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    The thing with depression is that it will never go away. I developed depression in the 4th grade, grew suicidal halfthrough it. I could never go through with suicide or cutting because I simply wasn't courageous enough to do either. It generated from bullying that came about because I was obese. I had just moved and the entire grade that knew me more or less ganged up on me. I still remember there was a group of girls that called me "Duck boy" because according to them when I walked my ass would move like a duck does. I don't believe them, but it go to me. Then later on I made my first friend in 5th grade who became my best friend, only to learn a few years later that he only befriended me because he felt sorry for me. I've gone through so many emotional extremes, from elation to suicidal in literally a few minutes, it won't stop. After I started lifting and lost 30 lbs last year I got a little bit better, and for the most part my depression seemed to stop coming frequently if at all, but it still comes from time to time, and my thoughts immediately waver to suicide. This, again, takes literally only a few minutes.

    So basically: Get professional help, because if you truly are depressed, no amount of self-improvement will treat you forever.
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    This isn't off topic depression I guess but maybe the question is: Other than psychological harm, does cutting cause any long term health problems? Like, is the only bad thing that happens to ur body is that it makes a scar?
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    Originally Posted by Chilaha View Post
    This isn't off topic depression I guess but maybe the question is: Other than psychological harm, does cutting cause any long term health problems? Like, is the only bad thing that happens to ur body is that it makes a scar?
    If you cut too deep or incorrectly there is a chance that you will hit a major artery or vein and you could die from that.
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    Originally Posted by Nistrange View Post
    If you cut too deep or incorrectly there is a chance that you will hit a major artery or vein and you could die from that.
    Aight, thanks for the heads up. And, anyone who deals with depression: how do you guys try and maintain your relatinships? Like when I get really depressed I just get very irritable and angry at family. I also lose feelings of love for people, like girls and etc. I don't know if any depressed teens r on here,but how do you make that work? I feel like it won't workout with anyone the way I feel.
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    Originally Posted by Chilaha View Post
    Aight, thanks for the heads up. And, anyone who deals with depression: how do you guys try and maintain your relatinships? Like when I get really depressed I just get very irritable and angry at family. I also lose feelings of love for people, like girls and etc. I don't know if any depressed teens r on here,but how do you make that work? I feel like it won't workout with anyone the way I feel.
    ive never been depressed, but when really sad i get lonely, so tbh i start to develope loving emotions to the girl im with
    There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. Friedrich Nietzsche
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    Originally Posted by Chilaha View Post
    This isn't off topic depression I guess but maybe the question is: Other than psychological harm, does cutting cause any long term health problems? Like, is the only bad thing that happens to ur body is that it makes a scar?
    Well you can get "addicted to it" just like you can get addicted to drugs or alcohol. I know from personal experience. It releases endorphins and serotonin in the brain.
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    Originally Posted by Chilaha View Post
    Aight, thanks for the heads up. And, anyone who deals with depression: how do you guys try and maintain your relatinships? Like when I get really depressed I just get very irritable and angry at family. I also lose feelings of love for people, like girls and etc. I don't know if any depressed teens r on here,but how do you make that work? I feel like it won't workout with anyone the way I feel.
    Honestly, the people who really matter are going to stick with you through everything. And those who don't or can't handle it don't matter. You really need to focus on yourself and make yourself feel good before you depend on others (my problem for a while). If you know when you are feeling very depressed just tell people "hey i am sorry but i just don't want to be around you" or that you need space or that you are just sorry for your actions. They will understand and hopefully respect you enough to give you the space you need.
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    Originally Posted by BigMatt4568 View Post
    A cognitive therapist will try to get you to alter your thinking patterns. When you see cognitive, think of "thinking." The therapist will also try to look at how you perceive things and also on childhood experiences and such things that influenced your state today.

    Also, you mentioned in the original post that you would rather be alone than with friends. I'm the same way. I'm very monotone unless I choose otherwise. Everyone's always like "omg you're so shy, why don't you talk?" and I just want them to **** off because I could care less about their small talk. And the more I observe this behavior, the more it aggravates me and the more I notice it. I'm like becoming obsessed over the annoyance of people's pointless chatter. Enough with this rant, on to you man.

