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    SinglePlayer's best motivational posts compilation (3.9k reps for feedback)

    I received several private messages from miscers who wanted to see all of my highest rated motivational posts in a single thread. This thread is for you. Some of the posts come from other threads so might appear out of context but I'll include them if they were motivational for people at the time.

    "1. Everyone, from the neighborhood crime lord to your manager at work, is trying to rip u off as hard as they can
    2. The world will NEVER be a better place
    3. If you think that higher education = 10kaday at 22 years of age, you're in for a painful surprise
    4. Balls, hard work, confidence, vision.. none of these things lead to success without a ****storm of luck. For every highly successful music artist, there are 1000 more talented, harder working individuals who will simply never make it big
    5. Get ready for a ridiculously painful, agonizing injury at least once in your life
    6. It really IS about WHO you know above all else
    7. You should never judge other people based on ANY assumptions you make about them, whether they be age, gender, race, or anything. You just don't know what kind of **** the person has been through in their life
    8. The faster you live, the quicker you die. Fast and die young, or slow and die old, you decide, and both have their ups and downs
    9. Everyone should climb at least one mountain in their life
    10. Fear is at the root of most of the world's problems, fear of the other guy, fear of the night, fear of injury or of pain.. why fear anything when the only certainty in this life is that you're going to die?

    inb4 "age = 19", refer to #7 "

    15/04/2011 - Probably the first post of this sort I ever made, and I was red back then so noone took it seriously lol

    "if ur the type who gets nervous about picking up women, this is hopefully worth the long read.

    a little under a year ago, i was on holidays with my parents and lil bro, we were spending a few weeks in europe..

    we spent 10 days on the adriatic coast and on the first day i spotted this fine babe, looking around my age, maybe a little bit younger, but she was just gorgeous, no wk, no e-standards, a straight 9/10 body with an 8/10 face. she never really looked at me, if i walked past, she looked like i didn't even exist for her, and it was ego-crunching.

    one time the beach was so crowded that i ended up tanning next to her somehow, maybe a metre away... and i just couldnt bring myself to say anything to her. all those foreveralone fear of rejection thoughts were running through my head and i was just sweating there like a sack of ****, trying to work up the balls to talk to her ("why would i talk to her anyway she obviously isnt interested i should just go back to the hotel and chill out") for like half an hour. i was still working on what to say when she got up and left to go somewhere with her mother.

    on the last day of our stay there, i was chilling out with my brother when i saw her in the distance going for a swim by herself. i thought to myself, don't even think now, just go for it, take a ****ing chance, you pussy, and then i just jumped in the water and swam up to her. i couldnt stop my mind from thinking ridiculous **** like ("how the **** is this gonna look just swimming to her what a stalker thing to do she will probably tell her mum and everyone will laugh at u") but it was too late by then.
    i ended up striking up an easy convo with her, and we agreed to meet up later after she went to her hotel for lunch and maybe go out that night, she was all smiles and ****, like she had been waiting the entire 9 days for me to come talk to her.

    anyways, i never saw her again. soon after she left to go get lunch a freak summer storm hit the region, complete with fires and hailstorms. she apparently wasn't adventurous enough to come swim during a hailstorm.

    point of the story, if i had talked to her on the first day instead of the last day, i could have supplemented my awesome holiday with some summer lovin from a fine bish."

    23/04/2011 - My first post on the motivational thread, and it got me out of the red

    "Why do people downplay hard work?

    All i see is worship of genetics and of luck. I used to know people from school who'd lift in private and then when they got some size pretend they never touched a weight "oh yeah man nah i dont lift weights i'm just like this ayy" so that other people could say **** like "**** yeah man look at (insert name here) he's got the maddest genetics man i wish i had his genetics some people have all the luck"

    Same with money. People pretend there is some shady reason they have some money "oh yeah dont worry bout where i get my money from " "yeah i got my own thing going on the side" BRB slaving ass off in some restaurant kitchen somewhere for 70 hours then blowing it all on one night out and pretending thats what they do every night and they get their money with minimal effort.. why?

    Why not just admit you work your ****ing ass off every single night and thats why you have what you have? Do people hide the fact they achieved results through hard work because they hope that other people won't do the same? Because they wanna be exclusive? idk **** it

    tl;dr hard work is the greatest factor in the quality of life you lead, stop pretending otherwise "


    "OP youre saying that you cant be alpha if you are raised in a prissy nice guy family.. yet you say alphas are born not made
    so why cant an alpha be born in a prissy nice guy family? im not saying im alpha or in a posh neighborhood, im neither, im just pointing out an inconsistency in your argument...

    and yeah i think alphas are born as well
    but trust me life experience counts for a lot
    break someones heart enough times and you get a cold mother****er who literally couldnt give a **** about females
    put someone through enough violence and **** and you'll get someone who's so desensitised to it that theyre literally not afraid of pain/death

    in the end, experience and discipline can forge a human so ****ing dangerous that he would tear the average alpha to pieces, not give a single ****, and then go root some bitches, even though at one point in his life he could have just been an average foreveralone"

    14/05/2011 - This one comes from some random argument with a dude saying alphas are born not made
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    so i was watching some science doco the other night...something evolution based.

    at one point the narrator made a few points on something that got me thinking.

    apparently, animals which are preyed on usually have eyes on the side of their heads, so they can always be aware and alert of an attack from both sides.

    on the other hand, the predators normally have eyes at the front of their face, because they're the ones doing the hunting. they face forward because they chase their prey and therefore need to be looking ahead.

    now think about where your eyes are located for a second.

    your eyes face forward. you weren't born a victim, you aren't the ****ing prey. you're a predator. you were born a hunter, not the hunted.

    ok, maybe in modern living we don't need to physically hunt prey. but the underlying principle is the same. we were built to go forward in life, to go after what we need and want, and to ignore distractions from all around us.

    live up to your genetics, go after what you want like a ****ing tiger would and get it.
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    So, misc..

    You want to be something along the lines of:

    but the truth probably looks more like

    and every night you feel like the world is yours and you have all these ideas and energy and every morning you feel like a sack of sleepy **** about to get torn a new ******* by yet another identical, unforgiving day.

