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Forum: Olympic Lifting

Discuss Olympic lifting and your personal programs.

Ramadan and Olympics are the same dates this year.

Or rather, the dates coincide. I just realized this when talking to a Muslim buddy at the gym, and went home and Googled the dates for both to make sure. I wonder if the Iranian WL team (and other athletes from Muslim countries) find ways to work around it, or if that would be frowned upon?

breathinglife‎, 06-04-2012 02:38 PM
06-04-2012, 04:32 PM Go to last post
3 1,238

Exclamation deadlift help?

Im 16 years old i weigh 140 and ive been lifting for 2 years. My max is pretty solid 350. However i have a big problem repping even the lowest weight for deadlift, i cant put it back down with out first bending my back too much which kind of hurts. Does anyone know of a correct way to rep with good...

wcramer1995‎, 06-02-2012 11:14 AM
06-04-2012, 01:43 PM Go to last post
4 1,211

Critique my form on power clean & power snatch

I've been doing Olympic lifting for a few weeks and I want to see where I'm at. tKE_K23uneM 85hIijXYP-c

RyannayR‎, 05-24-2012 05:00 PM
06-03-2012, 08:35 AM Go to last post
5 1,712

Question Please Critique My Form - Power Clean

Hey guys, I've been power cleaning for about a year, but up until recently I learned that I was not doing it correctly. I was exploding all the way from the bottom instead of just when the bar reaches my thigh. Therefore, I figure I would upload a video of my new form and get some critques from...

mastersimons‎, 05-29-2012 09:14 AM
06-03-2012, 07:21 AM Go to last post
3 1,429

Olympic Squat + Power Clean FORM CHECK

Hey guys, Im new to Olympic Lifting and ive tried incorporating some OL into the Starting Strength Program. I am open to all criticism on my form, as i am eager to learn and make my technique as good as possible. Thanks

Benoes‎, 06-03-2012 04:03 AM
06-03-2012, 04:03 AM Go to last post
0 1,471

New to olympic weightlifting

Hi there, I've been weight training for almost 2 years, mainly in the form of powerlifting. Recently, I became very interested in the Olympic weightlifting (seeing those lifters life 2-3x their own body weight above their heads really inspired me) so I want to ask some specific training...

Rain0189‎, 05-23-2011 07:43 AM
06-02-2012, 09:51 AM Go to last post
14 8,524

Olympic Lifting Boise, ID

Right now I'm finishing up high school powerlifting. Pretty avid powerlifter, but I'm interested in getting into some olympic lifting. Are there any gyms or teams in Boise I could get involved with? Thanks

hshagens‎, 06-01-2012 11:05 AM
06-01-2012, 01:12 PM Go to last post
1 2,982

stop bruising!?!

Hey fellas, sort of new to Olympic lifts and have only just started doing the second acceleration (bar hitting/brushing upper thighs and hip flexor) My legs are bruising up like crazy, there black and swollen at the moment :p wondering if there is anything you guys do to stop this from happening...

Bluesy‎, 05-24-2012 04:23 AM
05-28-2012, 04:21 PM Go to last post
12 4,690

Oly lifting power shrugs

well guys i was just wondering if you guys use power shrugs at all for assistance for your power cleans really trying to break the school record this year

gmanfootballguy‎, 05-28-2012 09:56 AM
05-28-2012, 01:20 PM Go to last post
4 2,028

Body Fat and Core Strength

This big, burly black guy at my gym said that a lower body fat % leads to a stronger core. I'm struggling with my high-bar squats right now because I can't keep my back straight as I go down. Is there any truth to his wisdom?

prime312‎, 05-24-2012 07:42 PM
05-25-2012, 08:30 PM Go to last post
4 1,868

Question Knee Sleeves HELP

Need some new knee sleeves. What do you guys recommend? Id prefer not to get the rehband blue ones. Anything else that is fairly priced, comfy, and durable?

Conquer92‎, 05-25-2012 03:12 PM
05-25-2012, 07:03 PM Go to last post
5 4,900

Klokov prepares for the 2012 OLY (new video)

figured it was worth posting to see if anyone who speaks russian could translate edit: it looks like old footage from a previous video with different commentary and some newer clips. Ujo2yofH0yM

schabowy90‎, 05-24-2012 06:36 PM
05-25-2012, 05:18 PM Go to last post
8 2,618

Expensive equipment

Just thought I would have a quick look to see how much an Olympic set would cost. £95 for 1 25kg bumper plate - that is crazy! No wonder more people dont get into this with...

scotchchris‎, 05-24-2012 12:02 PM
05-25-2012, 12:56 PM Go to last post
10 2,456

Third week of Oly lifting and....

