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Forum: Keto Logs

For logging your keto diet!

Exclamation BIGBODY300's KETO DIET & WORKOUT plan - 37 yr old Indian Male | LETS DO THIS! :)

hi guys I wanted to start a thread for my journey into the world of KETO DIETING & LIFESTYLE. I hoping posting here will keep my motivated and informed. I have been working out for years, and dieting as everyone else. I have a good amount of muscle, but need to burn off this fat - so lets...

bigbody300‎, 05-30-2013 08:47 AM
11-16-2013, 11:19 AM Go to last post
3 5,268

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet

Ite brahs/brahettes , Just wondering how effective Keto is. Anyone know their body fat percentages on a weekly basis whilst been on keto?

WillHarr‎, 11-09-2013 08:56 AM
11-10-2013, 09:20 AM Go to last post
1 1,942

Finding what works and getting bigger.....again

Hi, So I'm 6,1" tall 85.9Kg/17%BF. Used to be a complete gym rat three years ago (98kg/12%BF/Bench110kg) but stopped training for 3 years and now I'm coming back with a vengeance. Ok, this is my first time writing about my training. I've recently got back into training (3 months) and have had a...

Angliojoe‎, 10-04-2013 12:49 PM
11-08-2013, 07:40 AM Go to last post
22 4,489

Wink Final Keto Log

Have been browsing the forums and looked at some of my many old logs. If I would have stuck with it from the beginning I wouldn't be here. I read something yesterday that really resonated with me. It was about how there are so many holidays in the year and "excuses" to cheat but you...

Dcdc83‎, 11-03-2013 05:55 AM
11-08-2013, 07:37 AM Go to last post
9 2,120

Critique My Keto Diet!!!

Calories - 2446k Fats - 181g Carbs - 20g (Weekly sizes. Btw) Breakfast. - Tuna Salad. w/ 25g of Whey x 1/2 cup of egg whites. 3 tbps of Olive Oil.

jgutta23‎, 11-05-2013 10:37 PM
11-06-2013, 07:56 PM Go to last post
7 2,422

My keto log

Hi everyone, Going to be posting my experiences on the ckd diet and hope i can inspire someone along the way I am going to be restricting my self to 2000 calories a day on a 65 30 5 macro split I will be doing my first carb up in a couple of weeks Day 1

Prestonion‎, 09-09-2013 02:40 PM
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11-05-2013, 08:44 PM Go to last post
55 9,635

DompDiesel Keto Log

Hey whats going on fellow Keto'ers! I just got into the Keto Diet last month. I have been doing the CKD. Sunday-Friday no carb then carb up after last workout on friday til Saturday night. I am already fairly lean. Although my body likes to hold more fat around my thighs and glutes. Im trying to...

DompDiesel‎, 11-03-2013 09:06 AM
11-03-2013, 01:19 PM Go to last post
1 1,819

Keto / Lifting Log

So after many failed cuts with major ****storms during and after them I decided to go for high fat diet so I cant miss the fat amount my body needs. Macros: 181g p 31g c 188g f 2500 cals. On day 9 and I feel great at points, but I still have short periods of brainfog. I'm also weak as...

Olle111‎, 10-28-2013 11:14 AM
10-30-2013, 05:33 PM Go to last post
11 2,424

Can you Critique my Keto Diet?

Male 6'0" 176 lbs 34" waist 16 inch neck 19%-20% bodyfat? Goal is to maintain muscle and lose fat. Thanks,

Dan042075‎, 09-11-2013 08:02 AM
10-30-2013, 09:47 AM Go to last post
4 3,474

Ckd or tkd bulk

Finishing up cutting and am about to start bulking once I figure out the most efficient way to do so. I was contemplating ckd with weekly carb ups or perhaps tkd with pre and post workout carbs only. Should I give these methods a shot or stick with the old 20f/40c/40p macro split with a 200...

SuperManDan8‎, 08-16-2013 09:55 AM
10-30-2013, 09:40 AM Go to last post
4 3,955

Thumbs up Austin's BODY OPUS Ketogenic Diet Log

I'll be starting this journal to track my Weight, Exercise Routine, and Diet. For those unfamiliar with Body Opus, check out the link below. I got a bunch of groceries, so we'll see how this goes. Mon-Fri... 180g Fat 180g...

aaaaaaaaaachooo‎, 03-31-2013 11:43 PM
16 Pages
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450 45,629

Leesa's Journal

Good Morning everyone, I'm fairly new to this whole keto thing. I have been lurking on here for awhile now trying to decide the best way to lose weight and tone up. There are so many ideas and information, but I feel that following a low carb diet would be in my body's best interest right now....

Leesamoore‎, 10-12-2013 06:28 AM
10-21-2013, 07:49 PM Go to last post
13 3,076

New Here....New to Keto

Just started Keto today (9/23)... I wasnt sure where to begin so but I found the cavemanketo website and decided to give it a go. This morning I had the Chorizo Breakfast Casserole (28g Fat, 24g Protein, 7g Carbs), which was OK flavor wise especially since I've never been a big casserole fan....