    The thing is, every one of you can be an elite athlete.
    Every one of you knows this. This isn't livelaughlove bull****, it's honesty. Sport isn't acting, or music, or the corporate ladder. There are thousands of potentially brilliant actors/actresses in Hollywood, who will NEVER EVER make it to the big screen. There are just too many people who want it. Harrison Ford got to Star Wars not through auditioning relentlessly and practising for days on end, he got the role through befriending George Lucas - while working on Lucas's home as a ****ing carpenter. Carpentry being his chosen career following years of complete failure as an actor. In most industries, your success rate is dependant not so much on your abilities or the work you put in, but by whose dick you're lucky enough to suck. No homo. It's the truth.

    Not so with sport. Sport, in my opinion, is nowadays the sole method you can rise to WIDELY RECOGNISED mastery of a craft. With sport, it is literally the work you put in that comes through for you in the end. Granted, there will always be an element of luck, and some factors which you can't control, but, overall, your success is determined almost entirely by your determination and how much you're willing to sacrifice.

    Granted, most sports you should start while young. However, lifting isn't really one of them. And for those of you who don't class lifting as a sport, well, become Mr Olympia and then tell me that it's not a sport. It comes down to a competition between humans over who has achieved greater mastery of their chosen profession. And if your chosen profession is lifting, well.. Ronnie is the limit. You don't have to have been deprived of your childhood by dominant parents who had you practising religiously at the age of 5. All you need is determination, focus, and some ****ing balls.

    But then, despite all your determination, focus, and balls, something pops up as a distraction.

    funny, right? for some of you all the motivational **** of the last couple of minutes probably just went out the window. you wanna get laid, and in pursuit of this goal you begin to think and do stupid ****. you wanna go out and be the life of the party coz that will land you between the legs of the above HBB, right? drinking more than anyone else, being the wild mother****er who steals a porsche to take it for a joyride with hot sluts while lesser men watch on in amazed worship wishing they could be like him... until he's 28 years old and unemployed and wondering why people don't like him anymore and why he has to go to high school parties to have the same effect on people that he used to have.

    Or maybe you want to take the safe road, party in moderation while going to college / uni and getting some sort of a degree so you have something to fall back on. Sorry, but if you're getting a degree "to fall back on", you will be able to use the degree to become assistant manager at your local McDonalds. your goal should always be mastery, and achieving an elite level in ****ing whatever. if you feel like your calling in life is to be a doctor, be the very best ****ing doctor in your state. Study that **** like every hour you don't study = person in your family dies horribly.

    And if you feel you want to be a bodybuilder / powerlifter / mma fighter / sprinter / etc, then get the **** out of college and train, because you, unlike most other humans, have chosen a profession where luck plays less of a determinant. As hard as it is, you really have to narrow it down to one thing. ONE. trying to be great at everything at once leads to a bitter man in his 40s who is jack of all trades but master of none. And that's a world of regrets.

    When you focus on one thing, it becomes that much easier to refuse drinking, parties, drugs, insert social addiction of choice here. If your focus is set one one thing, there are no excuses. You know exactly what you should be doing at every moment. And you begin to understand that you can do it. You can make it, with enough pain and sweat and blood and tears, you too may stand proud in the company of legends. Then you realise that all the girls and the fun and the socialising that you're "missing out on" in the coming years will be repaid with great interest once you make a name for yourself. You will be respected and admired by thousands of people, if only you can turn your back on some mediocre slut who you think would at the moment complete your perfect world.

    She won't.

    Train hard, brothers.
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    #1.Never be afraid to die

    Play this video in the background while reading for full effect

    Do you know what you have in common with every single human being who ever lived up to today?

    You, me, Julius Caesar, Newton, Charles Manson, ****ing Tupac, all have a binding trait.


    No matter who you are, you will die.
    Every person who ever walked the earth has already died or will die. Many, many of them died horribly. The vast majority are forgotten. A few lived over a century. Most died relatively young. Hundreds of thousands were the exact same age, to the day, as you are now, when they died. Some choke on their own vomit, some die peacefully in their sleep, some were beheaded. The final emotion of many was agonising, nerve-shredding fear.

    Yes, this is a real picture, and yes, he was most probably confused and terrified and lost when the picture was taken, exactly as you would have been, and yes, seconds later his skull was torn by bullets, exactly as yours would have been. Often, there are no happy endings. Life isn't the Disney movies which raised many of us.

    Death is the only inevitable, the only certain guarantee you have in life from the moment you are born. It makes no sense to fear the only thing you will never escape. Death needs to be accepted without question, otherwise you will never be free of the fear of it. Fear of death is one of the greatest cripplers of human potential, because fear of death leads to the fear of things which COULD lead to death. And that is the problem. Many, many things COULD lead to death. You could go for a run, twist your ankle, fall badly and hit your head on a rock. Don't think this has never happened. The point is that refusing to do things because they could in some form lead to death is the worst mistake you can make. Once again, what the **** is the point of obsessively prolonging your life when this is the ONLY BATTLE WHICH YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE OF WINNING?

    Death, if understood correctly, should only enrich life. When you're on a long unmotivated stretch, when you do nothing for a month or more and sit around at home, sleep in till 4pm and stay on the computer all day, your free time is pretty meaningless. You just feel like you're existing. On the other hand, when you're suddenly working 50 hours a week, and lifting and training as well, your few moments of free time are wonderful. They are incredible. Got a day off? It's like Christmas came early. Without death to give an end to our existence, we would have no purposes. Why do anything when you're going to live forever? Why love? Why become good at anything? Why do you think a person who learns they have 6 months to live often tries to "live it up"? It's because their mortality just gave them a powerful awakening slap to the face, and they realise how much they have not yet done, and how little time they actually have left. Unfortunately in modern society people raise children to view death as something far far off that should never be talked about, sheltering them instead of explaining it for what it is, which is why we have so many people who can't even consider their own death and forever view it as "something far off in the distance".

