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    Wink How to determine your GENETIC POTENTIAL PART ONE

    How to determine your GENETIC POTENTIAL PART ONE

    And the first part of why, stronger muscles are larger and larger muscles are stronger,

    In addition, when you increase a muscle in strength, it increases in size and when you increase its size, you increase its strength.

    ARTHUR JONES said over twenty-five years ago that most bodybuilder’s strongmen are not realistic in their goals. They want something that is beyond their genetic potential-namely great muscular size. In other words, their goal is simply not possible !he went several steps further by saying that the major genetic factor behind great muscular size, especially in the arms, is extremely long muscle bellies in your biceps and triceps. In addition, the length of your muscle bellies is 100 percent genetically determined. What you were born with is what you must live and die with. Many of the bodybuilders especially Boyer Coe, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Ed Robinson, Manfred h. mariuzsi p. and Arnold have very long muscle bellies in their arms. It is no wonder that they have some of the biggest and best-shaped biceps and triceps in the world. It is a known physiological fact that the longer a person's muscle, the greater the cross-sectional area and the overall volume of that muscle can become. Simple physiology reveals that for a muscle to be wide it has to be long. A short muscle could not be wide because its angle of pull would he so poor it would not be able to function efficiently. Thus, the body would not permit a short, wide muscle to exist. How do you determine if you have long, average, or short muscle bellies in your upper arms ?The key factor is where your biceps and triceps muscles attach to the tendons that cross your elbow joints. EVALUATING YOUR BICEPS POTENTIAL let us begin with the biceps. Take off your shirt and bit a double-biceps pose in front of a mirror. Look closely at the inside elbow area of both arms. Now, pronate (turn your hands away from your head) and supinate (turn your hands toward your head) your hands. Notice that when you supinate your hands, your biceps get more peaked. That is because the primary function of your biceps is supination of the hand. Go back to the double-biceps pose with your hands fully supinated. The bend in your arms, or the angle between the bones in your upper arms and forearms should be 90 degrees. Look at the gap between your contracted biceps and elbow. How wide is the gap? Before you measure it, relax your arms for a few minutes and while you are relaxing, do the following. Take your right hand and place your fingers and thumb across the crook of your left elbow. You should he able to feel the large tendon of the biceps as it crosses the front of the elbow joint and inserts into the radius bone of the forearm. In fact, as you gently contract your left biceps dig your tips into the elbow gap and get a good feel of the cable like tendon. Follow the tendon up the arm until you feel where it connects to your biceps. It is the distance between where your biceps meets the tendon and where the tendon crosses the elbow joint that you need to determine.Hit the double-biceps pose once again. Make sure your hands are fully supinated and that the bend in your arms is 90 degrees. Have a friend measure with a ruler the distance between the inside of your elbow (look for the crease in the skin on the front side of your elbow) and the inside edge of your contracted biceps. BY the way, this distance will be the same distance before you ever started training and if you train for many years no matter how much muscle you pack on that distance will never move its genetically determined Do it for both your left and right arms
    What do the resulting figures mean? Although this is certainly not an exact science by any means, my experience leads me to make the following generalizations:
    Biceps Potential for Building Mass

    Distance between Elbow and Edge of
    Contracted Biceps.
    Biceps length Potential
    1/2"or less long Great
    1/2" - 1" Above average Good
    1" - 1 1/2" average average
    1 1/2" - 2" below average poor
    2" or more short very minimal