DecoStop‎, 09-23-2013 08:10 AM
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10-21-2013, 07:16 AM Go to last post
40 6,522

The official adventures of OneHandClap

OK, more like ramblings as I experiment, so I can make sense of what's happening over the next 6 weeks or so. I'm a skinny-fat noob lifter, guessing body fat is around 18% to 19%. I've been bulking since May and plan to bulk for a long time still, just taking about 6 weeks to try a minicut on...

OneHandClap‎, 10-08-2013 10:37 PM
10-16-2013, 02:58 AM Go to last post
14 2,979

Keto and exercise log with progress photos.

Hello all! I'm currently trying a TKD routine, and have had a good first week. I find myself fighting temptation regarding candy and cookies (my horrid kryptonite) so I figure I'll make a log and hold myself a bit more accountable. I will try to update progress photos every two weeks...

Shelk87‎, 04-24-2013 03:32 AM
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10-15-2013, 04:31 PM Go to last post
104 22,202

My keto......

διατροφη μ ειναι η εξης με 5 days program καθε μυικη ομαδα ξεχωριστα απο Δευτερα εως Παρασκευη και ss rest 7:30 UNI-LIVER 2 CAPS adam 1 CAPS 8:00 1 scoop πρωτεινη isolate nectar 2 scoop quaker

venom1987‎, 10-04-2013 04:34 PM
10-07-2013, 12:34 PM Go to last post
9 2,765

Am I doing it right? any advice greatly apprieciated

Hi, I am new to this forum and this is my second time in the last 4 months of using the Keto diet, I lost 28 Lbs in 8 weeks earlier in the year, I recently got quite ill (cheers to the guy that sits next to me at work) and needed anything that gave instant energy!!! If anything stands out as...

MZ600‎, 09-29-2013 10:40 AM
10-05-2013, 07:47 AM Go to last post
7 2,472

Starting Keto again for the 2nd time (second cut, would like some help please)

Monday-Friday 2000 calories 200-250 protein (havent decided yet) 0-50 Carbs (from veggies broccoli and spinach) 50-100 Fats? (kinda stuck on this one because i know some people who done keto with low fats and others with very high fats) Refeed day-Saturday 2000 calories 250-protein...

Saxon122‎, 09-29-2013 09:54 AM
10-02-2013, 05:13 PM Go to last post
18 4,174

Augi247's Keto Log!

Hey everyone I just realized there was a logging section which may be useful as everyone else can critique if you mess up on your diet or macro's which I find as a great motivation! Starting weight: 194lbs(88kg) 17-18%BF height: 6ft2 (187cm) My goals for Christmas is to drop down to 8-10%...

Augi247‎, 09-26-2013 08:49 AM
2 Pages
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10-01-2013, 08:49 PM Go to last post
32 6,265

Red face The beginning of my keto journey

My macro goals are: 1770 cals 128g fat 135g protein 20g carb My current stats: H: 171cm W:104Kg BF: (roughly) 28%

leese21‎, 09-15-2013 05:33 AM
09-29-2013, 01:36 PM Go to last post
3 2,574

First Time Keto Logger, Check It Out!

I will be starting on keto diet tomorrow (9/22). I want to add that I have been eating low carb for the last month with out keeping track of calories and stuff like that and have lost 25 pounds without exercise. I will be starting a lifting program and will be keeping track of my food and calories....

korndog35‎, 09-21-2013 09:27 PM
09-29-2013, 07:50 AM Go to last post
8 2,921

Six Pack, return of the cowmustard

Yea so last log(and nutrition) broke down, definitely getting my arse back to the grind stone though with a much more methodical diet plan -no cardio bunny -never exercise, always train!!! -cals cut weight What to expect -sarcasm -gaming -mma

Cowmustard‎, 03-27-2013 05:37 PM
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09-23-2013, 08:36 AM Go to last post
223 24,424

Keto Virginity.

Hey guys, Decided I would log my process with my first attempt at a Keto diet for my cut! So before I start, I am just going to say that I am combining the keto diet with Intermittent fasting, eating only between hours of 3-8. I am also using the EC stack for a fat loss aid and appetite...

blakenewell93‎, 08-23-2013 08:26 PM
09-12-2013, 06:25 PM Go to last post
14 4,765

My keto log from egypt :)

well ppl its my 4th day on keto diet its harder here in egypt to follow a keto diet as its really really weird our culture here states that fat is for gaining fat and if you want to lose fat you must eliminate fat from diet some friends of me that isn't into reading thinks that they might get fat...

ZizoCut‎, 09-10-2013 10:23 PM
09-11-2013, 02:00 PM Go to last post
4 3,712

My newbie Keto diet, i think I've got it :/

Hi guys, new to the forum although I have been browsing through as a guest for a while so thought I'd join up :) Been researching alot about a keto diet and have started it today, reckon ill be on it for couple weeks till my holiday to get rid of some unwanted fat. I'm 23 5ft 9" weigh...

Gallas90‎, 09-10-2013 03:28 AM
09-10-2013, 02:30 PM Go to last post
8 2,603

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