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    For people looking for summarized DC program....

    I'm a big believer in DC training. I've done it for almost 4 years now, and I've made extremely good progress for someone who has been lifting as long as I have. Usually, once you get 5 solid years of serious weight training under your belt, you can bet that your progress will start slowing down and those newbie gains become a distant memory. However, this program has revolutionized not only my weight training, but alot of other peoples as well. (Needless to say there are many success stories out there) Over the years, I've made myself a nice summary of DC training to give to people who ask me about it. Now, please keep in mind.....this is the program as I understand it! The thing about DC training is that it's more of a philosophy than a clear cut program. There's been numerous generalized info given out over the years, and I've done my best to put it into a summarized document. These are the basics.....there might be other specialized stuff out there floating around, but that's pretty individualistic.

    **DISCLAIMER*** I've never been trained by Dante Trudel (inventor of the DC program) or anyone else that implements his principles. Take this advice as you see fit.

    A word of caution....this training requires advanced trainees. Being able to gauge your body's recovery ability and devoting the required intensity is critical. If you don't do these things, this program probably won't give you optimum results.

    On another note, if you're just starting out with weight training, even if you had the above mentioned traits, this program probably wouldn't yield the maximum results for you. Instead, I would focus on a power-type program and concentrate on the heavy compound movements for a few years first.

    Here's my summary....


    DC Training

    Basic Workout Schedule
    You lift 3 days a week with a 2 way split (train half your body one day, the other half another day). Only 1 exercise is performed for each muscle group on the day that it's trained. (Yes, it's hard to grasp at first, but until you try it and see the progress, you probably won?t be convinced. Just give it a shot!) Always try to make sure to have at least one day off in between workouts. For example, on Monday, you work:

    SPLIT A:
    Back Width
    Back Thickness
    (in that order!!!)

    Wedensday you would work:

    (in that order!!!)

    Friday would be Split A again, the following week starts off with Split B, and the cycle continues. So, in essence, one week a muscle gets trained once, the next week it gets trained twice, but there's always 4-5 days between training sessions for a muscle. This is the reasoning that only 1 exercise is allow proper recovery so that it can be trained more frequently.

    Each split has three different variations....the same basic layout remains, but different exercises are used for the muscle. So, you'll have the following layout, in this order:
    Split A-1
    Split B-1
    Split A-2
    Split B-2
    Spilt A-3
    Split B-3

    This means a couple things:

    1) One complete cycle through your workout schedule is two weeks
    2) The exercise that you do for a certain muscle will not be repeated for two weeks

    The easiest way to start setting up the program is to pick your three favorite exercises for each muscle group. Make sure to use heavy compound movements whenever possible. Say you pick incline bench, decline dumbbell bench, and flat dumbbell press for chest. You will only do ONE of these exercises on each of your chest day splits.

    You need to try to have at least 4 or 5 different exercises available for each muscle group because once your progress plateaus on an exercise, that exercise gets replaced with a new one. You can always add that exercise back in again whenever you plateau on another exercise, but for the time being, it's rotated out of your schedule. For this reason, it makes it extremely critical to get the most out of every time you use a certain exercise, otherwise you might lose one of your favorite exercises temporarily.

    When to Switch Exercises
    Your number one goal on this program is to beat either the reps (within the rep ranges listed below) or weight from the previous time you did that specific exercise!!! If you don't beat one of those two things, replace that exercise with a new one, as stated above.

    Sets & reps
    All exercises are done using either rest-pause sets or straight sets TO FAILURE, except for a few cases. A rest pause set of 20 means that you do 3 "mini sets" (with 15 deep breaths in between which normally works out to 30 seconds to a minute of rest time) to reach a total of 20 reps. A straight set of 20 means that you do 20 reps in one single set. Rest pausing should be used whenever possible, but you can use straight sets where you see fit for safety reasons or if you need a little less volume.

    The rep ranges are completely have to find out what works best for you. Most people use rest pause sets of either 11-15, 15-20, or 20-25 or straight sets of whatever feels comfortable. Obviously the lower end allows more weight in both cases. You don't have to apply a certain rep range to all may like to 15-20 RP for chest and 20-25 RP for back width....that?s perfectly fine. Also, the rep ranges might even vary for different exercise for the same may like to do 11-15 RP for barbell chest movements and 15-20 RP for dumbbell chest movements....that's fine too. Dumbbells movements and bicep movements are typically held to a higher rep range as well.

    Always warm-up with a light weight before starting the actual working set. The warmup should not be hard at all...just enough to get the blood flowing.

