and finish them pretty early. Also bought caffeine pills and took 200 mg pre-workout along with BCAAs. Felt pretty good at that dose. Apple Cider Vinegar came in, tastes like **** so had to dilute with water. Overall everything going according to plan, and cut is now taking off. At the point where I am starting to feel small (14-12% BF change) and can't wait to get to new territory (12% - 10%), which is supposed to be greater visual change. This go-around I am noticing I am losing fat in midsection first. Legs still have same separation, back looks a bit leaner. Face still holding fat, no real delt separation unless flexing, etc. Progress is progress though.

    ^Last post is usually what the full workout looks like with vids and whatnot, usually its a vid for motivation or a pic, a lot of you guise have been used in past posts so might recycle some of those.
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    Its right around 7pm on Monday night here in Aus.
    Your pics are looking very good! I would definitely go for a meet. You have pretty solid lifts, brah!
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    Originally Posted by bigryan03 View Post
    Its right around 7pm on Monday night here in Aus.
    Your pics are looking very good! I would definitely go for a meet. You have pretty solid lifts, brah!
    Thanks broski appreciate that. Maybe a meet over this winter break or spring. Get very busy between clubs at school, rugby, broing down, school work, gf, work, etc during the semester and will likely be in a slight deficit or recomping lean gains style the rest of the year but pretty confident I can hit those goals as I'm still gaining strength on 5/3/1 in my deficit. Once I'm in single digits I'm just gonna shoot for strength maintenance but the fat loss in the waist is messing with my leverage for squat so not sure how that will hold up.

    On my break @work, almost over. Only got like 3 hours of sleep was just tossing and turning. Possibly taking a nap after work before lifting. Also woke up to 178.0 which is my lowest thus far. Turns out I'm not as close to my best conditioning as I thought as my waist is 31.5 relaxed and it was 30.5 there. Goal is sub 29" or so
    Last edited by xKyle10; 07-02-2012 at 09:50 AM.
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    The stage will be here before you know it, never waste a moment

    I love the detail of what you have done during your progression, that is the best way to look back and get a reality check when you arent feeling good about progress and then see past progress and where you came from.
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    Good luck and IN!
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    Personal best @ 165
    Bench-250 (TnG)

    Personal best @ 198
    Bench - 280
    Squat - 400
    Deadlift - 560

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    Boston - UMass - Sales brah

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    Originally Posted by Frankdaddy View Post
    The stage will be here before you know it, never waste a moment

    I love the detail of what you have done during your progression, that is the best way to look back and get a reality check when you arent feeling good about progress and then see past progress and where you came from.
    I figure as long as I give it my all and stay busy the time will come by fast. I like to give myself a realistic date but it's pretty much up in the air til I'm ready to prep for the stage. Platform I may try my hand at as early as December-Jan or sometime next summer. Pretty sure there are tons of PL Comps in the Mass/NE area so will get to pick and choose a league/meet.

    Thanks bro, I like to put a lot of work and detail into the majority of my posts for workouts and updates, I have a log I've kept since about summer 2010 on Casey Butt's weightrainer site in the forums which is very condensed due to low traffic on the forums so that's usually what I use for looking back at stuff. Great site/forum for the unaware, need to sign up under your real name and the member/post count is about .001% of what is so it's not for everybody. Close knit group of some very knowledgeable individuals over there.

    Pretty much based the bench/chest progression for when I lean bulk off of what you said in your log about the chest and bench progression and will likely be PMing you for the routines you did for it when the time comes as it clearly worked as your chest blew the phuck up since your previous prep.

    Originally Posted by Rypt1 View Post
    Good luck and IN!
    Thanks man

    Originally Posted by JohnB46 View Post
    <3 jbad

    Originally Posted by Anthonyxavcx View Post
    squats & oatz cuz

    need to lift with me at dat dere bay state with me and joe slu, preferabbly DL day. he has a beastly DL out of nowhere, got 270x10 the other day and his form is immaculate. hammies/twitch fibers of peace on him. let me know what days good for you. DL day will be this thursday so if you're down then you better start peppering your angus now

    Gonna update my current workouts and get caught up. Will likely crash soon until I have to wake up for my 6 am shift, get to unload a truck and get dat dere activity level up, awww yeah active job of peace. Pretty much treat it like cardio.

