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Forum: Motivation

Tips for getting and staying motivated over the long-term, motivational pics and quotes, and more!

Thumbs up Tested! 4 months of transformation progress (could be your motivation thead! ;p)

Hello guys, i used to be a fatty guy with thick bones, 145 kilos / 182 c.m Well, i started my transforming hardcore program at Dec, 25 2009. And today i went to a new gym as a change, also my friends there to cheer up, anyhow they had this new device which calculate the stuff for ur body for...

Ozii‎, 04-30-2010 03:00 PM
05-04-2010, 01:56 PM Go to last post
3 1,504

Is there anything more euphoric than a great squat workout?

In the gym ladies and gents, in the gym. Anyway, I'm slinging into high-gear after slowly easing into serious training. Just started taking pre-workout supps for the first time in my life, and they blow my mind! I can't believe this stuff is legal. 2 scoops of Jack3d on an empty stomach, and...

UofACATS‎, 05-03-2010 08:00 PM
05-04-2010, 11:34 AM Go to last post
4 1,749

Best Iphone App to Keep you Motivated...

Download Gym Buddy... Its by far the best app that iv downloaded to my phone. I used it today for the first time and its cool. You can make your own workout or use the preset ones, input your weight, bf, goals. It give you a summary of you gains( lose fat or gain muscle) you can also send...

Pety-Pipper‎, 05-03-2010 07:48 PM
05-04-2010, 10:55 AM Go to last post
5 1,920

Motivational Videos (YOUTUBE EMBEDED)

Hjd9nI2Fy2A TypQ-iYqiLg 0v1S7J2dzJI 4SZ1ZiBlfns s6joglwxWuo BNP16ulyd6c jlXRengzZoc woOu_4l3lio zI0nIVKIrF0 TEpO8AUqHm0

Ahsan89‎, 04-29-2010 11:06 AM
05-04-2010, 09:39 AM Go to last post
4 1,763

What is and where do you find motivation because I have lost it, help.....

I think motivation is just a made up word. Working out is starting to get so boring and repetitive for me to keep up with. Doing pt in the morning with my unit already makes me tired enough since we upped the pt time and standards. I was making great progress losing my gut now it seems to be coming...

jca2010‎, 05-03-2010 06:10 AM
05-04-2010, 05:40 AM Go to last post
7 1,380

Jay Cutler Was at my Gym

I went to the gym with my uncle today, and cops were outside. We asked them what the commotion was about, and they said Jay Cutler was coming. When he came in, pictures were being taken bla bla. He started lifting, and then I was talking to him. I told him how I started lifting about 3-4 months...

Pettisx33‎, 05-01-2010 10:34 PM
05-04-2010, 12:10 AM Go to last post
11 1,960

Cool Ectos/Skinny guys - YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Just a quick thread to try to help motivate any fellow ectomorphs or perpetually skinny guys. I started out at 116 lbs this last November. Approximately 5 months and change later, I'm sitting around 151 lbs, the heaviest and strongest I've ever been in my life. I was always the guy who swore...

circleofsixths‎, 05-03-2010 04:47 PM
05-03-2010, 06:40 PM Go to last post
6 1,521

Newb Guide: Having a MASTER PLAN!!!!

For the love of God, I have not been all that enthusiastic or motivated in the least to hit the gym the last 2 weeks. I usually go like 4-5 times a week but these past 2 I have only gone once or twice at best. Why the sudden change in things? Because I wanted to change my workout routine and...

ReedT‎, 05-02-2010 01:17 PM
05-03-2010, 06:34 PM Go to last post
1 956

Not letting outside influences deter me...

I am in the US Navy, and for anyone that knows what it is like being in the military, then what you may or may not know is that there is quite a large census of the armed forces that actually would like to see others around them fail. They would like to see them fail whether it be: making rank,...

arody169‎, 05-03-2010 02:25 AM
05-03-2010, 06:22 PM Go to last post
1 798

me so happppy

lol i went to a party last night... and ive been making good progress so i decided a few drinks would be ok. anyways, my friends followed me to the party cause i knew where it was and i haven't seen them in awhile, when we got out my friends girlfriend said "you're lookin kinda beefy these days"...

Almalexia‎, 05-01-2010 01:01 PM
05-03-2010, 05:42 PM Go to last post
9 1,402

Cool I made a tribute video to Bodybuilding, check it out. Throw me some reps if you like it. It's the first video I have ever made.

natetrig‎, 05-02-2010 05:42 PM
05-03-2010, 01:46 PM Go to last post
11 1,404

Ever feel like: Once you start losing, you realize how far there is go?