    Death had different meanings in earlier societies. For some, dying with honour was the greatest achievement a man could achieve, and I for one understand them. "Everyone dies, not everyone really lives." How many actually earn their death? How many can stand proud before the ferryman, knowing that the price he asks has already been paid, a hundred times over?

    Once you lose the fear of death, you become different. It's something others can literally feel. The presence of a fearless person, be they man or woman, is magnetic. You lead by default, because you will go first where most wouldn't even dare to follow. Life stops looking like a horrible, twisted maze of monsters and more like your playground.

    As Shakespeare said, "cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once."

    This isn't me telling you to go actively seeking death. This is me telling you to go actively seeking life, without the paralysis of the fear of death. If you die while following your dreams, the worst case scenario is that you will become an almost mythological figure whose legacy will far outlast his lifespan. Look at Tupac, or Che Guevara, or Az Shavershian, among countless others. They don't exist anymore, but the people they inspired will be driven by their memory, thus giving them the only immortality any one of us can ever hope to have - tens, perhaps hundreds of years after you die, a child will look at your image and want nothing more than to be like you.
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    #2. Understand that good things take time

    Here's some background music for this one, and the video kinda goes with this post.

    For some reason, I began reading at a really young age. When I was 3 years old, the Balkan Wars of the early 90s were still raging. My dad would rarely be at home, and me and my mum would huddle under blankets next to a dim candle while the ground shook outside from the mortars. There was no electricity, and not knowing what else to do to keep me entertained, my mum taught me letters, and it turned out I had an innate talent for language. I smashed through childrens books, and began reading adult books at the age of five. By this time I was already writing various short stories, which were honestly mostly ripoffs of whatever movie I had recently seen. I kept up the habit of sometimes writing in my spare time, and by the end of primary school in Australia, I was writing **** that amazed my teachers. By Year 12 and the end of high school, I used to write stories for people who had to do them as an assignment because for me it wasn't work, it was fun. I got them perfect marks, every time. The point to remember from this backstory is that it wasn't overnight. No arrogance intended whatsoever, I'm sure you all have areas of expertise, or things which you have spent a while practising. Mine just happens to be writing. I'm at the level where I practically don't consciously think about what I'm writing, I have an idea in mind and I let my fingers fly on the keyboard and within minutes I'm staring at a well-written text which perfectly addresses the idea I had.

    Once again, please do not take this as bragging, because that's not what this is about. I'm not talented any more than any one of you. If you spend 16 years doing something, you will probably get phenomenal at it.

    On another end of the spectrum, there is my dad. The dude spent 20 years being a mountaineer in Europe. Whenever he took me up for a climb, he knew every plant, their latin names, their uses (if any), and where they would commonly be found. To me they were just grasses growing on a ****ing mountain. Big deal. To him it was like a tool-kit. He could read the weather like he had a sixth sense. One time we were getting close to the peak of a mountain in the Balkans, when he stopped and looked at the sky for a bit. Then, he demanded that we turn back. I was like, you ****ing serious? We got all this way so we can turn back 20 minutes from the top? He said yes. It's gonna storm, off the mountain, NOW. It was a sunny day with some clouds forming in the distance. I gave it 4 hours before the first sprinkle, by which time we'd have climbed to the top and leisurely walked back down. He insisted we turn back immediately.

    This is close to the spot we were in when we stopped. Pic isn't mine.

    So we turned back. He pushed the pace, too. It had taken us two hours to get to the spot we turned back from, after we left the car on the side of the road. It only took us only 45 minutes to get back, by which time I was exhausted. But now I understood. The sky was a dark grey with almost greenish patches, the way it looks right before a killer storm hits. It was already sprinkling as we neared the car, and it began pouring after we got into it. 20 minutes later, when we reached the lodge, it started hailing some large ****ing ice cubes. If it hadn't been for him, I'd be stuck somewhere just off the summit, drenched and whipped by a killer wind, stumbling blind down cliffs in the heavy fog and clouds while being pelted with hail. As any mountaineer will tell you, chances of survival in this position are slim to none.

    If you look at anyone who spent a really long time doing something, they appear to have an almost supernatural ability to perform at that one thing. Ever seen an old gambler or casino dealer shuffle cards? A computer programmer look at meaningless blocks of text and number and read it like a children's book? A stuntman showing off some driving skills? A quality chef preparing food?

    See that? Odds are, you can't do it.

    Can you lift that? Probably not. YET. Could you do it with 2 weeks lifting? Once again, probably not. And here is where the problem is. You wanna be able to do it now. You've wanted to do **** RIGHT NOW ever since your dad said "not now" when you asked for that ice cream when you were 4. The culture we're immersed in is obsessed with impatience. If you gotta wait for something, it's not worth it. You have to have instant access to everything, right away. Meals which come pre-packaged and take 5 minutes to cook. Or **** the cooking, just get fast food delivered. Dominos driver 2 minutes late? You HATE the mother****er. Ever heard someone say "the trailer was better than the movie"? Why? Because maybe the trailer packs all the fast paced parts into one convenient 2 minute package, ignoring the "useless" dialogue you need to actually have a story? In an example more appropriate for this forum, ever seen those people who try a hundred fad diets and weight loss pills over the course of 4 years, but at the end they're still fat and STILL trying fad diets and pills? Yet if they decided to make a 4 year commitment to the iron and the steak, they'd look great. After all, 4 years was enough to turn an ectomorph online gamer into Zyzz. But people only see the end product, ignoring the time and effort it took to get there, and they never ever reach their goals.

    If I told you that I could make you into a demi-god of your chosen vocation, all you have to do is attend my weekend seminar and pay $500, would you do it? Probably. What if I told you I would make you a demi-god of your chosen profession, in 8 years of sacrifice and hard work and rigid discipline? What then, champ? Suddenly, everything seems a more attractive alternative.

