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    Here's something you can try that may help. Think about the way you _want_ to be, your ideal self, and brainstorm what your pleasures/pains would have to be for you to be that way. Think about what anchors you'd need to add and remove, and then reorder the lists accordingly. This alone might cause some nifty changes...

    Changing Your Beliefs
    You've got three basic choices when it comes to beliefs. Remember, your brain tends to filter out references that run contrary to your beliefs, so one approach is to go over your beliefs and references consciously and sort them out. This is referred to in clinical psychology as Cognitive Therapy, and, in my opinion, is the _worst_ way to go about it. I'll share the process with you anyway in case the other options don't work.

    Go through the following questions with each of the beliefs you need to change:

    What is your belief?
    Why do you believe that? What references are you using to support this?
    Is it possible that you've evaluated these experiences poorly? (This is especially true of childhood experiences, when your cognitive powers aren't at their best). If so, go back into them and re-evaluate. It probably seemed terrible at the time, but would it be so bad if it happened to you now?
    How much pain is this belief causing you?
    What are you afraid would happen if you didn't believe this?
    What references do you have that run contrary to this? After reviewing these references, are you still sure you believe that?
    Ugh. That hurt even writing it. But that might've at least weakened the beliefs and their hold on you, if nothing else.

    Option two is probably the best but the hardest to achieve. Remember, "powerful experiences" such as a rape or car accident can smash through beliefs as if they were paper. Unfortunately, it's hard to come up with a power experience to cure shyness (short of a woman coming up to you, saying "you know, you drive us all WILD, baby!" and making love to you right there - I wish).

    Instead, most of us progress in small steps - starting conversations, getting comfortable with conversations, getting a date, becoming comfortable with dating, starting a relationship, becoming comfortable with relationships, etc. which could take months, years, or a lifetime.

    So we're left with option three - use positive references consistently and repeatedly.

    Start a new list entitled "Affirmations". Go over your list of negative beliefs, and for each one, create a positive statement to counteract it. Include a reference from your life if possible. It's important that you follow these rules:

    make sure it's positive - "I am not shy" won't work too well
    make it first person - "I this, I that" rather than "People this, women that, men ..."
    make it present tense - "I am confident" rather than "I will be confident"
    make sure it's something _you_ control - not "I date more often than Frank does"
    try to include rich sensory imagery, powerful emotional anchors, and references
    I easily talk to anyone I have a desire to meet. I am clever and witty and relaxed.
    I have immense courage. I overcome any fears.
    I'm fit and attractive. I keep my body in great shape.
    I remember to compliment people and to show I appreciate them.
    I am happy with myself, regardless of what other people think.
    Right now you're probably asking yourself, "So why am I telling myself all this stuff that obviously isn't true?" Remember, your own thoughts are part of the input your brain takes in, and it doesn't question anything, it just processes and stores everything. At first your beliefs will reject these statements, but with enough consistency, repetition and references, your beliefs will eventually change. Studies show it takes about a month of daily repetition, but that depends on how often you go over your affirmations. The best thing to do would be to print them out on a card and keep them with you during the day, and just read over them whenever you get the chance. As you read them, imagine how good it will feel to be that way; really get into it.

    Within one month of implementing this technique, the author of the book I got this from went from hiding behind plants at parties to dating regularly. He is now in his second marriage and makes his living as an author and motivational speaker.
    [Post 4]

    The New Behaviour Generator
    Once you've gotten rid of your disempowering beliefs and anchors, you're ready to take on new behaviour. You could just do this by practice, but you're bound to fail and embarrass yourself for a while that way. The New Behaviour Generator can help with that.

    find a model, either your imagined "ideal self" or someone you know that already has this behaviour mastered.

    ask yourself "what beliefs does this behaviour need to maintain itself?" Go through the processes I've discussed to make your beliefs congruent if you need to.

    Mentally rehearse the model from the outside first, then step inside it, walk around in it, see from those eyes, hear with those ears, feel with that body. Experience the new positive intention of the behaviour and the positive rewards both in what is gained and in what is avoided.

