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Forum: Teen Workout Logs

Post your daily workout log here and get advice and feedback!

Road to Swole

I am 16 years old 5'4/5'5 weighing 60KG, I have been lifting since February, originally weighing around 52KG. I am beginning this work out log as a means to receive advice and self motivation to complete my goals for summer 2020 Current Stats Pull ups: 6-8 reps/set (bodyweight) Chin ups 8-10...

OwenMeikle‎, 10-21-2019 08:21 PM
10-21-2019, 08:21 PM Go to last post
0 3,556

Critique please

My leg workout {2x week} 3x8-10 goblet squat 2x10-12 leg extension 2x10-12 leg curl 3x10-15 calf raise

Colin333‎, 10-08-2019 02:46 PM
10-08-2019, 02:46 PM Go to last post
0 3,434

Chosenbrah's Workout Log - Rebirth

I recently decided to switch to Rippetoe's after 1 year of doing a 3 day split seeing some physical improvements but stalling strengthwise especially on bench. I am one week into Rippetoe's...I am beginning to fear my own strength

ChosenBrah‎, 12-24-2010 04:18 PM
66 Pages
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10-04-2019, 02:34 AM Go to last post
1,979 252,054

Post Good numbers for 60kg lifter

Im 19 been lifting for a couple years inconsistently Was wondering what good numbers for (1RM) on a couple lifts should be for someone around my weight. I dont really bench cos i have uneven arms although im gonna try it out again but I can currently bench my bodyweight for 5 reps, havent tried...

Bxneji‎, 08-27-2019 07:09 PM
08-27-2019, 07:09 PM Go to last post
0 4,182

Just switched to Calisthenics, need help.

Started weight lifting around a year ago when I was 16, now 17, went from 137lbs at 5’ 9” skinny fat and bulked to 162lbs and could bench 100kg for 1 rep, still skinny fat with disproportionately small upper arms. This was in a period of 7 months. I switched to Calisthenics after hitting my...

Arc25‎, 06-09-2019 07:49 AM
08-15-2019, 04:10 PM Go to last post
1 4,475

Post I need some advice

I’m currently 16 and 16 stone. I’m 5’7 and i have a lot of motivation to lose weight and get into the right shape for myself but i really have no idea what to do. like what diet would be good to do and what gym plans etc. any suggestions and support will help me. i’m going to get a gym membership...

SamuelMeddick‎, 08-15-2019 09:08 AM
08-15-2019, 09:08 AM Go to last post
0 3,798

How is this workout log looking?

I play basketball and I’m trying to get my vert up before the season. Is this leg workout enough? Tell me any flaws. Don’t worry about pylos I got that just worry about my strength workouts Legs Tuesday: Regular squats 3x8-12 Leg press 3x8-12 Romanian DL 3x8-12 Lunges 3x8-12 Hyperextensions...

BlackMamba009‎, 08-09-2019 07:36 PM
08-10-2019, 06:59 PM Go to last post
1 4,148

Post Need some tips

So I have been going to the gym for about 2 years now, from one chubby kid I transformed my self to a muscular beast. I want to start cutting to look shredded and actually have abs that stick out but I’m not sure if I’m doing the right exercises. I have changed my workout schedule multiple times...

Abdullah289281‎, 07-16-2019 09:50 AM
07-16-2019, 09:50 AM Go to last post
0 4,065

Wink LiftLP lifting journal

Pretty exited to start my first bb journal (workout log) Im going to log every workout that I do from now on. I'm currently on a L/P/P split training 6 days a week feeling like a beast! :D Currently on a lean bulk. Im also going to log my weight every month. Im trying to improve all my...

LiftLP‎, 06-12-2019 01:55 PM
06-15-2019, 12:50 PM Go to last post
3 4,732

Cant gain weight 6'2" 130-140 pounds

Hello, iv been working out for quite a while now and have been trying to stick to what i have read pretty well but it has not been working. I have been following the Linear Progression Based PPL Program found on reddit/r/fit and been trying to eat 3100 calories a day. In the morning ill have half...

rockthebox12‎, 04-13-2019 11:29 AM
06-08-2019, 08:33 AM Go to last post
3 5,146

Cardio and Weights for Cutting

I’m trying to cut some weight over this next two months and I’m trying to workout and do cardio right after. I’m a going to be waking up at 5:00 am every day and start my workout at around 5:20 and then cardio for 20 or 30 minutes right after. Do you guys think that this is a good idea? I...

SnipesBody‎, 06-04-2019 07:07 PM
06-04-2019, 07:28 PM Go to last post
1 4,422

My bench has broken

I train 3 times a week, full body workouts. Yesterday my younger brother was spotting me in the gym when he jumped onto the bar, before I started to bench press and caused the bench to break, we have a home gym and the bench wasn't completely stable but I bench around 100kg and ive never had any...