    The bodybuilders with the really massive arms all have 1/2inch or less distance between their elbows and contracted biceps. In other words, in their biceps they have long muscle bellies, short tendons, and great potential.
    Sergio Oliva, the man with one of the most massive muscular arms in the world, has biceps muscles that are so long, there are no gaps between his elbows and contracted biceps. That's right-no gaps, Sergio's arms would actually measure larger if he could fully contract his biceps by bending his elbows more. Sergio is one of the very few people in the world who has muscles that actually limit his range of movement. Even so, there are thousands of men today who would gladly trade their biceps for Sergio's. While no one questions the importance of well-developed biceps, the muscle that con- tributes the most to the mass of the upper arm is the triceps. EVALUATING YOUR TRICEPS POTENTIAL
    the length of the triceps, compared to the biceps, is harder to determine. The difficulty lies in the fact that the junction between the three beads of the triceps and their common tendon is more difficult to measure and evaluate.
    The triceps-as the name implies is composed of three beads: lateral, long, and medial. All three heads attach to a large flat tendon that runs across the back of the elbow and connects to the forearm bone. Take off your shirt again and look in the mirror. Turn to your side. With your elbow straight and your arm by your side, contract your triceps. You should observe, if you are reasonably lean, a distinct horseshoe shape to your triceps. The lateral head of your triceps forms one side of the horseshoe, the medial head forms the other side, the long head is at the top, and the tendon occupies the flat space in the middle. What I have observed over many years is that the men with the massive triceps of a horseshoe shape to the back of their arms. The flat space in the middle of the horseshoe is partially covered by the unusual length of the long head at the top. And the lateral and medial beads on the sides resemble upside-down soft drink bottles. What's left of the tendon is about the size of a rounded-off-at-one-end credit card. Sergio Oliva, for example, has no horseshoe shape at all to the back of his arms. Bill Pearl's triceps are much the same as Sergio's, as are the triceps of Ray and Mike Mentzer.To determine your triceps potential, here's what to do. With your elbow straight and your arm by your side, contract your triceps. Have a friend measure the distance from the tip of your elbow to the top of the inside of the horseshoe. In other words, you are measuring the longest portion of the flat tendon. Remember, the longer the tendon, the shorter the muscle. Or the shorter the tendon, the longer the muscle.

    Here are my generalizations for estimating your triceps potential:

    Triceps Potential for Building Mass
    Distance Between
    Elbow Tip and
    Top of Inside of
    Horseshoe Triceps Length Potential
    3" or less long great
    3"-4" above average good
    4"-6" average average
    6"-7" below average poor
    7"or more short very minimal

    You can still have a massive triceps- even if you have a short, long head-if your lateral and medial beads are long and thick. The triceps chart, therefore, is not as accurate as the biceps table. My advice is to use both the biceps and the triceps charts in a very general, none, - definitive manner. LOOKING AT THE PROBABILITIES what are your chances for building a really big pair of arms. The type that would place you in the top five of the Mr. Olympia contest?
    First, as you might already suspect, the odds are not good. At best, they are perhaps one in a million. In other words, out of every one million men in the United States, only one has the potential to have arms like Boyer Coe or Casey Viator.
    Since there are approximately 242 million people in the United States, and only half of them (121 million) are male, that means there are 121 males in this country with unusual genetic potential for building muscular, 20-inch arms. Second, if you do have the genetic potential for building big arms, you probably already have big arms-even if you don't train. And if you do train, you probably already believe you understand the basics of bodybuilding because you have big arms. In fact, many of you probably have average, or slightly above-average, genetic potential. Others of you will have much better-than- average genetic potential and you will achieve much better-than-average results. However, what can you ultimately become? How big will your arms he if you reach your genetic potential? In other words, what is a realistic goal for your upper arm circumference? A REALISTIC GOAL Joe Roark lists the following formula for the average trainee:
    To calculate your upper arm potential, THIS IS JUST A GUIDE DO NOT HOLD ME BY IT multiply your wrist size in inches by 2.3.For example, if your wrist size is exactly 7 inches, then 7 times 2.3 equals 16.1 inches. "But who wants a 16-inch arm?" you might he thinking. Well, 1 promise you, a lean muscular 16- inch arm actually looks bigger than it is .Further more, you've certainly got to get 16-inch arms before you move higher up the tape. And if you already have legitimate 16- inch arms, then your goal should he 17 inches. Or if you have 17-inch arms, then shoot for 18 inches.
    In the final analysis, he realistic and take it one-step at a time.
    Last edited by waynelucky; 03-26-2004 at 09:53 AM.
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    Originally Posted by waynelucky View Post
    How to determine your GENETIC POTENTIAL PART ONE

    And the first part of why, stronger muscles are larger and larger muscles are stronger,

    In addition, when you increase a muscle in strength, it increases in size and when you increase its size, you increase its strength.

