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Forum: Keto Logs

For logging your keto diet!

Keto Diet for the First Time - Log, Journey, and Motivation

Hi everyone, I'm not sure what got me looking at the Keto Diet but something caught my interest. I decided to do my research by searching the web, looking at videos, reading a ton of blogs, looking up recipes, and basically just trying to understand it. I got excited because I thought this was...

LeadnExcel‎, 01-07-2018 12:42 PM
01-12-2018, 06:04 AM Go to last post
9 21,119

Grouchy's Keto Log

I've been contemplating this for a while and decided to make the transition to try a ketogenic diet for the next 12 weeks. It'll be a standard keto diet for the first month or so, then I might try a one day a week higher carb day (more like a cyclical keto diet) to see how I feel. Reason for...

grouchyjarhead‎, 10-02-2017 05:09 AM
10-23-2017, 05:47 AM Go to last post
8 17,572

My first time doing Keto, and first time logging.

Hey everyone decided to try Keto. Little back story feel free to skip it all. I recommend you skim through it to get the background of it all. In the past I have done iifym and got pretty cut doing it. I was 160 lbs then cut down to 130 lbs with a 27 inch waist which was my leanest and...

Cha0tic‎, 05-27-2017 07:42 AM
07-12-2017, 03:41 PM Go to last post
2 15,661

KB's KETO Diet Study

Hello Everyone. Next week I will be beginning a study on the Keto Diet and will be logging my progress here. The reason to log here is dual-fold... 1. I'll need your advice, support, and motivation and 2. I hope that by sharing my results, I can help others who are looking to try Keto or are in...

KBDelight‎, 04-30-2017 09:27 AM
25 23,722

First time trying Keto log!

Hey y'all. I've gotten fat over the last couple of years because of the job that I started working, giving me much less time to train. (I went from about 20-25 hours a week of training, down to about 5-10, and then less than 5 at some points). Right now I'm training about 6 hours a week. and...

gfreak‎, 05-22-2017 09:42 AM
05-27-2017, 02:35 PM Go to last post
8 12,438

Michelle's Keto Diary

Today is Day 4 of my ketogenic diet, and of course, my first day logging it here. I started on Wednesday, per the suggestion of multiple friends of mine. I've been steadily gaining weight the last couple of years (not necessarily a bad thing), but gained way too much this past year. It's been...

fihe‎, 01-14-2017 06:31 PM
3 Pages
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04-13-2017, 05:29 PM Go to last post
69 41,928

My Keto Log and Story

Hey everyone, I'm starting to get hardcore on the keto diet again today. I did very well with it in the past, getting from 242 to 203 and gaining a lot of muscle. However, I got out of the gym and the diet after my Mom was diagnosed and passed from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) back this...

GuitarGuyBMG‎, 11-28-2016 10:23 AM
8 15,616

My Keto Motivation - Pt 2

While this is my second log, I'm not new to Keto. I wanted to make this log a little more "colorful". So expect more pictures of myself, my meals, and my workouts. Who Is This Kid I'm 25, 6' 3", and sit at my desk job from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm. The 15 minute walk between my bus and my office is...

danfleysher‎, 10-19-2016 08:39 AM
02-17-2017, 01:49 PM Go to last post
8 12,464

My Keto Cut - 287 pounds to 195 pounds

Hi all! A little about me. So I hit my max recorded weight of 302.4 on my 30th birthday, 8/8/2013. Disgusted with pics of the special day, I decided to go on a (crash) diet, and did a 60 day juice fast. I ended up losing a little over 70 pounds. In October of 2013, at the end of my fast,...

necorbin‎, 10-18-2016 11:58 AM
02-17-2017, 11:11 AM Go to last post
6 13,760

Keto for weight gain

any good recipes/meal plan that works? i know its very hard/almost impossible to gain weight on keto ty

european31‎, 01-31-2017 08:23 AM
02-07-2017, 07:35 PM Go to last post
1 9,273

KETO EXPERIMENT-Increasing Calories without weight-gain...

Hey guys! So..being the curious/research-obsessed nutrition student that I am, I decided to use myself as the subject for an experiment I have spent quite a while trying to find more information on. The gist of it is, I want to see what happens if I challenge the laws of basic...

sammysamgurl‎, 09-23-2016 05:40 PM
2 Pages
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01-19-2017, 10:11 AM Go to last post
35 29,079

Exclamation Tierd as hell

Hello , I am 25 , 178lbs .. 10%BF .. I am training 6-7 days a week .. High volume training most of the days .. I walk around 10K each day My BMR as calculated is : 2235 KC

deadlyst0rm‎, 08-31-2016 07:20 AM
4 9,893

keto log to 160 journey

My starting stats 5'6 249.8-254.8 fluctuating right now coming off of a plant based diet. was spinning my wheels for a while but going back to what i know for now to get this weight off as fast as possible. I will be doing 1200-1500 calories and aim drop at least 2lbs a week. Will try...

collegeball‎, 12-04-2016 12:16 PM
12-17-2016, 02:12 PM Go to last post
1 8,198

Dagon's Keto Log: Weight 235, Goal <200

Day 23: They still have not realized I am only human... Post-Thanksgiving, buy two turkeys for $0.50 per pound and freeze them. Family tragedy mere days later. Newfound motivation for fat loss occurs. Cook 1 turkey, then realize I still have bread that needs to be eaten or it will go bad....