    A person can generally have one of two personalities (or the rare occasion of a "mix"): introvert or extrovert.
    Extroverts generally like small talk (pointless bullsht talk that introverts can't stand to withstand at times) and don't understand the personality of an introvert. Not only do they not understand, but they don't even know it exists, and don't respect it at all. Everyone thinks they should be sociable and talkative with one another, which is something extroverts don't understand about introverts. They think we're "shy" just because we don't phucking care about the bullsht. But in reality, we just don't care (like I've said.)

    More specifically now:
    Introverts prefer being alone than with others. Introverts have friends, but they're close friends and in small numbers. Introverts CAN be sociable, but it doesn't last. Psychologists call it "recharging." Introverts recharge by being alone and in solitude. Introverts are happy and find more excitement when they're alone than with a group of not close friends or strangers. This can also happen with close friends if the time spent with each other is too long.
    Extroverts are the *******s and bishes that think everyone should be talkative and chat 24/7. They are the idiots that don't acknowledge the existence of an introverted personality. They think they are normal because they try so hard to fit in with society and their sociable "groups." However, introverts question it when they don't have the knowledge of introversion or extroversion. So, introverts seek answers and find out they're introverts while extroverts go on with their lives, possibly being unhappy by trying to "fit in" which could lead to depression or anxiety.
    Introverts don't really become close friends with extroverts for the aforementioned reasons. It's like gas and fire. The introvert will get annoyed by the constant small talk, and the extrovert will not understand why the introvert doesn't like to talk. They'll think the introvert doesn't like them or something, when in reality it's just the personality.

    Respect has to be made between both personalities, and people need to acknowledge their own personality and those around them. Or else we're just a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

    Hope this helped. This is all through my own interpretations and prior research on the topic. I hope to become some type of psychologist in the future, probably a therapist for teens struggling with their personalities.

    Thanks if you actually read it all.
    I can totally relate to this. Great interpretation, I completely agree. Sometimes I just don't feel like talking and want to be alone and my family actually gets angry at me for it because they think I'm mad at them and won't tell them. I try to explain they have nothing to do with it and I just need time. But they just don't understand and it turns into a huge argument.
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    Originally Posted by neverquit2012 View Post
    I began struggling with depression back when I was 13 years old. I'm 17 now, and it's worse than ever. I'm not usually the type to go seeking help on the internet, but I've gotten to the point where i'll do anything. Other than my gf recently leaving me, I haven't had really any extremely hard things happen to me in my lifetime. I've got a good life, good family, money, great education, potential, friends, etc... Life just constantly feels meaningless though. I know it's stupid and irrational, but I constantly struggle with bitterness, anger, and depression and I'm not even sure why. I used to be a fairly talkative, funny guy, but I barely even talk anymore. I'm very monotone, stone faced, and robotic. I feel apathetic and don't really care about anything. I used to like being around people, but I hate it now and prefer being alone. The only thing that give me any happiness or relief anymore is weightlifting. I've begun training 6 days a week, 3 hours a day just to get relief. I know my problem probably sounds irrational and retarded, but I need some help/advice. After almost 5 years of feeling hopeless and angry, i'll do just about anything. Have any of you guys ever struggle with this and overcome it? Do you have any tips or advice?
    Suffered for a while, just started lifting & playing guitar, feel ****ing amazing now. It sucks though, I know.
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    I had the same happen to me when I moved in with my dad this year

