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Forum: Post Your Own Articles!

Here you can write an original, detailed article on any fitness subject and share it with the world!

The 17 Minute - Fat Burning - Cardio Blast

Today I am going to talk about a very specific cardio routine that is geared for those who need to incorporate cardio in their workout but who have a limited amount of time for it. I use this routine after my weight training, but you can use it where you see fit. I think many of you felt like I...

Mr Vincent‎, 10-07-2007 06:06 PM
04-13-2012, 02:23 PM Go to last post
7 7,269

Intro to Function

The Thought Process of Training for Function Functional training is a system of logic that thinks about how to exercise in a way that enhances things that we do in everyday life. So, for example. Walking. A conventional approach (that I used to ascribe to) says that you would look at the...

wonderdude2‎, 08-19-2011 04:33 PM
04-05-2012, 10:51 AM Go to last post
11 4,322

Tips And Advice For Fat Loss

Tips and advice for successful fat-loss June 4, 2008 By: Doug Hershberger First off, my name's Doug Hershberger. To give you some background, I was fat. I inherited a slow metabolism from my mom, and a wide structure from my dad. I don't blame my weight solely on that, but it did have...

xdougyx‎, 06-04-2008 10:59 AM
03-25-2012, 09:12 PM Go to last post
14 8,792

The Evolution of Bodybuilding & Fitness

Everything known about the evolution of physical fitness in human bodies, reveals the idea that physical capabilities contribute to the ability to survive and have since the beginning of time. The more physical fitness one has, the more adept at maneuvering the human form and the healthier each...

jmorg714‎, 08-23-2007 08:03 AM
03-25-2012, 12:46 AM Go to last post
2 5,293

2 Tips to Increase Your Vertical Jump 8-12 Inches or More

Hey everyone, I’m relatively new here. I just wanted to give some advice for those who are looking to increase their vertical jump based on what has worked best for me. How well does it work? I’ve gained 15 inches on my vertical leap over the years. Here are 2 things you NEED to do to...

josh3675‎, 09-07-2011 08:16 AM
03-09-2012, 04:32 PM Go to last post
13 32,312

Thumbs up Hockett's Pocket Guide to Fat Loss

What to do and why Here are a few things to consider when weight loss (fat) is your primary goal while retaining muscle. 1. Fasted cardio in the morning is ALWAYS best because insulin levels are bottomed out, hormone sensitive lipase is fully active, the fat cell releasing enzyme while...

oregonpanthers‎, 11-23-2008 05:57 AM
03-07-2012, 01:13 PM Go to last post
14 7,385

We Are Bodybuilders - By Robert Cheeke

I wrote this years ago, but figured some of you may enjoy it: We are Bodybuilders by Robert Cheeke, September 15th 2004 When bodybuilders travel we are often on the receiving end of many odd and strange looks from the public. Not just because we have larger than average physiques, chiseled...

RobertCheeke‎, 04-05-2009 04:48 PM
02-20-2012, 10:33 AM Go to last post
12 4,845

Amino Acid Supplementation

Amino Acids By Zach Long Most fitness enthusiasts know that an adequate amount of protein is needed whether one wants to gain muscle mass or lose body fat without drastically decreasing lean body weight. Proteins are made of chains of bonded amino acids that help our bodies grow and repair...

olinerules87‎, 06-14-2007 03:17 PM
2 Pages
1 2
38 13,132

An 'endomporphs' guide to weight loss

Hey there guys, I started off 2 years ago 196lbs and at least 30%bf. Now I'm 173lbs and around 11%bf. Quite a big difference. I just want to share some tips and tell you about what I've learnt on my journey so far. I'm an 'endomorph', there's no doubt about it. Actually I hate that word, it's...

eymen23‎, 09-11-2010 05:53 AM
2 Pages
1 2
01-09-2012, 03:06 AM Go to last post
50 12,815

How to Get in the "Lift Heavy" Zone

Have you ever had one of those workouts where everything seemed to just "click" and all of your lifts were great? Where you just felt an extreme energy coursing through your body as you go from one lift to the next, ready to kick it up an even "higher notch." Let me ask you, are these...

LeBrunFitness‎, 01-28-2003 08:09 AM
12-08-2011, 09:16 PM Go to last post
20 24,219

Exclamation Hardcore Workout Plan (FULL WEEK)

BODY BUILDING: THE ROAD TO SUCCESS BY:PAT OZ First let me start off by telling you this. If you want to workout, get big, stronger,or just more healthy understand this: It is a long road to travel with many bumps and hills, but in the end if you'll be glad you took...

Pasquallie14‎, 10-18-2005 05:17 PM
2 Pages
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11-18-2011, 11:19 PM Go to last post
55 13,590

Why do we judge them?

Why Do We Judge Them ? Last night I had a talk with my mom about some cyclists. And I say like : "You know, these guys... despite everything, they're still great athletes." I have no idea how, but we started talking about doping. My Mom just can't understand why athletes would juice. And...

