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Thread: amenorrhea help

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    New Member shell_mac81's Avatar
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    amenorrhea help

    Has anyone experienced amenorrhea? I am struggling to recover from it by increasing my caloric intake, but I am having trouble starting my period again. My hormones are not balanced and I have gained about 5-7 pounds. How long does it take for normal cycles to begain? I would appreciate any advise from someone who has delt with this problem.
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    Re: amenorrhea help

    Is it due to an eating disorder or extreme low body fat?

    I get it when prepping for a contest. It will return 3 months following a contest.
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    amenorrhea help

    Well, I just was not eating enough calories- I was in neg. calorie balence. However, I feel that I have correted that now, and my body fat is about 13%. What do you do after contest in order to regain menses? How do you go about regaining body fat- just increase calories overall? Do you experience alot of bloating, or more severe premenstrual symptoms? Sorry so many questions!
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    Re: amenorrhea help

    Your body will take time to adapt to the changes. How many calories are you eating a day? Be sure you are eating enough.

    I don't do anything inparticular after a contest, it just take about 3 months for my body to find it's balance again after all the strictness. Some bloat due to rebounding, but I'm not too PMSsive.
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    Registered User fawn's Avatar
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    i've been experiencing this.

    I went to see an obgyne and told me that i have polycystic ovaries. And went under some medication. I wasn't eating right then. I ate mostly carbs and fiber.

    I stopped drinking meds to see if my hormones are back to normal.

    I've been eating sensibly, i think (right amount of protein/fat/carbs) for about 3 weeks now. And i stil lhaven't got my menses.

    I'm 5'2 used to weigh about 47kg(103 lbs), now i'm 48.5 (106)
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    Re: amenorrhea help

    Originally posted by shell_mac81
    Well, I just was not eating enough calories- I was in neg. calorie balence. However, I feel that I have correted that now, and my body fat is about 13%. What do you do after contest in order to regain menses? How do you go about regaining body fat- just increase calories overall? Do you experience alot of bloating, or more severe premenstrual symptoms? Sorry so many questions!

    How long have you been amenorrhoeic? What is your overall body weight? What is your current diet like - calorie intake, carb intake and fat intake? What about your exercise routine like?

    All these things will impact on your cycle (via supression of the hypothalamic-pituatory axis, which controls the hormones that signal your ovaries to make female hormones).

    It can take up to 2 years to regain mensus after an insult to your body (and Fawn - 3 weeks is definately not enough time.. Plus, there are a lot of other issues in terms of PCOS that contribute to amennorhoea, so in your case it is probably not just diet/weight related). Also, 13% might be too low for you as well. Some people need 15%, some need 17%. It is very individual. Unfortunately, some never regain their periods...

    There have been a few other posts on this topic if you want to read them, they might help:
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    amenorrhea help

    Well, I am 5'5'' and I weigh about 123 now. I usually intake about 1800 kcals/day, but I think I need to increase to 2000 after reading some of the postings of other amenorreic victums. I weight train 4 times a week- usually two muscle groups a day, and one day of all legs, and do carido 3-4 times a week for no more then 30 min. I try to eat very "clean" sticking to lean meats such as chicken breast, fish at least 2 times a week, and occasionally beef or venison. Lots of fruits and veggies, and onl whole-wheat grains, or oatmeal. Here is a typical day for me:

    Two eggs every morning (only one yolk) with whole wheat toast, low carb/hi protein yogurt with 1/2 c blueberries mixed in.
    half of a peanut butter sandwhich with natural pb, and whole wheat bread
    chicken breast, small salad with fiber one cereal sprinkled on top
    protein bar ~200 kcal

    4:00 pre workout
    1/2 banana/ pb sandwhich

    post workout
    1/2 banana, protein shake w/ carbs

    fish or chicken
    huge salad with all kinds of veggies

    cottage cheese w/ fiber one cereal

    I also take flax seed, calcium and multivitamen daily

    Any suggestions??

