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Forum: Olympic Lifting

Discuss Olympic lifting and your personal programs.

Weightlifting Shoe Reviews

These are a couple of reviews that I've written up. I posted this on a while back, but have since updated it. Since there is such a wide spread of brands and price ranges, I wanted to do a write up of the pros and cons of each shoe that I've owned and lifted in so hopefully this will...

OlyTrick‎, 01-08-2013 10:11 AM
02-22-2019, 04:02 AM Go to last post
1 29,794

Snatch form check

Hello, I’m trying to learn the olympic lifts and would appreciate any feedback that I can get on my technique. 3Z_fKoK3k1I

amenhotepv‎, 12-30-2018 02:40 PM
12-31-2018, 03:30 PM Go to last post
1 23,458

How much did you guys power clean when you first started + at what age?

i started doing power cleans @ the beginning of this year started working on form with 10k on each side lol now im on 180lb

maSSive!‎, 09-04-2007 07:03 PM
2 Pages
1 2
12-10-2018, 02:19 PM Go to last post
42 84,784

Deadlift form check

So yesterday I managed 1 max rep which was 100kg. I'm super happy with how my progress is going I'm clearly getting stronger. I know my form was horrible in this video, my form isn't usually like that, so I'll put it down to the weight as it broke my form quite easily. Previously to this I was...

zki123‎, 11-28-2018 06:59 PM
12-10-2018, 02:12 PM Go to last post
1 17,909

Squat Clean Form Check

I've been trying to learn cleans and would appreciate any feedback on my form.

amenhotepv‎, 11-26-2018 07:26 AM
11-28-2018, 12:40 PM Go to last post
2 13,414

Should I get into olympic lifting

5'7, 15 years old, 53kg, 9 months of lifting I;ve kind of been interested in olympic lifting for a while now, but the following factors have held me back. 1, i dont have an aloympic bar, i only have a standard bar with metal plates, and it doesnt have knurling on the outsides so when i do a...

somefella31‎, 10-30-2018 02:14 AM
11-22-2018, 01:43 PM Go to last post
2 13,598

Talking Training to become superwoman, I guess!

Hoping someone can advise me on concurrent training. Currently crossfit 3x week optional between Mon/Fri/Sat or Mon/Weds/Fri. I was incorporating strength work later in the day - mostly accessories -hypertrophy based reps. Looking to refine my technique, strength and power - have spoken...

smopheh‎, 08-19-2018 12:56 PM
10-11-2018, 11:33 AM Go to last post
2 12,549

How to transition on weightlifting

Hello, I would appreciate if you can give me some advice on how to transition to weightlifting from my current state. I can't really say powerlifting, although I was following the Starting Strength program. A little info about me. I am lifting 2 years and a half constantly, most of the time I...

Mhche‎, 05-03-2018 07:40 AM
07-16-2018, 08:53 AM Go to last post
3 11,847

Reebok Legacy vs Adidas Adipowers

I usually post these types of threads in Strongman/Powerlifting but I've recently started to lift using the Oly lifts. Except snatch, don't have the shoulder mobility for it....yet. I'm going to pull the trigger on a new pair of shoes. I currently have the Adidas Powerlift 3's and I'm looking...

icetrauma‎, 04-30-2018 11:40 AM
07-01-2018, 09:23 AM Go to last post
2 12,909

Help, Have I been training too hard for my level?

So I've been lifting for years, but should be a lot bigger and stronger considering how long I have. I've primarily focused on Oly lifting and previously had set backs with tendonitis and I haven't always been in a caloric surplus or trained with a barbell as well as I have also tended to do a lot...

Hardgainzer‎, 06-23-2018 08:00 AM
07-01-2018, 09:16 AM Go to last post
3 10,463

Unhappy Help?

I’m like 165 lbs Around 5 feet 10 inches in height 15 years old I’m trying to increase my weight to bulk but first i’m training for strength My bench is 155 for like 5 but for some reason it’s a struggle nowadays i can only do it for 1(muscles might be fatigued idk) When and how should i...

TLWeight‎, 06-12-2018 06:37 PM
06-30-2018, 04:42 PM Go to last post
2 9,699

Posterior delt issues

I’m transitioning from a power lifting routine to Oly lifts. On my jerk, I’m having some posterior delt discomfort. This doesn’t occur in strict OHP or any other shoulder work. Sometimes it occurs during snatches but not as often. Any ideas what may be causing it? Poor form, muscles not use to the...

icetrauma‎, 06-27-2018 05:50 AM
06-28-2018, 02:30 AM Go to last post
3 8,288

Oly gyms in Houston

I live in Pasadena and I've recently started to attempt the Olympic lifts. I'm really looking for a place that can teach good form and teach it safely without breaking the bank. I know a good is essential but I'm limited on training time due to my work schedule. All input is greatly...

icetrauma‎, 04-30-2018 11:43 AM
05-02-2018, 01:11 AM Go to last post
3 8,141

Competition or Recreation

I wonder how many of you in the Olympic lifting stream lift purely for recreational purposes and do not lift to compete?