I'm pumped & my motivation is sky high. Cutting at 1500, been reading for awhile so I have a good C, F, & P % balance going - and keeping protien at 150g-165g daily. But man, if dropping some initial weight didn't make me realize how far I really have to go.

NHSport‎, 04-30-2010 01:32 PM
05-03-2010, 12:40 PM Go to last post
14 1,518

Best Motivational Videos on the Web

Constantly being updated check it out You can also submit your own.

Suhoi‎, 05-02-2010 09:02 PM
05-03-2010, 09:08 AM Go to last post
4 1,730

My story, and a few thoughts for those burdened with doubt.

I wrote this both for myself, and with the hope that it may help others. I hope it helps. I, like many of you, struggle with doubt. I’ve always been my own biggest critic. I play football for a small but successful college program. Over the last few years I haven’t gotten the...

99oc‎, 05-02-2010 08:34 PM
05-02-2010, 10:44 PM Go to last post
2 1,263

Motivation to eat

Just got done lifting legs and feel like im gonna puke but it's time to eat. Any I was wondering when it gets hot out is it harder for you guys to eat?

mattf12486‎, 05-01-2010 09:53 AM
05-02-2010, 09:25 AM Go to last post
7 1,058

24/7 Floyd vs Mosley

Anyone else feel really motivated watching the 24/7 vids. Finished watching the last episode of Floyd vs Mosley and its really inspiring how dedicated these guys are If anyone wants to watch the vid here it is

Kalimist‎, 05-01-2010 02:23 PM
05-02-2010, 05:10 AM Go to last post
3 1,056

Staying Motivated

Set short term attainable goals Long term attainable goals bring music that motivates you and gets the adrenaline flowing watch videos, or look at pictures of people who have the body you want it will motivate you

kwhitte‎, 04-29-2010 07:20 AM
05-02-2010, 02:05 AM Go to last post
5 953

Why have my lifts/ energy gone down?

Basics of what's been happening -Been cutting since February; steady 1-2lb loss per week on 2,000 cal diet -Doing SL 5x5, compound lift routine with an extra 2.5KG per lift session Here's the problem; over the last couple of weeks my squat has dropped by 10KG/ 22lbs, and I feel weaker in...

StylesOfBeyond‎, 04-30-2010 02:15 PM
05-01-2010, 09:14 PM Go to last post
10 1,166

Angry cardio and abs...get me moving

so I'm going to take a quick nap but I'm thinking about skipping cardio and abs tonight ....motivate me! before I become a lazy a....

flexap00‎, 05-01-2010 02:20 PM
05-01-2010, 02:31 PM Go to last post
1 878

I'm losing my motivation!

I've been bulking up for months now and I've been eating pretty damn clean with the ocassional cheats. Enough protein, carbs & fats to fit my macros. I've gained like 5-6 pounds and noticed a decent change in body comp AT FIRST, but I'm starting to think it's all fat I gained from eating so many...

JKnockawitz‎, 04-30-2010 07:09 PM
05-01-2010, 01:23 PM Go to last post
4 1,285

Some motivation

I need some motivation and a hell of a lot of it too anything

eric137‎, 04-29-2010 09:43 AM
05-01-2010, 01:14 PM Go to last post
12 1,594

How much time to achieve this?

Hey guys, knowing this would be my main motivation so it would REALLY help me. How much time to achieve this for someone who has never done bodybuilding. (cant post links sorry) I am 20. Height: 5" 8. Weight: 60kg. Also what weight should I am...

extasisarg‎, 04-26-2010 11:52 PM
05-01-2010, 01:08 PM Go to last post
13 2,205

Four months in, hitting plateau!

I've been lifting on and off since I was about 18, but I never REALLY commited myself until January 1st this year. I started going to the gym 5 days a week, eating more (and healthier) and taking whey protein and cellucor m5 extreme. I weighed about 155 to start and now I am 170. I am definitely...

bac0nfat‎, 04-19-2010 07:27 PM
05-01-2010, 12:09 PM Go to last post
9 1,590

Today I saw my first Oblique muscle (on myself)

I've been working my ass off for the past 3 months and could hardly tell a difference. I mean I look at my pictures and there's a huge difference, but daily looking in the mirror you can't see anything. Today was the first time I can actually see an oblique muscle (since about 3 years) underneath...

metroins‎, 04-30-2010 04:16 PM
04-30-2010, 06:18 PM Go to last post
2 1,049

Strength in Everyday Life

Who here has used their gym built strength in life scenarios? I don't mean sports, I mean stuff like defending yourself, pushing your car off the road, being 'that guy' at work that always helps move boxes to peoples' cars and stocks high shelves because you can overhead press it. Basically,...

mug‎, 04-28-2010 05:15 PM
04-29-2010, 07:26 PM Go to last post
5 2,777

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