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Last Post: Today 07:58 PM
by 8pieces  Go to last post
25 560

No one here has yet to answer this question or comment on this

For the people who think the Jews run the world You see where the money comes and goes but why do you stop asking “why” after the first why Why don’t you ask yourself why it’s public info where the money comes and goes? Why are Jews so open about running the world? Why are Jews openly racist?...

gesten‎, 06-16-2024 10:08 PM
Last Post: Today 07:58 PM
by DeadlyStriker  Go to last post
12 479

Anyone is haunted by the degenrate things they've done?

Like those moment play over and over again in your head and you feel the cringe, but realize it was in the past and no one cares?

lnvictus‎, Today 07:04 PM
Last Post: Today 07:58 PM
by JackyChin  Go to last post
7 94

The Fruitful Stalemate(composition)

Mostly in the key of D minor with some mods Enjoi yUc5oLvs8MQ

Kormo‎, Today 07:54 PM
Last Post: Today 07:57 PM
by rollerball  Go to last post
3 0

Why don't these "****phile hunters" ever go after women?

There are videos on YouTube and TikTok of women breast feeding their babies(assuming its their babies) in a sexualized way. Why don't those "****phile hunters" go after them? Why is it only MEN who they go after?At the very least, they can ask YouTube and other sites to take these videos down I...

johnnydeep1‎, Today 06:18 PM
Last Post: Today 07:57 PM
by jmal2000  Go to last post
3 80

Guns n' Roses is the greatest metal band of all-time

Axl Rose is like a Christ figure among so many charlatans and frauds. I mean there are many great metal bands but gnr stands above them like greek gods. Many bands are really unlistenable except to the autistcels (pantera for example). gnr has such a coalescence of beauty...romance, rawness,...

andrepmeet‎, Today 07:06 PM
Last Post: Today 07:57 PM
by andrepmeet  Go to last post
6 50

Exclamation Jews were the biggest backers to overturn California 2008 anti Gay Marriage vote

I was watching a documentary on the Proposition 8 vote when the vote of the people in California was not respected, Californians voted in opposition of Same Sex marriage in 2008. They used a lesbian female couple to fight against the bill, for two years after a failed heavy promotional push in...

ChaliHo‎, Yesterday 08:02 AM
Last Post: Today 07:56 PM
by zeppl1n  Go to last post
23 509

Russia vs Ukraine Thread V: The Fate of Humanity, Traditional Values vs Globohomo Part 1. Part 2.

Evil_D‎, 01-02-2024 12:45 AM
163 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 163
Last Post: Today 07:56 PM
by chalup  Go to last post
4,885 147,566

Country sloots are the hottest (caveat: most-attainable)

There is a really hot look many have....summerdresses, cowboy boots, jean shorts, etc. Saw 4 really hot chicks out and about and they were wearing cut-off western shirts , tshirts, miniskirts and jean-shorts (with great asses) I went up and was like what the hell is going on? turns out...

andrepmeet‎, Today 07:53 PM
Last Post: Today 07:56 PM
by johnnydeep1  Go to last post
1 0

wtf Julian Assange just got released from prison

8pieces‎, Today 06:21 PM
Last Post: Today 07:55 PM
by JackyChin  Go to last post
13 275

You guys that drink - wtf is the point?

I drink maybe a beer or two a couple times a year, max. Maybe a glass of wine on special occasions. No more than 6 beverages a year. You guys that get drunk weekly; why the fukk do you do it? What does it do for you? Why do you spend thousands of dollars a year to destroy your physical and...

r0gueking‎, Yesterday 08:58 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Last Post: Today 07:55 PM
by Visel  Go to last post
61 1,225

Texas Anti-Abortion Law has been a horrific failure

Governor Wheelchair just murdering those babies post-birth.

Phil9‎, Today 11:54 AM
Last Post: Today 07:55 PM
by Paul Kreul  Go to last post
20 282

I rejected this fat , ugly, pig at work(pic)

This hispanic fat, ugly, ass pig tried to have a conversation with me today. She said "so johnny, how was your weekend." I said "good and yours?" She said "Good. I went to the barbeque blah, blah, blah " etc. I said "Sounds fun. I saw the first Omen with my girlfriend."

johnnydeep1‎, Today 03:56 PM
Last Post: Today 07:52 PM
by johnnydeep1  Go to last post
18 306

my lifts and diet today 6/24/2024

So I did something bad boyos, I got up at 1 am and had a can of green beans and 5 dill pickles, I'm adding it to todays eatings. Midnight snack: can of green beans, 5 dill pickles Meal 1: 4 pieces of fried chicken, a medium iced coffee Meal 2: 2 pieces fried chicken, a medium sweet potato...

johnvee73‎, Today 06:48 PM
Last Post: Today 07:51 PM
by HateLiberals  Go to last post
6 57

The Use For Lifting Straps

Not for BACK! I bet y’all thought back right, cookie cutters………. Let tell ya, what just hit me, hit me like a ton of FRICKS!!!! I was checking out my lower half in the mirror and I noticed my hamstrings are massive, dense and solid looking, horse hams is what I got, but I don’t have massive,...

LWW‎, 06-22-2024 12:52 PM
Last Post: Today 07:50 PM
by LWW  Go to last post
4 244
Over 35 Misc

The further down south you go, the more DISGUSTING women are srs

Keeps getting fatter, browner, uglier, more pig-like. The whole "southern belle" thing must be fictional because all I see are hispanic hogs and pink skinned pigs. Fat sheboons. Seeing a thin, pretty woman is out of the equation. Feel bad for southern bros.

BigGuyTruth‎, Today 12:35 PM
Last Post: Today 07:50 PM
by Paul Kreul  Go to last post
28 401

its crazy how the sorority pheno type white female age 18 to 21 are open to interraci

its crazy how the sorority pheno type white female age 18 to 21 are open to interracial sex srs

liftandsleep30‎, 06-08-2024 08:05 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 07:50 PM
by gtg  Go to last post
51 2,432

8.9/10 Teen In My Office For 2 Weeks

She’s doing work experience at our firm Just randomly got introduced to her and I went weak at the knees. So much glow fuark. Mogs every chick in the office

ElonFan96‎, Today 01:34 AM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Last Post: Today 07:50 PM
by kengriffeyjr24  Go to last post
63 1,886

Poll Poll: Who would win in a fistfight between Ratfish and Joe Biden?

Who would win in a fistfight between Ratfish and Joe Biden?

monster0ultra‎, Today 07:08 PM
Last Post: Today 07:49 PM
by infinityplus1  Go to last post
1 54

It's impossible to get a job

I have 2 years experience as a SWE but been unemployed for almost a year. It's ****ing hard to get a job. Linkedin is snake oil and so is indeed. **** recruiting industry and all employers. **** THE RULING CLASS! They rather hire brown immigrants because they feel bad for them instead of unemployed...

SevenFigures‎, Today 03:29 PM
Last Post: Today 07:46 PM
by infinityplus1  Go to last post
28 555
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