    I keep feeling like I am going to start- I get cramps and all the premenstural signs, but I just have not started yet. I am hoping these are good signs that my body is trying. I was on BC for about a year and a half, then I quit them and that is when the period problems started. Well, the BC pills allowed me to not eat enough but still have a period, so when I stopped them, well I went for about 7 months with no period. I have been to the doctor, and BC pills is the only answer they know. I tried going back on the pill, but I quit them agian b/c I was gaining weight and I felt moody, and depressive. So now I am determined to start on my own- I think I can make my hormones work but I need to be eating enough and I guess just being patient. It has been about 3 months since I quit BC pills and I guess I need to just wait a little longer, and try increasing cals a little more. Any advise?
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  8. #8
    Registered User fawn's Avatar
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    shell_mac81 while ur on BC, havn't u tried eating correct then? With the right amounts of nutrients?

    emma-leigh thanks for the links. All my bloodtests came out normal, that's why my doctor told me that me having PCOS (polycystic ovaries) is weight/fat related. *shrug*
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    Re: amenorrhea help

    Originally posted by shell_mac81
    Well, I am 5'5'' and I weigh about 123 now. I usually intake about 1800 kcals/day, but I think I need to increase to 2000 after reading some of the postings of other amenorreic victums.
    Well - It is good to see you are at a healthy weight!! Woo hoo! 123 and 5'5 is very healthy - so it is unlikely that is the problem.

    Calorie wise, at ~13% you have a lean mass of ~ 48.6kg, and your BMR is probably therefore about 1170 - 1200. With an activity factor of 1.5 and factoring in the TEF (120), you are probably looking at rough calorie need in the region of calorie intake for maintainence of about 1900. So you are definately eating in the right ball-park figure for your needs...

    I weight train 4 times a week- usually two muscle groups a day, and one day of all legs, and do carido 3-4 times a week for no more then 30 min.
    This is great too. You are not overtraining either. Excellent.

    I try to eat very "clean" sticking to lean meats such as chicken breast, fish at least 2 times a week, and occasionally beef or venison. Lots of fruits and veggies, and only whole-wheat grains, or oatmeal.
    Great. Your diet seems to be relying a lot on whole-wheat bread. Despite what people say, this is really not all that different from white bread and is definately not the best source of carbs - try to replace a lot of the bread with other carb sources if you can. Don't forget other forms of carbs such as legumes and yams - they are much more nutritious than breads and processed cereals.

    It looks like you might not be getting enough protein - aim for at least 1g/pound, which is 123g in your case. For 5 or 6 meals a day this is about 20-25g per meal.

    You are eating lots of peanut butter - so it is good to see you getting healthy fats, however peanut butter is not very high in the essential omega-3 fats, so I would try to swap some of the peanut butter for higher omega-3 sources such as walnuts, linseeds and fatty fish.

    Two eggs every morning (only one yolk) with whole wheat toast, low carb/hi protein yogurt with 1/2 c blueberries mixed in.
    Great. You might want to swap the whole wheat toast for oatmeal (more nutritious, lower GI etc) and then swap the egg yolk for another white (or two) and add some ground flaxseed to your oats. This will increase your omega-3's. The blueberries are great (keep these here!! Excellent source of anti-oxidants) and the yoghurt is ok too.

    half of a peanut butter sandwhich with natural pb, and whole wheat bread
    You might want to increase your protein in this meal - look into adding something with a complete protein such as cottage cheese or a lean meat.

    chicken breast, small salad with fiber one cereal sprinkled on top
    Great... Hmmm... But what about 3/4 cup chick-peas instead of fibre one?

    protein bar ~200 kcal
    I usually stay away from bars unless it is absolutely neccessary - they are full of junk. Try a real meal here such as some tuna and rice or a even make a home-made protein bar instead.

    4:00 pre workout
    1/2 banana/ pb sandwhich
    Once again, I would make sure you are getting a complete protein in this meal. Something such as some chicken, fish, eggwhites, tofu or cottage cheese. You may also want to take out the peanut butter.

    And (I'll say it again, just incase ) I would drop the bread for a better carb source.

    post workout
    1/2 banana, protein shake w/ carbs

    fish or chicken
    huge salad with all kinds of veggies
    Great!! Add some essential fatty acids to this meal - walnuts, linseeds etc. Or, go for salmon as a fish source.

    cottage cheese w/ fiber one cereal
    Great! What about some healthy fats here too? Maybe add a sprinkle of linseeds or walnuts to the cottage cheese?

    I also take flax seed, calcium and multivitamen daily [/b][/quote]
    Great to see the flaxseeds and calcium!! How much are you taking?