    Go back in your life to a time when you (could have) learned this behaviour and imagine that it became a part of you, then project back through the present and into the future.

    Practice doing this several times a day until you forget to mentally rehearse it because you find you are already doing it!
    I can personally vouch for the NBG, because I have some experience with acting, which is very similar. When I do a play I tend to model myself after my character backstage as well as onstage, and the last time I did a play I noticed several women gravitating toward me, and I had all kinds of dating opportunities. It's too bad that the effect didn't last, but it was because I still believed in my shyness deep down. Now I know better! :=)

    I think the strategy of mental rehearsal is a very important one that we tend to overlook. We often fantasize about what it will be like once we have a significant other, but rarely do we imagine things like approaching people, starting conversations and asking for dates because these things are painful to us. Or if we do imagine those things, we tend to see the worst case scenario, which just makes us feel worse. Starting now, make it a habit to use the NBG, or at least visualize yourself socializing successfully, and dealing with rejection and embarrassment effectively.

    Well, that's everything. I think if you go back over all the strategies I talked about, you'll notice that most of them are quick and easy. That's because they attack the cause of the problem, not the symptoms. Now all you need is a little motivation to start using them regularly. I understand that you have reason to be skeptical about a lot of it (esp. NLP), but my advice is this: don't trust the scientific authorities or anybody else, or even your own beliefs, conditioning and common sense. TRY THEM OUT, and trust your own senses. Test them yourself. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
    .............Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian.........
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    Lesson #19-Achieving things non-verbally

    Reading some of these posts and talking to people, I thought it would be a good idea to write about how what you do non-verbally is so f'ing important. If you learn to play the non-verbal game, then you're in.

    Lets take kissing for example. I know from experience that if a girl wants a guy to kiss her, even really bad, and the guy doesn't, she'll NEXT HIM. That's right! She'll move on. There are those girls that will go ahead and make a move, but assume that she'll next you, cause I'd say the majority will.

    So what's that tell you? A girl EXPECTS a guy to read her signals. They hate it when guys try to kiss them when they aren't attracted, but they don't like it when guys don't kiss them when they want to be kissed. You have to be able to read girls, and they do it all non-verbally. But what you do will put you in certain situations:

    The Friend Zone
    This has been discussed many times, but for the sake of saving you guys headaches, it boils down to this: You ACT like a friend, you will BE a friend.

    If you DISPLAY traits that friends have, she'll consider you a friend. Notice the use of the word display, not if you tell her you want to be friends. So how do you avoid falling into the friend zone? Well...

    You attract her.
    So many guys TRY to be friends first, thinking that they'll advance from there. We all know that doesn't happen except in movies (think of your odds being the same as winning the lotto).

    You remain confident, and don't let her walk all over you
    Friends buy friends stuff. Friends hang out with each other all the time. Friends call each other "just to talk" (if you're dealing with a girl that is). Friends talk about problems, alpha males don't! You listen to her problems, you become her friend. This has been discussed before, so I'll leave it at that.

    Dating Vs. Relationships
    It's important to figure out your goals. I'm personally in this for dating right now, and I'm not interested in relationships. I want to perfect my game more and more and worry about relationships when I get older. So what do I do?


    I don't date girls on Fridays or Saturdays. I don't do what they tell me. I don't spend hours with them. I don't get together with them more than once, or occasionally twice a week. I don't call them everyday, I don't buy them stuff, and I don't get all emotional.

    I act like I'm dating. That means I call her maybe once a week, but only to setup a time to meet. I'm not interested in small talk. It accomplishes nothing over the phone except eliminating kino, eye contact, body language, and mystery. When we do hang out, I keep it short, and leave when things are going good.

    Over Emotional Guys
    I almost want to tell you to drop your emotions! Guys that react to quickly are unattractive. Guys that get pissed too easily, or guys that are to sensitive, wtf! Girls don't like this. You don't even have to say you're pissed or yell, a girl can tell by your body language. What you need to do is relax and not let things get to you. If a girl flakes out on you, it's almost always your fault. You mis-read her, you displayed traits you shouldn't have, you did something wrong (except the occasional flakes that actually do happen on accident, but VERY rarely). You're not going to call this girl and bitch at her. You're going to act alpha. If a girl flakes out on you for coffee, if you're not ready to NEXT, you wait till the next day in which you call and say:

    "Hey [girls name]. I know you're probably upset that I didn't make it yesterday, but my car broke down and I had left my cell phone at home that day. Maybe we can get together early next week?"