TMcK123‎, 05-31-2019 09:31 AM
05-31-2019, 09:31 AM Go to last post
0 3,952

I need help!!

So just a bit about me I’m 16 and not in the greatest shape. I’m not super over weight or anything I just lack a lot of muscle development I guess you could say. I also lack a lot of motivation so that’s why I’m here. I also could use a lot of advice on what works best for getting bigger and...

EC3113‎, 05-30-2019 08:48 PM
05-30-2019, 08:48 PM Go to last post
0 4,230

ICF 5x5 Training log

I'm switching from an advanced PPL o ICF 5X5 Novice routine after a week and a bit deload. Been training for 6 months or so. First day back tomorrow and I cant wait!!! Ill keep u guys updated :)))))

jakebader‎, 04-23-2019 10:52 AM
05-30-2019, 07:00 PM Go to last post
4 4,323

Cam's Workout Log - is this efficient?

Hey everyone, Lately I’ve become sick of the unhealthy lifestyle I’m choosing to live and for the last couple months I’ve started going to the gym more to get back into a healthy shape. Whilst I have been taking small steps in building up my stamina I have honestly never felt better and feel...

zuccisafterme‎, 02-22-2019 04:47 PM
05-20-2019, 10:54 PM Go to last post
1 5,694

Working out 6x times per week?

Im 15 and currently working out 6 times a week, do you think its okay because i dont feel like im overtraining and i always have energy.I have good endurance because currently training handball for almost 7 years and trained every day, and that built a lot, and i mean A LOT of endurance.Do you...

rfarkas22‎, 05-05-2019 02:51 AM
1 3,436

Workout log

Sunday May 12th: Chest + Abs *Dumbbell bench press 6 sets 12 reps *Incline dumbbell bench press 6 sets 12 reps *Machine fly 6 sets 12 reps *Chest Dips 3 sets 12 reps

AceCaldwell‎, 05-12-2019 08:23 AM
05-12-2019, 08:23 AM Go to last post
0 2,949

Summer Shred 2019

It’s officially time to get shredded . Current weight: 159 Current waist: 30.5 Estimated bf: 17.9% E1rm b/s/d = 225/350/425 GOALS:

BHFK‎, 04-23-2019 09:16 AM
05-04-2019, 08:56 PM Go to last post
8 3,816

My workout log

I am making this to use like a journal. I've been benching 100 kg for about 6 months lol but I lost 6 kg . Now im at about 68 kg 175 cm. I am doing only 3 workouts per week if I can right now. I done 6 days before and 4 and 5 and 3 . I followed alpha destinys program for 3 months but it's...

needmoargains‎, 10-04-2017 03:28 PM
4 Pages
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04-30-2019, 08:08 AM Go to last post
113 27,035

Workouts with powerbag

Can anyone tell me about powerbag workouts?

Somendra‎, 12-21-2012 04:52 AM
04-25-2019, 03:17 AM Go to last post
1 3,576


I have been sturgling with progress for a while, so I decided to change my trainin plan radically. I have goals both in strenght and muscle size, so I decided to try microsyckling. First week looked like this: Monday: Back squat 2-5x10, trying to progress in the numer of sets, not in weight...

Ukko612‎, 04-19-2019 03:55 AM
04-19-2019, 03:55 AM Go to last post
0 2,474

Question Workout Help

Hello, I am a 19yo male who is looking to build muscle and get into better shape. I’m 5’9” and between 110-120lb (unsure because I do not have a working scale at home.) I am looking looking for help making a meal plan, workouts, and organizing what days I need to dedicate to certain body parts. I...

AceVonSketti‎, 04-10-2019 02:55 AM
04-10-2019, 02:55 AM Go to last post
0 2,386

Cool Barn's Workout Log 16yo

Hi it's Barn34, I just started lifting srs again and making a new post in the teen section. I've been lifting consistently for around 3-4 months after wrestling season. I plan to hit these goals by the end of the year. I will be recording my lifts as of next week, and to make some fuarking gains....

Barn34‎, 04-03-2019 05:36 PM
04-03-2019, 07:08 PM Go to last post
2 2,549

Need help programming for home gym environment

Hello all! New lifter/poster here: just wanting to ask for you opinions on my program! (I hope I am putting this in the right place) For starters, I can't afford a gym membership - but I have a cheap squat rack, pull up bar, adjustable dumbells, improvised bench and a max weight of 67 Kg...

Theotterwins‎, 04-02-2019 09:16 AM
04-02-2019, 09:16 AM Go to last post
0 2,488

Talking Truebmxer01 BLSS Log

So before I start the log I wanted to start by sharing a little about myself. I'm 17 years old and I live in The bay Area. I had always been rather out of shape and overweight. Than sophomore year came around and I decided to make a change. I started just running and doing the stairmaster at the...

Truebmxer01‎, 03-09-2014 04:42 PM
9 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 9
03-20-2019, 08:10 AM Go to last post
262 30,452

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