    I think I can make my hormones work but I need to be eating enough and I guess just being patient. It has been about 3 months since I quit BC pills and I guess I need to just wait a little longer, and try increasing cals a little more. Any advise?
    Patience and persistance are the keys. 3 months is not too long - just make sure that you are eating enough, getting the right macronutrients and that you are resting adequately and things will probably kick back in.

    If it doesn't start by month 6 it might mean that, unfortunately, you might have to increase your BF% a few points....
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    Registered User fawn's Avatar
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    here's what i eat

    I'm not sure how many calories i eat/day. But i've written down the foods i eat for the ENTIRE week. I hope you can help me if i'm eating the right nutrients.

    I'm trying to overcome my amenorrhea. although i'm not sure if its related to the way i eat. But that's the only reason my doctor can think of.

    i'm 5'2 weighing about 48 kg now from 47kg before i started eating like this (its been 3 weeks now). I am doing strength training 3x/week. Once a week cardio. I am hoping to maintain my physique, all i want to change is me eating the right amount of nutrients to keep my hormones working again.

    **note: as you read through, u'll notice i eat lots of varieties. Its because i eat only small portions (except for chicken) and the foods are served for the whole family. I don't cook just for myself

    Day 1
    0600 - skim milk
    0800 - egg white, soya milk,raisins, high calcium powdered milk, oatmeal
    0945 - egg white
    1045 - oatmeal
    1200 apple, 1/2 orange, veggies, chicken, tofu,skim milk, Peanut Butter (PB), lychee
    1540 - corn
    1620 - chicken breast and thigh
    1745 - chicken,veggies, tofu, orange, lychees, PB

    day 2
    0635 - banana
    0900 - oatmeal,high calcium powdered milk, 1/2 avocado
    1200 - yam, tofu, veggies, chicken, lychee, 1/2 mango, apple, orange, PB
    1700 - apple
    1730 - pork, dimsum, veggies, almont jelly
    1615 - skim milk, chicken breast

    day 3
    0800 - apple, oatmeal, high calcium powdered milk, chicken
    1100 - oatmeal
    1200 - apple, orange, PB, chicken, veggies, noodle, sweet potato
    1430 - sweet potato
    1630 - chicken breast
    1700 - sweet potato
    1800 - PB, lychee,veggies, tofu, pork, skim milk, sweeetend cereal

    day 4
    0600 - skim milk
    0800 - soya milk, oatmeal, hi calcium powdered milk, egg white
    1030 - hard boiled egg
    1100 - oatmeal
    1200 - apple, orange, lychee,veggies, rice, chicken, PB, white bread
    1545 - banana
    1630 - chicken
    1800 - rice, chicken, hi calcium powdered milk, PB

    day 5
    0600 - skim milk
    0800 - scrambled egg, high calcium powdered milk, oatmeal
    1045- oatmeal
    1200 - apple, orange, pineapple, watermelon, veggies, chicken, fish
    1600 -veggies, chicken
    1800 - veggies, chicken, brown rice, PB, fish, scrambled egg

    day 6
    0600 -skim milk
    0800 - egg whites, some yolk, watermelon, hi calcium powdered milk, oatmeal
    1100 - oatmeal
    1200 -apple, orange, cream of corn soup (with chicken), chicken, mushrooms, veggies
    1700 -cream of corn soup
    1800 - cream of corn soup, chicken breast, veggies

    day 7
    0645 - banana
    0800 - hi calcium powdered milk, fried egg, oatmeal
    1100 - oatmeal
    1200 -apple, orange, veggies, chicken, mushrooms, fried fish, tofu with shrimps
    1615 - wallnuts, tofu chicken, sweet potato
    1800 -veggies, hi calcium powdered milk, noodle, chicken breast, spareribs, tofu

    day 8
    0600 - skim milk
    0800 - hard boiled egg (2 whites, 1 yolk), hi calcium powdred milk, oatmeal, soya milk
    1100 - oatmeal
    1200 - apple, orange, chicken, veggies, baked spagetti, muffin,mango
    1630 -chicken breast
    1800 - spagetti, chicken, tofu,fish
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    Hi shell... I recently got my period back after around 2 years of not having it... What I did was... I did way less cardio then I did before (now I do 2X a week of 20 minutes) and weight train for 30-45 min 3x a week. I ate 1800-2000 calories everyday.. Make sure you are eating good quality food (fruits/healthy fats/lean protein/etc).. your period WILL COME BACK... it just take time. i never thought I would get it.. but then it came! AND IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!
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