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    Originally Posted by ShoulderBrah View Post
    Dude... I know exactly what you are going through. I was so pissed off, depressed, and afraid to lose everything I worked for. Trust me, you will get back into the groove. I came back much stronger. You just have to have patience and have the right attitude. It's hard to deal with, but no one will ever understand what its like until they get a hernia themselves.

    It's not like breaking a leg or something..... with hernia surgery, it hurts for me to do preacher curls, leg extensions, standing shoulder presses, etc. Almost every excercise uses a lot of core. You will realize that more than ever once you get back into the gym. I will tell you that I am 100% back and I am stronger than before.
    Thanks dude, I will definitely keep in contact with y'all through this process. I gotta say, I'm doing better today than I was yesterday. I've been thinking, and talking with my girl and some others, and I know I will be fine. Maybe the break will be good for me, and will give me new motivation come July when I can get back into things. Everything comes into your life for a reason, and you can either wimp out, and tap out, or you can stand up, face your challenge head on, learn, and grow from it. I'm choosing to face this with a better attitude than I had before. I have a great support system...and at least I get two weeks off from work :-D. Practically, I am still going to eat lean, and during my recovery spend as much time walking as possible, so I won't be set back as much as if I sat at home watching days of our lives and popping bon bons.
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    I also started having pain on the opposite side from which I had surgery. I think I started first noticing the pain 3 weeks after surgery. Heck I even went back to the doctor to make sure there wasnt anything wrong with the other side. They didnt really know what it was but didnt think it was serious. the pain finally started fading away a few weeks ago.
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    Doctor determined I had an inguinal hernia May 10th, 2012.
    He sent my form to a special to be completely sure, still not have not received a call.

    My best friend who had a completely identical hernia told me this:
    Went to doctor
    2 weeks later, specialist.
    2 months later, surgery.

    I can't even imagine waiting this long. I hate CAN.
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    This is my 5th day after surgery for a left inguinal hernia. I stopped taking pain meds last night, and now I am ready to make a quick and complete recovery. If I had to guess what caused this (aside from the possibility of a congenital defect), I would say not doing enough lower abdominal work, and not warming up adequately before squatting heavy. When I get back in the game, I am going to focus on more cross-training, core strengthening, and flexibility type of activities, instead of being fixated with getting more weight on the bar as quickly as possible so I can squat until the point of collapse.

    Does anyone have good advice for maintaining muscle mass during the potential 6 weeks of no serious lifting that is to come?
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    I just had bi-lateral laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery yesterday at 11:00am. My left lower abdomen/pubic area and scrotum are pretty swollen and painful right now. I can walk around, but I can't really stand upright as it stretches my abdomen too much. Not much pain on the right side, only when getting up from laying down. The surgeon said the hernia on the left side was larger, and that's the side that is the most painful. Funny thing is, I felt no pain on that side before the surgery. Anyone else get swelling? Surgeon said its normal and it should subside in the next day or so. I haven't had to take a **** yet..not looking forward to that.
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    Originally Posted by LagunaBeast View Post

    Does anyone have good advice for maintaining muscle mass during the potential 6 weeks of no serious lifting that is to come?

    Look back at a few of the posts I made earlier in this thread.
    One thing I think I *should* have done, is started doing body weight squats fairly early on.
    In fact I think I should have done them at about 5 weeks after surgery, maybe a few days before.

    One thing is for certain, being impatient and trying to get back too soon will land you right back in for surgery #2. You think its hard to deal with now??? Try facing it again, and a similar/longer layoff the second time around.

    There is no way around it, you ARE going to lose a bit of muscle, no way to avoid it. You might as well try and swallow that bitter pill as soon as you can. Just try and minimize it as best as possible.
    Possibly be as strict as possible on your diet, to eliminate picking up any excess fat???? (just a suggestion)

    I was told by many that the first 4-5 weeks are crucial for healing internally, so whatever you do, try and keep that in mind.
    I think my doctor pretty much cleared me at about the 8 week mark to do what I want , progress slowly and "let pain be your guide, if it hurts then stop".
    I actually was a week later returning for my last visit than I was scheduled, so I may have gotten that clearance the week prior, had I went in then.