    My point is this, and it's always this. Good things take time and effort, but they are very achievable. And they are VERY ****ing worth it. Usually, reaching your goal isn't the BEST feeling, although it's pretty ****ing great. What's REALLY awesome is seeing yourself improve over time, especially if you struggled hard at the outset. The harder it was for you to do it at the start, the better it feels once you start visibly improving. I was a ****ty tennis player when I first picked up the racquet, but I found the game fun, which is why I kept at it. The first time I landed a killer serve, a few months after starting to play, I realised that it was possible. All I had to do was practise and practise and practise. I was tired of being a chubby **** in high school, so I began training boxing. In a few months, my flailing lanky punches were replaced by decent, practised jabs and crosses. Within a year, my right hand was becoming some pretty heavy artillery. In year 12, many people considered me the best fighter in the school. Personally I don't think I was the best, but I was up there. But it felt very ****ing good to know I was considered the standard by which others are judged, even if it's a sh!tty standard like being the best fighter at a high school. So imagine how good it would feel to be boss at a boss profession. With every day now I get better at bartending, which is my side profession to fund my martial arts. Getting better at stuff feels ****ing good. As I improve in thai kickboxing and jiu jitsu and boxing, i get more and more satisfaction out of it. You just have to stick with it, and not get sidetracked.

    To finish with this - one of my current regrets. A year ago I bought a $100 acoustic guitar, just to try it out. I saw girls melting for ****s with guitars, I wanted to cash in as well. Couldn't do ****. I asked my dad how much time was needed until I could play a decent tune, and he told me about 6-12 months until I was proficient enough to be able to play songs alright. I was like..... nah **** that. I got better things to do with my time, like jack off all day and go out and drink. My little brother, on the other hand, went and picked up the guitar. And he SUCKED at it, same as me. He sucked for a few weeks, but every night, for at least 15 minutes, he'd be struggling with it. Doesn't matter if he just picked it up to play a few strings and then laid it down. He consistently used the guitar.

    And now? A year down the track, I still can't play that crap old guitar. My brother can. He can play so ****ing well that he saved his lunch money, his $10 a week allowance, and any coins which I gave him to do odd jobs for me (fetch the remote, **** like that), and bought himself a new electric guitar and amplifier a month or two ago. Aged 13. He doesn't get discouraged by how long something will take, or by looking at other people. He doesnt give a **** and does his own thing and sticks with it, and it works.
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    "What is wrong with some of you?

    The fact that you're completely insignificant is the single greatest gift of freedom that you will ever receive... yet some people advise becoming religious to escape it? That's like escaping prison, and then wondering what new prison to go to in the future because you're so ****ing institutionalised. And you religious people who are just in it for the peace of mind, how can you even look at yourself in the mirror man.. you're living a conscious lie for the sake of cowardice and security.

    Instead of looking at it like a ****ing 4 year old snot nose with teary eyes, and saying "ohh waa the universe is so big and im so small compared 2 it y dus nooen like me mummy n daddy y did u lie to me" MAN THE **** UP you have an entire ****ing planet to do with as you please. Sack up, get your balls in order, and start thinking. Instead of following the advice of these spastic mother****ers who tell you to worship a fairytale, listen to me. The child can believe in Santa Claus all he wants, but unless his parents buy him a present for Christmas, there won't be any presents under that tree, no matter how good he's been, because Santa doesn't exist. Remember what a shock it was to you when you learned Santa wasn't real? But then over time you got over it and accepted the fact? It's the same with this. YOU DON'T MATTER. Let it sink in, spend a solid afternoon crying about all the cloud riding and angel ****ing that you're gonna miss out on, and then get to work. Learn the ins and outs of manipulating people, because as we've established, none of them matter. Manipulation is an ugly word but I like to call **** as it is without sugarcoating it. Pretty much all your interactions involve some form of manipulation. When you go to a job interview, you dress up well and present a professional and slick side of yourself because you want to manipulate the boss into giving you a job even though in reality you're a chronic masturbator and layabout. When you white knight females you're attempting to manipulate them into getting into bed with you. It's an ancient art, get Sun Tzu's Art of War and Machiavelli's The Prince and educate yourself. Get yourself in killer shape, make your body and your mind lethal weapons. Set yourself goals for what you want to do, and what you wanna get out of it. You think you're gonna be crying about insignificance when supermodels are blowing your cock? **** no. Think you're gonna give a **** about the universe when you try go supersonic with a brand new Aventador on the autobahn? No ****ing way. And if in the process you don't end up living to see old age, so much the better. You didn't live to see yourself die, you ceased to exist at the peak of your powers doing what you love. "
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    On this world there are thousands of registered and unregistered religions. At the time of writing there are approx. 7,001,106,690 living humans. On this day, the 7th of November depending on where you are, 85 000 people have already left the world of the living.

    You share this world with whites, blacks, asians, indians, latinos and all other kinds of colours. Depending on who you are, you might think of this as sharing the world with redneck dogs, ******s, slopes, curries, spics and so on, but we're all the same underneath. Face it, man. We all bleed red when stabbed, the Nazi soldier and the Russian soldier were both thinking of their mothers and their childhoods, as they lay far away from home, their bodies and innards ripped apart by bullets and shrapnel, choking on their blood and the mud of some unknown place they had never expected to be. I know this isn't a pleasant thought for some of you, and that you would prefer to see the world as an Us vs Them, we're right and everyone else is wrong, when they die they burn, when we die we go to heaven / Elysium / reincarnate / **** virgins. Insert afterlife of choice here. But it isn't this way. The most brainwashed of you will still realise the truth in what I am saying, and fight that truth all the harder because it threatens to destroy the cornerstones of your belief. But truth is not defined by the percentage of people who believe in it, otherwise the world would have once been flat, and we know that's not the case. You have to consider the possibility that your well-meaning parents, everyone who taught you, and you as you are now are completely wrong about everything. For some of you, the simple thought is terrifying, and this fear stops you from ever following it to its outer limits, but those of us who feel that our mental faculties are up to the task of wrestling with unanswerable questions... well, it's an enlightening road.

    "If you gaze into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you"..

    What's the point of this introduction? A very, very basic one, and yet most will reject it. The world is too ancient, too complex, too ****ING COMPLEX, to define by any single philosophy that we as humans can think of. HUMANS are too ****ing complex. There are always if's, but's and maybe's. I will never, ever adopt a philosophy on existence or a religion. It is a faulty way of an inferior intellect attempting to organise and categorise something it was never meant to wholly comprehend. You should look at the world, and accept it as it truly is.

