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    Unregistered User MardyKNT's Avatar
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    Operation DO I EVEN LIFT?

    Join me as I cut down some bodyfat and eventually begin to bulk so I can look like I actually lift. I would write a load of background info but I don't want to bore anyone to death. Long story short I've lifted for 3 years, 1 year being serious. Cut from 190 to 165, developed eating disorder, got back up to 195. Sorted the disorder out over 6 months and now I'm 197 ready to cut again after a brief bulk.

    My issue is I'm not consistent, it's all or nothing... if I screw up a little, like slightly overeat or miss a training session I feel it has all gone out the window. I need to be more relaxed and consistent. I've decided to just track protein and calorie intake for this cut. It's slightly more flexible than tracking macros to the T but still more accurate than winging it. Training wise I'm focusing on maintaining or even gaining strength if possible in the compound lifts.

    Starting stats as of this morning were 197.25lbs at 5"10, 20 years old. Goal is to get to at least 170 pounds before gaining again. Starting off on 2600 calories and 160g protein per day (some people may think this is too low, I'm experimenting, #yolon****lolwot).

    Follow my pissening journey.
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    Unregistered User MardyKNT's Avatar
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    Day #1 (10/01/14)
    Weight: 198.5
    Macros: 174p/254c/98f (2594kcal)

    Trained upper with a little legs today, kept it very simple with flat bench, barbell OHP, pullups, deadlifts, db curls and skullcrushers. I think I'll be moving back to a legs/push/pull kind of split for this cut. Training each muscle 1 or 2 times per week, focusing on maintaining that strength. Benched 70kg for 10 reps, so that can be the benchmark for my progress.
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    Long story short I couldn't be arsed to track everything when I still look like ****. I know it takes time but for now I've gone with the play it by ear approach... eating whatever I want, however much, no limits, but using common sense. I tend to eat much less if I don't track anything as I don't feel constrained at all, whereas when I track I can easily go over. Odd.

    On that note I weighed 194.75 this morning. Almost 4 pounds down since the last weigh in.
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    Still eating however and dropping weight... 193 yesterday. I know weight can fluctuate but week by week it's going down. Looking leaner too.

    Decided I need to track protein as some days I really do not get enough. 160g per day everyday as a bare minimum. Calories still whatever, doing an OK job of not tracking and still progressing. I'll begin tracking when I stop progressing.
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    Hit around 190 protein today, had a good leg session. Did 1RM squat of 110kg and 130kg deadlift for 5 reps. Looking leaner and feeling decent still.
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