    Regardless, the best thing to do, is listen to your doctor, and go from there.

    ShoulderBrah and his posts were a big help to me, and he offered to help and talk to anyone if needed.
    I will try and check back to this thread a bit more often (time permitting) and help as best I can.

    After 8 months of injuries/not lifting and double hernia surgery in December (and losing 30 pounds of mass).... training began once again in February!
    Damn its good to be back.

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    Originally Posted by mike0093_OLDONE View Post
    Anyone else get swelling? Surgeon said its normal and it should subside in the next day or so. I haven't had to take a **** yet..not looking forward to that.

    I too had a worse hernia on my left side. No biggie though, it all heals with time.
    Read this thread, and try and remember that each person reacts slightly different.

    Personally I had one of the worst reactions I have ever heard from the surgery. Literally everywhere down between my legs was completely BLACK. No one I asked personally seemed to have a similar experience.

    One more tip, in my opinion, it PAYS to have some laxatives around for the first week or two after surgery.

    Your body reacts naturally badly to all that cutting/operation. This combined with the fact that you should be taking a fair amount of pain killers, well those two things don't exactly make it easy for you to take a s%$t.
    In fact that was one of the worst parts about it for me at first.
    As bad as this sounds, strive for absolutely NO STRAINING early on. I think laxatives would have helped me alot had I had some on day 2 or so.

    I can't recall exactly, but I think it was at least day 3 after surgery before I emptied myself pretty good. That alone was a big relief for me, and I think definitely contributed to my pain the first 2 days.

    Hope this helps,

    After 8 months of injuries/not lifting and double hernia surgery in December (and losing 30 pounds of mass).... training began once again in February!
    Damn its good to be back.

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    Thumbs up Calling Today

    @ Shoulderbrah

    Excellent info. My doc found a small hernia a year ago. I figured I could push through and made it until yesterday. I went running and my nut just doubled in size. No major pain but tenderness and the "burn" in my upper right thigh.

    I have been in such a crap mood, the humility and the inability to run and lift. It's a temporary set back. Great to see everyone's success and over-comings! Wish me luck!
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    Some very good points there. Even if you feel "good" wait out the 6-8 weeks your doctor recommends. Is it worth having the surgery again because you don't want to lose too much muscle? Absolutely not. I had the surgery two days ago, and have had no problems in the bathroom at all (with the exception of immediately after the surgery I had to pee.) Haven't had to strain to hard, and I have been eating the worst of foods (Domino's, Chipotle, etc.) I am taking around 4-6 ********s a day depending on what I'm doing and how I'm feeling. I find that if I take the ********s and try to walk around or go out somewhere, I get dizzy and have to lay down. I'm trying to walk around as little as possible because I want to heal up the best I can. Laying down can be painful, when I sleep on my back and fully extend my legs I feel a stretching in my lower abdomen.
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    Originally Posted by TZMarkie View Post
    Look back at a few of the posts I made earlier in this thread.
    One thing I think I *should* have done, is started doing body weight squats fairly early on.
    In fact I think I should have done them at about 5 weeks after surgery, maybe a few days before.

    One thing is for certain, being impatient and trying to get back too soon will land you right back in for surgery #2. You think its hard to deal with now??? Try facing it again, and a similar/longer layoff the second time around.

    Surgery was 7 days ago and I seem to be healing fast. My plan is to cut back significantly on calories (stay around maintenance level) and lower the percentage of fat in my diet while getting plenty of protein. It's rough going from 2-3hrs/day of exercise and activity to being completely sedentary. I'm walking every day and doing some very light yoga / stretching. I'm going to lay low, focus on work, and play some video games while planning my program for this summer. The hard part is going to be following the doctor's orders and not lifting as soon as I feel good enough to, which will probably happen before it's actually safe.
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    Originally Posted by LagunaBeast View Post
    Surgery was 7 days ago and I seem to be healing fast. My plan is to cut back significantly on calories (stay around maintenance level) and lower the percentage of fat in my diet while getting plenty of protein. It's rough going from 2-3hrs/day of exercise and activity to being completely sedentary. I'm walking every day and doing some very light yoga / stretching. I'm going to lay low, focus on work, and play some video games while planning my program for this summer. The hard part is going to be following the doctor's orders and not lifting as soon as I feel good enough to, which will probably happen before it's actually safe.
    That's exactly what I'm doing. Just got a new video game, and been playing that along with some reading. Planned out my workout for when I return to the gym in a month and a half. I took off for almost 8 months a couple years back, and within 3-4 weeks I was almost back at my prior strength before my layoff, and my physique wasn't to far behihd. Muscle memory is awesome, and it won't be as bad as you think.
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    I had a great recovery when I had my hernia surgery back in January 2007! I played my Junior year football season with my intestines in my nuts! I got it on the 2nd day of two a days practice. Anyways, while I was recovering from the first one, I got my second one and hadn't even done anything because when I got the second one, I was still laying in bed! It happened maybe 3 weeks after the surgery.

