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Forum: Misc.

The legendary Misc. section! Participate at your own risk, some content NSFW. U Aware?

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  1. Section for discussing video games and tech!

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Sticky Thread Sticky: Words from the top

We are currently in the process of improving the overall forum experience and making several changes to prepare for bigger system wide modifications. The changes made most recently restricted the Misc section to users that were already active in the Misc and require a login to view/post in an...

ForumNature‎, 06-14-2021 02:00 PM
13 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 13
Today, 04:17 AM Go to last post
365 120,382

Sticky Thread Sticky: Misc Sober Crew Recovery/Sobriety Support

Hey guys, this is going to be the Sobriety/recovery thread for us miscers. This is a safe place to post about your story and receive support. We can celebrate recoveries and sober dates as well as having a place to post about struggles and relapses. This is for everyone in their own recovery...

Joeyw88‎, 05-07-2022 07:30 PM
32 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 32
06-07-2024, 01:34 PM Go to last post
940 133,604

Sticky Thread Sticky: [SRS] Depression Discussion and Support Thread Part III

Depression Discussion and Support Thread Part III Express yourself, vent out your frustrations, support each other, or ask for help. Respect others' feelings. If you are a feeling depressed, lonely, frustrated, suicidal, anxious, overwhelmed, or stressed, let it out here. Previous...

2RDEYE‎, 09-12-2017 06:50 AM
338 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 338
06-06-2024, 05:52 PM Go to last post
10,134 979,914

Sticky Thread Sticky: Guitar Megathread II: Unleash the picking fury!!!

To start off the new thread, what’s the technique that’s always given you trouble? For me (and thus the thread title), it’s been sweep picking. There’s just something about it that I can’t get quite right. I can do a chit impression, but I know I’m frauding

cjmadscientist‎, 03-01-2020 01:00 PM
121 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 121
05-10-2024, 11:53 AM Go to last post
3,600 453,508

Arrow Sticky Thread Sticky: General Forum Rules

Welcome to the Forums It is our hope that the members of the forums will help each other in providing motivation and information to those looking to reach their fitness goals. To protect our members and the forums, the following rules are effective in all sections. Please take...

anonymous‎, 05-19-2014 08:12 AM
05-19-2014, 08:12 AM Go to last post
0 266,444

Go to first new post Do y'all think sauteing mushrooms in a little bit of soy sauce is ok for beef stew?

About to saute some mushrooms that I will add to my beef stew that's been simmering right now for the past 1:45min. I'm going to add potatoes, carrots and mushrooms in for the last 15-30min. Youtube video says sauteing mushrooms in some soy sauce will bring out the "umami" flavor - but is that...

rollerball‎, Today 09:31 PM
Today, 10:14 PM Go to last post
24 94

Go to first new post Thumbs up Negging shows that you're an emotionally weak person

You let someone's comments get to you so much that you had to act out by negging that person You let that person control not only your emotions but also control your actions A strong person doesn't allow another person to influence either one of those No matter what words that person...

GMiscer‎, Today 10:14 PM
Today, 10:14 PM Go to last post
0 1

Go to first new post Hunter Biden convicted A jury in Delaware on Tuesday found Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, guilty on three felony gun charges. Hunter Biden was charged in federal court in Wilmington with three...

prbrah‎, Today 08:26 AM
2 Pages
1 2
45 1,024

Go to first new post Am i overreacting or can i be mad here? (REPS 150k) come in SRS no pics

me and this girl at work recently expressed mutual interest in one another. a week later she goes on a trip she had planned. this whole trip shes texting me, sending me pics, telling me what she likes about me. she even tried hanging with me the day before we were scheduled to work together...

IronILLinois‎, Today 04:20 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
77 862

Red face MISC HTC crew, wut do (to bang, or not to bang) (srs) (pics)

Lifelong LTC crew member, have never banged an HTC sloot. Have this 22 year old latina that wants the pipe, but not sure if I want to go down the HTC path. Wut do misc? This pic had me ready to go

tendies‎, Yesterday 05:38 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Today, 10:12 PM Go to last post
89 2,514

Average Miscer (video)

alphaalbertan8‎, Today 09:47 PM
1 18

this is the perfect male body for getting girls

imbored21‎, Today 07:07 PM
28 468

Anyone else have extreme RLS (restless leg syndrome)??