    Save face, and avoid bitching at her with, "I can't believe you did that!" or "You really missed out!" which shows her that you're upset. Obviously won't do anything for you.

    Keep in mind that girls WILL read between the lines. They analyze EVERYTHING! And words are the least analyzed thing. Body language, behavior, tone, attitude, that all gets analyzed more than words. It's actions that girls look into, so you have to learn to play the game, not talk the game.

    These are just some examples to non-verbal things that can put you certain situations you don't want to be in, then you wonder how you got there. An example of a non-verbal, positive thing is distance flirting.

    You distance flirt with a girl. Completely non-verbal, however it puts you in the situation where you have a girl that's attracted and ANTICIPATING your approach. You don't walk up to a girl and say, "I'm going to approach you in 5 minutes. Go build up some anticipation before I come back." You DO SOMETHING to MAKE it HAPPEN! Get it?

    Another example: How can you tell a guy is nervous just by observing him? Well, his body language/nervous habits. Pacing, biting of nails, constant fidgeting (especially if he usually doesn't fidget), etc. So being alpha is really based off of non-verbal communication.

    Your posture, your tone, your body language, your EYES, your facial expressions, your walk, your confidence: all non-verbal things that display alpha male qualities, thus categorizing you as an alpha male in her mind.

    I could truly go on for hours, but this is an intro that should make you guys aware of the other 90-95% of your game which is the non-verbal part. Pay attention to it, and think of situations where you got LJBF'ed or NEXTed because of your non-verbal communication. You should really pay more attention to what you're REALLY saying by not actually saying anything!
    .............Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian.........
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    Lesson #20-Confusing women...Pay back Time!

    A lot of you read the posts me and sauce make and can't imagine us ever being AFC's...if you only knew. I was the biggest freaking chump you ever met. I'd weigh hand and foot on women, and I was lucky to get them. I'd do sweet/romantic things, I'd compliment them, and I'm sure you know what the result was. Girls walking ALL OVER ME! I grew up getting hurt by so many girls, and I used to think all girls were bitches. Now I realize they're not bitches, I was just a wuss! That's right! When you act like an alpha, your opinion of women changes.

    So I bet you can all guess what my favorite part of dating women is: CONFUSING THE HELL out of them. I make sure a girl NEVER knows what I'm thinking, and I'll make it clear to her that I know that she wants me. This puts her in a position where she realizes, "He knows exactly how I feel, but I have no idea wtf he's thinking!" This is the place you want them in, because women, being the jealous creatures that they are, start saying, "I want to KNOW how to feels about me. Does he like me? Am I ugly? Am I not fun enough?" She'll do whatever it is she has to do, all so she can KNOW for sure. Yup! All she wants is to KNOW. It's all a struggle for curiosity. Of course she's also confused as to why you're acting this way. I love it when a girl tells me that she's never met a guy like me, or that I'm so hard to figure out. I realize that only few of you are actually out there dating women, and after this lesson, you're going to jump up to a new level while everybody else hides behind this damn forum JUST reading.

    The big question is how do you confuse women? Well, the first step is to develop an attraction (make her attracted to you). Once she's attracted, the real game begins. If she's not attracted, mixed signals do nothing for you.

    Then, you begin to throw her mixed signals. Now I know you've heard talk of this before, but how you do this is really important. The way you throw mixed signals is by ACTING DIFFERENT THAN EVERY OTHER GUY! That's right! Think about it.

    You and HB are about to get food, and she goes, "I feel like pizza."

    AFC's go eat pizza. I'd say, "Well I guess we'll be eating taco's then smile*" (or whatever else is there).