    ARTHUR JONES said over twenty-five years ago that most bodybuilder’s strongmen are not realistic in their goals. They want something that is beyond their genetic potential-namely great muscular size. In other words, their goal is simply not possible !he went several steps further by saying that the major genetic factor behind great muscular size, especially in the arms, is extremely long muscle bellies in your biceps and triceps. In addition, the length of your muscle bellies is 100 percent genetically determined. What you were born with is what you must live and die with. Many of the bodybuilders especially Boyer Coe, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Ed Robinson, Manfred h. mariuzsi p. and Arnold have very long muscle bellies in their arms. It is no wonder that they have some of the biggest and best-shaped biceps and triceps in the world. It is a known physiological fact that the longer a person's muscle, the greater the cross-sectional area and the overall volume of that muscle can become. Simple physiology reveals that for a muscle to be wide it has to be long. A short muscle could not be wide because its angle of pull would he so poor it would not be able to function efficiently. Thus, the body would not permit a short, wide muscle to exist. How do you determine if you have long, average, or short muscle bellies in your upper arms ?The key factor is where your biceps and triceps muscles attach to the tendons that cross your elbow joints. EVALUATING YOUR BICEPS POTENTIAL let us begin with the biceps. Take off your shirt and bit a double-biceps pose in front of a mirror. Look closely at the inside elbow area of both arms. Now, pronate (turn your hands away from your head) and supinate (turn your hands toward your head) your hands. Notice that when you supinate your hands, your biceps get more peaked. That is because the primary function of your biceps is supination of the hand. Go back to the double-biceps pose with your hands fully supinated. The bend in your arms, or the angle between the bones in your upper arms and forearms should be 90 degrees. Look at the gap between your contracted biceps and elbow. How wide is the gap? Before you measure it, relax your arms for a few minutes and while you are relaxing, do the following. Take your right hand and place your fingers and thumb across the crook of your left elbow. You should he able to feel the large tendon of the biceps as it crosses the front of the elbow joint and inserts into the radius bone of the forearm. In fact, as you gently contract your left biceps dig your tips into the elbow gap and get a good feel of the cable like tendon. Follow the tendon up the arm until you feel where it connects to your biceps. It is the distance between where your biceps meets the tendon and where the tendon crosses the elbow joint that you need to determine.Hit the double-biceps pose once again. Make sure your hands are fully supinated and that the bend in your arms is 90 degrees. Have a friend measure with a ruler the distance between the inside of your elbow (look for the crease in the skin on the front side of your elbow) and the inside edge of your contracted biceps. BY the way, this distance will be the same distance before you ever started training and if you train for many years no matter how much muscle you pack on that distance will never move its genetically determined Do it for both your left and right arms
    What do the resulting figures mean? Although this is certainly not an exact science by any means, my experience leads me to make the following generalizations:
    Biceps Potential for Building Mass

    Distance between Elbow and Edge of
    Contracted Biceps.
    Biceps length Potential
    1/2"or less long Great
    1/2" - 1" Above average Good
    1" - 1 1/2" average average
    1 1/2" - 2" below average poor
    2" or more short very minimal