.... I've fallen in love lol!! Seems that even though I'm not making quick progress on the strength part (since I'm really worried about my form) of the lifts, all of my other power lifts feel better and making new PR's quicker. Only problem I have is with snatches. I still have to muscle it up a...

Badzooka‎, 05-24-2012 03:11 PM
05-25-2012, 12:29 AM Go to last post
6 1,785

Power Cleans Form Help

Was referred to this section for help on proper form. Please provide me with constructive feedback because I am here to learn and improve =). This is me. I kept it light on the weights since it's only my second day doing power cleans. looking back on the vide, i think i rack a little late so...

bboytommy‎, 05-24-2012 03:39 PM
05-24-2012, 03:39 PM Go to last post
0 1,163

Why doesn't the IWF adopt the 2011 IPF weight classes?

I think Olympic weightlifting could fare a little better, especially for the guys who weigh 100+ kilos. Instead of changing every few years and reducing the weight classes, the IWF should share the same weight classes as the IPF. Post 2011 IPF Weight Classes Men; 59 kg, 66 kg, 74 kg, 83 kg,...

NotSwoleBrah‎, 05-22-2012 05:21 PM
05-24-2012, 07:07 AM Go to last post
13 2,930

Olympic Lifting + PowerLifting ??

Hey guys, Im new to Olympic Lifting but have recently been intrigued after watching "Brozknows" and their amazing lifting and massive legs/athleticism. Im currently on a beginner program, Starting Strength, after just finishing my American Football season and was wondering if it is possible to...

Benoes‎, 05-17-2012 02:54 AM
05-24-2012, 04:55 AM Go to last post
13 7,184

My new platform plus another tough workout

First off I just want to say I am blessed to have great friends and connections where I was given all the material I need to build a platform. This is honestly a dream come true to have the equipment readily available to me, so I can lift at my convenience. Although I am working fulltime during...

thejdeck‎, 05-23-2012 04:07 AM
05-23-2012, 07:06 PM Go to last post
20 3,094

Thumbs up chinese weightlifter Lu XiaoJun snatch pull 290kg(pics)

290kg snatch pull,maybe 300kg+ deadlift? insane! I can't post link now,sorry

epinephrine01‎, 05-19-2012 06:38 AM
05-23-2012, 09:15 AM Go to last post
13 9,071

Problem with the second pull

Hi all! I've been Oly-lifting during 4 week with my coach. He has teached me the snatch and C&J. I have "strong" (relative) legs and I think a weak back. During my snatches and cleans i enter down the bar with great speed, i can take without problems on a low height stance. The problem its...

ArturoCG‎, 05-21-2012 02:22 PM
05-22-2012, 07:03 PM Go to last post
14 2,079

Smile Getting my Jerk on - Check please

Evenin all, I have been gradually working my way up slowly in the Olympic lifts and their variations. Recently invested in some Oly shoes as well. My single goal at the moment is to increase my C & J and Snatch. I am hardly doing any isolation hypertrophy work. I've just realised I can't...

ClaretDom‎, 05-21-2012 12:34 PM
05-21-2012, 11:10 PM Go to last post
5 1,809

Snatch form check

Started incorporating snatches in my workout just last week after about a month of doing it with a broomstick every day in my flat, could do with some feedback. First half is more of power snatching, second half I try to drop as low as possible. Thanks guys. SB9PV2C1bHg

JKub‎, 05-20-2012 08:57 PM
05-21-2012, 05:46 PM Go to last post
12 2,470

Help me fix my jerk (video included)

So my jerk is the reason that I suck at weight lifting. I recorded these today, but keep in mind that this was at the end of a very heavy week with a lot of pressing and jerking. My mechanics really break down on all of my jerks, so hopefully this will help you guys notice all my weak points. I...

thejdeck‎, 05-20-2012 11:57 AM
05-21-2012, 05:31 AM Go to last post
6 1,837

Question Bearing Pendlay Bar vs Eleiko Training bar

I'm just wondering which one is better (or the differences) if any one here has used both of the bars. The Eleiko training bar including shipping is = 815 euro (1104 dollars) And the Pendlay bar including shipping is = 550 euro (745 dollars) (Does anyone know where I can get them cheaper that...

clarence0‎, 11-16-2010 11:19 AM
05-20-2012, 05:19 PM Go to last post
20 9,888

Injured rotator cuff

I tweaked my rotator cuff recently (90% sure its the rotator cuff at least). After doing weeks of heavy snatches and jerks it evolved from a very miniscule pain to a bit more of an annoyance. I don't think I necessarily tore it or anything, maybe more on the line of a tweak. I've layed off of...

coldvein‎, 05-19-2012 07:25 PM
05-20-2012, 02:36 PM Go to last post
5 3,216

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