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Forum: Olympic Lifting

Discuss Olympic lifting and your personal programs.

Right Hand Pain (Large Images, Sorry)

This images are not nearly as large in the preview...nevermind about that warning Hi, I have been having pain in my right hand, especially during overhead lifts, that has been making it difficult to lift. It makes it difficult to properly catch a clean as well. I was wondering if any of the...

Greco-Roman‎, 04-20-2012 08:13 AM
02-02-2015, 12:43 PM Go to last post
3 3,356

Question Anyone wear compression tights during squats? Should I get these?

I have been wanting to try compression pants out during squats, to see if they feel any better than just shorts. Should I get a pair or too of these from ebay? Only $6 ...

Conquer92‎, 01-31-2015 12:08 PM
02-02-2015, 09:43 AM Go to last post
2 1,941

Hi all I wanna try my hand at Olympic Lifting

Hey everyone I read the stickies but I still have a few questions. A little about myself I have been lifting for about a year now. I haven't made as much progress as I would have liked manly due to eating like a little bish but that has changed this year and I have started counting calories. My...

Jeepbeep‎, 01-29-2015 08:08 AM
02-02-2015, 09:38 AM Go to last post
3 1,527

Smile Olympic lifting and scoliosis

Is having scoliosis gonna make my results worse (slower and weaker) than someone who does not have? Is there anyone here with scoliosis who does olympic lifting? How does it affect you when training and after a session? Do you know any famous Oly lifters with scoliosis? (not talking about...

GripAllTheWay‎, 01-20-2015 10:28 AM
01-26-2015, 09:59 AM Go to last post
3 1,649

Hand care after lifting....

My hands are starting to get really messed up. What do you guys use for your hands? I normally clip my calluses but I've stopped since the skin felt really thin after I clip. today I was lifting like 160+ kilos for reps and I swore I gonna rip a callus again, luckily I didn't. Any ideas?

tpc01x‎, 12-30-2013 02:22 PM
01-26-2015, 02:52 AM Go to last post
11 5,724

Clean and Jerk form check

www.********.com/video.php?v=769374956489128 Pls help me fix the mistakes that I did here My friend told me that I am curling the bar that its making me catch too far back. like in the bottom I am sitting way back on my heels. how can i fix this ? feel free to critique my jerk too. I've...

Powersthetic‎, 01-12-2015 11:34 PM
01-17-2015, 07:01 AM Go to last post
4 1,724

Strange knee pain

Hello, This isn't my first occurrence of knee pain. I'm a veteran of 3 knee surveys, after the previous injuries I felt a "pop" in each of them and pretty well knew something wasn't right. Yesterday after a successful squat session and C&J section where everything went great. No pain,...

oct6454‎, 01-01-2015 12:23 PM
01-15-2015, 11:37 AM Go to last post
4 1,886

Question overhead squat as squat warm up

wut do you think about it? ohs before BS or FS as warm up

wouldsmashten‎, 01-12-2015 12:47 AM
01-15-2015, 10:11 AM Go to last post
2 1,963

Woooot Cleaned 100kg (220) today!

2BtAH6Smtl4 I think this was with significantly better technique than my previous 95kg too oJPl1YRxM5s I think I still need much more work on pulling under the bar faster and also I seem to be jumping forwards very slightly. Other than that I think now I am mainly just limited by my...

lwild‎, 01-08-2011 01:40 PM
01-15-2015, 07:03 AM Go to last post
8 2,235

Weightlifting Shoes Adipowers vs Romaleos

Hey everyone, Recently just started looking into purchasing a pair of weightlifting shoes, I have done a bit of research into the matter and have narrowed things down to the Adipowers and Romaleos 2. Does anyone have any experience with either of the particular shoes? I live in Canada so I'd be...

kingdrew123‎, 06-05-2013 08:57 AM
01-12-2015, 11:54 PM Go to last post
11 6,882

Warm up routines/complexes

What is your warm up routine with an empty barbell? Or what are some good technique complexes you might do? Empty barbell. Squats, couple pauses in the hole, good mornings. BTN press, OHS, sots press. Snatch balance. Snatch positions, power position, "scare crow", turn over/muscle...

FNG37‎, 12-07-2014 11:14 AM
01-09-2015, 04:45 PM Go to last post
5 2,532

Beginner to Olympic Lifting wants to compete.

Hello, I'm interested in competing in an Olympic weightlifting event this coming April. I want to start a new program to learn and master the Olympic lifts. I've been lifting pretty consecutively for 2 years so I do have strength in the compound lifts. I'd be better off gaining weight to...