    Trust me on this, DONT RUSH THE RECOVERY. You have plenty of time to regain any lost muscle, but let me tell you this, you wont have plenty of time to recover! The first healing is the MOST IMPORTANT. There will be much pain throughout the healing process as it takes YEARS for it to completely scar over. I have had pains here and there, but after about 2-3 years they stopped for the most part. Your health is most important. If anyone has questions about the long term healing process, shoot me a message. Best of luck guys! You'll make it through this. O and one last note, DO NOT CUT CALORIES. you want your body to have all the calories it needs to heal. Healing takes a lot of energy. You do NOT WANT a mediocre initial heal because you were worried about a little bodyfat.
    Mark Smith
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    Just an update:

    My surgeon released me yesterday, after 6 weeks (open surgery). I have felt great with only minor pain after exercising. Today is my first day back in the gym, and yeah, it sucks but it's not as bad as you would think.

    6-8 weeks really is not THAT long when you have the rest of your life ahead of you. Despite being miserable without lifting, it kinda flew by.

    In my previous posts I talked about the pain on my opposite side, and my surgeon said it was nothing to worry about. If anyone would like to follow my log, there's a link in my signature. I would appreciate it greatly if a few of you could stop by every once in a while and leave a post, it's near impossible for me to stay logging otherwise Plus, it could give you an idea of what to expect post-operation.
    LiveToEat's Hernia Revover Log - Anyone who is unlucky enough to suffer a hernia, follow my log. Will rep any frequent posters, it means a ton to me for motivation

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    Originally Posted by mr.smith176 View Post
    O and one last note, DO NOT CUT CALORIES. you want your body to have all the calories it needs to heal. Healing takes a lot of energy. You do NOT WANT a mediocre initial heal because you were worried about a little bodyfat.
    That's a good point... I would much rather heal back strong with a few pounds of fat that I can easily get rid of in any case. I think it's time to start attacking the eggs again!
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    Going alone with what was said, definitely DO NOT cut calories too much. Remember, this surgery is about repairing a MUSCLE that was damaged. If you short yourself too many calories, how do you expect the muscle to repair itself? Would you do this after a workout? It is the same principle. No, this is not broscience either I heard it directly from my surgeon's mouth. He has signed pictures of amateur and professional bodybuilders in his office. If you short yourself calories and water, you will only be hurting yourself in the long run. I ate over maintenance (mostly clean foods) and drank 1.5 - 2 gallons of water a day and I'm virtually pain free 6 days later. Only pain I have now is residual bruising in my scrotum. Will be seeing the doctor tomorrow for my 1 week post-op checkup.
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    I got a call, they want to book my appointment 4 months later @ sept 20.
    CAN health care for you.
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    Just had surgery this morning, the pain isn't to bad yet but I can feel everything is VERY tight. I'm already feeling super depressed about the fact that its going to be 6-8 weeks before I can really start lifting again. Worst part is that I was just nearing the end of my first real cut (got down from 225 to 190) and am/was probably less than 5-10lbs from really seeing my abs for the first time in my life. I was looking forward to seeing all my buddies from college at a bachelor party at the start of July and being in the best shape of my life (as when I was in college I was fat/out of shape) and now i feel like its all out the window. Hopefully this feeling goes away in a few days... Its great to read the recovery stories in this thread.
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    [QUOTE=Matt.Miller.S;887161701] Worst part is that I was just nearing the end of my first real cut (got down from 225 to 190) and am/was probably less than 5-10lbs from really seeing my abs for the first time in my life. I was looking forward to seeing all my buddies from college at a bachelor party at the start of July and being in the best shape of my life (as when I was in college I was fat/out of shape) and now i feel like its all out the window.QUOTE]

