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Forum: Teen Workout Logs

Post your daily workout log here and get advice and feedback!

Will Deadlifts and Squats Stunt my growth ? please reply

hi i am 15 years old i am making and fullbody workout routine and i must do deadlifts and squats and i am afraid of stunting my growth, i do them with dumbbells. i am 5"8 and that's short so i dont wanna stunt my growth :(

seif1995‎, 01-08-2011 07:11 AM
01-08-2011, 07:11 AM Go to last post
0 1,480

My Split Workout Routine Is it Good ?

Chest & Triceps: 1-Bench Press 2-Incline Bench Press 3-Dumbbell Flies 4-Cable Push Down 5-Triceps Dips 6-Skullcrusher Back & Biceps: 1-Deadlifts

seif1995‎, 01-08-2011 06:23 AM
01-08-2011, 06:23 AM Go to last post
0 502

gavindunne Workout log

Started going gym in october, Went 3 times a week with no real structure or goals. Tried to cut for a 6 pack and get bigger at the same time! Noob Mistake! Started on USN whey protein in december and noticed small gains. Have been on ON whey since february and getting a bit bigger. Started On...

gavindunne‎, 04-13-2010 02:23 PM
01-07-2011, 05:02 PM Go to last post
4 785

What workout is best?

Hy, I am Tim and i'm pretty new in this forum and just wanted to ask you pro's whats the best workout for me. So, i am 17 years old, i am 6' 2'' tall and my weight is 158 lb. I am very athletic but i need some more muscles because i want to start playing football again. Clearly like everybody,...

Tim98‎, 01-07-2011 06:27 AM
01-07-2011, 06:57 AM Go to last post
1 824

Recovery from Surgery (pics)

alright so im goin through spinal surgery in two days (30th), so tomorrow is my last day, mainly making this log as a tracking to my comeback, bench 275, squat 355, deadlift 405, doc said i have to wait 6 months for squat/bench/lats/everything besides back, and a full year for deads/back...

Reeder123‎, 12-28-2010 06:22 PM
01-06-2011, 08:39 PM Go to last post
3 863

mass and strength, GTFIH

hey guys, i'm an 18 year old powerlifter trying to bulk up and get stronger. my squat and deadlift are both in the high 400's and I have a 300 pound bench. right now i'm doing sort of a modified 5/3/1 type of split. it's a type of push/pull with high volume work

KRACKHEAD‎, 01-06-2011 05:20 PM
01-06-2011, 06:07 PM Go to last post
3 567


Im gonna try and keep up with a log so i can track my progress/workouts better. Im thinking of starting off with a split like this. Im not training legs as frequently because of knee pain. Monday- Pressing Power Tuesday- Pulling Power Wednesday- Off Thursday- Pressing Hypertrophy Friday-...

Wombatman‎, 01-02-2011 05:05 PM
01-06-2011, 02:40 PM Go to last post
3 513

RZMTZ's road to his first show :)

Hey there, i would like to introduce myself first, i am RZMTZ and i have been lifting for about a month and a half, but only seriously for half a month. I am 17, 5'8-9, weigh 143lbs and i have no idea about my bodypart measurements. Today i did chest, tris and a bit of shoulders: Bench press:...

RZMTZ‎, 11-21-2010 04:20 AM
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01-06-2011, 01:36 PM Go to last post
45 2,542

My Bulk & Muscle Gain Progress

Everyday I do 10 Reps of : Bench Press 36KG And then Dumbell with bar. 36KG In the morning I take 3 Creatine Tablets, with 240ML of water. Also 400Ml of Extreme Rapid Weight Gainer. I do Tower200 for a bit, feedback would be great, as I want to know what people think about the Tower200. ...

CameronP10‎, 01-05-2011 11:42 PM
2 635

pumptheiron_'s DC Training Log.

This will be a simply log of me doing DC Training. I have never done this but I like the idea of extreme stretching and feel it can help me with flexibility as well. I also like the DC training because its short and to the point and wont take to long and fits in with my busy schedule. I am...

pumptheiron_‎, 12-19-2010 07:49 PM
01-05-2011, 10:01 PM Go to last post
8 935

Thumbs up Nippin the High School Gut in the Bud

So i'm in my victory lap of highschool and like many of my peers I have developed quite the belly, months of nothing to do but drink, munch out and make money to do the aforementioned have taken its toll. I figure I'd better get some healthier habits sooner rather than later. To be honest I wanna...

gotmayo‎, 01-04-2011 03:35 AM
01-05-2011, 05:51 PM Go to last post
2 805

Chronic23's Road to Aesthetics

So I finally decided to start a log. A little bit of background-I joined the gym in May 08, I was going to bulk up for playing football. I weighed around 150 back then, joined for about 2 months then stopped. Weighed about 160. Stopped going til about May this year. I weighed in at 154 when I...