Cantplankwell‎, 12-12-2016 12:19 PM
04-28-2018, 01:13 PM Go to last post
6 12,731

Stretches for Deadlifts + S****osis?

Hey guys...beginner here so please go easy! I was diagnosed with mild s****osis as a kid so my back is a bit wonky. It causes my hamstrings to be abnormally tight at all times. So, when I go to get into proper deadlift form, I can't really get my butt in the right position because my hammy's...

janetbronk‎, 04-12-2018 02:21 PM
04-16-2018, 08:44 AM Go to last post
1 8,270

Blurays & DVD's

Doesn't seem to be many if any blurays out there covering the ROGUE Strongman annual contests, or Olympic Weightlifting...National powerlifting...the Animal Cage competitions...etc. Or am I just not finding them? Have Googled and looked on Seems to be very little media coverage. Or am I...

agc8‎, 04-09-2018 08:19 AM
04-09-2018, 08:19 AM Go to last post
0 7,627

Power Clean: Elbow Tendinitis

Two days ago I decided to try adding power cleans to my program for explosive strength. I worked my way up slowly with good form doing many reps with light weight to get it down. That was until I reached 95 lbs I got tired and didn't catch the bar quite right. I caught it in my wrists instead...

TheLingerer‎, 03-15-2018 11:56 AM
03-15-2018, 05:44 PM Go to last post
3 8,180

Klokov giving out weightlifting advice

Thought I'd share this here, Bradley Martin doesn't talk to much thankfully. Klokov is pure gold as ever a2tycd7W0oI

WolfRose7‎, 09-10-2017 05:47 PM
03-11-2018, 02:16 PM Go to last post
6 8,462

Smile New to power cleans - critique on form requested

Hi all, I've just started to include power cleans into my workout around a week ago, and I'm currently focussing on trying to get the correct form down as much as possible before I start progressing up. I would highly appreciate any critique and feedback on my form! Please check out my...

ym108‎, 01-16-2018 06:48 PM
02-22-2018, 10:36 AM Go to last post
8 8,585

spinal hyperextension during squat

any tips for stopping this? I feel like I might be pushing my hips back to far. Also any tips on pronating ankles? I have been doing tons of ankle mobility to no avail. Any tips would be appreciated. Also sorry if you can't tell from the pic. I had no one to film me.

echambers123‎, 01-09-2018 08:34 AM
01-09-2018, 09:24 AM Go to last post
1 5,715

Squat and Deadlift Programming

Hey guys, I don't post here a ton but I spend a lot of time reading stuff on and T-Nation, either in the forums or on the websites. I'm relatively new to lifting seriously (I started in April) but since then I've put on 15 pounds and have gotten my squat to 225, my bench to 170, my...

jakob10102‎, 01-03-2018 10:01 AM
01-05-2018, 06:21 AM Go to last post
3 5,474

Press in Snatch vs Acromion Type

According to Catalyst Athletics Exercise Library "Press in Snatch" (SOTS Press) (*), at Notes section: "This exercise is only appropriate for lifters whose mobility allows the movement to be done without pain. While it will help improve mobility and posture, the athlete needs to be in range for...

BrownBear1968‎, 12-18-2017 05:38 AM
12-18-2017, 05:38 AM Go to last post
0 4,794

Are my numbers competitive?

I am a 33 year old male that would be competing in 105 in Florida. Learned the lifts in high school and a year of crossfit and have been training on and off for the last 2 years on my own. I tried competing twice this year but both meets were canceled. I’d like to compete for the experience and...

abarrick84‎, 11-23-2017 07:24 PM
12-11-2017, 01:08 PM Go to last post
4 5,549

help programming?

hey guys im 18 and have been doing cleans and snatches on and off for the past couple of years due to football. We had a coach and my form is definitely decent i feel. im 5 foot 8 165 pounds, and my max clean jerk is 225 lbs and max snatch is 160 lbs. I want to start doing this full time; its what...

gio1999‎, 11-30-2017 03:02 PM
12-11-2017, 10:22 AM Go to last post
2 3,983

Learning the snatch

Hello I am trying to incorporate OL in my routine and learn them on my own Started having pain in my rotator cuff after cleans its even affecting my back squat is that sign of a common technical mistake Also tips videos advices are welcome to learn cleans and especially snatch as I really...

shayann‎, 11-03-2017 04:29 PM
11-24-2017, 12:05 PM Go to last post
7 5,342

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