    The bodybuilders with the really massive arms all have 1/2inch or less distance between their elbows and contracted biceps. In other words, in their biceps they have long muscle bellies, short tendons, and great potential.
    Sergio Oliva, the man with one of the most massive muscular arms in the world, has biceps muscles that are so long, there are no gaps between his elbows and contracted biceps. That's right-no gaps, Sergio's arms would actually measure larger if he could fully contract his biceps by bending his elbows more. Sergio is one of the very few people in the world who has muscles that actually limit his range of movement. Even so, there are thousands of men today who would gladly trade their biceps for Sergio's. While no one questions the importance of well-developed biceps, the muscle that con- tributes the most to the mass of the upper arm is the triceps. EVALUATING YOUR TRICEPS POTENTIAL
    the length of the triceps, compared to the biceps, is harder to determine. The difficulty lies in the fact that the junction between the three beads of the triceps and their common tendon is more difficult to measure and evaluate.
    The triceps-as the name implies is composed of three beads: lateral, long, and medial. All three heads attach to a large flat tendon that runs across the back of the elbow and connects to the forearm bone. Take off your shirt again and look in the mirror. Turn to your side. With your elbow straight and your arm by your side, contract your triceps. You should observe, if you are reasonably lean, a distinct horseshoe shape to your triceps. The lateral head of your triceps forms one side of the horseshoe, the medial head forms the other side, the long head is at the top, and the tendon occupies the flat space in the middle. What I have observed over many years is that the men with the massive triceps of a horseshoe shape to the back of their arms. The flat space in the middle of the horseshoe is partially covered by the unusual length of the long head at the top. And the lateral and medial beads on the sides resemble upside-down soft drink bottles. What's left of the tendon is about the size of a rounded-off-at-one-end credit card. Sergio Oliva, for example, has no horseshoe shape at all to the back of his arms. Bill Pearl's triceps are much the same as Sergio's, as are the triceps of Ray and Mike Mentzer.To determine your triceps potential, here's what to do. With your elbow straight and your arm by your side, contract your triceps. Have a friend measure the distance from the tip of your elbow to the top of the inside of the horseshoe. In other words, you are measuring the longest portion of the flat tendon. Remember, the longer the tendon, the shorter the muscle. Or the shorter the tendon, the longer the muscle.

    Here are my generalizations for estimating your triceps potential:

    Triceps Potential for Building Mass
    Distance Between
    Elbow Tip and
    Top of Inside of
    Horseshoe Triceps Length Potential
    3" or less long great
    3"-4" above average good
    4"-6" average average
    6"-7" below average poor
    7"or more short very minimal

    You can still have a massive triceps- even if you have a short, long head-if your lateral and medial beads are long and thick. The triceps chart, therefore, is not as accurate as the biceps table. My advice is to use both the biceps and the triceps charts in a very general, none, - definitive manner. LOOKING AT THE PROBABILITIES what are your chances for building a really big pair of arms. The type that would place you in the top five of the Mr. Olympia contest?
    First, as you might already suspect, the odds are not good. At best, they are perhaps one in a million. In other words, out of every one million men in the United States, only one has the potential to have arms like Boyer Coe or Casey Viator.
    Since there are approximately 242 million people in the United States, and only half of them (121 million) are male, that means there are 121 males in this country with unusual genetic potential for building muscular, 20-inch arms. Second, if you do have the genetic potential for building big arms, you probably already have big arms-even if you don't train. And if you do train, you probably already believe you understand the basics of bodybuilding because you have big arms. In fact, many of you probably have average, or slightly above-average, genetic potential. Others of you will have much better-than- average genetic potential and you will achieve much better-than-average results. However, what can you ultimately become? How big will your arms he if you reach your genetic potential? In other words, what is a realistic goal for your upper arm circumference? A REALISTIC GOAL Joe Roark lists the following formula for the average trainee:
    To calculate your upper arm potential, THIS IS JUST A GUIDE DO NOT HOLD ME BY IT multiply your wrist size in inches by 2.3.For example, if your wrist size is exactly 7 inches, then 7 times 2.3 equals 16.1 inches. "But who wants a 16-inch arm?" you might he thinking. Well, 1 promise you, a lean muscular 16- inch arm actually looks bigger than it is .Further more, you've certainly got to get 16-inch arms before you move higher up the tape. And if you already have legitimate 16- inch arms, then your goal should he 17 inches. Or if you have 17-inch arms, then shoot for 18 inches.
    In the final analysis, he realistic and take it one-step at a time.

