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  1. #10351
    Registered User bignovak's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jvince81 View Post
    The pictures in your profile tell an amazing story. You lost a tremendous amount of weight - congratulations and happy new year!
    Thank you! I'm sure 2012 will be your year and we will be seeing some pretty amazing things from you at the end of next year! Good luck to you!

  2. #10352
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    Originally Posted by Riche_2 View Post
    I'am not sure how to post up pictures on here, but I started off at 388 lbs back in January of 2010 and my one year mark is around the corner and I'am currently at 191 lbs. It took a lot of work, effort, and patience but I'm glad at what I have accomplished so far. I have progress pictures on my profile take a look and let me know what you guys think. anything is possible
    Hey, Im on my journey too. I started at 340 I run everyday and weight train 3 days a week. Also I track what i eat everyday. Any tips on how to lose the Lbs? Amazing the will power you have man!! be very proud of urself!

  3. #10353
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    What an incredible transformation amazing job. How did you do it ?

    Originally Posted by Craned View Post
    I figured since we had a thread for transformations from skinny to mass that we needed one from fat to fit. We love to see the progress that people make and I think that this would be a great motivational thread for people trying to get started or stay on track. I'll post some first to help get things going. Thanks in advance to those who participate.

  4. #10354
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    Very impressive any tips anything you can share would really help.

    Originally Posted by mstockwe87 View Post
    first pic-320lbs (me on left)
    second pic-200lbs

  5. #10355
    mind over muscles Javid_Shanghai's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bignovak View Post
    Awesome pictures and transformation from everyone! I thought I would drop my pictures on here as well. I really let myself go after college athletics getting up over 300lbs. Still working as we all are to achieve our goals. Finally dropped into the single digit bodyfat after being up at almost 30%. Wishing all of you the best in 2012!
    nice transformation man!
    "I do it because i can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't." (c)

  6. #10356
    Grumpy Achy Mod ctgblue's Avatar
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    Obesity related illness will account for more than 1/2 of all health care costs in the next few years.
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