    Ended up just going pretty much straight from work to the gym and didn't nap, ran on god mode (god mode = that feel when you are on very little sleep for several days in a row or pulled an all nighter before an exam and feel extremely awake/full of energy). Squat strength took a hit due to the huge sleep deficit last night/the entire week but just worked on glute activation and hip drive mostly. Chilled in the pool and started my feeding window @ roughly 5 PM with chicken parm (hnnng Mama Wood's chicken parm is unmatched by all), then when Jay (my brobreh/current training partner's younger bro) got out of work me and Joe (training partner) went up to Jay's college track and did some sprints. Just freeballed it so gonna have Joe send me pretty much what we did so I have an idea of how to progress next week on them.

    Will work on adding more stuff to the log over the next few days aside from workouts and get all my dear diary stuff done within the first page or 2 so we can move on to brotalks/****gy time and the actual workout sessions.
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    subbed brah, I've been following your other log for awhile and you've been progressing in strength quite well despite being a deficit...impressive stuff. Now time to get diced!
    Bulking Log:

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    Subbed. Good that you're gonna be switching to Conventional Deads, they'll help bring your Squat up IMO.
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    Originally Posted by Incubusfan18 View Post
    subbed brah, I've been following your other log for awhile and you've been progressing in strength quite well despite being a deficit...impressive stuff. Now time to get diced!
    Thanks bro, your prep was very impressive, especially for doing it yourself and you have a ton of potential with your structure, dat tiny waist and insertions, jelly brah. Do you have a new log since that one? Link me if so

    5/3/1 - Cycle 5, Week 2, Day 1


    Duration: NA
    Sleep: Don't Recall/Forgot to log

    5/3/1 Deadlift (90% 1RM = 400.5)
    Warmup = 160x5, 200x5, 240x3
    280 lbs x 3 (supposed to be 5, oops)
    320 bs x 3
    360 lbs x 3+ (12 reps) PR
    Happy with that set for sure, best to date. Getting good at using a higher % of my RM for well over the required reps. Leaving some in the tank on 5+ and sometimes 3+ week is pretty much a guaranteed PR. All reset, belt on last 2 sets. Been using chalk/mixed grip as opposed to straps since the velcro on one of my versas is all frayed.
    So....sticking with sumos lol. Just had a bad day the 5+ day, still doing work

    Leg Press (Hammy Focused)
    Feet up high and pushing through heels to shift focus to hammies more-so than quads. APT Correction calls for lack of quad exercises/just maintenance and tons of hammy/glute stuff, hence the somewhat random exercises I do on DL/squat day

    Seated Leg Curl

    Added these back in. One of the employees yells at me for doing these for some reason so I try and figure out when he's working and avoid his shift for DL day as I <3 me some t-bars just as much as I do the gym. One of my favorite back exercises for sure.

    Seated Calf Raise (Power Tempo)
    185 x 20, 20, 15

    Song: (A go-to for deads when the buildup occurs, Print goes hard in the performance, imagine it in my head)

    Motivation: Erick K. (beastmode)

    Great workout, lifted with Joe. His pull is awesome for his stats. 6'5" 170, 7-8% BF. D1 track decathalete from URI, just graduated in the spring. Brother of Jay, who has calves and quads of peace. Will attach a pic below from 2 years ago of Jay's quads/calves (NOT Joe, Joe is similar level of leanness, dat genetically low ass setpoint fuuuuuu /jelly). He pulled 260x14. A few pauses after 10 or 11 and some words of encouragement. He pulled 270 or 280x10 on Sat (unable to lift, see next update for more info.

