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Forum: Motivation

Tips for getting and staying motivated over the long-term, motivational pics and quotes, and more!

Question Staying fit as a COUPLE?

Is anyone here committed with their significant other to fitness? I want to hear about how you manage it, what has worked for you both, and what has not? I'm going to have to bring health/fitness up to my girlfriend soon because I'm noticing an unhealthy trend in her habits that's been going on...

GoGoGo‎, 11-07-2016 11:22 AM
11-09-2016, 08:57 PM Go to last post
6 1,536

Unhappy I need a trainer experience to help me

Hi guys , I am 26 years old female , I have been diagnosed with thyroid CA recently and I am undergoing surgery in couple of weeks total thyroidectomy . The thing is I am really scared of the weight gain after that , since I lost about 30 or so pounds in the last year but I stopped for over 6...

DrToma‎, 11-09-2016 02:52 AM
11-09-2016, 08:56 PM Go to last post
2 881

Month of Training - How's My Progress?

Hi, I've been working out for a month on a full-routine plan. Now I got a new monthly routine. Personally to be honest, I expected to move on to an AB plan, but I'm still on a full-routine plan except with more dumbbells than machines, and most of my exercises have changed. Because of my...

SOAD288‎, 11-09-2016 09:57 AM
11-09-2016, 09:57 AM Go to last post
0 715

Unhappy Should I even bother cutting more right now?

What are the chances of a newb 5'6 , 147 lbs male getting leaner with a clean bulk or eating at maintenance for some months? Which one would you recommend if I'm tired of trying to cut? I'm 19 years old. I was 18% body fat when I started lifting so I wanted to cut to 15 so I can bulk. Think its...

1lie2win‎, 11-07-2016 12:30 AM
11-07-2016, 12:30 AM Go to last post
0 720

Over coming back surgery and getting back in the gym

hello every name is George and i am 27 years old. I am here to find motivation and give motivation. I love working out and I been doing it since I was 18 years old. about 14 month ago I woke up one morning and could not bend at the waist or squad and being on my feet for any longer than two...

teddypuppybear‎, 11-06-2016 11:44 PM
11-06-2016, 11:44 PM Go to last post
0 1,005

Angry Fell off the wagon

It has been probably close to a year since I had a good gym routine. I work 10-12 hours a day and have 2 young sons. I just can't seem to find the time to go to the gym and lose my family time. I'm just wondering if anyone else has been in the same boat as me and how they worked through it and got...

ryanjlockwood‎, 11-06-2016 08:24 PM
11-06-2016, 08:24 PM Go to last post
0 747

Additude - Motivation tip

i work out, then a little stop, work out, then a few mounts stop. on and off.. alot of times. When i start i can be 110% motivated , work 4-5 days a week for a month, eat good and everything must be perfect.. maybe a little too perfect. when i lose controle of the 100% work period with hard work...

Mckth‎, 11-04-2016 11:06 PM
11-04-2016, 11:06 PM Go to last post
0 758

Exclamation 2017 Bodybuilding Spokesmodel Entry

My story on my fitness journey! I hope my story can relate to you all and give you motivation to reach your goals, whether it be life or fitness related. I am also entering the spokesmodel competition! Good luck everyone!

Mbalancefitness‎, 11-04-2016 06:47 PM
11-04-2016, 06:47 PM Go to last post
0 967

How long does it take to reach this goal [pictures included]

Hello everyone! I actually have a question, when it comes to sport and I know this question maybe has been asked thousand of times, but I want your oppinion. How long does it take to reach this body, when you never made sport in past: | Actually...

HardLimit‎, 11-03-2016 06:13 AM
11-03-2016, 06:13 AM Go to last post
0 826

New to Bodybuilding! Question for former skinny twigs who are now lean and muscular.

Hey, I'm new to working out and have a question for dudes who used to be skinny and are now lean and muscular. How has your life changed since you've bulked up and got lean. Do you have an easier time with women? Has it changed the way guys and girls interact and respond to you?

iAmbitious962‎, 11-02-2016 06:33 PM
11-02-2016, 06:33 PM Go to last post
0 768

Could use a pep talk

Hi guys, I know this may sound weird but I don't know many people in real life that share my fitness aspirations so I am turning to you all. My journey began around 5 months ago. I am 5'11 and ballooned up to nearly 220 lbs at 27% body fat. I felt and looked terrible and knew enough was...

Jbelfort‎, 10-30-2016 12:29 PM
11-01-2016, 03:10 PM Go to last post
4 1,108

Question for former skinny guys.

This question is for former skinny guys. Have you noticed a difference in how women and guys interact and act around you since you've bulked and got lean? And if so, what has changed for you?