    You have to be c/f when you do this stuff, but it really shows that you do what you want to do, whereas EVERY OTHER GUY SHE HAS EVER dated would've taken her to eat pizza. She's now confused. Also, the PREDICTABLE thing to do would have been to go eat pizza, but you remained unpredictable and took her to eat taco's. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd time something like this happens you'll change it up and let her do something she wants to do, then throw her for a loop by doing what you want the next time. Make sense? If you always do the same thing, it becomes predictable and boring.

    But what is the basis of this technique? Well, not caring wtf she thinks. If I say something and the bitch gets offended, that's too bad. I don't purposely go around trying to piss women off, but I use c/f, and if she doesn't like it, then I don't sit there apologizing to her. That's my personality and I'm not going to change for her.

    This night is really stuck on my mind cause I was the most c/f I've ever been, so I'll use it as an example. I was playing pool with this HB a few days ago, and I was totally making fun of how she played pool. She even owned a pool table, which made the teasing even easier for me. I told her she shot like a girl, at one point she didn't even hit any of the other balls and as I walked by, I leaned in by her ear and whispered, "Don't worry. Noboooooody else saw." And smiled as I went to take my shot. This girl was all over me, and I was TEASING HER the ENTIRE time! An AFC would've sat there telling her, "Nice shot!" or, "By Golly that was so close!" But she knew I wasn't going to be her typical, boring guy.

    If I was about to shoot and she was standing behind me, I'd lean over my shoulders and look at her, and I'd say, "I know you're trying to look at my ass, but I know what you're doing, and this just isn't the time nor the place."

    Lets take that last line for example. Why is it in a way a mixed signal? Well, I told her she was looking at my ass (c/f, she may have, I just ASSUMED she was), then I pretty much told her not too. Threw her for a loop there.

    If a girl tells you to kiss her, and you wanted to string her along and get her even MORE attracted, you could say, "You're a little forward. We just met and ALREADY you want to kiss? I think we should take things slower" (but this ones all about tonality. The way you say it will deliver the right message). This girl will be confused out of her mind, cause she thought you were attracted, and now she has no idea what's going through your mind.

    By doing **** like this, girls honestly can't figure out what you're thinking. All they want is to KNOW for SURE. But you deny them that luxury. Lol.

    Once you've managed to get a girl really confused, as I mentioned earlier, she's going to up her game and do everything in her power to find out. She's going to start pulling out her secret weapons...her last resort!

    I've had girls ask me what I thought of their breasts (trying to turn me on), ask me if I'd ever have sex with them, show me a tiny bruise or scar on their upper thighs, etc, ALL for the sole purpose of knowing what it was I thought about her. They know guys are horny as ****, so this way, she'll use it to her advantage just so she can know. But as soon as she does, the mystery is all over.

    What you want to do is give them responses/reactions they weren't expecting. They EXPECT you to look, touch, or compliment. But instead you act indifferent. If she asks what you think of her breasts, you say, "They're ok" as you continue doing something else. Not, "Wow! They're spectacular! Can I touch them???" As soon as you give her that TYPE of response...GAME OVER! You've lost. She knows what you're thinking, she knows what you like, and you better be prepared for the girl to use sex as BAIT (she may or may not; depends on the girl).

    Basically, you want to play it off cool the whole time and never give in. These are just some examples, but honestly, to learn this, you won't learn it from reading. This is one of those things that you have to get your ass out there and try. Once you have a girl in this position, you'll know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. It's a great feeling that I absolutely LOVE.

    And the last girl that told me she couldn't figure me out, in case you're wondering, I told her, "That's interesting. You know, women can read body language 10x better than men" and she agreed. Then I said, "You should be able to read me like an open BOOK" and smiled. I kept the c/f going, which is what you want to do at all costs.

    This whole confusing girls thing goes hand-in-hand with c/f. For those of you out there actually dating, give it a try. It works great, and puts women in the position where they're not only HOPELESSLY ATTRACTED to you, but they'll also do anything.

    Different mindsets!?!

    It's so difficult to try to pull out the nomral **** on lil inexperinced girls. Forexample, if you flirt with other girls, you will make them jelouse, but they will try to avoid you since you'd seem to look like a player, and you just want to get laid. If you add C/F lines into it, this would build up the theory. I thought alot about this in the past few days, and I think i drove some good points out.