    Jay's calves/quads, June 2010 when we used to lift together </3

    Jay is same age as me, swole as fuuu, 6'2" or 6'3", like 7-8% BF and 185ish or so also does track/field, nasty at hurdles. Etc. He is my other half basically (no homo)

    His calves are even bigger now, have to be 17.5s or so, and is still lean as fuu, forever mirin his calves. Will snap a pic next time I see him, literally always that vascular and much rounder/more meat to them now...saw them in action today and hnnng'd lol

    sorry for pics being too big, not resizing them though

    Also a throwback from June 2010 when I was cutting and we got some pics in together side by side/other pics taken that day. Was probably high 160s there, meh lighting. Miss that gym though, was like 5 mins from my house and closed up. Convenient.

    Last edited by xKyle10; 07-02-2012 at 06:22 PM.
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    Serious detail up in here!! I'm in as long as I don't need to read that much in one sitting again
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    Originally Posted by Little_Moth View Post
    Subbed. Good that you're gonna be switching to Conventional Deads, they'll help bring your Squat up IMO.
    A post too soon brah haha, keeping sumos, conventional isn't my forte atm.

    Originally Posted by jpfaherty View Post
    Serious detail up in here!! I'm in as long as I don't need to read that much in one sitting again
    Wall of text of peace. Glad to have you broski, been meaning to check your log, was used to your old avi and seen you around in a bunch of logs im subbed to and your new avi is ridiculous, look at some of your prep pics a while ago and very impressive stuff. Where abouts in MA?

    No promises on dem novel posts, sometimes I just get in the mind and like I said I ramble in my head and that shii just flows out onto the keyboard. That's the wannabe story teller/author in me I suppose

    5/3/1 - Cycle 5, Week 2, Day 2

    6/25/12 (Extra off days due to work schedule)

    Duration: NA
    Sleep: Forgot to log

    5/3/1 Bench (90% 1RM = 220.5)
    Warmup = 90x5, 110x5, 130x3
    145 lbs x 5
    165 lbs x 5
    200 lbs x 3+ (5)
    Not bad but was shooting for 7-8 IIRC given past bench performance in prior cycles. We'll see what happens this week, might be time to put my microloading to use finally (bought 6 washers that are ~.6 lbs/piece online a few months ago and haven't used them yet.) Company was Fastenal if anyone is interested, cheaper than those sets for $50, home depot prob has cheaper ones, just get 2" metal washers, should be around .5 lbs/pc or so.

    Flat DB Press
    80sx8 (2 w. some elbow assist)
    Had joe spot me, really need to get my DB pressing up, I've never really worked at flat DB press for any extended period of time and usually just did MMC/TUT **** and didn't focus on going heavy/progressive overload. Mistake for sure.

    Incline BB Press
    145x8 (1 assist)
    Do these babyslayer style as he recommended them to me. Works great and actually got up to 185x5 in November or December last year until I hurt myself not warming up for it. Outside shoulder width, tuck elbows, bring bar to lower chest, push towards face/diagonally and stop just prior to lockout.

    Pec Deck (Arms on Pads)

    Weighted Dips (Chest Focus - Forward Lean/Plates tucked between knees)
    Haven't done these since November/December. Forget what I worked up to then for a PR, think I was 185 and weight was cluster style set of 8-10 at 60-65. Cluster set = Similar to DC. Take a weight you can get 3-5 reps with and do as many reps with it as needed to get 8-10 reps, but you actually take reps between the "set" versus breaths.

    OH Rope Tri Ext
    130x12 (PR)

    Breathing DB Pullover
    30x12 (2 Sets)
    Lay flat on a bench. Use moderate weight. Head over bench. Take deep breath @ start of movement through the mouth, hold in for entire eccentric, let go near the top. Preached by old school/golden age lifters in the 50s-60s, usually were supersetted after breathing squats for expanding ribcage. Probably some broscience but these feel great in the serratus and if done correctly have a vibrating effect throughout the ribs/chest..