Deejay_Spike‎, 06-17-2002 02:20 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
63 479,323


4/21/02 Osteoporosis written and revised by, jeremy keough Calcium- an important mineral used for you’re heart, muscles and nerves to form. Calcium also plays a role in allowing blood clotting to take affect. Surveys show that many...

bigjay00‎, 04-29-2002 05:13 PM
11-03-2011, 11:00 AM Go to last post
1 3,770

pain in feet

Hello, Back in February, I had started receiving a sharp pain in my right foot. I have NEVER had any pain like this before. The pain started when I had to drive 2000 miles for a road trip. Since then, my right foot can't handle too much driving. My right foot also hurts if I go running. It...

lazrealest‎, 10-12-2011 10:20 PM
11-02-2011, 01:21 PM Go to last post
22 2,931

Too Heavy for ya?

There's always at least one per gym, right? The guy who overestimates his own potential, then makes a fool of himself when he can't perform. During a workout last year I was watching this 20 year old blond guy load up a olympic bar for some seated shoulder press action. His tiny girlfriend...

Toby Jung‎, 11-05-2002 05:55 PM
10-24-2011, 02:02 PM Go to last post
28 7,890

Getting in Shape for Wrestling

Hi my name is Tyson Wyatt some of you may know me by my handle of dez/null im here to make a article on wrestling and how to get in shape for it some of the things i will cover are training... muscle development,plyometrics,metal training,wrestling level cardio,weight management insted of weight...

dez/null‎, 04-20-2002 06:15 PM
10-10-2011, 11:08 AM Go to last post
13 34,203

Those who motivate us, should take lessons from us instead.

I started out with fitness at about 15 years old... I went through spurts at different ages, before finally at an overweight 195 lbs at about 25 years old I realized I could no longer eat what I wanted and still be thin. I had also developed panic disorder years before that so much of my weight...

Methodical4u‎, 09-12-2011 09:43 PM
10-01-2011, 05:49 PM Go to last post
1 1,541

Abbreviated Training FAQ

F.A.Q. on Abbreviated Training Methods -Throughout this FAQ youll notice I refer to 'HIT' commonly as abbreviated training. This is because typical HIT, built around Heavy Duty and the ideas of Mike Mentzer are not the same as the present ideal abbreviated routines. These ideas are used...

ja2001x‎, 11-13-2002 03:52 PM
7 17,574

An Ethos of Physical Fitness

It is almost universally recognized that homeowners have an obligation, if not to themselves, to their community to keep their property looking attractive. The visual aesthetics of well-kept lawns, gardens, and homes makes living in a neighborhood pleasant and maintains local property values. This...

EverYoung‎, 12-26-2007 08:44 AM
08-30-2011, 06:33 PM Go to last post
10 6,089

The Deadlift: Basic Form and Function

The Deadlift Part 1: Basic Form and Function Step into a gym, any gym. Take into account all that there is. What do you see? Weights, rubber mats, machines, mirrors, probably a few underdeveloped boys incorrectly performing the bench press and most definately several over-weight people on...

BigJon55‎, 08-22-2011 04:53 PM
08-30-2011, 04:53 PM Go to last post
8 4,787

Who tamed running?

Take a child to an open space and watch what they do. In fact, do the same with a dog. Dogs and children don’t think about injuries or how sweaty they will get, or how tired, or that they might get a stitch. When let loose in an open space, kids and dogs without fail do the same thing. Run. ...

JuliusJ‎, 03-21-2010 07:04 PM
2 Pages
1 2
35 7,898

Poll Poll: Watch What You Wear

I am concerned that society has become too sensitive about showing muscle development. Remember, bodybuilders used to not be able to wear "Speedo-like" trunks when posing. Remember that the original Olympians competed show their muscle development. Today, if you show a little butt (glut...

AustinGemini‎, 11-19-2007 03:22 PM
4 Pages
1 2 3 4
08-27-2011, 10:39 PM Go to last post
111 55,390

The Wasson "NATURAL" training Method

There are too many beliefs that the only way to succeed in weight training whether your goal may be muscle hypertrophy or strength/power gains that you must follow a similar program to that of which the pro's follow, even following the diet plan of a professional when you're a natural lifter is...

Greg_Wasson‎, 06-15-2011 09:19 PM
08-19-2011, 06:02 PM Go to last post
10 4,364

Make 2003 the "Year of the 6-Pack"

Make 2003 the "Year of the 6-Pack" by Shawn LeBrun Fitness Trainer I think of all the goals I hear from people I train both in person and online, getting a "6-pack" is definitely high on the list. Not so much "Increasing my bench press by 50 pounds this year" or "I want to enter and place...

LeBrunFitness‎, 12-31-2002 09:57 AM
10 4,701

The Forgotten Painkiller: Trigger Point Therapy Part I

The Forgotten Painkiller: Trigger Point Therapy Part I Trigger points were first introduced by Janet Travell into the medical field in 1942. Today, as in 1942, most people do not know what a trigger point is, let alone the havoc it can create if left untreated. So you are probably asking...

AnabolicAnimalX‎, 05-18-2011 11:01 AM
2 Pages
1 2
08-06-2011, 08:07 AM Go to last post
51 18,599

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