    Now I'm talking about younger girls. I'm a highschool grad and in my school, the grade nines, are the hottest girls. My school is very popular for the amount of high HB it has, and they start from grade nine, then ten, then elv, then twlv. Which is a problem. I cannot let a fine ass developed girl walk by and not try to apprach them. I'm not going to let their low grade stop me, because for one, they are fully developed, for two, they are VERY inviting, for three, if i dont go, someone else will.

    But I'v realized the mindset has to be different.

    I had this one particular girl in mind. Lets give her HB7 for her looks. But her personallity, is defenetly a 2/2 in the girls i'v met. She is filled with these little cute traits that girls have, which are very attractive. Her two friends, which are also X hot, are seeing my friends (hvnt gotten past kissing) b/c my old farts are AFCs. So there I acted like an ALPHA which did cause attraction to a certain point. Forexample, I remember the first time she tried to kiss me, I looked away. Did the same the second time! I wanted to completely show her Im different and unique, which worked just fine. I then kissed her when I felt like it in some days after. So we'r in school, and I'm almost always with a different girls. I figured this would cause jelousy and thus higher attraction. I had a dance last night at school. I tried to dance with her, but she was quit cold. Instead, I saw her dancing up and down with this other dood. Ofcource, I didn't get jelouse, but I was confused. If I had pulled this same game on a more experienced girl, let's say, a non-virgin, then the bitch should had been ALL OVER ME. It bothered me that i might not be able to tap this one, WITHOUT LEARNING A LESSON. Now the guy who was all ove rher, really liked her. He was trying to really do this girl, and his not so much frustrated either. He's confidence is good, but his apprach SUX. So I knew I can steal the attraction back, but only if knew what caused the block.

    I thought alot about it, on what could have caused her to become SUDDENTLY disintrested. I did not want to go up to her and talk to her about my confusion, because thats givin her my cards. She shouldnt know if i like her. AS SOON AS THEY KNOW YOU ARE JELOUSE/YOU LIKE THEM/YOU'D TRY TO GET THEM/YOU'D GO OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY FOR THEM... theyr attraction will decrease because there is no more challange.

    I'm ALWAYS the closer (I close first) , but I noticed she had started to close on me very quickly after conversations. So I couldn't risk given her even a CHANCE to be able to do it. No more flirting either. There must have been a reason.

    I thought, if she is inexperienced, maybe she can't pick up my "DOMINANCE" and how I'm so confident when I' talk to girls bla bla bla... Maybe she hasnt had many AFCs losn their guts over her for her to realize I'm not them. She is EXTREMELY nice to people, and never makes fun of anyone, and instead says "awwwww!" Hmmm.. Have you guys had this problem? I mean all these hot bitches really pick up on my style, but this is the beggning of this lady. So at the dance last night, her X TENDER friend (who my friend is seeing) was all over me. My friend REALLY likes her, but doznt admit to it. (but his far away right now) SO this girl took advantage of the situation and was all over me. She was a great dance and we became very comfortable, and I was sure I'd shove some balls in her mouth if it wasn't for my friend. SHe asked me if I liked HB8? I never answer this question, and she said shez not so sure if HB8 likes me because I was an ******* to her. I wasnt an *******, and I KNOW my game.

    I hated to send a friend to do my dirty job, but I needed to learn about some hot INEXPERIENCED girls. There are some of those left here and there, and they are very fun to fuk.

    So I sent my cuz to go talk to her. I told him exatcly wat to say, making it sound like reasonable. I made sure he dosn't change anything he wants to say by the way she responses, because he is there to send a msg to her not listen to her bs:
    .............Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian.........
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    C"Are you seeing CB (cock-blocker)?"
    B"NOWAY.... bla bla.."
    C"I'm Ashkon's cuzn and we are VERY close. We know all the **** about each other. (put your hand on top of her shoulder) i'mma be striagh honost with you. See Ashkon is a type of guy, who dosnt give chances to girls easily, and for a girl to impres shim, she has to try real hard, (to proof i'm not a PLAYER) There was another girl aside form you, and trust me, ashkon picked it up the second you started liking him. It's just that he was going to go for the better of you two. So he told me, that your much more fun to be alone with, and threw the other one away. (there was a competition and you won, but she still dosn't HAVE me ofcource). Now last night at the dance, to MY eye (ashkon didn't mention anything, because he doznt really "care") it seemed as if you were all over CB. I'm Ashkon's good friend, and I tell you, once you miss your chance, you wont have another one, this guy moves on life quickly, so either go get your chance, or give up now!"