Mysterious0020‎, 10-31-2016 06:06 PM
10-31-2016, 06:17 PM Go to last post
2 818

Would putting on muscle and weight help with women

I'm 20 yrs old If I bulk up from 5'7" 120lbs to around 160-170 with lean muscle will it help my life with women. I feel like I'm overlooked bc I'm skinny? I'm pretty much a toothpick I have personality and all that but I feel like women aren't attracted because I'm pretty much skin and bones. Would...

Mysterious0020‎, 10-26-2016 05:08 PM
10-31-2016, 06:14 PM Go to last post
1 1,138


im diabetic type 1 and iv recently got gastroparesis i eat around 120grams of carbs a day my blood sugar im finding it harder control it bes from 9-12mmol because of gastroparesis i want to gain good amount of muscle mass doesnt anyone have any advice of what i can eat on top of the 120grams of...

static192‎, 10-31-2016 11:24 AM
10-31-2016, 11:24 AM Go to last post
0 1,111

Can someone help me with some advices?

Hello! I haven`t work out for a long time and i gained some weight in this time. 106 kg to be precised. And now i started to work out again. I`m now in my second week at the gym and I`m doing an older workout i did when i was around 85 kg it`s Doug's 5 Day High Definition Routine but in mixed...

lxu46‎, 10-31-2016 10:14 AM
10-31-2016, 10:14 AM Go to last post
0 663

Thumbs down Holding myself accountable

Well just finished my 2nd round to Jim Stoppanis shortcut to strength. Definitely am stronger, but weight has not changed. I know the problem and is my food choices during the weekend and my portions. I reflect on all the time I have spent working out and still no change on the scale. I numbers...

elroca209‎, 10-25-2016 10:15 PM
3 897

Exclamation Help me out please

I wasnt lifting for a week because I got ****ed and got sick now I'm still sick but well enough for the lifts but I feel extremely week and everything dropped in strength I am also unmotivated in the gym and get pissed at my self for being so damn week not while I was sick my diet was trash and I...

fuckinshredded‎, 10-26-2016 04:36 PM
2 858

Need advice ! Please!

I am trying to lower my fat %down !!! My calories intake to maintain are 2716 Right now my intake is 2000 calories a day I need help setting up my protein,carbs,and fats !! should I use ketogenic diet?

penco888‎, 10-26-2016 05:50 PM
10-30-2016, 06:45 PM Go to last post
1 742

Finding a Mentor

So I've heard a lot about finding a mentor that helps you achieve your goals and I was wondering where people found theirs? I live in a small town and go to the gym super early because of work, so the only people that are ever there is the crossfit trainer and the older ladies he trains so I've...

zfirefighter12‎, 10-28-2016 02:18 PM
10-30-2016, 01:22 PM Go to last post
1 732

Question Can I make it? Where to start?

Hello. I am 20y/o male, 6'1". I am currently at 155lbs arround 10% bf (skinny). My goal is to gain arround 30lbs of muscle. I have in mind that I should start with a beginner routine like StrongLifts, Starting Strength, Jageurnaut method, GZCL etc. Which in your opinion is the best to start with...

tasosgoudas‎, 10-23-2016 12:26 PM
10-28-2016, 02:49 AM Go to last post
4 1,270

IWill Brand

Morning! From the uk, hope everyone is ok! My friend and I have created a new brand based on motivation, inspiration and tips for success in both life, fitness and finances. Please like and share us! :) We are on ********, YouTube and Instagram too @IWillBrand #BeSomebody

nealwb‎, 10-27-2016 12:47 AM
0 1,088

How long does it take to get a bodybuilders body?

How long does it realistically take? I'm not saying like Jay Culter body I'm saying like those in Men's health even, yeah lets lower our expectation! I'm an ecto or a hardgainer I don't know how to call myself these days but I remember on one of gyms that I entered they have this fancy equipment...

kris2pe‎, 10-27-2011 09:58 AM
4 Pages
1 2 3 4
10-26-2016, 12:08 AM Go to last post
92 191,136

Smile Hottest asian ever

Charyl chuppuise, Isnt him perfect?

Blackjesus691‎, 10-25-2016 08:52 PM
10-25-2016, 08:52 PM Go to last post
0 1,042

East African genetics at work.

Sense I been in the gym I noticed I get cut and build muscle at the sametime when I'm on the bulking plan. I eat every 2 to 3 hours, sleep 8hrs and workout 3 to 4 days and rest 3 to 4 days. I noticed also it takes a Lil longer for me to bulk up but easier getting cut and also il leave the house...

Maxamad‎, 10-25-2016 05:22 PM
10-25-2016, 05:22 PM Go to last post
0 1,384

I am trying to workout at home, but it's not working

First, english is not my native language, so, sorry for any mistake. I've always been skinny, my normal weight was 60kg(133lbs), even though I always ate a lot. So I decided to gain some mass, but I can't afford/don't want to enter a gym right now, then I started doing some exercises at home,...

niklaswolf‎, 10-22-2016 08:00 AM
10-25-2016, 04:29 PM Go to last post
5 1,114

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