    Its a brutal, bad feeling.
    Imagine what injuries , severe shoulder impingement then a double inguinal hernia at the tail end of it does..............
    After losing roughly 30 pounds (obviously a good chunk of mass, and a little fat also), it was hard to deal with, but you learn to appreciate the better times later.

    Times may be dark now, but focus on eating as best you can, and letting your body heal. That should be priority #1 right now for you, as that will make it much easier to get back to 100% quickly and progress faster once you do start training again.

    Take it from someone who has been there, things return faster than you realize....... trust me on that.
    I am getting compliments from everyone after only 8 decent weeks of training once again. (the first few weeks after all that time off, well I wouldn't really call that training, just more or less getting the feel of things again, at least in my case)

    I am currently dealing with tendonitis in my left tricep/elbow area, and dealing with it as best I can. I suppose there will always be some issues and injuries for us all, but the hernia times were tough for me.

    You are at your darkest hour right now, and if you can keep your head up through this currently, you will be amazed at how much you progress even in 10 days.

    After 8 months of injuries/not lifting and double hernia surgery in December (and losing 30 pounds of mass).... training began once again in February!
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    Thanks man! Its nice to see someone recognize that being out of the gym for this long is a big deal. When I talk to friends or family about my disappointment in it they all act like I'm out of my mind and that its no big deal. Although I know I'll come back from this eventually, like you said, its just a very dark moment. Repped. Thanks for the support!

    Edit: Reps on recharge
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    I know most of you won't want to hear this, but I'm pretty pumped...I went to the surgeon today for my consult, and he told me more or less that my doctor is a quack, I don't have a hernia, and it's just a pulled muscle. I can get back to the gym and do whatever I want, and take pain meds until the muscle repairs. So excited to make my return!!!
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    Hernia Surgery ALERT !!!!!!!!!!

    Hernia Surgery ALERT !!!!!!!!!!

    Please read this and read this carefully.

    I'm on day twenty one after a double open inguinal surgery. My experience is documented in more detail than you probably care to read. But here it is, in case you'd like to see the details:


    Don't mean to be pedantic, but I was oblivious of the need to MOVE after the surgery. Like the person who started this thread, I sat and slept in a couch for 5 days, without moving much, if at all. The pain was too intense for the first 3-5 days and I was reduced to being stuck on the couch. I could not sleep on a bed, because my incisions would stretch and hurt TREMENDOUSLY.

    That said, my immobility climaxed on day six when I began to feel pain in my left side, under my rib cage....worse pain than the pain from the incisions! The pain was OFF THE CHARTS! I thought it was gas and it finally went away. But, the next day my sputum had blood and the pain returned, but even worse!

    To make a long story short...I had to visit the ER on the eighth day after the surgery and was hospitalized for four nights for Pulmonary Embolism; a fancy term for blood clots in the lungs!!!

    An ultra sound proved that I did NOT have DVT(deep vein thrombosis) in my legs. My surgeon wants to blame my genetic predisposition toward clots, but my blood work hasn't proven than, conclusively. By contrast, my family doctor is certain that the clots came from the surgery area because someone in the operating room put pressure on the incision/s during surgery and created the clots.

    Interestingly, I developed a quarter-sized lump about an inch from where they'd administered the IV anesthetic. The lump appeared a day before my pulmonary embolism pain set it on day six. The lump was hot to the touch and hurt so badly that I couldn't sleep and required ice and multiple ******** tablets to even make it tolerable. My doctor believes that this was a blood clot that was either the culprit or combined with the other clots that got trapped in my lungs.

    How am I doing?
    Well, I'm going on day seven after being released from the hospital for treatment for pulmonary embolism. I had to inject myself in the stomach with Lovenox, an anticoagulant that is hard on the liver. It raised my liver enzymes through the roof, but I'm finally off the stuff. Bad stuff, but mandatory for getting the clots under control as soon as possible, while in the hospital.

