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    🍌Based Banana God🍌 djwolford's Avatar
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    13.11 Miles to Graceland- Who Said "The King is Down"?

    Hey y'all, banana is back with a new training journal, this time for the Tuscaloosa half marathon in March. I actually started a couple of months back, but due to ebola or some kind of illness I was sidelined for about a month, way behind schedule, and only have a little over two months to prepare now. I'm not a runner, never really have been, and don't even like running, just purely in it for the challenge. I'll be laying down my training, nutrition, supplementation, and maybe some other odds and ends in this journal. I'm also willing to take advice from anyone who is a distance runner or cardio person, because I have no idea what I'm doing here. Hope to get some followers here, some motivation and maybe motivate others in the process.

    All of that said, here we go.

    1.5 Mile warmup, basically a power walk
    2 miles jogging, pacing is terrible, but it averaged out to about an 8 minute mile pace, ranging from a slow jog to almost sprinting. Pacing is my biggest enemy right now. I just always want to go fast.
    .5 mile cooldown

    Toward the end of the run I was sucking air pretty hard. Still a bit stuffy so that's a challenge.

    Nutrition- No idea. I'm in the process of dialing in a diet. Seems like I've been craving carbs pretty heavily today so I'll start with a carb heavy diet as a base and see what feels best.

    Supplementation- I took a leftover True Grit Thermo beforehand. Laying off of stimulants other than my morning coffee. It gave a nice steady boost, but there was also a bit of nausea after the cooldown, which may have been attributed to the month of doing basically nothing and not the Thermo.
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    Thick, solid, tight
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    🍌Based Banana God🍌 djwolford's Avatar
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    .75 mile warmup at a brisk walk
    4 miles at about a 13 min pace, still inconsistent but not as badly. I stayed pretty even depending on what song was playing. Had some Dre and Ken Lamar come on and ran pretty hard while that was happening.
    .75 mile Cooldown.

    Nutrition- Cold beer, eggs and pasta all day.

    Supplementation- Another True Grit Thermo

    Breathing was a lot more controlled with the more controlled pace, less air sucking until the end of the running. Phone logged me at just above 7 mph during Still DRE, but other than that my average was about 4.5. My feet and hips are feeling battered so I'll probably chill a bit tomorrow, maybe run some stairs and shoot some b-ball outside of the school.
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    🍌Based Banana God🍌 djwolford's Avatar
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    40 Minutes on the Stationary Bike, 11.63 miles, 3:26 pace, varying resistance.
    5 Minute Cooldown, .93 miles 5:21 pace
    Pretty light day just to get some recovery.

    Roughly 2,700 calories so far
    317c, 102f, 119p
    Still need about 30 protons so I'll have a shake before bed to finish it off. Will adjust diet after this week to see what works for me here.

    One TG Thermo before training
    Going to have a scoop or two of TG Protein before bed to level out the diet.
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    🍌Based Banana God🍌 djwolford's Avatar
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    Quick update-

    It's cold as balls.

    Training- Currently on hold, going crazy because the roads are frozen and I can't really do anything.

    Nutrition- 3,886 cal yesterday, 186p, 490c, 133f
    Way over, was pretty much a rest and refuel day. Today I'm at 128p, 315p, 73f, a bit under but it compensates a bit for yesterday and lack of activity.

    Supplementation- None

    We aren't supposed to thaw out until midday Thursday, so training will resume Thursday night.
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    🍌Based Banana God🍌 djwolford's Avatar
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    1-17 Update

    .5 mi Warmup
    3 miles, 9-12 minute pace depending on what song was playing.
    .5 mi Cooldown

    Nutrition- Didn't track today tbh.

    Supplementation- 1 TG Thermo

    Had a pretty decent run with much more in the tank, but I'm using a progressive overload type system and have 6 slow miles on the schedule for tomorrow, so didn't want to overdo it today. We're going to see if I can make that kind of distance I guess. No time to fail so that's happening if I have to roll my fat ass for a few laps.
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    A good point of view.
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    Hello Banana! Welcome back with your new training journal for the Tuscaloosa half marathon. It's great to see your determination and commitment to taking on this challenge, even though running is not something you've been fond of in the past. Training for a half marathon is a significant undertaking, and it's admirable that you're willing to share your journey with others.
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