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Forum: Motivation

Tips for getting and staying motivated over the long-term, motivational pics and quotes, and more!

Unhappy No inspiration

I'm an 18 year old college first year, my life at the minute is fairly ****e, my motivation levels are at an all time low, I keep thinking to myself that my gf is gonna leave me for someone fitter and my workout routines are near non-existent. I don't want to have a arnold schwarzenegger type of...

StephenLynch97‎, 09-25-2015 04:13 PM
09-25-2015, 04:13 PM Go to last post
0 586

My transformation so far

Been training for a little over two years now. But proper diet and a good training intesity has really only developed in the 8 month. As you can see, there wasn't much of me to begin with, so it's been a steady bulk for the majority of that time. Would like some opinions if I'm on the right...

YeahBuddyYeah‎, 09-24-2015 06:20 PM
09-25-2015, 08:57 AM Go to last post
3 756

The Best Motivation Videos Channel

Muscletechpower‎, 09-25-2015 12:56 AM
09-25-2015, 12:56 AM Go to last post
0 705

Unhappy Embarrassed

Every monday I make the same promise to me (start gym and eat healthing). I fulfill promises never. Im tired of my self I feel unhappy, I want to lose weith, I dont know what happend to me I cant work in what I want. I work hard in other dreams I have and lose weith is very important to me, Why I...

Glennys‎, 09-24-2015 04:12 PM
09-24-2015, 09:29 PM Go to last post
3 774

The gym is just so boring to me now...

Short cliffs : Used to be very active with sports after HS, 180 lbs about 15% BF Got heavy from depression/party burnout, got to 330lbs about 35% BF Got down to about 260lbs and 27% bf and discovered Got down to about 200lbs and 6% BF at one point Got back up to about 250 and 25% BF...

KarmicEffects‎, 09-23-2015 07:20 AM
09-24-2015, 09:23 PM Go to last post
2 1,250

Unhappy Just got back into working out...have a question!

After about a 7 month hiatus from the gym, I am back...and I wish I never stopped...I've lost so much of my strength in my legs. I was expecting some, obviously - but compared to how I lift almost the exact weight I used to for my upper body's a bit discouraging. Is there a reason I...

kljakab‎, 09-24-2015 07:11 PM
09-24-2015, 07:11 PM Go to last post
0 568

How can I have fun with a simple digital stationary bike? (Use it to max potential))

I was just wondering if you have any tips. So far the only things I thought up are: place a set time and look at only speed on the screen, trying to maintain the same speed throughout the whole exercise, to improve focus. track distance traveled in the same time, each ride (to see if I am...

belthagor‎, 09-24-2015 12:34 PM
09-24-2015, 12:34 PM Go to last post
0 569


Almost at the goal which is 3x my bodyweight on the deadlifts. Slowly making progress, the goal is to have a 1000 total at 132 bodyweight, the numbers are rising smoothly. I cant post the link because, since im still new here i need to hit 50 post before being able to post a link or image in my...

fr88tz‎, 09-24-2015 04:14 AM
09-24-2015, 12:26 PM Go to last post
3 786

help wanted!!!

My name is Laressa, I'm 18 years old. In the past 12 months 've gained a lot of weight; now I weigh 185lbs. Two years ago, Ive found out that I have a heart condition. From that moment I became afraid to excersise because I felt my heart raising and it made me feel very uncomfortable. So I ended up...

Laressadee‎, 09-24-2015 10:59 AM
09-24-2015, 11:05 AM Go to last post
1 530

Found out I have gyno... Not sure if I want to cut anymore or even bulk.. Help!

So the doc said I have type 1 gyno.. Puffy nipples.. And hearing it officially has severely ****ed with my confidence. I'm kind of lost on what to do. If I cut they're gonna be more pronounced and if I bulk they're gonna be more pronounced.. I'm rolling at 15-16% BF and skinnyfat. And as a 20 yr...

Bsquared603‎, 08-28-2015 10:46 PM
09-24-2015, 08:27 AM Go to last post
5 2,277

Stuck @ 200 lbs and losing motivation :(

Hi...first post for me, although I've lurked in the past for information and whatnot. I'm in a bit of a pickle and it's taking a bit of a mental motivation toll on me. Some quick back story first, though... I'm 35, and was always a very active athletic person growing up and into my early 20's. I...

Taffu‎, 09-24-2015 04:09 AM
1 679

Mentality of Contest Prep

I started out at around 16 weeks prep for a show Oct 17th. I hired a trainer and its been an up and down with this person from there. They are generally changing schedules, not answering my texts, showing up late. They didnt even bother showing up or letting me know anything for our weekly Wed appt...

