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    Registered User crzsnwbdr's Avatar
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    Smile Losing Fat by Summer

    Hey guys, I've been reading the forums for a while now and I think it's time for me to speak up with a few questions I have. To start off, here's some info:

    Age: 23
    Height: 5' 8"
    Current Weight: 159lb
    Body Fat: 16.1% (according to an Omron scale)
    Goal: -10lb of fat, +5lb of muscle

    I've worked out on and off in the past 5+ years but haven't really gotten back into shape until this past January (New Year's resolution). I started various workout programs by BeachBody and went from 172lb to what I am now. I found P90X and Insanity to be too difficult for my current fitness level and am now doing the new Turbo Fire program. (Not sure if I'm allowed to mention those programs here; I'll edit if necessary). Since then I've noticed a gain in strength and an overall firmness of my muscles. I believe I've lost fat as well as gained muscle, but since I only just bought the fat scale I have nothing to base this by other than what I see in the mirror.

    A recent photo of me is attached at the bottom.

    I'm looking to get "cut" or "defined" by this summer (mid-June) and I am confused about how to do it. I've been doing cardio about 3-4 times a week (including HIIT workouts) and using simple weights/resistance bands about twice a week just to keep my upper body in shape (doubling up on cardio days). The rest of the week I rest.

    I have been consuming about 1800-2000 calories a day since January, and am continuing pretty easily. (This was a huge decrease from the daily fast food I had last semester). I don't crave sugary or fatty foods as I used to, and try to fit good amounts of fiber in my diet. I take whey protein (about 50g a day); but from what I've read I should be taking about 135g.

    Here's a typical day:
    Breakfast - Fiber cereal + Skim milk [or] Toast + eggs = 400cal
    Snack - Banana or some granola snack = 100-200cal
    Lunch - Whole wheat sandwich with lean meat = 400-600cal
    Snack - Whey protein drink = 350cal
    Dinner - Vegetables, meat, and brown rice = 400-600cal
    Snack - Fruit or yogurt = 100-200cal

    So far from what I've read, some guides/workouts suggest to focus on high intensity weight lifting workouts. Other threads I've read suggest focusing on cardio. I'm not bulky, nor am I skinny; I'm a bit on the chubbier side. I have fat mainly around the waist (where I'm targeting), but I understand losing the amount of fat I want means losing it everywhere on my body -- potentially making me skinny/scrawny if I don't also pack on muscle. Ideally I'd like to lose ~10lbs of fat and gain ~5lbs of muscle. I've never idolized being a big/muscular guy; actually I have always been envious of the leaner, thinner body types (six-pack included). If that seems a bit of a stretch for 6-8 weeks then I'll take what I can get.

    From now on I plan to increase the number of days I lift weights (not simple resistance bands anymore) to 2-3 times a week, and try fitting in my 3-4 cardio workouts/videos somewhere in the mix. (Are alternating days preferable? Or stacking workouts and have resting days in between?)

    I understand body fat percentages are merely a measure of the ratio, and can reduce if I simply put on more muscle mass. But in all honesty, 25lbs of fat is still 25lbs of fat no matter how you see it; I'd like to lose as much of it as I can.

    What is each of your recommended workout plans that can help me lose 10lbs of pure fat? Am I on the right track so far? How is my calorie consumption? Should I look primarily into lifting weights instead of cardio? Vice versa? What are your thoughts on supplements like fat burner thermogenics to help with fat loss? I've also read some things on CLA/BCAA; are they important?

    Any and all help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    PS: Please go easy on me with the terminology; I'm still new to the forums and haven't gotten all the lingo down yet.

    Edit: Digging through even more of the threads I wonder if I'm what some may consider "skinny-fat". Is there a "perfect" fitness combination for trimming down fat while maintaining and building muscle mass?
    Attached Images
    Last edited by crzsnwbdr; 04-19-2011 at 09:59 PM.
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