    The same weight is used for all three mini-sets on a rest pause set, except as noted in the "Exceptions" below.

    Exceptions to the Typical Rep Ranges
    There are some exceptions to the typical rep ranges. As always, these are also individualistic.

    For quads, a single heavy set of 6-8 is usually done first. After that heavy set, use something like 50%-70% of that weight and do what is called the "Widowmaker set". This is a single set of 20....and you'll know why it's called the Widowmaker when you're done. Most likely, you'll get to about 8-12 reps and you'll feel the pain....NO MATTER WHAT, PUSH OUT 20 TOTAL REPS!

    Back Thickness
    Exercises like deadlifts aren't exactly suited for rest pausing (for safety reasons). Since rest pausing may lead to a breakdown in form, it could also be prone to injury. So, for heavy back thickness movements such as deadlift, rack deads, etc., some people do 2 straight is 4-6, the other is 7-10. It really doesn't matter which one is done first. If the 7-10 is done first, then you might be able to use the same weight for the 4-6 afterwards. However, if you choose to do the 4-6 first, obviously it will be heavier than the 7-10 afterwards.

    Do these as you see fit. You can even do these on your cardio days if you'd like.

    These are tricky. The general recommendation is 10-12 SS. However, a true 5 second negative is required, and you hold the bottom postion (as low as painfully possible) for 15 seconds before exploding up. These seem easy at first until you get about halfway!

    These are usually straight setted 12-20 since they get plenty of work through other exercises such as deadlifts, etc.

    Control the Negative!
    When executing a rep, make sure that you control the negative portion of the rep. Explode on the positive, control the negative. This doesn't mean you have to go super slow on the negative, it just means that you should be able to stop that negative motion at any time...being in control of it.

    After each muscle group is worked, you stretch the muscle extensively. This stretches the fascia and allows additional growth to occur over time. Also, it greatly improves your recovery ability and soreness.

    There are different ways of doing this, so the easiest way to learn them is to see them. Normally, you try to hold the stretch for 1 minute, but for most of the stretches, they are so painful that you usually only make it to 45 seconds. If you're really hardcore, go for 90 seconds. Regardless of how long you do them, make sure that you are stretching it as hard as will be extremely painful!

    Here's an attempt to explain the stretches:

    Chest: Use dumbbells and lie on a flat bench. Let the dumbbells drop down into a deep stretch.

    Triceps: There's two popular ways. The first way is to sit on a bench with a back support. Use a dumbbell and let it sink behind your head, like doing extensions. You can do either one arm at a time or both, whichever feels better. The other way seems to have less shoulder pain involved. Set up a stomach level bar on the Smythe machine. Grab the bar with an overhand grip (close) and position yourself as if you're doing a skullcrusher. Push your body's weight into the bar and make your triceps stretch.

    Shoulders: There's two variations to this stretch. The first one - put barbell in squat rack shoulder height and face away from it and reach back and grab it palms up. (hands on bottom of bar) Walk yourself outward until you are on your heels and the stretch gets painful, then roll your shoulders downward. The other method....take a broomstick and grab it overhand wide enough so that you can roll it over your head and behind you. Keep the grip as close as possible and your arms straight. Do 10-15 reps with it. This is more of a rehab activity, but I've found that it stretches my shoulders out better than the first method.

    Biceps: Just like the first shoulder stretch, only with palms down (on top of bar).

    Back: There's two available methods for this as well. The first one...grab a vertical support (like a squat rack post or doorknob) and pull with a rounded back. While pulling, turn your hand in to really feel the stretch. The second method - hang from a chin up bar (with weight if necessary) with a wide grip for as long as you can.

    Hamstrings: Put leg up on a high barbell holding toe. Keep your leg straight and try to force your toes away from you.

    Quads: Face a barbell in a power rack about hip high. Grip it and simultaneously sink down and throw your knees under the barbell and do a sissy squat underneath it while going up on your toes. Then straighten your arms and lean as far back as you can. This one takes some practice.

    Calves: Since calves are trained with a special stretching style (see above "Exceptions.."), stretching really isn't needed for calves.

    Blasting / Cruising
    Blasting refers to the time period of everything mentioned above. Once in awhile, say every 6-12 weeks, you'll need some "downtime", or a cruise. Take a week or two to simply let your body catch up. Take off completely or just go into the gym and go through the motions (nowhere near 100% effort) and find new exercises to try on your next blast....the choice is yours. Just make sure to let your body recover. A person's blasting length is EXTREMELY individualistic.....this requires experience and careful consideration.

