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Forum: Losing Fat Logs

View journals from people who are working to lose fat, and start your own!

starting weight loss, goal 12% by 8 weeks, currently at 18-21%

lets see if its possible, just a journal for myself, starting pic in my profile, lets see. day 1-- good workout, worked legs and shoulders, couldnt walk after... i ate a bit of icecream =/, and ate like half a slice of pizza hut lol but oh well. no cardio, because i had a trainer and...

user179143‎, 07-07-2007 05:55 PM
07-07-2007, 05:55 PM Go to last post
0 1,163

Jon's cut to excellence!

Hi guys. I decided i should make a log on here so i am more likely to stay with my cut. A good year ago, i was 6' ft and 190 lbs. I was in pretty good shape and was really muscular. I worked out religously. But then i went to college, drank a lot of beer, and ate a lot of fried foods. Most...

nbagod_2006‎, 05-30-2007 10:44 PM
07-05-2007, 09:56 PM Go to last post
5 1,476

Jay's cut log.....

Hey everyone.... this is my first log so hear me out. Here's some info to let you know where I am thus far.... I'm currently 213-215 during the day. When I started, I was 234. So weightloss has happened. With that being said, I haven't lost this troublesome stomach I have aquired over the years. I...

phillepe‎, 05-06-2007 01:18 PM
3 Pages
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07-05-2007, 03:59 PM Go to last post
75 3,902

Neilyo's "Lose 10 lbs for Hawaii Trip" Diet Blog.

Hey Guys/Ladies. I'm starting this blog because I am lacking motivation and studies show that blogging your thoughts and daily progression (as well as other's opinons) helps motivate you to lose weight. I used to be 225 and dropped down to 165 about two years ago. It seems that I don't have the...

Neilyo350zSoCal‎, 06-29-2007 09:16 AM
07-05-2007, 01:23 PM Go to last post
13 2,016

Extreme body makeover

I figured I'd need a journal to stay accountabe, writing in at least once a week. Currently I'm at 176 pounds. I'm frustrated. I know that the stomach is the last place to lose fat, but this is such a problem area for me! I look awful in my stomach area, and was completely embarassed when I was...

lmlage‎, 07-03-2007 03:58 AM
07-04-2007, 01:10 AM Go to last post
5 1,650

Gigantor Log

I'm 6'11" 310 (one week ago) and I am looking to lose 60 pounds (250). This morning I weighed in at 298 after a week of eating healthy and a few days of training. My diet consists mostly of chicken, lean beef, fish, vegetables, some fruits and water. Wish me luck.

The Nash‎, 06-12-2007 01:41 PM
07-02-2007, 12:39 PM Go to last post
3 1,161

This is my journey to perfection

Im starting this log to help catalog the progress I make during my transformation. I have currently been training for around 7 weeks. I have been eating around 6 meals aday and have only been lifting with a few spots of cardio. have seen some progress and it has helped to motivate me...

maestro226‎, 06-30-2007 08:11 AM
07-02-2007, 12:18 AM Go to last post
4 1,584

Lee's Get Cut Journal

Introduction Hey everyone! A little over two years ago, I was seriously overweight. I clocked in around 295 lbs, and stood at 6'. Something had to change, as I was not happy, but too lazy to do anything about it. A friend and I placed a bet on who could be a vegetarian longer, and needless...

DTSalvation‎, 06-16-2007 01:13 PM
07-01-2007, 04:19 PM Go to last post
29 3,439

Thumbs up my first "cut" journal

hello everyone, i've been following this site and many of it's stories and decided that i would keep track of my own progress and possibly get some feedback and/ or advice seeing as many of u have been an inspiration and help in my curent "cut". i have been keeping track religiously of my diet and...

mission551‎, 05-15-2007 05:33 AM
2 Pages
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07-01-2007, 12:49 PM Go to last post
56 4,516

My way of keeping muscle and losing fat(advice needed)

2 1/2 Monthes ago I was 207 Now im 181 I eat 6 meals a day Monday-Chest/Tri/Abs/Legs cardio (Muscle milk,egg whites,and protein drinks) Tuesday-Back/Shoulders/Bi((Muscle milk,egg whites,and protein drinks) Wed-Rest to let the muscle heals Thursday-Rest to let the muscle heal

johnyboy015‎, 06-29-2007 05:30 PM
06-29-2007, 05:30 PM Go to last post
0 1,181

Thundergut's Journal ... fear the belly!

I'm already posting much of this stuff in my BodyBlog, but I figured I'd post out here too. More views = more motivation, feedback, and accountability. So, here goes nothing... My name is Mike, I'm a food-a-holic, and this is my journal. ...

thundergut‎, 05-08-2007 11:03 AM
4 Pages
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06-27-2007, 05:10 AM Go to last post
91 4,859

4 Weeks on Velocity - A Journal

Been in the fat loss game for a long time. Currently 202lbs at 6'1. I wanna hit 180lbs by July 1st, which is exactly 4 weeks away. That's about 5lbs a week weightloss. It's definitely more than I would aim for, but I'm gonna give it a go on the velocity. Will take pics weekly. Post...