It was so bad last night I only slept for 4 hours srs. The only thing I've found that helps is I rest my calves on a foam roller. Anyone else have any tips or should I just rope?

nickh04‎, Today 09:50 PM
5 32

Kid Grabs Pride Flag & Steps On It

havoc00‎, Today 09:59 PM
4 31

Rollerball I would like your opinion on this videos, get back to me as soon u can

ye193x‎, Today 09:40 PM
1 19

Los Angeles Home Prices increase more than major Florida or Texas cities pre Covid

Do you remember when FloridaCels and TexasCels were saying that Los Angeles will have a MASS EXODUS that will never end and that home and rent prices will crash because of it? Guess what, THE Los Angeles population is GROWING after Covid, and so are L.A. home equity COMPARED TO any major city in...

Sal29‎, Today 07:13 PM
Today, 10:05 PM Go to last post
20 269

🔴 My favorite post of 2024‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

(For those who missed Ron's earlier post.) Hey everyone. Did you know our past, present, and future sins(wrongdoing) are already paid for? God loves us even though we have a sinful nature and wants us to go to Heaven and not be hellbound. We all sometimes think bad thoughts and say and do...

tepor46‎, Today 09:13 PM
Today, 10:04 PM Go to last post
3 36

I read about so many people divorcing, marriage doesn't even seem worth it.

No doom and gloom, just stating my observation. Just imagine getting married and then divorced, just a waste of all those years.

MikeLowrrrey‎, Today 11:15 AM
2 Pages
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Today, 10:02 PM Go to last post
39 610

Anyone else lol when they hear people talk about getting 8 hours of sleep?

I get 8 hours of sleep once a week if I'm lucky. Since I began working, it's usually been between 5 - 6 hours most days, sometimes as little as 4 hours. Don't get me wrong, more would be nice, but it's usually been a pipe dream in most of my adult life.

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 09:09 PM
Today, 10:02 PM Go to last post
12 125

How do parents not stay together for the sake of

Their kids? Shrinks will tell you you got to put yourself first and your happiness first that's all bullchit as far as I'm concerned When you have kids you forfeit your happiness and their happiness must come first How do people just have kids together and then run off and not think...

latverian41‎, Yesterday 07:06 PM
5 Pages
1 2 3 4 5
Today, 10:00 PM Go to last post
131 1,961

Do you or do you know someone who prefers cutting to bulking?

Sometimes when I cut I kind of like it, and I was wondering if anyone prefers cutting to bulking?

Ace Corona‎, Today 02:45 PM
15 164

Exclamation Man gets FIRED after taking pic of SLOOT boss's HUGE DEUCE!

And posting it on IG and tagging the anaconda perp. Jesus h the size is

RICHSTRONG‎, 06-09-2024 03:47 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
72 2,182

Arrow Sloot peeing on a Fan on stage

Lmao. Clown world.

CodyZellery‎, Today 06:43 PM
18 410

Exclamation I back boyos

I back

PrimarisIn‎, Today 10:20 AM
26 275

Ask a guy who was FA until 29 but now has a HTC HBB wife anything

Go ahead I'm 35 she's 26

CosmicGate0289‎, Today 06:29 PM
2 Pages
1 2
31 614

Thumbs up Wincel appreciation thread

Sometimes I feel pretty down on myself. I feel like my life sucks and I haven’t accomplished enough. Then I log into misc and I remember that people like wincel exist and I just lol at how down bad a person can be. Truly makes me thankful to be a real human being who works and talks to people...

Basedbaby‎, Today 09:43 PM
2 29

what to do with money if you have no girl/kids

I make too much man. I got nothing to spend it on. I saved 20k last year on while seeing a sugarbaby/escort every week.

imbored21‎, Today 09:43 PM
Today, 09:43 PM Go to last post
0 21

Thumbs up Officially 6'1 even though I'm 5'7

Renewed my license today On the renewal form listed my height as 6'1 Lady at the counter didn't even verify it before giving me my new license So my official height is now listed as 6'1 I wear thick soles so I appear taller than I really am anyways

GMiscer‎, Today 08:55 PM
4 95
4 146

Damn misc..Got skin cancer

Got it cut off my left arm last week for biopsy and doc called me earlier today to say its Basal cell carcinoma Going to derm soon to get whole body looked at..Will make sure and spread my cheeks good for them Guess I have to start covering up in the sun now which I don't like but no choice...

dopamine72‎, Today 02:21 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Today, 09:30 PM Go to last post
34 595

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