    In my opinion, you won't grow on any program unless you eat enough. Getting those calories down the hatch is 70% of the ballgame.

    DC Training DVD
    Jason Wojo has created a DC can be purchased here:

    EDIT: Well, apparently after doing some research lately, I guess Dante doesn't want this stuff posted on here since it gets twisted around. Hopefully the disclaimer is enough to let people know that I'm not an expert....just a observer. No harm was meant.....
    Last edited by Mached; 03-14-2008 at 08:51 AM.
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    now you've done it, talking about DC on, get ready for trouble! well done tho, i think DC is a valid method worth a try for most trainees. well done for sharing!
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    lol...I know!

    hey, I've done it all when it comes to programs. I've done the high volume stuff.....even bought the MuscleNow program years back. I've been through the trenches. DC not only makes the most sense now that I look back on it, but it also has given me the best results.
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    i think its worth trying everything to find what works for you, i wish i'd spent less time on high volume tho and discovered HIT or DC a long time before i did. would have saved years of almost wasted effort.
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    Originally Posted by tms.1978 View Post
    i think its worth trying everything to find what works for you, i wish i'd spent less time on high volume tho and discovered HIT or DC a long time before i did. would have saved years of almost wasted effort.
    Yeah, I try to refrain from saying "this program is for you". The reality is that lots of guys get results on many different styles of training. However, in my experience and everyone that I've personally witnessed in the gym that has incorporated DC training, the best results have come from this program.
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    yeah its funny,i find myself writing same thing on almost every thread- less volume, if it works for you keep doing it, rest more,keep it basic, heavy, eat more....... i'm sick of hearing myself! lol
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    Originally Posted by tms.1978 View Post
    yeah its funny,i find myself writing same thing on almost every thread- less volume, if it works for you keep doing it, rest more,keep it basic, heavy, eat more....... i'm sick of hearing myself! lol
    I know what you mean!
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    you say to focus on a str program for a few yrs,is that what you did b4 DC?
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    good thread. but this blog apparently has everything DC has ever posted:

    DC Training is good if you eat right.
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    Originally Posted by (SMaLLnWeaK) View Post
    you say to focus on a str program for a few yrs,is that what you did b4 DC?
    To an extent. The mistake I made, which is probably the most common mistake that young guys make, is that I neglected by leg work and heavy back movements. I was one of those guys that trained in a power lifting style, but I only paid attention to benchpress. (I was up to about 440-450 raw at a bodyweight of about 230) If I would've also done squats and deadlifts, I would miles ahead of where I'm at now.

    edit: the benchpress of 440-450 was not paused, but it wasn't "bounced" either....
    Last edited by Mached; 03-14-2008 at 07:55 AM.
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    Originally Posted by Andalite View Post
    good thread. but this blog apparently has everything DC has ever posted:

    DC Training is good if you eat right.
    Well, see I diagree with the different diet requirements. I think that a person needs to eat a certain way no matter what program they follow. DC training, in my opinion, does not involve anything radically different in calorie requirements. If you're devoting 100% intensity to your workout, what does it matter if you're doing one training style versus another?

    The bottom line is that you need to eat to grow, no matter what.
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    Originally Posted by Mached View Post
    To an extent. The mistake I made, which is probably the most common mistake that young guys make, is that I negelcted by leg work and heavy back movements. I was one of those guys that trained in a power lifting style, but I only paid attention to benchpress. (I was up to about 440-450 raw at a bodyweight of about 230) If I would've also done squats and deadlifts, I would miles ahead of where I'm at now.

    damn dude,yes your def right man..

    what are the big 3 @ now?
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    Originally Posted by Mached View Post
    If I would've also done squats and deadlifts, I would miles ahead of where I'm at now.
    Can't agree more. D.lifts give you something strength wise that you just don't have otherwise. but hardly anyone does them down the gym, pussies! lol
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    Originally Posted by (SMaLLnWeaK) View Post
    damn dude,yes your def right man..

    what are the big 3 @ now?
    Hmmm...well, I don't max on flat bench anymore....too many injury concerns and no need. My squats and deadlifts are coming along, but it's been years since I went for a 1 rep max on either of them. When I squat, it's VERY LOW....not your typical half squat.....I'm probably in the upper 400's to 500 range there. Deads.....I can get 490 for a few I'd say in the mid 500's for a 1 rep. Like I said though, I've only started doing this stuff since DC, which has been about 3.5 years now. There's definitely bigger and badder dudes out there, no doubt!