PaLftr‎, 06-03-2007 11:34 AM
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06-26-2007, 09:21 PM Go to last post
68 4,124

Marcfe's journal

Pretty much I've had crap for motivation lately, I'm 18 and tbh I can eat whatever I want without getting heavier, but I'm still not satisifed with my body composition atm. Have attempted to cut a few times in the last few weeks but havn't taken it super serious. I have 6 weeks till I'm off to...

marcFE‎, 06-26-2007 04:44 PM
06-26-2007, 04:44 PM Go to last post
0 1,144

Burning to Rise Again

Just wanted to start by saying hello to everyone. Ive been a silent observer here for a few weeks and want to keep track of my progress while hopefully receiving helpful feedback. Ive been an athlete my entire life and it saddens me how much Ive let myself go in the last 2yrs. I'm only 24yrs...

Caliphoenix3‎, 06-26-2007 12:26 PM
06-26-2007, 12:39 PM Go to last post
1 1,128

Arrow My path to Manhood - The Test of Discipline. (Improved Velocity Diet)

-Introduction- Hi, this is an improved velocity diet/self improvement journal with a little bit more. Read the "motivation" part if you'd like to fully understand the title :) -Motivation- Many males today are called "men" simply because of their size and age. However, the truth is many...

Mvin‎, 06-17-2007 08:47 PM
12 3,407

Starting New Log

My name is Malcolm and I have been "large" all my life. I just finished my junior year in high school, and its time to fix it. In the 8th grade I weighed 250 lbs, but I now weigh 190-200. 17 Years Old 5'11 Start: 197 lbs ( roughly 20% BF) Goal: 170 Lbs My new diet is something like ...

ybgam‎, 06-21-2007 09:34 AM
06-22-2007, 01:15 PM Go to last post
3 1,040

"Cleaning out the Cupboards" Diet

this diet is very simple: eat what's in my kitchen till i run out of food. i'm on a strict bugdet so i basically have no choice. current inventory: Freezer: 22 single wrapped tilapia fillets 4 bags of fish, approx. 6 fillets each 10lb bag of chicken breasts

natescope‎, 06-01-2007 06:42 AM
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06-22-2007, 10:12 AM Go to last post
54 3,931

Getting a 6-pack and doing it the right way

Hello, I have been lurking around on the forums and this forum for awhile. I have learned alot from reading post after post and I have been inspired to begin cutting and getting in better shape. I believe that in order to do this successfully I will need to put 100% into my diet...

Sellhast‎, 05-16-2007 01:54 PM
06-21-2007, 08:47 PM Go to last post
25 2,724

Smile A Greeks path to a 6 pack. Backlava Not Included.

Well, for the past couple weeks I have been writing everything down in a Mead notebook that i carry with me every were i go on campus. I have been thinking of starting a journal and thanks to the help of scottc, have decided why not? if anything i can learn from this website more than I already...

yioti‎, 04-13-2007 03:27 PM
7 Pages
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06-21-2007, 02:14 PM Go to last post
191 10,950

Adam's Fat Ass .... 305lbs

Hello all, I wanted to start a thread of my own about my weight loss goals. I officially started my weight loss program on May 30th and have since lost 5lbs, which I am sure is mostly, if not all, water weight. My official starting weight is 305.2lbs which is the highest weight I have been in 3...

skuZZitude‎, 06-01-2007 07:00 PM
4 Pages
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06-21-2007, 11:44 AM Go to last post
96 5,168

Time to get cut, for real this time!! My LOG

So a little background on me. I've always been a pretty average sized guy, about 15% bf or so and used to play football. In an effort to keep myself busy and also better myself in general, I'm starting this log so I can track my progress and hopefully get a little feedback/encouragement from you...

DaJager_Meister‎, 06-17-2007 12:41 PM
06-21-2007, 07:37 AM Go to last post
8 1,589

Smile help

i am a Chinese girl,want to buy Nutrex lipo6 or Syntrax Fyre or Biotest Hot-rox.but i dont know which production is benefit for me. i want to lose weigh 5 i find this wed ,and know that three productions above sale very well.but i want to buy one kind of three. i dont to be...

danny_angle‎, 06-20-2007 08:10 PM
06-21-2007, 04:49 AM Go to last post
2 974

Critique my cutting diet!!!

I've been reading a lot and I think I've found a diet that works for my goals. Any help in finalising it before I go buy my food is greatly appreciated, thanks! BMR - 1750 cal. Daily Caloric Needs - 2700 cal. Body fat is currently at 25%, 148 lb. Plan to cut for three months, 700...

Crazy_Desi‎, 06-20-2007 01:51 PM
06-21-2007, 03:45 AM Go to last post
2 1,109

justin386's cutting journal

After going through the inspirational threads in the fat loss board over the past week, I've decided to post my food log/training journal here on the forum to track my progress and so that I can be held accountable and publicly embarrassed if/when I indulge in unscheduled cheating, or if I miss a...

justin386‎, 05-10-2007 10:56 AM
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06-20-2007, 08:02 AM Go to last post
52 3,052

marks from fat to fit journal

I think its about time I started a journal here as ive been lurking here long enough. I have been lifting on and off for the past 6 years but I haven't ever been consistent especially with my diet. I am currently around 280lbs and 29% bodyfat, I will have exact nos in the morning. I have...

singledigitman‎, 06-17-2007 03:13 PM
06-19-2007, 02:39 PM Go to last post
7 1,480

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