    UH Pulldowns (Different Pulley than OH Ext. This is a single, other is double)
    60x12 (2 sets)

    DB Hammers (Cross body, pretty strict)

    BB Cheat Curls
    100x3 (injury = 1 of these reps)
    NEVER AGAIN. Stupid idea, I actually just did heavy bb curls for the first time last week, have used ez-bar curls as my go-to for years, tried it out. Bad idea. INJURED MY BACK. Lower right side. Had to due cold/ice for 4-5 days, take ibuprofein before work those days(400-600mg), heating pad at night, bedridden when not working. No lifting. Hot garbage brahs, stay away from this. Figures that I'd injure my back from phuckin curls as opposed to squats or deads...go figure.

    Low Cable Flyes
    40x12 (3 Sets)

    Post Workout Cardio - MISS Bike
    Duration = 30 Min
    Distance = ~7 mi
    Cals Burnt = 256
    @Mostly 8. Various burst of HIIT thrown in like 2 or 3 times.

    Song: (Beat is ridiculous in even a solid stock system on high if it gets decent bass. Hnnnng

    Motivation: Matt Ogus

    From what I remember this workout was solid and used a fast pace. Like the incline bb and dips back in the swing of things. Gonna alternate between incline bb and flat db first/second or whenever I stall, still messing around with it. Rest of it was fine minus hurting my back. I didn't even notice it minus random discomfort after the 1 hundo set, used a bit too much oomph to get it up I suppose. Noticed it later in the evening, peaked in pain the next day-2 then decreased. Was fine by Saturday but gym closes at 6 pm on Sat and 4 pm on Sunday, only ****ty thing about the gym pretty much and had work so couldn't lift until yesterday.
    Last edited by xKyle10; 07-02-2012 at 07:05 PM.
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    Only 2.5 hours of sleep last night, neck has been in a lot of pain as of late, gonn try an see a chiro this week or next and get some X-rays done/get a consultation. My mom and one of my sisters has the same thing, they went to a chiro and I'll probably go to the same one, evidently it's chronic and we "store stress" in our necks. He wasn't able to crack my moms neck so we'll see what happens. If it doesn't help I'm gonna get my first deep tissue. Hnnnng need to find a place though otherwise it'll be a poverty one at a mall kiosk lol.

    At work right now on break. Got here @6 am, unloaded a truck. I work 2 jobs atm, one is security work for my future brother inlaw's dad's company at various places (one is a lab and other is a bank, getting trained at anothe place on Thursday. Generally it's very easy and laid back work, overnight/graveyard/weekend shifts. Day shifts are more like being a front desk. That's 10/hr or 15 on weekends. Very boring stuff on my shifts for the most part and just on my phone/watch tv for the most part. Can nap and get away with it lol.. just have to do rounds in building, check equipment, doors being locked, check on any employees or people, call for alarms/emails and whatnot.
    Anyways, other job (at now) is babies r us. Don't let the name fool you though, very physical stuff. I do back of the house, unloading, restock, carry outs,etc. On the feet all day, running around the store, carrying anything from 10-70 lbs up a ladder, etc. Very good cardio and great for increased expenditure, only minimum wage but have some bros that work here and get to shoot the ****. Trying to get 2 of the guys my age on my routine, we'll see wha happens. Want some more experience doing PT stuff before I finish my ISSA cert and start applying at places or work on freelancing it most likely starting in spring or next summer. Can't wait to get a vlog series type of thing going and get my name out there. At the same time though, don't feel comfortable yet with my bf%, lack of a good vid recorder/cam an my strength level and general aesthetics to start but we'll see. I'm looking for recommendations for a solid camera to record good quality gym vids/vlog stuff?with a $500 max limit so send halp.
    Have some lift vids I'm gonna throw in here once I compile and edit them. Squats/deads atm, gonna start recording at least my main 5/3/1 lift and a few exercises/day. I see it as a starting point and should help a ton getting input from you guys with a huge abbundance of pooled knowledge and it would be dumb of me to not utilize that. 4-6 years from now I hope to look back and accomplish my long term goals I've established and will write up later when I get a chance. Shift ends in an hour, definitely need a nap before bench day @7ish tonight. Will be easier to start my feeding window after a nap, not real hungry despite around 2100 cals last night (had like 30 oz of chicken parm hnnnng).