    I'm sure if I got back on a typical powerlifting routine that my poundages could go up, but for now, I'm staying with the DC protocol.
    Last edited by Mached; 03-14-2008 at 07:52 AM.
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    Originally Posted by Mached View Post
    Hmmm...well, I don't max on flat bench anymore....too many injury concerns and no need. My squats and deadlifts are coming along, but it's been years since I went for a 1 rep max on either of them. When I squat, it's VERY LOW....not your typical half squat.....I'm probably in the 500 range there. Deads.....I can get 490 for a few I'd say in the mid 500's for a 1 rep. Like I said though, I've only started doing this stuff since DC, which has been about 3.5 years now. There's definitely bigger and badder dudes out there, no doubt!

    nice bro,ill take thoses number plz thanks lol..
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    Originally Posted by (SMaLLnWeaK) View Post
    nice bro,ill take thoses number plz thanks lol..
    I just wish that I could flip a switch when I walk in the gym and be 3-4" inches shorter......that would definitely make those squats and deads a little easier! 6'-2" can be a burden sometimes!
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    Originally Posted by Mached View Post
    Well, see I diagree with the different diet requirements. I think that a person needs to eat a certain way no matter what program they follow. DC training, in my opinion, does not involve anything radically different in calorie requirements. If you're devoting 100% intensity to your workout, what does it matter if you're doing one training style versus another?

    The bottom line is that you need to eat to grow, no matter what.
    i post on DC's forum all the time. having done DC Training myself, i know that the only one can truly reap the rewards to DC Training is to eat like a madman, do a ****load of cardio and sleep. DC is for hardcore bodybuilders only. Thats what the big D says himself.
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    Originally Posted by Mached View Post
    I just wish that I could flip a switch when I walk in the gym and be 3-4" inches shorter......that would definitely make those squats and deads a little easier! 6'-2" can be a burden sometimes!
    but you don't need to stand on a box to talk to the ladies!!!!
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    Originally Posted by Andalite View Post
    i post on DC's forum all the time. having done DC Training myself, i know that the only one can truly reap the rewards to DC Training is to eat like a madman, do a ****load of cardio and sleep. DC is for hardcore bodybuilders only. Thats what the big D says himself.
    I agree 100% with everything you said. I also believe that you need to eat like a madman for any program you follow. Yes, it is for hardcore bodybuilders only.....but what constitutes hardcore? Experience? Size? It's a personal choice that has to be made. I would not advocate the DC program unless you have SOLID 3-5 years of SERIOUS weightlifting under your belt.

    I post there as well....under a different name.....
    Last edited by Mached; 03-14-2008 at 08:01 AM.
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    Originally Posted by tms.1978 View Post
    but you don't need to stand on a box to talk to the ladies!!!!
    lol....didn't think about that!

    (although, happily married here!)
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    Originally Posted by Mached View Post
    I agree 100% with everything you said. I also believe that you need to eat like a madman for any program you follow. Yes, it is for hardcore bodybuilders only.....but what constitutes hardcore? Experience? Size? It's a personal choice that has to be made. I would not advocate the DC program unless you have SOLID 2-3 years of SERIOUS weightlifting under your belt.

    I post there as well....under a different name.....
    whats ur name???

    i post there as well
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    [QUOTE=Mached;140841881]but what constitutes hardcore? Experience? Size?

    good question, i think experience is important when it comes to advances training techniques because you need to understand what your own body needs and can handle.
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    My screenname over there is 5spotbullseye
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    Good summary! Good read overall.

    In your opinion, why do you think DC is so "marketed" (not exactly the right word, but it should suffice) towards the hardcore crowd?
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    Originally Posted by Mached View Post
    My screenname over there is 5spotbullseye
    Mr Sarcasm from the DC eating thread You have some typos and errors in there, if it's going to be up it should be correct. Mind if I PM you them?
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    Originally Posted by u5711 View Post
    Good summary! Good read overall.

    In your opinion, why do you think DC is so "marketed" (not exactly the right word, but it should suffice) towards the hardcore crowd?
    1) It was originally geared for people who came to a plateau in their training after years of other programs

    2) You have to be advanced enough to gauge recovery

    3) You need to be VERY intense with the abbreviated volume that is involved

    4) The more newbies that try it, the more repetitive questions that get asked over & over again. This is why I posted it help out. I may experience some repercussions over at Dante's website....I didn't do my homework first......I didn't know he didn't want this stuff over here at!
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    Originally Posted by ScottMcDWVU View Post
    Mr Sarcasm from the DC eating thread You have some typos and errors in there, if it's going to be up it should be correct. Mind if I PM you them?
    lol.....yep.....sure, pm me. I miss all kinds of stuff...
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