Boo760‎, 01-04-2015 02:32 PM
01-08-2015, 07:16 PM Go to last post
3 2,056

Core work.. necessary?

Just curious to see that if core work is still necessary in an OLY routine. While Squatting x4 a week along with performing the lifts over and over, should I still include some isolated core work? If so, what kind of core work do y'all do?

wrestler271‎, 11-20-2014 09:32 PM
01-02-2015, 09:13 AM Go to last post
5 2,076

Snatch balances into overhead squats

OsC4i_0DvbY What could I do to improve my stability during the catch? I was very wobbly today, i feel like it was related to my foot placement. I also felt the best during my second set, and I cannot figure out why. Any advice would be appreciated. If you want to check out my other videos, here's...

maxxmike‎, 12-09-2014 12:09 PM
01-02-2015, 09:08 AM Go to last post
3 1,850

5 Week Olympic Training Program

Figured I would throw up my training sessions throughout my 5 week cycle I am currently on, didn't record the first two sessions but i will have #3+ every one. I have only been performing the snatch for 2 weeks so still learning the form but I hit a 185lb snatch in my third workout

Thor56‎, 12-12-2014 01:16 PM
12-31-2014, 11:14 AM Go to last post
19 3,269

Question is power snatch/clean bad for your knees?

in the same way quarter squats are? always feels pain after doing power variations

wouldsmashten‎, 11-22-2014 03:28 PM
12-30-2014, 12:26 PM Go to last post
4 3,868

Thumbs up How high is your vertical jump guys?

I heard OL have high vertical jump due to explosiveness in exercises So was wondering.. How high is your vj? Do you do pylometrics If someone who never done any jump training could check it out for me that would be cool.

Sartogan‎, 12-27-2014 08:33 AM
12-30-2014, 12:03 PM Go to last post
1 1,606

Need help on power clean form!

I'm not an oly weightlifter (imma powerlifter), so I don't know what the fuk I'm doing vid:

bigasianboi‎, 12-29-2014 07:05 AM
12-29-2014, 03:44 PM Go to last post
6 2,274

How often to a Olympic lifters deadlift with regards to Frequency/ Volume/ Intensity

I like to konw what elite lifters do compared to your average club lifter and regualr posters here Thank you

James456‎, 06-20-2008 08:48 AM
12-29-2014, 01:26 AM Go to last post
22 15,155

Please crtique my clean form

I've been cleaning for quite a while now and can still only manage to clean my bodyweight. One thing I have noticed is that, while jumping, I don't seem to lean back as far as I should. I feel kind of scared about leaning far back when I jump up - I feel like I'd lose my balance. Do you think the...

Virus4762‎, 12-09-2014 07:10 AM
12-25-2014, 10:23 PM Go to last post
16 2,895

Fifth time snatching, feedback?

Self taught. No bumpers in this gym. Lifting starts like 0:15 I think, can't trim from mobile. Third rep felt the best. This was my tenth set of triples bEu3ImkwoSw

Ballad‎, 12-23-2014 12:46 PM
12-24-2014, 09:16 AM Go to last post
2 1,598

Adidas Adipower Sizing Questions!

To anyone here who has Adipowers I'm about to order some but really want to get the sizing right. If anyone uses Adipowers and Converses could you please give me some advice, I'm a size 9 in converses I've heard you should go .5 size smaller or will a 9 be good? thanks.

cedricnumerouno‎, 12-23-2014 06:49 AM
12-23-2014, 07:07 AM Go to last post
1 2,325

Shoulder blade pain.

So I've been dealing with this pain in my shoulder blade for about a month now and it won't seem to go away. -When i roll my shoulder black it pops and cracks like a lot. (small or no pain there) -When i go for a jerk from the front rack I get a sharp pain in the inside of my shoulder blade...

DahNewcomer‎, 12-12-2014 07:44 AM
12-23-2014, 04:59 AM Go to last post
1 2,103

Snatch, C&J and Total PRs!

_q3bLp05D2M I'm so pleased to finally have a day that went as well as yesterday... I PRed on snatch at 97.7kg(up 5lb) and PRed on C&J at 115.9kg(up 5lb), a 213kg total!! I set a goal when i started Oly lifting in January, and that was to have a 220kg total by Junior Nationals in February of 2015....

maxxmike‎, 12-17-2014 03:09 PM
12-22-2014, 06:03 PM Go to last post
4 1,865

Can someone recommend me a beginner oly program?

Been powerlifting for a few years, and wanna do some oly lifting as well. wondering if someone could recommend me a program for oly lifting that still allows me to bench once a week. thank you

MSDPL‎, 12-18-2014 12:52 AM
12-19-2014, 08:16 PM Go to last post
7 2,177

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