    And what is it truly? It is a place where organs are traded for heroin, where fathers eat their children, where 8 year old girls get their *******s torn apart by dirty 40 year old alcoholics, where lepers are thrown on island colonies to rot and cannibalise each other's diseased flesh, a place of senseless murder, greed, chaos and confusion, a cold and unfeeling meat grinder.

    What is the world?

    It is a place where glorious sunsets illuminate ocean cliffs, where two lovers walk holding hands under the streetlights amid the snowflakes, where people will sacrifice their bodies and their lives for the ones they love, a place of beauty, magic, love, honour, serenity and peace.

    Earth is all of these things. The hard part, the part that noone seems capable of doing, is seeing it as both AT THE SAME TIME. Seeing not only the yin, or the yang, but both at once, as it is meant to be. This acceptance requires you to let go of the notions of good and evil, and how many of you can do that? This acceptance requires you to have balls, and how many of you have them? How many can follow a thought which discards good and evil from the very start? And where does such a thought lead?

    But once you accept, a few things are different. You realise some very empowering facts. There is no objective philosophy about life. There is absolutely nothing you are required to do. Pascal's theorem is deluded from the start because it deals with delusions. "A casual stroll through a mental asylum shows that blind faith does not prove anything". You have nothing to live for, nothing to die for, other than the values which YOU yourself impose on yourself. You owe nothing to your parents, they ****ed and had a child. In raising you they did not indebt you to them, for in raising a child, a parent does a duty, not a service. Animals do not ask anything of their children, they ensure they survive, and then they let them go. You owe nothing to your parents, the same way as your child will owe nothing to you. You fulfilled a biological necessity, nothing more.

    That said, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't love them, it just means that, if you wish to be, you are completely free. You don't have to believe in love to feel it's enchantment, the same way you can recognise that alcohol is simply a drug which acts on your nervous system, but try act straight after 15 shots. You can see that by banging your hand up and down on your cock, you're doing nothing constructive, nothing which will lead to anything, and it makes no greater sense, but it feels good, so you do it. ****ing a girl feels good as well, but so many people go wrong through overthinking it.. Hot summer night, she moans into my mouth as i kiss her while i **** her and in that moment i love her and she loves me and only the two of us exist.... but later on, i'm not going to sell everything I have and buy the bitch a merc convertible, because a **** is just a ****, and a bitch is just a bitch. You don't have to believe in something greater. You don't NEED it. Your faith does not colour your world any brighter than mine. I'm a cold, calculating **** and you're a saintly warrior of heaven, but if you think my heart doesn't burn with joy with every mountain top I climb, if you think my day isn't brightened by something as simple and naïve as the laughter of a child, you're very ****en deluded. I don't need comfort and lies to see beauty in the little things.

    So what now? Set yourself some goals, but only goals which you KNOW you will have no problems living and dying for. If you want to drive a ferrari, don't pretend you give a **** about children in africa, you don't. You pretend you do so that you can whiteknight females into thinking you're a good person and so that your extended family will be proud of you. If you really cared about children in africa, the ferrari would never enter your mind, because every dollar it would cost you to buy it would be a dollar not spent on improving someone's life. Stop lying to yourself, and become the person you want to be.

    Painful little comparison, huh..can't really fence-sit on this one, you gotta choose one or the other. To those clinging desperately to the thought "hey man dont tell me what i cant do, why cant i own 2 mansions and STILL donate 5% of my wealth to charity" **** off straight out that's hypocrisy right there whether you like it or not because every square metre of your swimming pool is 10 people fed and clothed and if you truly valued human life you would never consider the $40m mansion. Truth hurts, vato. I'm not saying go be mother theresa now and give up your dreams, I'm saying don't be hypocritical. Stick to one or the other. If you're born ruthless, then **** it, be ruthless. That's who you are, and what the local community thinks of you should never enter your calculations. If you're a saint by your nature, and real people like this are very very rare but they do exist, then don't pretend to be ruthless so you can impress Jen from college who keeps going for that stupid bad boy even though you'd be a much better boyfriend. People read your fakeness like a book.

    In a world of no objective truths, whatever you decide as your path is YOUR objective truth and you should treat it as such. Fight for it with every ounce of your being. Conquer it and be fearless in doing so, because only the fearless truly dominate.

    Also - stop lifting from the belief that it will help you get laid. It won't. Lift from a desire to be healthy or to pack on muscle. If you want to get laid, go talk to bitches right now. If you want to be a criminal, don't sell two pills and call yourself gangsta, go rob two stores tonight. You will get arrested, go to prison, and come out with tattoos, scars, missing teeth and a ****ed up mind, but you will be a criminal, through and through. Whatever you want to be, prepare for the hard yards. You can't **** 20 bitches a week without getting rejected 20 times a week at one point. You don't become a self made millionaire without so many sleepless nights that you become a walking zombie at one point. You don't "become alpha", until you summon up the balls to stop being beta. And if you never manage to conquer your fear, if you always choose the path of comfort, you will lie in your bed, 60 boring and lifeless years later, and wonder what would have happened IF. Whereas those who take the biggest risks might die 5 years from now, but as they lie there in their scarred, weathered and prematurely aged bodies, they will know, at the least, that they lived and died following a dream which was greater than themselves alone.

    Also - apologies for the kinda cold, heartless post on a warm, motivating thread but.. the way I see it, most of these motivationals, despite being good, are too idealistic and therefore don't last. Those mindless quotes about how perfect the world is are alright for a 5 minute boost but fall apart the moment you have to deal with some **** in your day, because odds are you have **** to deal with and your day isn't perfect. Should you plaster a big hipster smile on my face while watching a relative slowly rot from cancer? Can you live love laugh when your **** boss tells you that once again you're being unproductive even though you know you're the best worker in the office?