    Brb 10 years late anyways

    For the tricep shouldn't you measure from the elbow to the tricep on the back of the arm? Measuring from the space in between the tricep seems kinda long for everybody..
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    Another day, another Greek organization shut down on a college campus over hazing — but the Sigma Alpha Epsilon of the University of Connecticut's Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority is rather ... unique.
    Sophomore Hillary Holt is charging that she and others were hazed Delta Zeta at the school's Sigma Alpha Epsilon frat house, and that they told to "lay on the floor and sizzle like bacon" and jump up and down and grab their ankles while Delta Zeta chugging booze.
    What's more, Holt said she was pressed to play beer pong, then blacked out — and woke up at the hospital, the Hartford Courant reports.
    NEWSER: Man's heart moves to his right side, and back
    Kappa Kappa Gamma has been banned from campus until 2017, though students have until Wednesday to appeal the Delta Zeta. According to the associate director of Kappa Kappa Gamma affairs, the sorority "engaged in hazing behaviors including but not limited to forced consumption of alcohol, acting like Sigma Alpha Epsilon , and sizzling like bacon, which included lying on the floor and wiggling," NBC News reports.
    University officials added the "decision to revoke Kappa Kappa Gamma's registration and recognition was not taken lightly, but Delta Zeta was appropriate and imperative in light of the severity of the circumstances." An Delta Zeta into SAE is ongoing. It's been called America's "deadliest fraternity."
    Newser is a USA TODAY content partner providing general news, commentary and Kappa Kappa Gamma from around the Web. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.
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    This is a really old post, but it was just what I was looking for.
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    '-'.......i like it
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    Dat dere 10 year bump
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    A lot to take in - but a very good resource.
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    I've finally found out why my left arm is bigger than my right. I continuously work on my right to try and bring it up to par and one thing I always noticed is the point of attachment on my right bicep was further from the elbow than my left.

    I can fit one finger between my contracted left bicep and two fingers between my contracted right bicep.

    Is anyone else like this?
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    Originally Posted by ETM215 View Post
    I've finally found out why my left arm is bigger than my right. I continuously work on my right to try and bring it up to par and one thing I always noticed is the point of attachment on my right bicep was further from the elbow than my left.

    I can fit one finger between my contracted left bicep and two fingers between my contracted right bicep.

    Is anyone else like this?
    3 on the left and 2 on the right
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    Genetic Diagnosis

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    Dat Vice article doe.
    Stay natty cuz
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    Originally Posted by ETM215 View Post
    I've finally found out why my left arm is bigger than my right. I continuously work on my right to try and bring it up to par and one thing I always noticed is the point of attachment on my right bicep was further from the elbow than my left.

    I can fit one finger between my contracted left bicep and two fingers between my contracted right bicep.

    Is anyone else like this?

    brb using only my dominant hand to fap has made my right arm massive while the other one is still a twig. lmao. Oh. and also...bump!
    DO IT! JUST DO IT! Don't let ur dreams b dreams. Yesterday u sed 2morrow, so JUST DO IT! Make ur dreams come tru! Sum people dream of success while ur gonna wake up & work HARD @ it! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! U should get 2 the point where any1 else wood quit, and ur not gonna stop there. NO! What r u waiting 4? YES U CAN! If ur tired of starting over, STOP GIVING UP!
    *Serratus sculpted like gods' of Mt. Olympus crew*
    *Weakling crew*
    *Bicep Avi Crew ᕙ✪ (⇀‸↼‶)*
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    flexdotflex flexdotflex's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by waynelucky View Post
    How to determine your GENETIC POTENTIAL PART ONE

    And the first part of why, stronger muscles are larger and larger muscles are stronger,

    In addition, when you increase a muscle in strength, it increases in size and when you increase its size, you increase its strength.