    My lungs are fine, not spitting up any blood nor are they hurting. I have full pulmonary function. Only if I put pressure on my left rib cage at night, while sleeping, do I feel a little pain. But not much. After all, my lungs are healing.

    Sadly, I'll have to be on Coumadin(an anticoagulant) for the next six months, to ensure that new clots don't appear while the existing ones are being absorbed and aged out by my lungs.

    What about the hernias?
    I still feel a burning pain in my right incision. Enough to make me cringe in pain. My left incision is fine. I am able to sleep on a bed, sleeping on either side or on my back with minimal pain. Getting up out of bed in the morning is difficult. It feels like I've played football the previous day; my entire body is sore!

    How about weightlifting?
    I've been working out with rubber bands every other day. Upper body workout: complete shoulder routine, curls and triceps. I'm not sure how heavy the bands are, but I'm using the blue ones which feel like anywhere between 20-40 lbs(the black ones feel more like 60lbs, and those are too heavy for me right now).

    I feel completely confident that once my right incision heals, which I'm hoping happens in the next 2 weeks, I will be able to work out with weights. The surgeon said for me to wait SIX weeks before lifting weights and that is about how my recovery is falling into place.

    Oh, did I happen to mention that if you undergo inguinal hernia repair that you should.....MAKE SURE TO MOVE AFTER YOUR SURGERY!
    Last edited by dpblogger; 05-24-2012 at 04:28 PM.
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    Originally Posted by McTJ View Post
    I know most of you won't want to hear this, but I'm pretty pumped...I went to the surgeon today for my consult, and he told me more or less that my doctor is a quack, I don't have a hernia, and it's just a pulled muscle. I can get back to the gym and do whatever I want, and take pain meds until the muscle repairs. So excited to make my return!!!
    Congrats man! Lift some weights for those of us who can't!
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    Hey Guys,

    So just one year ago, I was 300 lbs and had never been in a gym before. So being 24 years old at the time, I decided it was time to do something for myself and change my life for good. I started training 6 days a week, 2 hrs a day. Trainers at the gym gave me a fat burning routine which was basically working all the muscles doing 4 sets of 12 reps. 4 months later I was at 220 lbs...yes...80lbs in 4 short months. My body changed dramatically but I am still far from my ultimate goal. At the moment my body fat index is at 29% and as I said im 220lbs. Im originally from Uruguay where I started training but now moved to Barcelona and havent been able to work out for the last 3 months as I had an inguinal hernia on top of my groin on the right side.

    I had surgery two weeks ago and now want to start working out again. Doctor said I could start training again 4 weeks after surgery which is two weeks from today. I have a lot of doubts when it comes to deciding on a routine plan. I signed up at a gym here in BCN and its quite busy and hard to get a hold of the trainers as they´re not always there. I´m kinda confused as to which way to go, I want to build more muscle and burn 20 more lbs worth of fat. I want to concentrate on my chest as its the area that needs the most improvement, following shoulders and back, biceps and triceps. So, i´m mainly interested in developing my upper body, I´m new to this and I would appreciate greatly appreciate your guidance. I´m eating proteins on a daily basis for lunch and dinner, eating every 2 hrs and as of right now only walking for 30 mins daily as I cant lift weights just yet. But in two more weeks I´ll be going back and would like to have a clear workout plan with set goals. Oh I forgot to mention that 3 months ago I was taking Lipo 6 black to help with the fat burning process, I really want to improve my chest shoulders and back as those muscles are the ones that give your body the most definiton.

    I´ll be posting some pictures later but please help me out..I really need the guidance...