DagonRaygun‎, 12-08-2016 09:18 PM
12-08-2016, 09:18 PM Go to last post
0 6,370

Post My Keto Log

Starting keto for the first time in a few weeks. I've calculated my macros. Does anyone have any advice for someone new to keto or recommend any adjustment to these macros? I've done a fair amount of reading and research into keto. (I also have a degree in biology and chemistry, with 10+ years...

JLC020‎, 11-29-2016 08:19 AM
11-29-2016, 08:19 AM Go to last post
0 4,744

My First Cut

Hey everyone, This is more a diary than a log, but feel free to read and/or make some suggestions :). When I started making some sort of attempt at fitness back in late August I was: 6'2" and 246lb My body fat percentage (according to an average over the course of a week or so) using a...

ih8sens‎, 11-23-2016 10:15 AM
2 5,285

My Keto Log

Started my keto journey yesterday and i've decided to log my progress on here. Staying away from weighing myself apart from approx once a month - currently approx 110kg and between 25 and 30 percent body fat. Meal yesterday and today: 08/11/2016 No Breakfast 12pm Lunch: Chicken Breast +...

irishketo90‎, 11-09-2016 08:15 AM
11-11-2016, 01:40 AM Go to last post
1 4,944

Thumbs up 1 Month Into Keto and Chicharron!

The first two weeks were an absolute hell. I thought I was going to die. But, I didn't approach keto gradually, I jumped right into it. So, that was my fault. HOWEVER, I am just fine now, and back up on my training. I play rugby, and I noticed that I heal up MUCH faster now. Interesting. I...

Greater Deity‎, 10-15-2016 01:53 AM
10-28-2016, 12:33 PM Go to last post
2 15,387

Starting Keto

Hi guys, I'm planning to start a Keto diet in the next week or so. I am 6'0, and currently weigh 86 Kilos with somewhere around 17-20% bodyfat, and am hoping to lose around 5-10 Kilos in the next three months. I do heavy weights 5 times a week for 50mins, and will add in an extra 40mins for...

BamberOfficial‎, 09-29-2016 06:27 PM
10-25-2016, 07:59 PM Go to last post
6 5,011

Keto, P.H.A.T and the occasional supps Log

Intro: Not sure where to post this, but I figured since what I want to focus more on is diet, this might be it. And I didn't feel like posting in the Losing Fat log. So here goes. Wanted to create a log where I can update daily/weekly and keep myself accountable. About me: I am a very...

FxFreak‎, 09-29-2016 11:13 PM
10-17-2016, 12:48 AM Go to last post
1 4,133

Attempting to get KETO locked in and get to the next level

I am using this to log my stats, observations and progress. I tend to do better when I am logging things vs winging it. Background: I have been doing skd/ckd for almost a year now. Whether or not I have been doing it correctly is debatable and part of what I am trying to correct. I have...

hedrickbl‎, 08-04-2016 03:52 PM
2 Pages
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10-12-2016, 08:36 AM Go to last post
59 16,034

Fat Loss Log - Journey down to 190 - 10x3 -> 5x5 -> 4x8

On 31 March I weighed 204# and was at 18.6% BF with 166# of LBM according to the Bod Pod. Fast forward like 2 months and I put on 25#. Ever since then I keep trying to get serious about cutting, but I am slowly drifting up in weight and currently sit at 242, or 38# in 6 months. FML. I will be...

BobLobLawLawLog‎, 09-04-2016 08:37 AM
09-18-2016, 01:17 PM Go to last post
4 5,512

Keto Log: To 9.9% Bodyfat

Brief History: For years I never cared too much about having belly fat. I have always worked out to just try and put on muscle and never cared about anything else that may come with it. Until one day this past May, it just hit me and then i started to care. Since then I have been on a quest to...

TC66‎, 09-09-2016 03:28 PM
09-15-2016, 01:27 PM Go to last post
3 5,099

keto save me!

Yikes. I have fallen off the wagon. Been lifting pretty well over the last year. Lost my job in oct found new on in dec. Fell off diet and I guess fell into a mini depression. Ate like garbage tried to do keto, but ate carbs = mnguy get fat. so here I am starting over. I havent weighed...

mnguy12000‎, 06-08-2012 09:35 AM
7 6,422

1outof10's keto log

Macros at current bodyweight Here are your personal macros: 1500 kcal Daily Calorie Intake 20 g Carbs (5%, 80 kcal) 155 g Protein (41%, 620 kcal) 89 g Fat (54%, 800 kcal) So I am on my third day in and I need to log before I forget what I ate

1outof10beta‎, 08-29-2016 09:31 PM
09-12-2016, 01:56 AM Go to last post
4 5,449

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