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CNN's debate microphone set up they explaining this with a straight face lmo

Procta‎, Today 05:22 AM
Last Post: Today 09:13 AM
by Seatard  Go to last post
3 117

🩷🩷🩷 6’6 HBB football Chad dies at 20 in Car Crash 🩷🩷🩷

Sorry if repost idk if this was posted before. Pls link the thread if so. Devastating news misc Former University of South Florida Football Player Teigan Martin Dies at 20 in Car Crash Martin crashed his BMW in a ditch off Country Road 122 in Minnesota on Monday morning, according to...

Silence2‎, Today 08:35 AM
Last Post: Today 09:12 AM
by anonkunbrah  Go to last post
10 146

How to be a chad at 30?

In college it was about being in a frat In mid 20s its about being a young professional living in a lit city Im 29... What is it now? Still living in a lit city and going out? Or do I move to the suburbs and get a boat? What do those of us who aren't getting married supposed to do?

Jadedfadedisbae‎, Today 08:44 AM
Last Post: Today 09:12 AM
by Cleveland33  Go to last post
3 34

Probably the sadist music video ever but you have to watch the

Movie to get it ZckVJmImDTs My downfall not my savior

latverian41‎, Yesterday 08:29 PM
Last Post: Today 09:12 AM
by rollerball  Go to last post
24 284

Russia vs Ukraine Thread V: The Fate of Humanity, Traditional Values vs Globohomo Part 1. Part 2.

Evil_D‎, 01-02-2024 12:45 AM
170 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 170
Last Post: Today 09:12 AM
by dabbmw2002  Go to last post
5,083 151,908

Thoughts on the Dr Disrespect drama?

Seems: 1. Was banned by Twitch in 2020; 2. A former twitch employee recently claimed he was banned for sexting a miner (deliberately misspelled); through Twitch whispers 3. Others come forward saying it wasn't the first time 4. Dr Disrespect hits back saying his contract with Twitch was fully...

LogicalLifts‎, 06-23-2024 05:52 AM
4 Pages
1 2 3 4
Last Post: Today 09:12 AM
by Deathstroke  Go to last post
99 1,994

AOC kicks off her speech with Cardi B music blaring in the background

X0_JCaC3yCU She's going to be President in 2028.

OKMiscer‎, Yesterday 11:21 PM
Last Post: Today 09:11 AM
by achtungpanzer  Go to last post
18 458

Literally #1 reason fat people are fat

They eat way too fast Every fatty I know scarfs down a monster meal every night in 25 seconds. When you eat really really slow, it's very hard to eat huge meals I started eating very slow and even fast food meals, I can't finish it anymore like I used to. I start getting very full at...

Orion1989‎, Today 08:10 AM
Last Post: Today 09:11 AM
by MaximumWave  Go to last post
7 124

Anyone black pilled on immigration?

Did some research on supposedly "right-wing" "anti-immigration" parties in Europe who have had some level of power over the last 20 years and you'll be shocked to know that NOT ONE of them ever slowed down immigration let alone stopped it. There is no hope for European natives. It can only be by...

misctrader‎, Today 09:00 AM
Last Post: Today 09:11 AM
by atgbrahsrs  Go to last post
3 27

Testing "Internet Friends" #2.

Testing the "Internet Friends" claim but without the tranny forum this time, since it was too triggering for some, even thought it was just about finding an extreme leftist or liberal space to match the lean of this place. ...

Bodhy‎, 06-21-2024 09:56 AM
9 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 9
Last Post: Today 09:11 AM
by Cleveland33  Go to last post
255 5,189

The Eagles are an underrated band

continuing with the theme by others of posting bands that are underrated to maybe like 8 people...the Eagles. they were known as the cocane cowboys and likely lived in the best Era of America. cheap socal real estate, skinny non-tatted up beautiful blondes, drinking AND driving, no cell phones,...

andrepmeet‎, Yesterday 10:21 PM
Last Post: Today 09:10 AM
by elterrible987  Go to last post
26 209

Thumbs down Sick of weed smokers

Its legal in my state now and I live in an apartment and constantly can smell it in the hallways and everytime I go out to my car in the parking lot there are random people sitting in their cars everywhere smoking, you can tell they are smoking weed because of their God forsaken cough that sounds...

McPricklyGooch‎, Yesterday 07:24 PM
4 Pages
1 2 3 4
Last Post: Today 09:10 AM
by Akd123  Go to last post
90 1,251

Arrow Calling out miscers with sisters or daughters.

A lot of y'all hide behind your keyboards and talk mad chit about me but you and I both know I'm a HVM. You should set me up with your sisters or daughters. You do want them to be happy don't you?

monster0ultra‎, Today 08:59 AM
Last Post: Today 09:10 AM
by TwoTailedSperm  Go to last post
5 29

🩷🩷🩷 NEW DEVELOPMENTS WITH FWB - comprehensive mega compilation thread 🩷🩷🩷

NEW DEVELOPMENTS: Brb I kept trying to add my fwb on Snapchat Brb he never accepted the add requests so I kept making new burner Snapchats but I got banned Brb made a burner IG even though I hate social media Brb HE ACTUALLY ANSWERED

Silence2‎, 06-14-2024 03:16 AM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 09:10 AM
by Silence2  Go to last post
54 1,184

Iron Maide is better than Pantera and Metallica

Best 80/90’s hard rock band, period. Discuss. Yes, typo made on Maiden. Fuking iphone.

LuigiMiami631‎, Today 09:01 AM
Last Post: Today 09:10 AM
by rollerball  Go to last post
2 6

Old School Runescape

Is the best money maker still market flipping? Should I uninstall game and play something else? wat do

naaboo‎, Today 07:26 AM
Last Post: Today 09:10 AM
by Barteh  Go to last post
7 103

Unhappy If I could do it all over again, I would become a tradie for one simple reason…

Not for the sake of being a tradie, but because of the opportunities it opens up… I was talking to my friend in the sheet metal union last night and he explained that he’s about to graduate as a mechanic making $40/hr next summer. Once he does that, his long term goal is to leverage his skills...

GuineaDago585‎, Today 06:39 AM
Last Post: Today 09:10 AM
by FoulSmell  Go to last post
21 257

Talking Tucker Carlson just committed a homicide of some dum Aussie sloot on live television

The lib double down is international, the media is full of clowns almost 6 minute vid Tucker Utterly Stumps Reporter By Simply Asking For A Citation

Procta‎, Today 08:48 AM
Last Post: Today 09:08 AM
by icetrauma  Go to last post
2 32

Celine Dion is the most underrated band of all time

continuing with the theme by others of posting bands that are underrated to maybe like 8 people...Celine dion. There was a reason her song got on Titanic.

LuigiMiami631‎, Today 08:31 AM
Last Post: Today 09:08 AM
by rollerball  Go to last post
12 87

Cash out 401k in 10 years to pay off house

Any good reason not to save cash and cash out 401k with penalty in 10 years to pay off house and work Uber on weekends to live free?! Why don't people do this?!

PShift5‎, Today 07:42 AM
Last Post: Today 09:06 AM
by squat_blaster  Go to last post
9 129
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