    Originally Posted by neverquit2012 View Post
    I began struggling with depression back when I was 13 years old. I'm 17 now, and it's worse than ever. I'm not usually the type to go seeking help on the internet, but I've gotten to the point where i'll do anything. Other than my gf recently leaving me, I haven't had really any extremely hard things happen to me in my lifetime. I've got a good life, good family, money, great education, potential, friends, etc... Life just constantly feels meaningless though. I know it's stupid and irrational, but I constantly struggle with bitterness, anger, and depression and I'm not even sure why. I used to be a fairly talkative, funny guy, but I barely even talk anymore. I'm very monotone, stone faced, and robotic. I feel apathetic and don't really care about anything. I used to like being around people, but I hate it now and prefer being alone. The only thing that give me any happiness or relief anymore is weightlifting. I've begun training 6 days a week, 3 hours a day just to get relief. I know my problem probably sounds irrational and retarded, but I need some help/advice. After almost 5 years of feeling hopeless and angry, i'll do just about anything. Have any of you guys ever struggle with this and overcome it? Do you have any tips or advice?
    Hey dude, I'm 15 right now and have struggled with depression sense 13 years old, but it got really bad when I moved in with my biological dad and turned 14. I have had every depression causing disease imaginable: anxiety, anorexia, insomnia, constipation. This isn't about my problems though it's about you getting better! Anyway when I felt like suicide was the only answer and planned how and when to kill my self, I went to a church called avaition. Everyone there looked like a straight thug, bandannas, tatoos, white beaters, the whole nine yards. Only all them had a huge love for Christ and they all told me how much joy they have in Christ Jesus. Anyway one of them gave me a Bible and told me to read; and I read and I read and I read. Finality in Romans I realized why I was depressed I WAS TRAPPING MYSELF IN FULFILLING MY SELF WITH THE WORLD. When man was created to love and live for Christ's name and put all their burdens on him. After that discovery my depression nearly disappeared completely and to this day I still read my Bible and have all the faith in the world God will take care of me. In fact if you give me your address I will mail you the exact bible that thug gave me (I have a new one now).
    If you don't listen to anything I just said listen to this, killing yourself is NOT the answer, your life has more meaning then you will ever know.

    Proverbs 3: 5 - 6

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
    in all ur ways acknowledge him and he'll make your paths straight

    also psalms 23 ( my favorite one!!)
    The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

    He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,

    He restores my soul.
    He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
    You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

    Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
    and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever
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    Originally Posted by neverquit2012 View Post
    I've been wanting to avoid meds since i've heard they often have more negative effects than positive ones. I talked to my doctor and he recommended a cognitive therapist. Anyone have any experience with cognitive therapy?
    Wise move on the meds. If it gets so bad that you cant go a day without wanting to end it, you should go on meds, if not try stay natty brah, dont want those **** side effects. You are quite likely to have no side effects but if you get them they can be real bad.

    Depression is often caused by having the feeling of never achieving anything. You live every day and at the end of the day you still feel like you are never getting anywhere. If you feel like this, there are a few things you may want to try.

    #1. Try and put a bit of pattern and habbit into your life. Find things that you love doing, (this can be real hard) maybe lifting. Set specific times to train. I find that early morning sessions make a great start to the day. You will also have something to look forward to each day, something to drive you.

    #2. Even if you dont feel like going out, it often helps to be around people. If you shut yourself off from everyone it gets a lot worse.

    #3. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Try and go to bed early at night. If you are sleep deprived it will make things seem a whole lot worse.

    Hope my tips helped(: Dont wanna see you do anything stupid man. I hope you are able to make a positive change <3
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    Originally Posted by neverquit2012 View Post
    I began struggling with depression back when I was 13 years old. I'm 17 now, and it's worse than ever. I'm not usually the type to go seeking help on the internet, but I've gotten to the point where i'll do anything. Other than my gf recently leaving me, I haven't had really any extremely hard things happen to me in my lifetime. I've got a good life, good family, money, great education, potential, friends, etc... Life just constantly feels meaningless though. I know it's stupid and irrational, but I constantly struggle with bitterness, anger, and depression and I'm not even sure why. I used to be a fairly talkative, funny guy, but I barely even talk anymore. I'm very monotone, stone faced, and robotic. I feel apathetic and don't really care about anything. I used to like being around people, but I hate it now and prefer being alone. The only thing that give me any happiness or relief anymore is weightlifting. I've begun training 6 days a week, 3 hours a day just to get relief. I know my problem probably sounds irrational and retarded, but I need some help/advice. After almost 5 years of feeling hopeless and angry, i'll do just about anything. Have any of you guys ever struggle with this and overcome it? Do you have any tips or advice?