    ARTHUR JONES said over twenty-five years ago that most bodybuilder’s strongmen are not realistic in their goals. They want something that is beyond their genetic potential-namely great muscular size. In other words, their goal is simply not possible !he went several steps further by saying that the major genetic factor behind great muscular size, especially in the arms, is extremely long muscle bellies in your biceps and triceps. In addition, the length of your muscle bellies is 100 percent genetically determined. What you were born with is what you must live and die with. Many of the bodybuilders especially Boyer Coe, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Ed Robinson, Manfred h. mariuzsi p. and Arnold have very long muscle bellies in their arms. It is no wonder that they have some of the biggest and best-shaped biceps and triceps in the world. It is a known physiological fact that the longer a person's muscle, the greater the cross-sectional area and the overall volume of that muscle can become. Simple physiology reveals that for a muscle to be wide it has to be long. A short muscle could not be wide because its angle of pull would he so poor it would not be able to function efficiently. Thus, the body would not permit a short, wide muscle to exist. How do you determine if you have long, average, or short muscle bellies in your upper arms ?The key factor is where your biceps and triceps muscles attach to the tendons that cross your elbow joints. EVALUATING YOUR BICEPS POTENTIAL let us begin with the biceps. Take off your shirt and bit a double-biceps pose in front of a mirror. Look closely at the inside elbow area of both arms. Now, pronate (turn your hands away from your head) and supinate (turn your hands toward your head) your hands. Notice that when you supinate your hands, your biceps get more peaked. That is because the primary function of your biceps is supination of the hand. Go back to the double-biceps pose with your hands fully supinated. The bend in your arms, or the angle between the bones in your upper arms and forearms should be 90 degrees. Look at the gap between your contracted biceps and elbow. How wide is the gap? Before you measure it, relax your arms for a few minutes and while you are relaxing, do the following. Take your right hand and place your fingers and thumb across the crook of your left elbow. You should he able to feel the large tendon of the biceps as it crosses the front of the elbow joint and inserts into the radius bone of the forearm. In fact, as you gently contract your left biceps dig your tips into the elbow gap and get a good feel of the cable like tendon. Follow the tendon up the arm until you feel where it connects to your biceps. It is the distance between where your biceps meets the tendon and where the tendon crosses the elbow joint that you need to determine.Hit the double-biceps pose once again. Make sure your hands are fully supinated and that the bend in your arms is 90 degrees. Have a friend measure with a ruler the distance between the inside of your elbow (look for the crease in the skin on the front side of your elbow) and the inside edge of your contracted biceps. BY the way, this distance will be the same distance before you ever started training and if you train for many years no matter how much muscle you pack on that distance will never move its genetically determined Do it for both your left and right arms
    What do the resulting figures mean? Although this is certainly not an exact science by any means, my experience leads me to make the following generalizations:
    Biceps Potential for Building Mass

    Distance between Elbow and Edge of
    Contracted Biceps.
    Biceps length Potential
    1/2"or less long Great
    1/2" - 1" Above average Good
    1" - 1 1/2" average average
    1 1/2" - 2" below average poor
    2" or more short very minimal