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    Originally Posted by davidcardozo View Post
    Hey Guys,

    I had surgery two weeks ago and now want to start working out again. Doctor said I could start training again 4 weeks after surgery which is two weeks from today. I have a lot of doubts when it comes to deciding on a routine plan. I signed up at a gym here in BCN and its quite busy and hard to get a hold of the trainers as they´re not always there. I´m kinda confused as to which way to go, I want to build more muscle and burn 20 more lbs worth of fat. I want to concentrate on my chest as its the area that needs the most improvement, following shoulders and back, biceps and triceps. So, i´m mainly interested in developing my upper body, I´m new to this and I would appreciate greatly appreciate your guidance. I´m eating proteins on a daily basis for lunch and dinner, eating every 2 hrs and as of right now only walking for 30 mins daily as I cant lift weights just yet. But in two more weeks I´ll be going back and would like to have a clear workout plan with set goals. Oh I forgot to mention that 3 months ago I was taking Lipo 6 black to help with the fat burning process, I really want to improve my chest shoulders and back as those muscles are the ones that give your body the most definiton.

    I´ll be posting some pictures later but please help me out..I really need the guidance...



    Repped for your weight loss success!

    I will try and respond better later, when I have more time.
    Congratulations on improving yourself, and that is serious weight loss in a short time, so I have no doubt you have "put your mind and efforts" into this.

    You have 2 weeks before you can even *think* about doing anything training wise, so theres plenty of time to look around the board here in various sections and come up with a good game plan.I have no doubt you will succeed judging from your past and current success.

    Keep in mind you won't be able to do much for a few weeks weight wise, and even the doctors advice seems like a little too quick to me. When you do start lifting, don't try and do as much as you were doing before yet either.
    You should be able to do some cardio now though. I would slowly increase it and ease back into it.

    Good luck,

    After 8 months of injuries/not lifting and double hernia surgery in December (and losing 30 pounds of mass).... training began once again in February!
    Damn its good to be back.

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    I have a question about doing ab workouts after the surgery. My doctor told me to wait about 3 months to do any abs stuff after surgery. so I did wait 3 months to start doing light and very easy stuff. Well its been four months now for me and when I do simple stuff like planks or curl ups/ situps with my feet resting on a bench or ball it still makes part of my incision area very sore later on. Heck having sex still makes it sore around the area. Have any of you other guys had to deal with this at 4 months after surgery?
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    Just an update - i'm 11 weeks out and feel great. I'm working at about 50 percent of my weight, but higher reps. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely still feeling like an actual workout and i'm indeed making progress. I'm even doing legs (about 1/3 weight)- is this fine? I felt like as long as I feel comfortable and no pain during lifting I decided it was fine, is this okay thinking?
    I was also wondering about the abs thing. I don't want to move up in weights too fast without strengthening my core, but I also don't want to directly work my core if it risks reinjury.

    Most of my pain is on the opposite side still. The doc said it's fine, but it still worries me a little bit. I might give her a call again. Again, check my log out if you can please.
    LiveToEat's Hernia Revover Log - Anyone who is unlucky enough to suffer a hernia, follow my log. Will rep any frequent posters, it means a ton to me for motivation

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    I think when I was at 11 weeks I was doing somewhere between 40-60% on most things other than legs. Im still doing extremely light leg stuff, due to the surgery as well as a current foot injury. I still have some pain on my opposite side now especially since I started abs again. My doc has told me multiple times that I dont have another hernia and that its fine. Still dont no if the ab workouts are a good idea now though?
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    How do I know if I have a hernia?

    Whenever I cough I feel like a slight weak bulging feeling in my lower left abdomen. It doesn't hurt at all just feel something trying to escape when I cough!

    Plz help
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    Originally Posted by Zohairm View Post
    How do I know if I have a hernia?

    Whenever I cough I feel like a slight weak bulging feeling in my lower left abdomen. It doesn't hurt at all just feel something trying to escape when I cough!

    Plz help
    You have to go to the doctor and have them check it out.
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    Hey brahs,

    I have a 6mm inguinal hernia that has been bugging me for about 2 years (discovered it this year, always showed up as anterior hip flexor pain). Going in to see a laparoscopic surgeon in a couple weeks to hopefully get it done. Do you brahs think with a hernia as small as mine I'll be able to return to 100% lifting capacity quicker than usual?

    Almost considering not having surgery done and just avoiding exercises that hurt it because it's small, has been the same size supposedly during 2 years of intensive heavy body lifting (400lb+ squats, 500lb+ deadlifts) + the downtime is going to blow. But worried about it getting bigger in the future
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