    Will throw squat workout, bench workout, and vids up later tonight.
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    yo kyle im subbed! i guess it might be getting about time for me to get my log out of the teen section as well since ill be 21 in november. ah well ill try to follow tho
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    "Obbession is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated"
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    you've never had a deep tissue massage? inb4 pain!!!!
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    Originally Posted by kaoslegend View Post
    yo kyle im subbed! i guess it might be getting about time for me to get my log out of the teen section as well since ill be 21 in november. ah well ill try to follow tho
    sup my man! was gonna drop a link in your log, still need to tell syd and baco and chrome since you guys were all regulars, havent seen those last 2 on in a while though, must be busy

    and yeah haha, need like a 20s section on the forum, you could just have a mod move yours to the workout log section or something though unless you wanna start a new one? been lurking in your log as of late, pretty much doing that to the majority of the logs im subbed to as im so phuckin busy

    Originally Posted by B-Neva View Post
    you've never had a deep tissue massage? inb4 pain!!!!
    haha i know right, angus isnt peppered.

    Still havent slept lol, got off at 1130, swam/laid in pool and talked to my mom and kicked a ball around and did some soccer stuff, nothing serious. Attempted to take my dog Jasper for a walk as I haven't in like a year+ (he had a bummed leg), and he was loving it. Hot/nice as hell out so didn't take him far, need to work him back up to his old self, he's 10 now He used to be pretty chubby but hasn't been eating much, we have him on a bunch of diff medications for his leg and some calmness stuff, he's been looking sad/lonely/depressed lately and feelsbadman, need to stop neglecting him and get him back to being youthful.

    Lifting at 7 PM, gonna have to god-mode it unless I nap, currently just staying active so I don't crash and not wake up for like 17 hours as I don't have work tomorrow and that is actually probably a pretty true statement given my current sleep deficit for the week.

    Gonna start to edit the vid with lifting vids/pics from this current cycle so far.
    ~Sh!tty Chest Crew~ CEO & Founder
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    "The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found.
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    Mirin Dead PR man...
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    Word up to those throwback pics, route 9 muscle and fitness of peace... where i learned how to do curlz for the gurlz... nostalgia tear

    edit: rofl @ NEVER AGAIN cheat curls. maybe when we're both 250 and 7%
    Boston - UMass - Sales brah

    "It actually happens quite a bit where the guy who you think will do well, doesn't. But the guy no one expected, the one with the warrior spirit, emerges victorious. It is quite common." - Boris Sheiko

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    Originally Posted by xKyle10 View Post
    sup my man! was gonna drop a link in your log, still need to tell syd and baco and chrome since you guys were all regulars, havent seen those last 2 on in a while though, must be busy

    and yeah haha, need like a 20s section on the forum, you could just have a mod move yours to the workout log section or something though unless you wanna start a new one? been lurking in your log as of late, pretty much doing that to the majority of the logs im subbed to as im so phuckin busy
    yea i dont like the idea of losing my log, it has to much time into it haha. i been doin a lot of lurking as well, trying to be active with all the ProMera stuff going on tho
    "I am fueled by all forms of failure. I paid the price so I'll take whats mine!"
    "Obbession is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated"
    "The only easy day was yesterday"

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    I am here kyle!!!

    section: contest prep?

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    I liked the warnings that were given lol

    bladen is my world of warcrafts character name...i bet thats the one you were talking about

    strong cheat curls

    you make me wanna do 5/3/1

    and least but not least

    ^ LOL
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    Originally Posted by Little_Moth View Post
    Mirin Dead PR man...
    mirin ALL your lifts breh. 5/3/1 is turning you into a srs russian tank. jelly as hell of your pressing mostly. you also pull conventional, which is more impressive to me.