    I figured this would do it. I'd show her that I have girls all over me and she has a good chance to win over them, if she acts quickly.

    So then I met up with my cuz today afterschool (i skipped school due to heart problems) and he said that she thought I only wanted to fuk her then leave her. She didn't meniotn if she liked me either.

    So i saw her today w/ her friends and came back to say wutsup. I was driving my brothers car and the handling is weird, so I hit a pole. You fukn belive that>?? lol I laughed at me so hard in my head. And they were crackn up. ANyway, I juz said wutsup for a min, then closed on them. They started walking off, and before they I got in my car, HB8 said call me. I got outta my call and said CALL YOU????? she turned around with an innocent face and shook her head "yah call me up later"!

    I guess you know what I learned here: Be fluid. Pick up the type of bitch your target is and spit the right personallity at them. The one THEY would be most attracted to. Reply me, and say what other ways would you have decided to deal with it.
    .............Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian.........
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    Nice one brah, I'd hear about this thread but couldn't find it. Will read later.
    There is but one path....we kill them all.
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    In b4 SauceHead.
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    thanks op i have a felling this will be very useful
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    would zuk ya dick coal man ( no homo)
    you come at the king, you best not miss
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    Read through... quite a read, I realized I was major ******* in highschool, or afc w.e. u call it.
    Misc med crew~~
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    does SH even post here anymore?
    you are so ****ing money and you don't even know it
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    Yikes....I had textbook ONE-ITIS Reading this, it made me realized why I screwed up with the last chick. Next time I get bit by the tunnel vision bug, I will be sure to refer back to this page (I have it bookmarked now )
    I want to work hard and do my best in life so I never have to ask myself "what if".

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    sorry brotato - no negs.......

    gjdm cleaning it up and making it purdy
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    Originally Posted by kineticforce View Post

    sorry brotato - no negs.......

    gjdm cleaning it up and making it purdy
    durrr you think he wrote it himself? he's reposting it cuz the old thread is gone. the link you posted is just some guy reposting it too.
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    Damn I remember this from back in the day.
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    Originally Posted by Naix View Post
    durrr you think he wrote it himself? he's reposting it cuz the old thread is gone. the link you posted is just some guy reposting it too.
    i know he didnt but he said it was deleted.... i wasnt trying to be captain obvious...but the point is someone did relist it and as I said nice job cleaning it up

    i gave credit where it was due......
    Originally Posted by Coal Man View Post
    The thread was permanently deleted it seems, with all SH's traces removed from the forum as well.
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    Good memories. I have no idea why it got deleted unless some white knight or female mod got pissy and erased it. The excuse at the time was that it was too big to be stable but there were dozens of other threads out there that had more responses than the SH thread at the time. Glad to see the lessons made it.

    Originally Posted by kineticforce View Post

    sorry brotato - no negs.......

    gjdm cleaning it up and making it purdy
    SH wrote a lot of the first lessons but I think someone else wrote the later lessons.

    Originally Posted by sehnsucht View Post
    does SH even post here anymore?
    On occasion but not in RH or the Misc, most nutrition and the injury recovery sections. Maybe he'll pop in and say something.
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  17. #47
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    good sh!t coal man. i think everyone could take something away from this regardless of how good your game is.

    i posted this in the thread before it was all deleted, but i'll post it here again because a few people said they liked it. whenever i'm feeling low on motivation to game on chicks, or low on motivation in general to get something done - i watch this video. greg plitt is an awesome role model, lives a pretty fast paced, exciting life. sets a good example, imo, of what to aspire to become. and of course, the obligatory no homo

