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The German cop who was stabbed by the terrorist he was protecting has died

Cliffs: - "Far right" anti Muslims hold a rally in Germany - A wild Muslim terrorist appears and starts stabbing the attendees - Several cops stand around being useless while the attendees try to subdue the terrorist - Cop pounces on one of the "far right" people pummeling the terrorist -...

128‎, Today 11:52 AM
Today, 11:52 AM Go to last post
0 58

HBB in her 50's discusses why she dates men much younger Can someone embed her pic from the article? Would you bang this HBB in her 50's?

Pats2022SBwin‎, Today 09:20 AM
Today, 11:46 AM Go to last post
5 213

Exclamation WTF do u think BIDEN will do about RSSIAN WARSHIPS in CUBA?

I'm no BByYaga but this doesn't sound good. Edit: BREAKING "Biden spotted off the Keys manning a defensive position to save America By himself!"

RICHSTRONG‎, Today 10:46 AM
3 63
2 54

Thursday Misc Lifting Discussion Thread (Back Day) (Videos) (17 sets)

BW 224.6 Bike 90 min WG Pulldown 5 sets Chest Supported DB Rows 3 sets Cable Pullovers 3 sets DB Shrug 3 sets 4-Way Neck 3 sets

DrewDarden‎, Yesterday 04:48 PM
24 328

Billionaire banned from working out at his own gym

Anyone know where he’s going to lift now?

Deathstroke‎, Today 04:29 AM
15 401

Exclamation dayyyyuuuumm....Alabama is HTC maxin' ... Miss Alabama contest

If you don't think Miss Alabama won this fair & square, you're a far-right extremist At least it was an actual female right? the moment she won:

Procta‎, Today 06:59 AM
11 272

I have found a new, quick way to make money.

Donating plasma. I got $75 the first time and will get that the second time. After that it will be $40 for the first time of the week, then $65 for the second time of the week. I will be making $420 a month. They have the pre-activated debit/credit cards that they load after you give. Why...

hendrixfreak70‎, Yesterday 02:33 PM
2 Pages
1 2
31 419

𝄞 ♪♫♫♪ What Are You Listening To? Part XXV ♪♫♫♪ 𝄞

Post them up. Refresh your subscriptions! FpeyfE_NLOg Format is video code v=xxXxxXXx here (no spaces) Previous thread:

IronCharles‎, 11-26-2023 12:05 AM
49 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 49
Today, 11:25 AM Go to last post
1,467 37,804

Anyone here ever primitive/car camped in national parks?

I'm planning a trip out west with my son. We are going to drive to the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Sequoia, Mount Rainier, Glacier, and Yellowstone. We plan doing it during the winter, too. I also planning on fighting a miscer or two along the way. Anyone got any tips?

hendrixfreak70‎, Today 10:26 AM
17 124

who is that spanish looking soldier with his knee on that fat guy in the meme here?

on the battlefield, it's a big fat bald man, and a spanish looking guy with his knee on his head (guessing he killed the fat guy) but who are either of them? srs

7empest‎, Today 12:38 AM
Today, 11:24 AM Go to last post
7 153

How many times can you flat bench press 225lbs (100kg)?

How many time can you flat bench press 225lbs (100kg) with perfect form, bar touching chest? And what do you think is an impressive amount of times to hit 225 for reps

lancefraudd‎, Yesterday 09:53 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Today, 11:24 AM Go to last post
60 679
Today, 11:17 AM Go to last post
8 98

Exclamation Fuk it - I'm Gonna Start LOL'n@ TRADIES AGAIN

I don't care that I'm making less. I;m in my nice AC office on hot days kickin it and I'm gonna start LOL'n when it gets hot around here! BRB - no sweat drippin Brb - no have to use tools n schit BRB - have dress down days BRB BRB Who TF is with me?? Post up those Gifs and lets get...

RICHSTRONG‎, 06-05-2024 09:06 AM
2 Pages
1 2
44 706

Brutal will buying be better than renting ever again srs

Renting in 2024 is essentially ten times cheaper than buying anything right now. With low interest rates (I have a 2.6% rate on my primary residence with 200k equity), reluctance to sell, and BlackRock's significant property ownership, America seems destined to remain a renter's economy. It's harsh...

AWSbruh‎, Today 10:58 AM
8 125
1 44
Today, 11:08 AM Go to last post
10 388

How many times can you squat 315lbs (140kg)?

How many time can you squat 315lbs (140kg) with at least parallel depth? And what do you think is an impressive amount of times to hit 315 for reps

monster0ultra‎, Today 11:03 AM
0 56

Dr Pepper took over Pepsi as #2 Soda Brand in the USA

mirin respect those new flavors hit harder than any diet soda i've ever tried besides the purple fanta

yieldtonothing‎, Today 09:15 AM
Today, 11:00 AM Go to last post
18 251

Arrow Check out this new rapper (Richstong not even up on this new new)

Congo has produced Africa's first mute Rapper named MC Baba. Just in time for the summer time so you can bump loud af with the windows down cBNUSH1VFj8

Procta‎, 06-05-2024 10:35 AM
10 117

my angus burnsss...boyos


RippedPlz‎, Today 10:53 AM
Today, 10:53 AM Go to last post
0 49
Today, 10:52 AM Go to last post
1 71

Unemployment Rate rises to 4%, jobs increase by 272,000 But most of the added jobs are part-time, as many more full time jobs were lost. Seems like things are gradually going in the wrong direction, although the numbers can be spun to seem decent.

OliverHeldens‎, Today 07:39 AM
Today, 10:45 AM Go to last post
26 375

What do you think a man should aspire to be? srs

I think about this sometimes. If life is like a video game, there is a set progression arch for your character. A warrior can become a paladin. A cleric can become a priest etc What's the highest level of human? Is it tattoos and steroids?

MetroBrah‎, Today 08:51 AM
5 68

hey man, how are ya?

we gucci?

RippedPlz‎, Today 10:35 AM
Today, 10:35 AM Go to last post
0 19

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