    Originally Posted by Anthonyxavcx View Post
    Word up to those throwback pics, route 9 muscle and fitness of peace... where i learned how to do curlz for the gurlz... nostalgia tear

    edit: rofl @ NEVER AGAIN cheat curls. maybe when we're both 250 and 7%
    route 9 of peace. texting n00dz of peace

    and yeah, those raped me. I'll stick to my rib curls (will show you those on thurs so you can hnnng, best bi exercise/favorite by a longshot. might record if im looking extra swole). cant wait to lift broski

    Originally Posted by kaoslegend View Post
    yea i dont like the idea of losing my log, it has to much time into it haha. i been doin a lot of lurking as well, trying to be active with all the ProMera stuff going on tho
    Yeah I agree, just find it a new home where your most comfortable breh. Aware me on ProMera? How is the job btw, forgot what you were doing physical therapist i think?

    Originally Posted by SydTheKid View Post
    I am here kyle!!!

    section: contest prep?

    hey baby

    havent seen your ass in my log in a while, sup with that. update me on your life outsie of lifting cuz, hows dat dere work going and getting yucky treating you? strength/physique goals? forevermirin your squats/deads, and pressing as its almost at the level of those now. phuckin joocy cuz

    contest prep? nope not competing this year, or for another 4-6. Will be doing a PL meet as soon as winter break though.

    Originally Posted by Mvick07 View Post
    I liked the warnings that were given lol

    bladen is my world of warcrafts character name...i bet thats the one you were talking about

    strong cheat curls

    you make me wanna do 5/3/1

    and least but not least


    ^ LOL
    Missed you vickus, yes homo. wat

    But srsly, miss that banter we used to have between me, you, baco, syd, kaos, etc. in all the logs. Baco needs to start getting his swole ass back into logging or throw an update in, 16 year old prodigy of peace.

    But yeah, wall o text ftw lol, dat ramble. Dat pokemon rumble. Fuuu miss my N64

    Bladen = king of the old school teen sea/section. Lil debbies all day. Do a search in the misc to aware yourself of the epic thread that resulted in his unmasking/frauding. He pretty much had the reputation/was a well known poster in the teen section and old regular misc (07-08ish IIRC), said he was a national level competitive bber, used pics to prove it but hid the face/identity. Turned out he wasn't who he said he was, was actually a dude named Hanz Friedel (no idea how the phuck I just recalled that name off the top of my head), and was possibly using this swole dudes offseason pics or some **** with a spoon to prove he was bladen. Pretty sure that's what went down, might need someone who is aware like b neva or baftub aka brett to enlighten me if they read this ish.

    Do 5/3/1. srs. boring but big is right up your ally, or periodization bible. recommend it for at least your main lifts. low ball your best 1RMs or base it off of where you are at CURRENTLY, and take 90% for first cycle at least. does that **** for you.

    Oh yeah and

    think thats the second time ive used that since i made it lul, wanna try it in the misc but pat bateman is old news

    Not throwing up the vids/workouts, way too tired. Can't wait to crash. Crash of peace. Predicting anywhere from 12-17 hours lights out, and I need it. Day off of peace. July 4th of peace. Peace of peace. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng

    Cliffs on today
    - 2.5 hours sleep
    - 400 mg caffein
    - 5 am wake up, work by 6, out by 1130. unloaded a truck mostly, busy shift, solid cardio
    -chilled in pool, social as phuck. dat dere mother-son bonding, mama's boy represent
    -bench day with joe. he hit 115x12 or 13, I got 210x4. Meh, but sleep deficit, caloric deficit, and no one behind me for a mental thing resulted in that. have it recorded. lost my grave before i racked it out and lost my footing a bit on left side, didnt have much power.
    -fireworks with gf

    Night guise, Happy 4th of July
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    Ay gui, i'm finally here. Will send link to my log at some point.
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    Originally Posted by sliwoskij View Post
    Ay gui, i'm finally here. Will send link to my log at some point.
    The man himself. Joe, folks.

    bai gui
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    "The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found.
    There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength.
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    I quit that night club job rememba so no work and getting yucky at the same time; still working at the chicken restaurant, serving there, getting yucky. next goal at my PL meet is to get 505 squat, will be easy, 300 bench 600 deadlift, fuuuuu!!
    Workout Log -

    "It's best to rise from life like a banquet, neither thirsty or drunken." - Aristotle
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