    Go out **** bitchs stay away from anti depressants and fkn lift ! The gym is the best thing to be doing you can meet a whole new variety of people there. I used to also have depression I dropped to 66kgs didn't want to eat and wanted to be alone all of the time but you just got to keep on pushing through and keep the people who care about you close so they can support you through it. The start will be a little difficult but it won't last long you will be your old self in no time! The bigger and more shredded you get the more confidence you will get!
    Good luck!
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    yup I do. I feel like killing myself right now. It's 2am right now, and I have to go to school on monday. fuk fuk fuk I don't want to go to school. As school approaches I get worse and worse. I feel like throwing up and crying. Damn it I don't want to eat lunch in the bathroom stalls, that's probably the worst fukin part of school by far. It's so humiliating and pathetic, but I don't want to look like a loner eating lunch alone in the cafeteria like a dumbass. I fukin hate group projects so much and I know I have to end up doing it when I go back. I have to much make up work because I missed so many days. I just wish this would all end. Trust me I feel like hell right now, but on sunday night i'm going to feel 100 times worse. Even thinking about SUNDAY makes me want to cry like a bitch because it gets closer to school. I want to drop out or kill myself
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    Originally Posted by PLANETGETLOW View Post
    I had one stickied at one point in time
    yea im sort of on the same boat as you man. iv had depression since 10 years old and i got social anxiety and have major mood swings basically everyday. im 18 right now, and so far its gotten better since i picked up bodybuilding,i still feel depressed and angry most of the time though. right now im a senior and im labeled as the guy who doesn't give a **** about anything. im very large and intimidating, so naturally girls stay away from me. i have alot of freinds, but i dont really trust anyone but myself. its a tough life we depressed folk live, but it makes us stronger. just keep pushing through and eventually you'll be fine. train insane always
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    Originally Posted by BigMatt4568 View Post
    A cognitive therapist will try to get you to alter your thinking patterns. When you see cognitive, think of "thinking." The therapist will also try to look at how you perceive things and also on childhood experiences and such things that influenced your state today.

    Also, you mentioned in the original post that you would rather be alone than with friends. I'm the same way. I'm very monotone unless I choose otherwise. Everyone's always like "omg you're so shy, why don't you talk?" and I just want them to **** off because I could care less about their small talk. And the more I observe this behavior, the more it aggravates me and the more I notice it. I'm like becoming obsessed over the annoyance of people's pointless chatter. Enough with this rant, on to you man.

    A person can generally have one of two personalities (or the rare occasion of a "mix"): introvert or extrovert.
    Extroverts generally like small talk (pointless bullsht talk that introverts can't stand to withstand at times) and don't understand the personality of an introvert. Not only do they not understand, but they don't even know it exists, and don't respect it at all. Everyone thinks they should be sociable and talkative with one another, which is something extroverts don't understand about introverts. They think we're "shy" just because we don't phucking care about the bullsht. But in reality, we just don't care (like I've said.)

    More specifically now:
    Introverts prefer being alone than with others. Introverts have friends, but they're close friends and in small numbers. Introverts CAN be sociable, but it doesn't last. Psychologists call it "recharging." Introverts recharge by being alone and in solitude. Introverts are happy and find more excitement when they're alone than with a group of not close friends or strangers. This can also happen with close friends if the time spent with each other is too long.
    Extroverts are the *******s and bishes that think everyone should be talkative and chat 24/7. They are the idiots that don't acknowledge the existence of an introverted personality. They think they are normal because they try so hard to fit in with society and their sociable "groups." However, introverts question it when they don't have the knowledge of introversion or extroversion. So, introverts seek answers and find out they're introverts while extroverts go on with their lives, possibly being unhappy by trying to "fit in" which could lead to depression or anxiety.
    Introverts don't really become close friends with extroverts for the aforementioned reasons. It's like gas and fire. The introvert will get annoyed by the constant small talk, and the extrovert will not understand why the introvert doesn't like to talk. They'll think the introvert doesn't like them or something, when in reality it's just the personality.

    Respect has to be made between both personalities, and people need to acknowledge their own personality and those around them. Or else we're just a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

    Hope this helped. This is all through my own interpretations and prior research on the topic. I hope to become some type of psychologist in the future, probably a therapist for teens struggling with their personalities.

    Thanks if you actually read it all.
    **** extroverts. The only socialising i do outside of school really is on forums and im perfectly happy with that, i prefer to do things that i get a sense of achievement from instead of doing things to make others thing highly of me. Its like working out, lots of people do it to look good for other people, to get girls or whatever... i just do it for myself. Its all about pushing myself and trying to become what i have always pictured myself being when im older. So when i get into school and people start being competitive about how much they lift to me... the urge to hit people like that is so damn strong.