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought that being realistic was the best approach to anything and my posts mirror this. If you found parts of it offensive.. I really do not care. If you found it motivating, then I'm happy, but go and do something instead of thinking how you're gonna do something. You know that thing you were just thinking of doing in 20 minutes after a bit more miscing? Do it now.
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    Play this while reading for added effect

    He was 60 that summer, and deep inside his bones he knew that he would never see another one. Not that he cared - each of his 60 was worth another man's 100, and he had seen enough to thoroughly understand life and therefore have no fear of death. He knew it was the heart which would get him - still physically and mentally strong, his life of thrills and adventure had taken its toll on his heart and he knew it's ticking was now more than ever a countdown, but he viewed death as a challenge and a new continent to explore, much like he had viewed things his entire life. It was always about discovery and self challenge. Even during the brief period of criminality in his youth, it was never about harming others or the easy money he made, but the thrill, the women, the electric feeling of knowing that you're outside society, outside the rules and established systems. It was the same reason that despite his enormous intelligence he had never pursued higher education. He hated doing as he was told, hated taking the trodden path.

    For the same reason, he had never struggled with women to the same extent as his peers had. He had no lofty ideas of marriage or white picket fences, only experience and adrenaline, and he was sought by women because experience and adrenaline surrounded him like an aura. His first business was a dismal failure, as was his second. His third made him a millionaire. By the age of 30 he had enough money to live comfortably for a hundred years, and by the age of 32 he had lost it all on risky business ventures. He had rebuilt it by 40, now richer than ever. He had explored the world. Those who resented his success, the educated, the upper classes who hated new money, attributed it to luck and chance, and some inbuilt characteristics of his personality which God had simply not seen fit to provide them with. He was a self made man, and they hated that he had done it his own way. He had a criminal record with 2 convictions of car theft from when he was 19, and they rubbed it in his face his entire life, and he never gave a ****. They were fat, they choked on their spaghetti in expensive Italian restaurants. He believed that food was fuel and the body was a machine, and kept a peak level of physical fitness through his 40's and deep into his 50's.

    He was 60 now, had 5 children with 3 women, and the children adored him. His grandchildren worshipped him. It was hard not to admire an elderly man with the eyes and the spirit of a 20 year old. He had been married twice, but the women in his life never regretted what they had done with him. He was as he was, and he made no apologies for it, and he had ensured that the children he had with them had received a quality upbringing.

    He still had no regrets.


    A tear ran down the wrinkled cheek as the old man's fantasy disappeared from his sluggish mind. 60 years old, he was alone in his room at the nursing home his ungrateful children had thrown him in 2 years ago when the depressions had really started tearing apart his tortured mind. He was apparently unpleasant to be around.

    He had never dared to question or to rebel. He never could muster up the balls to stand up for himself, something would always interfere at the last moment and he would back off every time he had to make a stand. He had achieved good grades throughout primary and high school and attended a prestigious university where he had studied business management and finance. Out of school, however, he had struggled. He had no experience. He wasn't good at communicating with people. He had believed his parents when they told him a degree was all he needed to succeed in life, but he found out that owners wanted to hire people with experience, or people with connections. His degree had put him deep into debt, and he began working as a manager at his local McDonalds to pay it off. Eventually the degree did begin to pull its weight, and he transferred to Coke where he worked for years as the area distribution manager. He earned nice money, 90k a year or so, and pulled a wife from the lower classes who he thought saw past his awkwardness into his soul but only saw past his awkwardness into his wallet. 20 years and several promotions later, he was on 150k, and unhappier than ever. With this kind of money he thought he would be travelling the world, he thought he would be free.. but he only saw cell walls. The mortgage on the nice house that as a high level manager he was expected to have, the repayments on the expensive European luxury car that as a high level manager he was expected to drive, the private schools that as the kids of a high level manager his children were expected to go to.. the ever increasing demands his wife would make, screaming on stimulants or crying on depressants.. they were eating him alive. He abused prescription drugs and wished he could muster up the courage to put a gun to his head.

    Now he was 60, and through a lifetime of stress his heart was nearly gone. He felt in his bones that this would be the last summer he ever saw. He looked back and saw nothing. He looked forward and only saw a miserable end to a miserable life. His wife had left him long ago, and his children couldn't stand him, the weak old man, the ultimate slave to the system and poster-child for the middle class western world.

    His whole life he had acted to avoid mistakes, to avoid being talked about by other people, to avoid doing something he would later regret. Yet now, at the end of the road, he had so many regrets..

    He would have done anything, anything, to be able to go back to the start and change it. To say **** it. To rebel against his parents and go his own way.

    But it was too late now.

    Several months later, his heart finally gave out one sunny afternoon, and the falling autumn leaves were the only ones who seemed to mourn, or even acknowledge, his final, tortured breaths.

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    This is for those who are stuck in a slump and can't seem to get out

    Step 1 - HIT ROCK BOTTOM

    For most of you, the situation is bad enough that you want it to change, but NOT QUITE BAD ENOUGH that you actually do change it. You're stuck in a limbo - your survival isn't directly threatened, and so you never get that burst of life or death motivation which so often skyrockets people who were at the bottom to the dizzying heights at the top. The worst thing is, in today's comfortable, secure world, your survival will probably never be seriously threatened, and you will remain in this unhappy limbo for the rest of your lives. What you need to do is experience the bottom, as soon as possible.

    Some of you will probably hit the actual bottom sooner or later, sitting in some gutter covered in piss and alcohol burping up ecstasy pills. Some might find it getting pack-raped in a prison shower after a minor robbery they did to inject some fun into their black void of a life. But for those of you who don't actually want to go all the way to the bottom - do this.

    Choose a night, and spend it wallowing in depression. Go as deep as you can. Get a bottle of Jack and some ciggies if you smoke, if you don't, the bottle will do. ****ing drink by yourself. Concentrate hard on every reason why your life is ****. Think about the girls you never had the balls to approach. Think about everything you regret not doing. Think about your parents ashamed of you. Think about how you're a ****ing loser. Think about how you got nothing. Remember every time you failed. This is a taste of what rock bottom is like. Cry actual tears if you can, because what you feel now will only get stronger and stronger over the years. THIS IS YOUR LIFE. AND YOU ****ING HATE IT.