    The bodybuilders with the really massive arms all have 1/2inch or less distance between their elbows and contracted biceps. In other words, in their biceps they have long muscle bellies, short tendons, and great potential.
    Sergio Oliva, the man with one of the most massive muscular arms in the world, has biceps muscles that are so long, there are no gaps between his elbows and contracted biceps. That's right-no gaps, Sergio's arms would actually measure larger if he could fully contract his biceps by bending his elbows more. Sergio is one of the very few people in the world who has muscles that actually limit his range of movement. Even so, there are thousands of men today who would gladly trade their biceps for Sergio's. While no one questions the importance of well-developed biceps, the muscle that con- tributes the most to the mass of the upper arm is the triceps. EVALUATING YOUR TRICEPS POTENTIAL
    the length of the triceps, compared to the biceps, is harder to determine. The difficulty lies in the fact that the junction between the three beads of the triceps and their common tendon is more difficult to measure and evaluate.
    The triceps-as the name implies is composed of three beads: lateral, long, and medial. All three heads attach to a large flat tendon that runs across the back of the elbow and connects to the forearm bone. Take off your shirt again and look in the mirror. Turn to your side. With your elbow straight and your arm by your side, contract your triceps. You should observe, if you are reasonably lean, a distinct horseshoe shape to your triceps. The lateral head of your triceps forms one side of the horseshoe, the medial head forms the other side, the long head is at the top, and the tendon occupies the flat space in the middle. What I have observed over many years is that the men with the massive triceps of a horseshoe shape to the back of their arms. The flat space in the middle of the horseshoe is partially covered by the unusual length of the long head at the top. And the lateral and medial beads on the sides resemble upside-down soft drink bottles. What's left of the tendon is about the size of a rounded-off-at-one-end credit card. Sergio Oliva, for example, has no horseshoe shape at all to the back of his arms. Bill Pearl's triceps are much the same as Sergio's, as are the triceps of Ray and Mike Mentzer.To determine your triceps potential, here's what to do. With your elbow straight and your arm by your side, contract your triceps. Have a friend measure the distance from the tip of your elbow to the top of the inside of the horseshoe. In other words, you are measuring the longest portion of the flat tendon. Remember, the longer the tendon, the shorter the muscle. Or the shorter the tendon, the longer the muscle.

    Here are my generalizations for estimating your triceps potential:

    Triceps Potential for Building Mass
    Distance Between
    Elbow Tip and
    Top of Inside of
    Horseshoe Triceps Length Potential
    3" or less long great
    3"-4" above average good
    4"-6" average average
    6"-7" below average poor
    7"or more short very minimal

    You can still have a massive triceps- even if you have a short, long head-if your lateral and medial beads are long and thick. The triceps chart, therefore, is not as accurate as the biceps table. My advice is to use both the biceps and the triceps charts in a very general, none, - definitive manner. LOOKING AT THE PROBABILITIES what are your chances for building a really big pair of arms. The type that would place you in the top five of the Mr. Olympia contest?
    First, as you might already suspect, the odds are not good. At best, they are perhaps one in a million. In other words, out of every one million men in the United States, only one has the potential to have arms like Boyer Coe or Casey Viator.
    Since there are approximately 242 million people in the United States, and only half of them (121 million) are male, that means there are 121 males in this country with unusual genetic potential for building muscular, 20-inch arms. Second, if you do have the genetic potential for building big arms, you probably already have big arms-even if you don't train. And if you do train, you probably already believe you understand the basics of bodybuilding because you have big arms. In fact, many of you probably have average, or slightly above-average, genetic potential. Others of you will have much better-than- average genetic potential and you will achieve much better-than-average results. However, what can you ultimately become? How big will your arms he if you reach your genetic potential? In other words, what is a realistic goal for your upper arm circumference? A REALISTIC GOAL Joe Roark lists the following formula for the average trainee:
    To calculate your upper arm potential, THIS IS JUST A GUIDE DO NOT HOLD ME BY IT multiply your wrist size in inches by 2.3.For example, if your wrist size is exactly 7 inches, then 7 times 2.3 equals 16.1 inches. "But who wants a 16-inch arm?" you might he thinking. Well, 1 promise you, a lean muscular 16- inch arm actually looks bigger than it is .Further more, you've certainly got to get 16-inch arms before you move higher up the tape. And if you already have legitimate 16- inch arms, then your goal should he 17 inches. Or if you have 17-inch arms, then shoot for 18 inches.
    In the final analysis, he realistic and take it one-step at a time.
    Great information and all, but id still rather work hard for 5-10 years and see the results I can get, rather than try and estimate what its size will be lol
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    cool article man, keep it up
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