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Thumbs up Anybody else respect Brad Pitt more lately?

For laying down the law on angelina jolie and their weird kids?

Getter_done‎, Today 01:19 PM
Last Post: Today 01:35 PM
by Getter_done  Go to last post
1 18

Thumbs down Depressed af boys theres no hope srs

I aint got my girl we went nc Spent the weekend drunk w random sloots but it didnt make me happy Nothing besides meaningful connections make life worth living Not getting that Gon die alone Brutal

ShipyardFaq‎, Today 12:22 PM
Last Post: Today 01:34 PM
by ShipyardFaq  Go to last post
12 146

Recommendations to improve cardio endurance

I believe I am now being held back on performance due to poor cardio… Can do sets of 8x305 deadlift…but ask me to do 30x body weight squats my heart starts to struggle. Recommendations on what my strategy should be to up my cardio endurance/heart strength with the idea focused on strength...

backinbusiness‎, Today 08:04 AM
Last Post: Today 01:34 PM
by paulinkansas  Go to last post
3 86

Thumbs up reps & money

Yo download this app and spend 25$ and it'll send me & You 20$ Just open a Varo Bank Account and spend $20 on your new debit card and we'll get paid.

buwbs‎, Today 03:56 AM
Last Post: Today 01:34 PM
by buwbs  Go to last post
16 132

Is it gay sounding to say "fiddlesticks" if you drop something?

Even if you say it in a non gay way it's pretty hard not to sound a bit gay

7empest‎, Today 11:34 AM
Last Post: Today 01:34 PM
by andrepmeet  Go to last post
6 45

Exclamation Just got back from the dentist (GTFIH)

Tooth number 18 with a big decay and carie # 17 wisdom teeth behind it is Bony impacted Been having a lot of pain on my bottom left tooth that I went to the er for mid may This is the second flare up. First one was in early April and then another one was in may both really bad but the...

conics‎, Yesterday 04:43 PM
Last Post: Today 01:34 PM
by blueberryboy  Go to last post
21 441

Arrow How often do you delete contacts on your phone?

Thinking I need to purge a bunch of people, colleagues and bosses I haven't talked to in years. Mostly cause they pop up as suggestions friends on FB. But at the same time in case they did text or call I'd know who it is? My minimalism seems to seep into every area of life lol

ScrillaIsBake‎, Today 08:55 AM
Last Post: Today 01:34 PM
by AVIK777  Go to last post
16 236

Does this guy even know he's black?

tpobyBsj16Q I mean c'mon mayne...talking about not being able to get women. How do some black guys not realize that all they have to do is run "thug game" and they are guaranteed a woman (even a hot white one)? People expect blacks to at least "be cool" (lowest-tier expectation)...LOL if you...

andrepmeet‎, Today 01:32 PM
Last Post: Today 01:34 PM
by SuperHercules  Go to last post
2 0

it's weird that drag queens never go and read to the elderly

surely the elderly could do with some cheering up too, and why are drag queens apparently only entertaining to kids?

7empest‎, Yesterday 03:32 PM
Last Post: Today 01:34 PM
by SmackCellie  Go to last post
20 314
Last Post: Today 01:33 PM
by Destor  Go to last post
32 296

NEETs rising rapidly as young men that cant get laid give up

I fukin told all you idiots for years this would happen. You cant take away the incentives and expect the work to still happen. If men cant get laid they will NEET.

BigBallsMcgee‎, Today 05:35 AM
9 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 9
Last Post: Today 01:33 PM
by BigBallsMcgee  Go to last post
241 2,095

Happy Father's Day

To you, the fathers. And to your fathers. And theirs. Respect.

LogicalLifts‎, 06-16-2024 05:15 AM
Last Post: Today 01:33 PM
by TryingMen  Go to last post
26 447

Thoughts on this program I found??

I can't post links so I'll just copy the page below. It describes itself as a perfect football/athlete workout program btw. I feel as if there are some issues with it but just wondering what you guys think? Train Like an Athlete: Your Week Overview 3 days of Strength Training (upper, lower &...

NO37‎, Today 11:23 AM
Last Post: Today 01:32 PM
by paulinkansas  Go to last post
1 52

Why won't someone call out Dave Ramsey's insane mortgage advice?

he demands no more than 25% of take home pay on a 15 year old loan. How the fck is this possible? the median income is 80k a year. That's 4500 a month after taxes. You need a 1100 payment. You would have to have a 100K loan so you're talking about putting 300k down on median house. That's complete...

Orion1989‎, Today 12:09 PM
Last Post: Today 01:32 PM
by coast2coastam  Go to last post
23 256

EV mechanics are gonna be raping people. You thought ICE was bad?

Honestly tempted to switch or at least own my own shop.

MikeLowrrrey‎, Today 11:04 AM
Last Post: Today 01:31 PM
by HMFIC_BROWSIN  Go to last post
11 235

was virtue signalling a thing before social media?

And if so, how did they 'project' it?

7empest‎, Today 01:31 PM
Last Post: Today 01:31 PM
by 7empest  Go to last post
0 0

Poor Trump, the struggle is real Trump says he will probably attend rape lawsuit trial in New York Sounds like little Donny has gotten him in trouble with the ladies over the years, Stormy now this Carol chick. At his current rape trial another "Woman Testifies That...

mtpockets‎, 05-04-2023 10:36 AM
58 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 58
Last Post: Today 01:30 PM
by Deathstroke  Go to last post
1,737 113,535
Over 35 Misc

NYC holds ‘Fat Beach Day’ to create accepting environment

It’s one way to make a splash. “Fat Beach Day” events are appearing across the United States, aiming to create spaces for the plus-size community to gather — including one Saturday in Far Rockaway. “We’re going through something culturally that is impacting us every day on an individual level...

havoc00‎, Today 01:30 PM
Last Post: Today 01:30 PM
by havoc00  Go to last post
0 0

Red face absolutely pissening - dude gets KO'd and pees a lil

need a clean up outside the restroom

Procta‎, Today 01:17 PM
Last Post: Today 01:29 PM
by rollerball  Go to last post
6 45

I Miss FitDay (nutrition calculator content)

I'm looking for a program where I can enter everything I eat and have it all totaled up so I can make adjustments to my diet. Most are just calorie counters. The old Fitday program would break down a food into calories from fat, carbs, protien and list all the vitimins and minerals too. It had...

carbkilla‎, 02-22-2024 10:42 PM
Last Post: Today 01:29 PM
by OldFartTom  Go to last post
2 1,271
Over Age 35
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