    After your session of wallowing in your own depression and mental filth, wake up and have a cold shower and get to work. The most important part of the whole process of change is letting go of the past. The past is literally the biggest dead weight you will ever carry. It's like pulling a thousand dead people with a rope while trying to keep up in a marathon race - that's life for those burdened by the past. The past is one of the biggest causes of war and conflict in the world - let go of the ****. You've already learned from it. You KNOW you shouldn't white knight females and put them on a pedestal, because that's how you blew it with the one great girl you knew in your life. You KNOW you shouldn't borrow $10 000 from a loan shark, because you nearly got a bat across the neck for that one. You KNOW fire burns you. You don't need to revisit the memory of yourself getting burned again and again. If you completely forgot about the time you got burned, you probably still wouldn't touch fire. You've learned from the past - let it go. It DOES NOT MATTER. Whoever reminds you of the past - let them go too.

    Some of you might have a different problem - a really awesome past that you spend your current days living in because the present just doesn't compare. Some of you, I'm sure, spent your high school years being the alpha, the sportsman with the hot girlfriend, the one with all the friends. Some of you had a more interesting past that some people will have in their entire lives - and now you're smoking bongs on your parents couch. Somewhere - you feel like you lost the spark. The drive. It's like your old alpha spirit left you and now you're a directionless, useless shell. You need to let go of the past even more than the people who failed in the past - your past is REALLY ****ing you up. Forget you were the alpha. Forget about all the awesome things you've ever done. They don't ****ing matter. Noone cares. Noone gives a **** if you ****ed Miss Universe while dangling off a cliff when you were 15 - because you're not doing that right now. Noone will ever give a **** about your past achievements - they'll probably assume that you're lying, because the present reality is so far from what you're claiming.

    Forget who you are. Stop anchoring yourself with your present personality which is built on the successes/failures of the past. You don't HAVE to do anything. Just because you spent your teens being the biggest drinker in the crowd doesn't mean you have to keep proving it to people through your 20s. This was my biggest personal problem. Whenever I hit a clean streak, some dumb slut would say something like "you don't seem like you go out a lot.. i guess you're a lightweight drinker too huh hehe hehehe he he" and I would lose my **** and go drink more than all her friends combined and end up disappearing on a 3 day bender and come back with no money and tons of self-loathing because all I really did was spend thousands to gain the respect of some bovine **** and her ****ty friends. Let go of the past. It does not ****ing matter. Pretend it never happened. Let go of the friends you associate with, especially if they're drug relationships. **** it all off, man. I know it's hard. Success is hard. But being stuck in a rut is a million times harder.


    Ok let's head forward a few weeks - you've quit smoking, quit drugs, despite all odds, you managed to keep lifting weights and eating clean. You're amazed at your own progress and beginning to feel like your life is actually moving forwards now.

    Then - you encounter Ronnie. He is the kind of person you would have loved to be friends with before you changed - for all the wrong reasons. He's a party animal and can pull it off. He gets laid twice a day and yet he can do your job as well as you can. You begin to rethink your choices. If he's a deadbeat and yet he's living like this, then why do I even bother with all this self development ****? All girls love are *******s, anyway. I'm gonna go spend a week sedating my brain with Ronnie because that's the way awesome people do it. And bang - you're back where you started, a few weeks closer to death.

    You have to realise - you're not doing it for the women, and you're not doing it for Ronnie. You're doing it for yourself. You're doing it for your children, the little people who will one day see you as their whole universe. If you follow through with your plans, within 5 years you will be living a lifestyle that people like Ronnie can only dream of. Banging drunk hotties from the area isn't the same as banging educated supermodels. Getting drunk off cheap wine isn't the same as getting a pleasant buzz off blue label scotch. Getting into a drunken fight and spending a night in the police station isn't the same as skiing down a mountainside all day then eating like an animal at night then sleeping like a ****ing baby. Trust me - I've done both. One memory you will laugh at with idiots over beer. The other you treasure for life.

    So when Ronnie says "come on man, don't be a pussy - ALL the boys are drinking tonight, come the **** out and party and get laid with us" you will say "I did that when I was 15 bro I'm ****en over it and I'm surprised you're not over it too at your age." Make no apologies for living the way you do - you're not being a pussy by not going out, you're the one on the harder path. Your millions won't make themselves. Stick the finger to the world. Yeah I lift weights for muscle. ****ing oath I'm a meat head. What the **** are you going to do? Yeah I study every night. What the **** are you going to do about it? Yeah I failed at this 10 times and I'm still trying. YOU HAVE A ****ING PROBLEM WITH THIS? No, slut, i don't go out and pop pills. I'ma stay home tonight, lift weights, and plan my business. Make absolutely no apologies to anyone for how you live right now.


    There are no periods of productivity followed by rewards. You're not a fat woman. You don't get a ****ing mud cake after your ****ing run. You don't get a bottle of coke after your ****ing workout. THIS IS A LIFESTYLE. You're either in it or you're out. Don't let your mind cheat. That voice - that's the cause of all your depressions and failures in the past. When it tells you to hit the ice cream tub, you tell it to shut the **** up.

    And hit the weights. If you can't afford gym or equipment - buy some 5 litre bottles of water and do curls - whatever. It's the principle that counts. Run and do pullups on tree branches. This is your life now. You're the captain. Stop expecting to be spoonfed, to use guides made by someone else on equipment owned by someone else. And don't you miss a day. Don't miss a day if you're depressed, sick, tired, frustrated. Dedication isn't for everyone. You either can, or you ****ing can't, and if you decide you can't, go institutionalise yourself.

    Read. Read as many books as you can. I don't give a **** if you don't like it or you never developed a taste for it. Get to work. Devour the literature, force yourself. Read non-fiction. Whatever interests you, read up on it and you will feel your views expanding. Read books on business if you want to be a businessman, it doesn't matter that you failed college. You can fail at college, you can't fail yourself. Many people considered to be wise often stress the importance of self-education over organised education.

    Live for something greater, a dream that only you can see, and devote EVERYTHING to it, and the rest of your life will fall into place accordingly.

    And yeah. Hope that helps.

    Work for it.