Shepcore‎, 09-23-2015 04:04 PM
09-24-2015, 05:33 AM Go to last post
1 723

Lost motivation to lift/cardio since I lose my job.

Over a week now and I haven't lifted or done any cardio. Will force myself to go lift tommorrow. Anyone had this? Tips?

RobElite‎, 09-23-2015 12:06 PM
09-24-2015, 05:30 AM Go to last post
3 521

Check out this chicks transformtion

I hope this motivates someone. Good luck all. Not only a physical but also a mental transformation

allrnder‎, 09-22-2015 09:52 PM
09-24-2015, 05:25 AM Go to last post
4 1,007

Tracking Workouts using the BB App

What is the best way to track workouts using the app... I was doing it the old fashion way writing it down but the app can show progress better with less math on my part... I Guess really what I am trying to figure out is What is the more accurate way to input the information to track. ...

twoTtwosniper‎, 09-23-2015 06:21 PM
0 446

3 years need motivation

YO, 1st post - been lifting since '12 anyways been through some injuries, right shoulder and got left knee, (run over by a car), ****ty eating habits (got bf% down from 30% to about 15%), and inconsistency. Now Lifts just seem to have stalled for the past year roughly - and wow still feelin...

Zlatz‎, 09-23-2015 11:07 AM
09-23-2015, 11:07 AM Go to last post
0 456

Smile 2 Year Lean Bulk, starting now

Hi, just a bit about me. Been lifting for years, 23yrs old now, but only got serious in the last two, and have seen great results. After walking the camino in spain, I came back leaner, but when I hit the gym my strength had pretty much stayed the same, so I decided now's the time to capitalize,...

Weightlifer‎, 09-20-2015 03:54 PM
09-23-2015, 02:58 AM Go to last post
3 1,637

Been working out for 8 years. I now dread the gym

Not sure what to do anymore. Pre workouts don't push me, being in the gym is annoyance to me now. I suffer from tennis elbow so I don't push myself. I maintain a steady diet so I don't balloon out of control, and it's relatively easy for me to keep or put mass. But I don't do cardio, and I...

themiscwiz‎, 09-18-2015 11:36 PM
09-22-2015, 08:52 PM Go to last post
5 960

Is it actually possible....

I used to be 185 lbs about 7 years ago. I worked out off and on over the last 7 years but have not been able to stay consistent because of work, school and injuries. I am getting back into the gym and working out to try and reach my goal of 195 lbs lean mass at about the size of a 210 lb...

Sldofftn03‎, 09-09-2015 06:53 PM
09-21-2015, 05:15 PM Go to last post
9 1,240

Losing motivation on a cut

Damn brahs, already feel a little smaller (and have only lost 1.5 kilos in 3 weeks). But the real demotivation is knowing that Im not building muscle anymore, so why would I go hard asf ? If the only purpose of lifting while eating less is "preserving" muscle, why would I put my max effort, do I...

aresman1221‎, 09-21-2015 08:01 AM
09-21-2015, 08:11 AM Go to last post
2 1,003

Anyone seen this?

So being healthy is a bad thing?

DanielleGreen‎, 09-21-2015 08:11 AM
09-21-2015, 08:11 AM Go to last post
0 688

Just Trying to stay consistent

Hi, I'm starting this thread as an accountability measure. I'm not in terrible shape, but I could be significantly better about going and working out than I am. So, I'm starting this thread as a means to just keep track of what I'm doing. For me, the most difficult part of this is going to be...

DCWulf‎, 09-19-2015 01:08 PM
09-20-2015, 07:38 PM Go to last post
1 580

Cool 27/m looking for some advice on how to get the drive back

Hey there all. Decided to come here and shoot for some advice. Little back story. When I graduated high school I became obsessed with the gym and bodybuilding. It was second nature. Never miss a day that I was suppose to be there, bust my ass, eat fairly clean etc. As I have got older I have...

silversuby‎, 09-20-2015 04:10 PM
09-20-2015, 04:10 PM Go to last post
0 567

Left Leg Quad Strain/Tear help

i went on leg press and when i was pushing up it kinda hurt so i stopped then i wanted to try the lunges then i started feeling sharp pain so i stoped for today and seems like lower left thigh hurts a tiny bit sharp when i put pressure on it so what do i do? How can I avoid injuries if you are...

Rising4Status‎, 09-20-2015 02:14 PM
09-20-2015, 02:14 PM Go to last post
0 549

Prideless Glory - Chasing the future.

Greetings and Salutations, My fellow bodybuilders, Athletes, Average Joe's, and people wanting change in their lives. I don't know your story or why you're here. But I would like to hear every single thing that you have to share. Be it the fact that you are over weight, under weight,...

iamdrewhaha‎, 09-20-2015 02:16 AM
0 847

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