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Last Post: Today 02:42 AM
by mgftp  Go to last post
0 0

Go to first new post People with insane DVD/ Blu Ray collections

Why? I just saw a guy on youtube that literally had 10000's of DVDS. That must cost as much as a house Do they really watch that many movies? Why not just watch them on netflix/ amazon prime video?

mrdot‎, 06-07-2024 07:41 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 02:42 AM
by Exiled93  Go to last post
55 819

Go to first new post What the **** happened to movies ? they don’t make movies like they used to

I rewatched some original cinematic experiences the last two days to break in my new 80 inch tv The matrix trilogy Aliens/Alien All 3 LOTR consecutively JP 2& 3 ( I rewatched the first last weekend)

dogorman7‎, Today 02:33 AM
Last Post: Today 02:41 AM
by dogorman7  Go to last post
2 15

Go to first new post Sooooo Hungry without my Ozempic

Ozempic was on backorder for the past 3 weeks, plus I was traveling, so I got SO hungry! This is so wrong that a drug has to keep our weight down. My Dad takes Trulicity and his went on backorder so he was eating twice as much food and freaking out as it's hard for him to go grocery shopping as...

DustinTheHuss‎, Yesterday 08:06 PM
Last Post: Today 02:40 AM
by OldFartTom  Go to last post
3 113
Over 35 Misc

Go to first new post Arrow Bryan Callen said young women now won't date a guy with an average or small dick

Callen is Joe Rogans friend and a comedian but he was saying how back in his day women didnt care about a guys dick, he said only the hoes or older divorced women did. He is spot on because he said most girls were not watching pornos at all it was just young guys watching pornos on vhs and nudie...

ChaliHo‎, Yesterday 07:38 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 02:39 AM
by ipunchurgirl  Go to last post
46 796

Question Need help Fierce 5 with knee injury

Hi guys, I am working with Fierce 5 about 4 months, and I love it so much. Problem is that my right knee is injured, and I can't use all power to squats or Romanian deadlift like before. Can someone help me adjust the plan with good substitute to avoid my knee pain ? I don't want to do it...

chymden‎, 05-17-2024 02:28 PM
Last Post: Today 02:38 AM
by colontos  Go to last post
10 1,465

Married guys of the Misc: When did you last have some legit great pussy?

I'm not talking about getting some "vagina", I'm guessing you get some "vagina" every week or two. I'm talking about getting some "pussy". Like where you fuked a chick and busted a big nut all over her face. Is this something that drops off significantly after about 2 years of marriage? Or did...

OliverHeldens‎, Yesterday 05:56 AM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 02:36 AM
by anabolik3K  Go to last post
57 1,068
Last Post: Today 02:36 AM
by achtungpanzer  Go to last post
1 13

Video of Hunter Biden chasing hooker naked and dragging her back to his hotel room Holy fuk, this guy is hilarious.

OliverHeldens‎, Yesterday 05:14 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 02:34 AM
by anabolik3K  Go to last post
53 1,208
Last Post: Today 02:34 AM
by SmackEnlighten  Go to last post
2 21

The squat has broken me

I've been asking questions about how to get over my squat plateau, but they have all missed the truth of my situation: the squat has broken me psychologically. Two years ago I injured my back squatting with suboptimal form and no belt. I reached 355 squatting this way before the pain got...

erigni‎, 05-21-2024 05:22 PM
Last Post: Today 02:31 AM
by colontos  Go to last post
12 891

What makes people want to get high/drunk everyday

Instead of dealing with reality sober?

UpNDaClub‎, Today 02:19 AM
Last Post: Today 02:31 AM
by shrimpnhotsauce  Go to last post
4 34

🩷🩷🩷 How did the world’s best looking people create such an average looking child 🩷🩷🩷

There’s nothing wrong with her and she is prob a lovely person and she has pretty hair but her genetics just look plain average 5-6 range. But her parents are both 10/10.

Silence2‎, Today 02:05 AM
Last Post: Today 02:29 AM
by demfeelsbro  Go to last post
3 51

why do people love goth chicks??

is there something about their personality? sometimes people say "big tiddy goth" which makes sense, but do you like the gothic look? or maybe it's cause they are more hardcore in all ways

7empest‎, Yesterday 04:36 AM
Last Post: Today 02:29 AM
by MisquePhaggot  Go to last post
24 479

Dr Michael Mosley 5:2 Diet Creator Missing In Greece

Damn, thought he would kill himself by swallowing parasites, or the other stupid crap he does supposedly for science. TV doctor Michael Mosley, known for popularising the 5:2 diet, has gone missing while on holiday on the Greek island of Symi. Greek Police told BBC News Dr Mosley left his wife...

jimbob007‎, 06-06-2024 06:58 AM
Last Post: Today 02:27 AM
by pyrogen  Go to last post
9 209

Poll Poll: What happened to Michael Mosley?

With the poms just waking up now and me enjoying a good poll I thought I would ask the question, what has happened to the adventurous TV doctor? For those unaware

BraddlesMcGee‎, Yesterday 12:42 AM
Last Post: Today 02:24 AM
by BraddlesMcGee  Go to last post
9 142

Anyone else enjoying watching the world fall apart?

Even though I am a victim as well. I am glad to be witnessing this part of history. Wars, political division, gender division, blacks, jews, mass migration, demented president. Endless problems. Endless discussions. Most people were born into boring, poor lives then died with no...

shrimpnhotsauce‎, Today 02:17 AM
Last Post: Today 02:24 AM
by demfeelsbro  Go to last post
4 39

My brothers in Christ, always remember the base probability

Too often we evaluate our life outcomes against criteria that exist only because of privileges we did not earn If you were born into a first world country -you have a relatively stable currency and banking system -you have universal healthcare -there are free and transparent elections and...

r32gojirra‎, Yesterday 07:27 AM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Last Post: Today 02:20 AM
by pyrogen  Go to last post
84 906

Cannot hit pectorals with pressing movements no matter what I try

for years, i've had a shoulder-dominant bench and I can't seem to recruit my pecs on bench presses (and even flies). i've tried every bit of advice i could find online - tuck the elbows, arch the back, try dumbbells, squeeze the bar, etc - and none has really made much of a difference. after each...

UMTerp22‎, 06-05-2024 04:50 PM
Last Post: Today 02:13 AM
by colontos  Go to last post
8 629

Question what would you do

if you got raped by another man ?

IwantThoseGains‎, Yesterday 02:33 PM
Last Post: Today 02:10 AM
by IwantThoseGains  Go to last post
11 176
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