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    Was planning on falling asleep an hour ago and spent the last hour reading this epicness. Thanks man, gonna kill it in the gym tomorrow morning.
    "the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning-- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
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    Hands down some of the best motivation I've ever read. The Eric Thomas is single player
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    This is epic bro. I'm the type of guy who needs this
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    Awesome, shud be stickied.
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    Repped, even though you didn't write it, great stuff. Good compilation.
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    Damn, that was... Incredible.
    Short cuts to success are often paved with lies.
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    Great post man!
    Was pumped before this...but now...i can't describe how i feel!
    Awesome motivation
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    sticky this ****!
    Per mare Per Terram
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    "Why do people downplay hard work?

    All i see is worship of genetics and of luck. I used to know people from school who'd lift in private and then when they got some size pretend they never touched a weight "oh yeah man nah i dont lift weights i'm just like this ayy" so that other people could say **** like "**** yeah man look at (insert name here) he's got the maddest genetics man i wish i had his genetics some people have all the luck"

    Same with money. People pretend there is some shady reason they have some money "oh yeah dont worry bout where i get my money from " "yeah i got my own thing going on the side" BRB slaving ass off in some restaurant kitchen somewhere for 70 hours then blowing it all on one night out and pretending thats what they do every night and they get their money with minimal effort.. why?

    Why not just admit you work your ****ing ass off every single night and thats why you have what you have? Do people hide the fact they achieved results through hard work because they hope that other people won't do the same? Because they wanna be exclusive? idk **** it

    tl;dr hard work is the greatest factor in the quality of life you lead, stop pretending otherwise "

    6. It really IS about WHO you know above all else
    4. Balls, hard work, confidence, vision.. none of these things lead to success without a ****storm of luck. For every highly successful music artist, there are 1000 more talented, harder working individuals who will simply never make it big
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    I dont understand how you can argue for both that quote and 5/6. can you clarify?
    ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ I rep back



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    Originally Posted by Chronys View Post
    Repped, even though you didn't write it, great stuff. Good compilation.
    I did write it, and if you're referring to the Kratos Guide articles they were used on there with my permission but originally were in the motivational thread on the misc. I didn't consciously copy a word of it from elsewhere and it was a struggle to keep it kinda original and not say something that someone else has already said. If you do find that anyone posted up one of these texts and credited themselves, please bring it to my attention.
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    Originally Posted by musclefarm View Post
    "Why do people downplay hard work?

    All i see is worship of genetics and of luck. I used to know people from school who'd lift in private and then when they got some size pretend they never touched a weight "oh yeah man nah i dont lift weights i'm just like this ayy" so that other people could say **** like "**** yeah man look at (insert name here) he's got the maddest genetics man i wish i had his genetics some people have all the luck"

    Same with money. People pretend there is some shady reason they have some money "oh yeah dont worry bout where i get my money from " "yeah i got my own thing going on the side" BRB slaving ass off in some restaurant kitchen somewhere for 70 hours then blowing it all on one night out and pretending thats what they do every night and they get their money with minimal effort.. why?

    Why not just admit you work your ****ing ass off every single night and thats why you have what you have? Do people hide the fact they achieved results through hard work because they hope that other people won't do the same? Because they wanna be exclusive? idk **** it

    tl;dr hard work is the greatest factor in the quality of life you lead, stop pretending otherwise "

    6. It really IS about WHO you know above all else
    4. Balls, hard work, confidence, vision.. none of these things lead to success without a ****storm of luck. For every highly successful music artist, there are 1000 more talented, harder working individuals who will simply never make it big
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    I dont understand how you can argue for both that quote and 5/6. can you clarify?
    That numbered list is one of the first posts I made on the misc ages ago and I guess it represents the depressive, substance abusing period I was going through, I had just dropped out of uni and felt pretty useless all-round which explains its kinda sceptical tone... By the way I said that hard work was the greatest contributing factor to your quality of life, whereas in the numbered list I was talking about big financial success, and big money doesn't always equal quality of life. If you apply conscious effort and hard work to your life chances are that even if you never hit the big time your life will still be a lot more fulfilling overall as compared to the life of someone who doesn't really give a **** in what direction their life goes.

    As for "6. It really IS about WHO you know above all else", you can apply hard work to knowing people. Getting out there and going to events and functions and mingling with various societies and meeting new people takes time and effort, but it will probably reap you significant benefits if you use those new connections.
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    That was the best thing Ive ever read, I think its past motivational, its inspirational. Its something that I do not have to read over and over again or look at it to motivate me when im down, after reading that I dont need to be motivated anymore, I will just do it!
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    Someone in a class I had this year asked me why I'm at the gym every school day at 615 to workout. I replied "Cause it feels amazing to be on the bus before the rush, to go out for a run out on the street before the world wakes up, or to go pull 350 lbs off the ground knowing I've done so much more than most people walking to class" and they said "lol I'd rather just sleep in." Found it rather motivating.

    If only I could apply to schoolwork
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    Originally Posted by lastxlight View Post
    Someone in a class I had this year asked me why I'm at the gym every school day at 615 to workout. I replied "Cause it feels amazing to be on the bus before the rush, to go out for a run out on the street before the world wakes up, or to go pull 350 lbs off the ground knowing I've done so much more than most people walking to class" and they said "lol I'd rather just sleep in." Found it rather motivating.

    If only I could apply to schoolwork
    yes, i used to wake up early and bike half an hour to a local park and hop straight off the bike and run laps around the oval as part of my mma training, and when i was riding back after the run it was like 8am and i was steaming in a hoodie and knowing that i had already knocked off one of the most demanding parts of the day while other people were sipping take away cappucinos stewing in their cars in the traffic jam depressed and **** made me feel all powerful.. lol. you can apply it to schoolwork if you see the schoolwork as a part of a lifestyle of chasing excellence, instead of being a chore it becomes something that enriches you
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    One of the best things I've ever read...really. Well done and thanks mate!
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    probably one of my favorite posters (srs) Your post "never be afraid to die" sent chills through my spine brah. Keep posting

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SinglePlayer again.
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    amazing stuff! bookmarked to read before studying for finals in a few weeks
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    mother of motivation.
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    love it!!!
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