Chronic23‎, 01-04-2011 12:08 PM
01-05-2011, 02:47 PM Go to last post
3 773

Starting Strength Log

Hey guys just a simple log here. I've started doing rippetoes on and off for a while and just want to really stick to it and get my diet in check. Will be starting from tomorrow and hope to make good gains! At the moment im 154lb and prob over 20% fat :)

omegga‎, 12-23-2010 02:14 PM
01-05-2011, 12:09 PM Go to last post
5 691

Thuglife of an aussie bber (lolwut)

The new year means time to get serious. Im 18 years old and determined as phuck to get huge.

CaptainFalcon0‎, 01-05-2011 01:43 AM
01-05-2011, 04:01 AM Go to last post
3 613

Weight & Muscle Gain Progress.

Started Serious Workout 23-12-2010 Weight : 50KG - 23-12-2010 Used the Tower200 From : 23-12-2010 to 1-1-2011 I started Bench Press 36KG - 2-1-2011 And Dumbell Bar 36KG I have been doing 10KG dumbbells for a while, and I think i have to increase the weight.

CameronP10‎, 01-05-2011 02:07 AM
0 631

GSparky's Journey to Become a Boss

With football season just ending it is time to get back to getting bigger, and faster. This offseason will be dedicated to gaining about 15lbs of solid weight, while increasing my speed and quickness. I have my work cut out for me if I want to reach my goals, but I'm willing to bust my ass....

GSparky‎, 11-07-2010 05:28 PM
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01-04-2011, 06:46 PM Go to last post
74 2,096

benzona's winter log

decided to start keeping a log. been training about 2 and a half years now. i started off extremely weak, couldn't even bench the bar and i am very proud of my progress thus far. 12/27/10 legs: woke up with not feeling too well, ended up having a fever so i decided to go fairly light. leg mass...

benzona‎, 12-30-2010 03:12 AM
01-04-2011, 02:25 PM Go to last post
2 538

180 9% bf by june

So its the new year and i switched up my routine so that every other week the muscles get worked in different ways to keep them confused. I weigh in at 170 right now bf prolly around 10-11% try to take in about 3400 calories a day as well as 140 grams of protien a day.

Duval845‎, 01-04-2011 01:29 AM
01-04-2011, 05:52 AM Go to last post
1 760

Gettin Swelled

My Story Alright so I've been bulking since around the beginning of October. I've seen quite good gains thus far as I used to be around 155 and well...check the stats now. I've maintained the same bf (wake up every morning w a four pack haha) somewhere around 10-12% and I only take my weight for...

GettinSwelled‎, 12-30-2010 02:43 PM
01-03-2011, 10:09 PM Go to last post
3 725

cutting question

ok so im trying to cut down to under 200 lbs in about 6 months.... im 225 ish so thats like a pund a week roughly.... but at the same time i dont wanna loose muscle.. as of right now i like 5 days a week a different muscle each day, will adding in around 5 min of medium intesity cardio and 3-5 sets...

colts5818‎, 01-03-2011 07:57 PM
01-03-2011, 07:57 PM Go to last post
0 503

Help me out please

Okay, so I'm 14 and have been working out for about 2 months now. Maybe a little more than that. I have gained some muscle but I'm not that big (I'm about 5ft 1 1/2 and 91 lbs) and what I'm aiming for is to bulk up. I'd very much appreciate it if I got some help with this. Like how much calories,...

Ineedsomehelp22‎, 01-03-2011 07:12 PM
01-03-2011, 07:12 PM Go to last post
0 502

monkeyfrogo.o's log

i hate DOMS, haven't lifted for 2 weeks and joined a new gym yesterday. I'll be using the metric system btw height - 181cm weight - 65kg *if measurements are different from my profile it's because i had a ****ty converter* my routine:

monkeyfrogO.O‎, 01-03-2011 06:46 PM
01-03-2011, 06:46 PM Go to last post
0 543

Vandagriff's log! Time to bulk.

Hey guys I've decided its time to get serious about packing on some serious mass. I am currently 6'2 at roughly 170 lb. Currently working out at Radford University's gym while at school, and Anytime Fitness while back at home. I Just ended the first day of week 9 in Bill Star's Madcows 5X5...

vandagriff16‎, 11-22-2010 03:34 PM
01-03-2011, 03:49 PM Go to last post
20 1,049

My first ever Workout Log

Hello everyone I'm Jake. I'm 17 years old I weigh 215 pounds and I'm 6'3. My whole life I've grown up as the "fat kid" and I got reaaalll tired of it. I was 250 pounds in 7th grade and I was recently 176 this summer. But I started smoking pot like a dumbass with my friends and got the munchies.....

xJohnsen‎, 01-02-2011 06:33 PM
01-03-2011, 02:08 PM Go to last post
2 708

My Winter Bulk Log

I have been bulking for the past few months now. I'm around 148 and will be bulking until the end of Christmas break and will begin my cut after that. I hope to reach 155-160 and cut to a low bf%, I'm assuming I am around 12% at the moment. I will update all of my lifts. Here's my split: Day...

WizSpeer‎, 11-09-2010 09:20 PM
2 Pages
1 2
01-02-2011, 11:04 PM Go to last post
45 2,169

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