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Poll Poll: What is your bottom dollar amount to have sex with this?

What would your bottom dollar amount be to be willing to have sex with this?

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 08:19 AM
Last Post: Today 08:47 AM
by crupiea  Go to last post
12 132

ItT: We name items in a Female Miscer's bedroom

I'll start...

Issobolic28‎, Today 08:38 AM
Last Post: Today 08:47 AM
by Pats2022SBwin  Go to last post
1 8

Talking The now deleted Chuck Schumer Father's Day post

I mean pretty much any politician who does a grilling photo is pretty much cringe the deleted posted was replaced with this simple message: the OG message

Procta‎, Today 06:57 AM
Last Post: Today 08:47 AM
by NYPat  Go to last post
10 139
Last Post: Today 08:47 AM
by BrianDaMan  Go to last post
2 12

Question Why do some people age poorly than others? Pat Sajak is 77 years old but youthful

I was watching wheel of fortune and Pat Sajak is 77 years old, but he is more lively, sharper and more youthful than most in his age bracket. Also Vanna White is nearly 70 and she was also sharp and energetic unlike other women her age. He was still sharp when he spoke and quick witted, he...

ChaliHo‎, Today 08:21 AM
Last Post: Today 08:47 AM
by KangSlayer  Go to last post
12 81
Last Post: Today 08:46 AM
by Fitnessguy24  Go to last post
17 104

Thumbs up Anything wrong with eating an entire watermelon a day?

They've had them on sale for the past week for $2.00 each I'm talking about the big ones the size of a bowling ball and sometimes bigger I can easily go through one of them a day

GMiscer‎, Today 08:37 AM
Last Post: Today 08:46 AM
by bsmit107  Go to last post
2 3

Exclamation Important you guys

(For those who missed Ron's earlier post.) Hey everyone, my name is Ron. The Lord Jesus Christ paid for our wrongdoing with his blood, dying on a cross_†, and in three days Jesus rose from the dead so we could be forgiven and so that our souls could go to Heaven after our life ends. God...

niliyel‎, 06-14-2024 06:55 AM
Last Post: Today 08:46 AM
by goraxa  Go to last post
2 263

Red face Illegal Alien rapes and murders HBB mother of five in Maryland

I remember this case from last year, everyone thought it was her boyfriend. He went on social media to plead his innocence. Turns out it was another rape and murder by an illegal alien. Illegal alien arrived here in February 2023, and one month later he was doing a home invasion in CA, attacking a...

gwg77‎, 06-15-2024 05:20 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Last Post: Today 08:45 AM
by NYPat  Go to last post
63 1,190

Randy Orton confirms he's with the WWE Family for Life

Orton says he doesn't see any reason to work for anyone else. Eeg4dZJbBPk

Superplex‎, 06-11-2024 11:33 PM
Last Post: Today 08:45 AM
by FelixTheCat1919  Go to last post
1 337

Exclamation Drugs on your body by Institute of Human Anatomy

I love this channel. I've learned a lot. Check it out. RxooFo65D2A e57k_a0_QpM 2rUV4TAP46U pu5AaVqYuP4

jmal2000‎, Today 08:34 AM
Last Post: Today 08:45 AM
by CellyTech  Go to last post
5 22

Can you boys explain to me why the all-in-one washer/dryer combo isn't the standard?

Should've been the standard for the last thirty years. What's the holdup? They're making them now, so the technology exists. Why is it not the standard? I don't understand, fellas. Are people just clamoring for two separate devices??? I mean, come on now. Both machines spin clothes around in...

DonVonDuck‎, Yesterday 09:43 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 08:45 AM
by miscHodor  Go to last post
33 544

Gymcel keeps it real AND comes correct! yes, I waste my time watching stuff like this when not miscing. the rest...

andrepmeet‎, Today 08:42 AM
Last Post: Today 08:44 AM
by KangSlayer  Go to last post
1 0

I like how half this forum is all talk about the WCW/the invasion days

And how Vince ruined it all. Goes to show you how big of a deal that stuff really was.

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 08:44 AM
Last Post: Today 08:44 AM
by FelixTheCat1919  Go to last post
0 0

Talking Can we get a comprehensive list of z4 lies?

I've seen this guy get caught up in lie after lie: * father was a World War Two vet who fought commies (thought Germans were commies) * father gave him 5 million dollars to get out of his life forever * Spent 10k at the range in one weekend (said he was shooting "fully-semi automatic weapons")...

OPGenesis‎, 03-12-2022 11:08 AM
40 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 40
Last Post: Today 08:44 AM
by NYPat  Go to last post
1,180 16,892

Get help from the best cryptocurrency recovery expert lee ultimate hacker

After graduating from college, I found myself with a substantial sum that was initially earmarked for my bachelor's degree fees. With a total of $200,000 at my disposal, I decided to venture into the world of Bitcoin investment. As a newcomer to the cryptocurrency scene, I knew I had to be...

ernestclyde11‎, 06-03-2024 06:35 PM
Last Post: Today 08:43 AM
by linconreiser  Go to last post
9 964

Thumbs up Tell me your mental illnesses

List them off, NOW

FelixTheCat1919‎, Yesterday 08:53 AM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 08:43 AM
by Silence2  Go to last post
38 488

Arrow Photos: These are the type of men paying for Only Fans and worship Porn sloots

They know all the porn stars names, and subscribe to only fans. And Yet none of these used up whores want to marry them, they still want top tier men. They just enjoying taking their money.

ChaliHo‎, 06-05-2024 03:56 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Last Post: Today 08:43 AM
by elterrible987  Go to last post
60 1,845

Recover lost bitcoin, usdt ,eth with digital hack recovery company

Scammers are one of the biggest threats in the daily life of cryptocurrency trading, and I learned this the hard way when a malware attack locked me out of my Bitcoin wallet containing over $400,000. The sense of anger and frustration was overwhelming. I had worked tirelessly to build up those...

damariushale02‎, Today 08:42 AM
Last Post: Today 08:42 AM
by damariushale02  Go to last post
0 0

Who killed WCW?

Been watching and it's enjoyable but I'll tell you exactly how killed WCW, Vince Mcmahon. They bought the company and instead of spending a little bit of time to get it back on its feet they killed it off. It'd be like Disney buying pixar and burning them and saying that Toy Story was never...

stayhomeneet‎, Today 03:22 AM
Last Post: Today 08:42 AM
by FelixTheCat1919  Go to last post
3 77
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