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The further down south you go, the more DISGUSTING women are srs

Keeps getting fatter, browner, uglier, more pig-like. The whole "southern belle" thing must be fictional because all I see are hispanic hogs and pink skinned pigs. Fat sheboons. Seeing a thin, pretty woman is out of the equation. Feel bad for southern bros.

BigGuyTruth‎, Today 12:35 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 09:02 PM
by Paul Kreul  Go to last post
32 530

Exclamation The Federal Reserve has been HACKED! DOOMSDAY! Oy Vey! TOTAL CHAOS!! RAPE?!

Leonydus‎, Today 08:13 PM
Last Post: Today 09:02 PM
by EnochsProphecy  Go to last post
12 212

Trump kinda has to pick Vivek for Vice President

The reason being, Trump can only be President for one more 4 year term. So his Vice President is essentially his successor in 4 years. If he wants MAGA to become this movement that becomes a dominant powerhouse in US Politics, he can't pick a regular Republican as his runningmate. Vivek is...

OliverHeldens‎, Today 08:14 PM
Last Post: Today 09:01 PM
by SmithMachineGuy  Go to last post
10 135

SANDY HOOK was a total hoax

I love that saying that is not considered freedom of speech. I'm gonna say it a lot more now

Condo41‎, Today 12:28 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 09:01 PM
by Leonydus  Go to last post
34 663

1992 Donald Trump interview on David letferman

He says "I unloaded the wife" lol Bad mouths the politicians. How can you love America and not love Donald Trump? bv-BaDbGHuE

latverian41‎, Today 08:41 PM
Last Post: Today 09:01 PM
by elterrible987  Go to last post
1 21

What's the point of Trump winning if the GOP loses the Senate?

The GOP is consistently polling much worse in Senate races in battleground states than Trump. What's the point of sending Trump to Washington without the Senate?

northernlights7‎, Today 08:56 PM
Last Post: Today 09:00 PM
by TomPaine  Go to last post
1 10

If there was one video game that once you started playing after about 4 hours

In you could not put it down until you beat it. What Game would that be?

latverian41‎, Today 06:07 PM
Last Post: Today 09:00 PM
by jimbone21  Go to last post
14 166

Smile ...Read how simple it is to make it to heaven...

Hi, my name is Ron. I explain to people how simple it is to make it to heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ paid for our wrongdoing with his blood, dying on a cross_†, and in three days Jesus rose from the dead so we could be forgiven and so that our souls could go to heaven after our life ends. God...

RealRonGrossi59‎, Today 04:42 PM
Last Post: Today 09:00 PM
by econ71777  Go to last post
5 66

Is it weird to drink lots of bottled water?

It's only like $4.50 /24 case of 16.9 oz bottles, and tastes good. Unnecessary money spent? Sure, but people spend $5 - $10 a week on more useless stuff all the time.

northernlights7‎, Yesterday 05:17 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 08:59 PM
by northernlights7  Go to last post
36 573

Question feel like fappin' to an asian sloot

i know you whites got your favorites. no censored ****, i can't fap to that

p7nk‎, Today 08:57 PM
Last Post: Today 08:57 PM
by p7nk  Go to last post
0 7

Red face Is there any point in learning hook grip? (SRS)

I don’t compete in powerlifting and I don’t see any benefit that straps don’t provide without crushing my thumbs Mixed grip is russian roulette for your biceps and leads to imbalances

Ironface‎, Today 05:35 PM
Last Post: Today 08:57 PM
by econ71777  Go to last post
8 186

So bored of this bull**** 9-5 life

Either you are multi millionaire free of bs a hedge fund guy making commissions with potential to make 1M/ year or you gotta work in CIA or fuking military green beret type of jobs training guerillas to overthrow nations because this ****img bull**** life is a lie

PShift5‎, Yesterday 08:18 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 08:56 PM
by dogorman7  Go to last post
35 749
Last Post: Today 08:55 PM
by TomPaine  Go to last post
27 724

Rep. Luna Invokes Law Not Used Since 1935 to Take Merrick Garland into Custody

Mama mia this is much woman. Congress switchboard: (202) 224-3121 June 24 (UPI) -- A Republican lawmaker announced Monday that she will force a...

chicagopizzaboy‎, Today 05:07 PM
Last Post: Today 08:52 PM
by JayJ350  Go to last post
3 98

Russia vs Ukraine Thread V: The Fate of Humanity, Traditional Values vs Globohomo Part 1. Part 2.

Evil_D‎, 01-02-2024 12:45 AM
163 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 163
Last Post: Today 08:51 PM
by chalup  Go to last post
4,888 147,682

Guns n' Roses is the greatest metal band of all-time

Axl Rose is like a Christ figure among so many charlatans and frauds. I mean there are many great metal bands but gnr stands above them like greek gods. Many bands are really unlistenable except to the autistcels (pantera for example). gnr has such a coalescence of beauty...romance, rawness,...

andrepmeet‎, Today 07:06 PM
Last Post: Today 08:51 PM
by andrepmeet  Go to last post
11 129

Exclamation Just got back from the dentist (GTFIH)

Tooth number 18 with a big decay and carie # 17 wisdom teeth behind it is Bony impacted Been having a lot of pain on my bottom left tooth that I went to the er for mid may This is the second flare up. First one was in early April and then another one was in may both really bad but the...

conics‎, Today 04:43 PM
Last Post: Today 08:49 PM
by Dec4y  Go to last post
11 261

If you could design what medical conditions this bikini model will have, what will

they be? -About 15% of women have overactive bladder, which triggers a sudden need to urinate. 40-50% of those women do not respond to medication. -About 12% of the U.S. population experiences migraines, with women 3x more than men. Around 17-18% of women are affected by migraines,...

NealIRC‎, Today 06:35 PM
Last Post: Today 08:48 PM
by LargePeter  Go to last post
1 84

No one here has yet to answer this question or comment on this

For the people who think the Jews run the world You see where the money comes and goes but why do you stop asking “why” after the first why Why don’t you ask yourself why it’s public info where the money comes and goes? Why are Jews so open about running the world? Why are Jews openly racist?...

gesten‎, 06-16-2024 10:08 PM
Last Post: Today 08:48 PM
by 1Yalething  Go to last post
13 532

Rate Butterface/10

dabbmw2002‎, Today 06:17 PM
Last Post: Today 08:48 PM
by TomPaine  Go to last post
11 400
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