    Back to the thread though I am least happy when i have to go and do stuff with other people to be honest, some people are just so annoying, that depresses me. Never experienced long term depression though, i have found that music can always change my mood so i can get over things by doing that.
    I used to lift
    Now I get triggered by people's poor form while they lift heavier weights than I can

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    Been a member on here and lurking around these forums for a few months but heres my first post.

    I started going to the gym once or twice a week from Summer 2011 and didnt really have a clue what I was doing but I made noticable noob gains. After the new year I had girl problems (haha) and exams meant I was only training a few times a month. I put on a bit of fat and generally lethargic and weak. As a result I felt low most days and only listened to depressing music and ended up in deep thought about the purpose I'm meant to serve in this life. Then I changed. Last summer I started getting back into the gym on vacation, I got good exam grades and I've been able to train 5 times a week for the last 6 months. I found people like Zyzz who had an inspiring story despite the way it ended. What I learned there's no point wasting your life being a sad **** when you could be gone the next day. You have to work hard and reap the rewards, not just in bodybuilding and have fun.
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    Originally Posted by neverquit2012 View Post
    I began struggling with depression back when I was 13 years old. I'm 17 now, and it's worse than ever. I'm not usually the type to go seeking help on the internet, but I've gotten to the point where i'll do anything. Other than my gf recently leaving me, I haven't had really any extremely hard things happen to me in my lifetime. I've got a good life, good family, money, great education, potential, friends, etc... Life just constantly feels meaningless though. I know it's stupid and irrational, but I constantly struggle with bitterness, anger, and depression and I'm not even sure why. I used to be a fairly talkative, funny guy, but I barely even talk anymore. I'm very monotone, stone faced, and robotic. I feel apathetic and don't really care about anything. I used to like being around people, but I hate it now and prefer being alone. The only thing that give me any happiness or relief anymore is weightlifting. I've begun training 6 days a week, 3 hours a day just to get relief. I know my problem probably sounds irrational and retarded, but I need some help/advice. After almost 5 years of feeling hopeless and angry, i'll do just about anything. Have any of you guys ever struggle with this and overcome it? Do you have any tips or advice?
    Yup, I'm a depressed bro as well, I watch spongebob that always makes me feel better 100% dead srs. It was my childhood show so it makes me happy when I watch it.
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    Originally Posted by Wantaripbod View Post
    Yup, I'm a depressed bro as well, I watch spongebob that always makes me feel better 100% dead srs. It was my childhood show so it makes me happy when I watch it.
    I get depressed when i watch it tbh, reminds me of when life was so simple and makes me think of all the other pressures i have now. Also makes me think of how much of a **** i was to my parents when i was a little kid.
    I used to lift
    Now I get triggered by people's poor form while they lift heavier weights than I can

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    Just though I'd share this quote by Theodore Roosevelt. It helps me when i'm feeling down or discouraged:

    "I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life, the life of toil and effort, of labor and strife; to preach that highest form of success which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship, or from bitter toil, and who out of these wins the splendid ultimate triumph."

    -Theodore Roosevelt
    TRUMP 2020!!!


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    OP it's funny how you described almost the exact same way I felt over the last few years. In HS I never really considered myself depressed, but I definitely showed plenty of symptoms.

    Sophomore year started using opiates, and went on doing that for the next 3ish years, and since opiates have a powerful antidepressant effect it basically masked my issues. When I'd be off them It'd be a couple of months tops until I'm back running the same loop again.

    I've seen psychiatrists/therapists for about 2 years now and have been put on an antidepressant and things really have improved. No more substance abuse whatsoever, I'm hopeful, confident, content and actually find pleasure in life now.

    I'd definitely recommend finding a therapist WHO YOU LIKE and enjoy talking to, it will help. And I'm aware many are anti-meds, I was hesitant to get on anti-depressants as well, but really at the very worst you'll try a medication and it may not be right for you and at this point you can try others until you find one that works for you. IMO the benefits heavily outweigh the negatives.

    Hope this helps.
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    Depressed as fuark.

