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Do you ever piss into empty bottles when you don't feel like getting up?

Then empty them out when you finally decide to get off your ass?

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 05:25 AM
Last Post: Today 05:25 AM
by FelixTheCat1919  Go to last post
0 0

when people say South Africa is dangerous, could you eloborate please?

what sort of danger, like gun crime/gang crime? but then apparently it's unsafe to even be a civilian, so what sort of danger is it? because a civillian wouldn't be caught out in gang stuff so it would be like London, Brooklyn, Bronx etc where it is 'dangerous' but only if you get caught up it in....

7empest‎, Today 01:23 AM
Last Post: Today 05:25 AM
by jimbob007  Go to last post
6 154

Question Anybody got any good youtube vids?

Preferably over 30 minutes

capowt‎, Today 04:27 AM
Last Post: Today 05:25 AM
by infinityplus1  Go to last post
2 50

Why are Boar's Head Cold Cuts so GOAT?

why? a chitty 6.5/10 hero sangwich always hits boyos and you know this mannnnnnnnnnn

yieldtonothing‎, Yesterday 10:32 PM
Last Post: Today 05:24 AM
by PaulJerome  Go to last post
21 207

Arrow Dude had to put down a mountail lion that was stalking him

scary af situation to be in to be followed by a man eater out in the woods

Procta‎, Yesterday 08:56 AM
5 Pages
1 2 3 4 5
Last Post: Today 05:24 AM
by Cleveland33  Go to last post
125 2,174

Microsoft remastering Halo CE again - this time for PS5 as well

Microsoft is reportedly in the early stages of developing another remaster of Halo: Combat Evolved and is considering releasing it on PlayStation 5. That’s according to Tom Warren at The Verge, who received the website’s new ‘Notepad’ newsletter (subscription required, but the first 30 days are...

BraneyGumble‎, Yesterday 10:13 AM
Last Post: Today 05:24 AM
by LtGoose  Go to last post
11 182

Walked my pitbull downtown - everyone said she's beautiful

kids were coming up to her and playing with her, it was so adorable feels good to have the GOAT breed boyos

CosmicGate0289‎, Today 05:14 AM
Last Post: Today 05:23 AM
by jimbob007  Go to last post
1 19

Let's be real, Russia has 0 chance against NATO proper

It's been 2.5 years, and Putin wants to end the war with Russia's current territorial gains recognized by Ukraine. Obviously, Ukraine stood zero chance against Mother Russia without the endless free weapons from the West. That being said, if a non-NATO ally that is simply supplied by NATO can give...

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 04:35 AM
Last Post: Today 05:23 AM
by WiseOldApe  Go to last post
10 70

Congress looking to pass a bill to automate selective service (precursor to draft) A new plan from House lawmakers would automatically register men for a potential military draft when they hit age 18, avoiding potential legal consequences...

FoulSmell‎, Today 04:58 AM
Last Post: Today 05:22 AM
by Cleveland33  Go to last post
3 40

Single women over 50 are frustrated with dating

The women I know have given up on dating apps, singles clubs and groups. Everyone wants Tom Brady but he’s not knocking at their doors. Even the ones dating men have so much drama because the men are insanely jealous over their ex- husbands and ex boyfriends. I just don’t think it works...

DustinTheHuss‎, Today 12:31 AM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 05:22 AM
by Anachron  Go to last post
44 670

Arrow What's the best way to ask shy girls if they're DTF?

With obvious sloots, just directly ask, nothing to overthink there. The issue is what about girls who don't present themselves as slooty and present themselves as shy proper nice girls? The context of my wondering is I have some Hinge matches like that and I don't want to waste the matches. I...

monster0ultra‎, Yesterday 11:16 AM
Last Post: Today 05:22 AM
by monster0ultra  Go to last post
12 219

Exclamation How Three Astronauts Fell into a HUGE Trap While Committing Fraud [FLORIDA]

fkn laughed hard at the old guy on the scooter telling the cop to get out of the way 8:14 wCXqkPi6myA

nn586‎, Yesterday 02:05 PM
Last Post: Today 05:22 AM
by Procta  Go to last post
3 133

After Censoring Autopsies, Media Says Vax May Share Blame for "Unprecedented" Deaths

Biden: Our "patience" for the unvaccinated person is wearing thin DHhVz4-kGds Remember they wanted you to starve with no job, be denied medical care, wished death upon you if you did not comply, and were not able to prove that you complied. Now even MSN is running this story. The shot was not...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 06-05-2024 05:33 PM
Last Post: Today 05:22 AM
by Polaris  Go to last post
21 301

House of therorschach: Occasional workouts and more occasional workouts

2/6/2012, 12:00pm Weight: 182lbs Squat: 2x5x45 1x5x75 1x5x100 3x5x120

therorschach‎, 02-06-2012 10:42 AM
56 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 56
Last Post: Today 05:20 AM
by therorschach  Go to last post
1,666 244,583

How can Bodybuilders do Gay4Pay???

I’m straight and I couldn’t lick horny, smelly, hairy balls and ass so how can straight bodybuilders???? Id honestly rather be homeless.

DustinTheHuss‎, 06-05-2024 01:03 AM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Last Post: Today 05:20 AM
by ExPatriot  Go to last post
66 1,178

Boxing is in a golden era right now.

You rarely recognize it at the time but I can honestly say boxing is in an unbelievable spot right now. After so many years of the big fights not being made it's finally happening. I think the 2 main reasons are Saudi money and because some legends are looking for their final payouts and willing to...

blindsideflank‎, 06-03-2024 09:17 AM
Last Post: Today 05:19 AM
by sooby  Go to last post
2 216
MMA Fighting

Prepare for war.

Australia is offering to fast track citizenship for people who join the army from various backgrounds including the UK and NZ. America is offering more and more money to new recruits. This means that war is imminent. uMUXT9Qu7N8

WiseOldApe‎, Today 04:23 AM
Last Post: Today 05:18 AM
by pojo18  Go to last post
20 212

do the police solve most crimes?

i wonder how it differs place by place with unresolved crimes and ratios etc are more than 20% left unsolved

7empest‎, Today 04:45 AM
Last Post: Today 05:17 AM
by wasp9166  Go to last post
6 55
Last Post: Today 05:17 AM
by Cleveland33  Go to last post
32 793

Daftar Situs Toto Togel Terbesar Pasaran Togel Terlengkap Di Asia

Selamat datang di situs togel terbesar TRANSTOGEL. Ayo dan daftarkan diri Anda dan rasakan pengalaman terbaik bermain togel online di TRANSTOGEL. Selain itu ada banyak promo menarik bagi member baru yang baru bergabung. Jadi tunggu apalagi, mari manfaatkan waktu terbaik Anda saat ini juga.

makanmalam‎, Today 05:16 AM
Last Post: Today 05:16 AM
by makanmalam  Go to last post
0 3
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