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    Great thread! Should've been here long time ago
    Second by second, you lose the opportunity of becoming the person you want to be.
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    wow barely any comment on here! great resource guys appreciate it!
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    subbed for later!!
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    in 4 later
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    Great advice here

    awsome thread
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    good thread, Op I will get you out of the red with reps.
    As someone who drops nothing but pure unadulterated [b]TRUTH[/b] this had to be done. Now that you have been hit with a healthy dose of [B]TRUTH[/B] feel free to overdose. Voila!
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    Oh...coming in this topic I thought it would be the Coal Man formula for picking up chicks:

    1. Browse body space pages
    2. Leave WK comments on pages of hot girls
    3. Give them mod reps

    Needless to say I am disappoint
    Mod negged by BOZZ and getting redder all the time. Feels liberating man
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    read this before, tried to find it recently, finally found it again. Thanks a lot!
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    Originally Posted by Jedan01 View Post
    Oh...coming in this topic I thought it would be the Coal Man formula for picking up chicks:

    1. Browse body space pages
    2. Leave WK comments on pages of hot girls
    3. Give them mod reps

    Needless to say I am disappoint
    well it kind of works for him

    well not really but still
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    Read the whole thing, really ****ing good piece of work.

    He delves deeply into the psychology behind all of it. Not just this b.s BE ALPHA stuff.
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    srs 2 questions for you coal man-

    1. How long ago did you read all of that stuff

    2.Are you married? Just wondering if all of this stuff helped you to actually meet and marry a girl of wife material.

    The reason I am curious is- Based on history, personal beliefs and psychology, I think that there is a need for us to find 1 special person to (try) and share the rest of our lives, to reproduce, and to be intimate with(on a level other than just sex). Even if all of this pickkup artist/attraction rules stuff gets a person laid etc, is it really helping anyone achieve these deep and natural human needs?

    That being said, I have read a fair amount of this type of stuff, and it has helped me to be more confident, talk to more girls etc. but I still have not found my mate. I do enjoy being able to talk to hot girls and have a decent amount of success (success to me is not getting them to have sex with me, it is the challenge of talking and flirting to hot girls and having them respond in a positive manner)

    anyone elses thoughts is appreciated
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  30. #60
    snailsrus Coal Man's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by CRNAstylin View Post
    srs 2 questions for you coal man-

    1. How long ago did you read all of that stuff

    2.Are you married? Just wondering if all of this stuff helped you to actually meet and marry a girl of wife material.

    The reason I am curious is- Based on history, personal beliefs and psychology, I think that there is a need for us to find 1 special person to (try) and share the rest of our lives, to reproduce, and to be intimate with(on a level other than just sex). Even if all of this pickkup artist/attraction rules stuff gets a person laid etc, is it really helping anyone achieve these deep and natural human needs?

    That being said, I have read a fair amount of this type of stuff, and it has helped me to be more confident, talk to more girls etc. but I still have not found my mate. I do enjoy being able to talk to hot girls and have a decent amount of success (success to me is not getting them to have sex with me, it is the challenge of talking and flirting to hot girls and having them respond in a positive manner)

    anyone elses thoughts is appreciated
    1. 2004, but took it seriously in 2005

    2. I'm 23 and unmarried. Don't plan on getting married for a long time (I have things to accomplish for myself first)

    However, I am in a relationship that has lasted a year thus far. I must say that this relationship is the first one I have taken very seriously as this girl is the only one mature enough to understand and respect me on a very high level. It was as simple as looking at her background and upbringing to realise that she places loyalty and respect above all else. I am not 100% certain about her. 100% is impossible, but I am at my upper limits.

    Simply put, I think what each man can hope to accomplish is being patient and open enough to find someone who is on his wavelength. Someone who is at that stage of her life where strong emphasis is placed on all the moments you have built and spent together. When someone fully realises the value of all the calls, car rides, dates, money spent, family introductions, etc...basically all the sacrifices in time and energy you have invested in can absolutely live with peace of mind and know that both of you were as lucky as hell to have found each other.

    Such a thing does not happen too often in my experience.
    .............Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian.........
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