    I miss sasha grey. She went mia. My mushroom tip doesnt feel the same. Pls sasha come back, we miss you. Oh and Zyzz, I know your not dead pls comeback also.
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    Originally Posted by sSimon204 View Post
    I can totally relate to this. Great interpretation, I completely agree. Sometimes I just don't feel like talking and want to be alone and my family actually gets angry at me for it because they think I'm mad at them and won't tell them. I try to explain they have nothing to do with it and I just need time. But they just don't understand and it turns into a huge argument.
    Your family is just concerned and hopefully they are. Be thankful if you have concerned family and if possible try and confide in somebody close to you. There was a point in my life where I really didn't trust anybody including myself. Looking back, I always had THREE people I could trust and totally lean on. I did reach out to them and they helped, one saved my life. Actually, all 3 saved my life.

    Don't shut your family down......
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    Yea I was diagnosed with depression at age 13 but I don't think I am, I mean I'm very emotionless but it's just my personality like my dad and his dad.
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    Man I hit rock bottom a few months ago. Was never depressed before in my life. In fact I was at my peak and couldn't be happier. This all changed on November 21, 2012 when I had a bad experience while high on Marijuana and was thrown into a state of depersonalization/derealization. Depression n soon followed...
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    Originally Posted by Chilaha View Post
    Aight, thanks for the heads up. And, anyone who deals with depression: how do you guys try and maintain your relatinships? Like when I get really depressed I just get very irritable and angry at family. I also lose feelings of love for people, like girls and etc. I don't know if any depressed teens r on here,but how do you make that work? I feel like it won't workout with anyone the way I feel.
    I dont know if you are still going to be looking here, beacuse this was like 11 days ago, but I do know exactly where you are coming from. You need to just inform your friends/family/gf whoever that you are going through another depression wave. When they ask you whats wrong just tell them whats wrong, or if you dont know tell them that. Your family will always accept you for who you are. As for your gf or friends they need to understand that it is umost a cycle, and they need to help you stay strong. Best regards good luck.
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    Ive been in a psychiatric hospital multiple times for my mood, i also have tourettes.

    Just keep in mind that it will get better.

    This too will pass.

    Keep lifting guys and set goals. Thats how i deal with it.
    Would appreciate if you had a look at my transformation -----

    My Madcow 5x5 Log ----

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    I feel ya man

    Originally Posted by neverquit2012 View Post
    I began struggling with depression back when I was 13 years old. I'm 17 now, and it's worse than ever. I'm not usually the type to go seeking help on the internet, but I've gotten to the point where i'll do anything. Other than my gf recently leaving me, I haven't had really any extremely hard things happen to me in my lifetime. I've got a good life, good family, money, great education, potential, friends, etc... Life just constantly feels meaningless though. I know it's stupid and irrational, but I constantly struggle with bitterness, anger, and depression and I'm not even sure why. I used to be a fairly talkative, funny guy, but I barely even talk anymore. I'm very monotone, stone faced, and robotic. I feel apathetic and don't really care about anything. I used to like being around people, but I hate it now and prefer being alone. The only thing that give me any happiness or relief anymore is weightlifting. I've begun training 6 days a week, 3 hours a day just to get relief. I know my problem probably sounds irrational and retarded, but I need some help/advice. After almost 5 years of feeling hopeless and angry, i'll do just about anything. Have any of you guys ever struggle with this and overcome it? Do you have any tips or advice?
    I feel you man. I have depression and anxiety ad OCD. The only way I live is to work out. I would suggest maybe seeing a therapist about it. But if you need some more advice hmu everydamnday365
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    i know that feel broski
    i am 16 and you probably think i am some retard.
    but i used to get depressed
    i don't know why
    i was at a hard stage of my life
    My friends were all getting girls,growing bigger
    but i was a late bloomer.
    thinking there was something wrong with me,i fell in a deep depression which nobody took srsly
    i had all your simptoms
    i found a lot of comfort in lifting,like you,but one key thing i had is a friend,a friend that understood me and didn't make fun of me when i would shed a tear,a very non manly thing
    i used to go in the bathroom and cry for no passed
    all the best wishes for you bro
    and please don't fall into pills
    they don't cure depresion
    they cure depression simptoms
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    welcome to the club bro! been depressed since 10. its gotten better cuase of BB, just keep pushing and never back down.

    "failure is a word used by people who've already accepted it"
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    been there brah, hard as f*** srs. Try changing thought patterns and every time a neg one comes in replace with positive side/positive thought it gets easier and you feel better. Simple but every bit counts.
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