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    The Legend-Making of Drunken Panda

    As with most legends, there is a backstory. If you don’t like long bits of text – or just aren’t interested – then you can skip to the second post. I’ve put the short version there!

    I’m a 26 year-old male who lives in the UK. I was born with a hole in my heart, and had surgery to rectify things when only 14 months old. For much of my youth, I was physically very weak and concentrated on reading. When I went to University I made a decision that I could have both brains and brawn. I started swimming regularly and training in martial arts – Kung Fu (both traditional and contact). With no exercise experience or natural aptitude, I pushed hard and never gave up. A few years of hard training later I held a black belt in both styles, was experimenting with lifting weights, and was generally considered to be ‘the fit one’ in my circle of friends.

    Janurary 2006. I was rushed into hospital with my first bout of what was diagnosed as severe ulcerative colitis. This is a disease of the bowels: the lining of the large intestine inflames and bleeds, leading to intense abdominal cramps, nausea and a loss of appetite, weight and, disturbingly, blood. Lots of blood. For the next four years I yo-yoed in and out of hospital with attacks of colitis. I did all I could to stay on top of things, pushing myself dangerously hard to keep up in training despite increasing blood loss – which, come 2009 turned into full-blown anaemia – and tried all kinds of medication to stay in remission. As time went on, things got worse; I was relapsing more often, the attacks were getting worse. And no medication was working.

    February 2010. Another flare-up and hospital admission, only this time the steroids and drugs didn’t stop it. I kept losing blood/weight and getting weaker. I even needed an emergency blood transfusion. The doctors were worried, and so performed a sigmoidoscopy (camera up the back end!) The results were serious and troubling. My large intestine was so inflamed/rotten it was on the verge of perforation - that is, tearing. If that had happened, I would have started bleeding to death from the inside, and even with emergency surgery there would only have been a 25% of surviving. With the steroids failing, and my body literally about the tear itself apart internally, a terrible decision needed to be made: I was to have surgery within the next 24 hours. It was successful, and only just in time...

    March 2010. After two operations (there was a complication after the first, resulting in me needing to go back under the knife...) and a month in hospital, my body had been completely changed. The surgeons had performed an ileostomy – my large intestine was completely removed, and the end of my small intestine was brought outside my body, stitched to the surface of my stomach and encased in a medical bag. I don’t sit down to go to the toilet anymore. My stoma – the end of my small intestine – pumps half-digested waste into the bag which I periodically empty by hand.

    After initial recovery from two major operations, and extensive surgical modification, we come to the present day...
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
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    The Legend Continues...

    For those who skipped the first, very long, post, here are the cliff notes: I suffered from ulcerative colitis for four years before needing ileostomy surgery to stop it killing me. My large intestine was removed and I now have an ostomy bag. I’ve lost a lot of weight and nearly all my previous strength.

    This journal will chart my physical recovery from this surgery and, further, dealing with my new body. In one month I lost all the strength and muscle I had built up over seven and a half years. Don’t get me wrong; I was never massive! But I was fit. Now, I am fit for very little.

    I’ve lost a lot, but I’m alive, and that gives me the advantage. Stripped of everything, I have the ultimate opportunity: a blank canvas on which to write my rebirth.

    There won't be a lot of big numbers or hardcore workouts thrown around, but this workout journal will chart, in a very literal way, bodybuilding - building my body and strength again.

    It might take me another seven years to get the strength I lost back. But then, I was planning on living at least another seven years, and I was planning on training in that time, so nothing much has changed really!

    I survived a hole-in-the-heart as a baby. Though the price was dear and the battle fierce, I have conquered colitis. I will continue to survive and conquer. It's what I do.

    These first two posts have set the background. Tomorrow, I will post a rough sketch of the workout/nutrition plan I intend to deploy in order to rebuild myself. On Saturday, a brief run-down of weight goals, notes on how having an ostomy changes things apropos fitness, and maybe some pictures.

    On Sunday I begin again, and keep moving forward.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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    The Regime

    The workout regime I will follow to rebuild my body and strength is based around three Prime Movers:

    Balance and Health: Kung Fu / Qigong (everyday)

    Kung Fu has been a huge part of my life for almost eight years, and I'm not going to let an ileostomy stop that. While I may not be able to spar or do the more hardcore training at the moment, I can continue my martial journey by focusing on the softer, more internal aspects of the art. Qigong will help restore body health in a graceful and powerful way.

    Strength: Paul Wade's Convict Conditioning (2 x week)

    The latest 'big seller' from, home of all things Pavel and kettlebell, I ordered this book just before I went into hospital, and it couldn't be more appropriate. Paul Wade sets out a series of key calisthenics - bodyweight exercises - to gain great strength without needing to exert yourself on weights. The key to this strength lies in the progressions he details, which are perfect for someone like me who finds themselves needing to re-teach their body basic body movements. From humble beginnings - Wall Pushups, for example - one progresses slowly toward the Master Step - One-Arm Pushups (proper ones with the feet together at the back and the body straight - no twisting or massively spread legs!) I'll be using the Young Blood program; twice weekly sessions.

    Cardio: Dr Leonard Schwartz's Heavyhands (3 x week)

    If you don't know who Dr Len is, Google him. Now. The guy is 70+ years old and ripped! He devised a system back in the day called Heavyhands. One combines hand weights with cardio, the aim being to hit a target pulse rate in a given time. Progressions occur through speed, distance or duration of movement, or increasing the weights being used. This promotes 'Long Strength'; the ability to exert strength over a long period of time. A pioneer of 'hybrid training' long before it became the craze it is today, one is able to 'ease-up' into the exercise to take account of injuries or contraindications. Perfect. The Heavyhands system will re-train my heart, lungs and legs, as well as contribute to all-over 'long strength'.

    These are the 'Prime Movers' - basic routines that will slowly, safely, but effectively re-build my body, and are the core of my regime. In addition to these, I intend to add Supplemental Endeavours - grip work, stretching, etc. - but these will be devised and added later. For now, I will commit to the basics listed above.

    That is my routine. Followed diligently and intelligently, it will yield great results. The next post will detail my nutrition plan.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
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    Nutrition - The Science of Growth

    Before I was rushed into hospital in February I weighed 12-Stone-5, as we British say, or in American money, 173 Lbs.

    After a month in hospital, two major operations, and having a rather large organ removed (large intestine), I left weighing 9-Stone-11, or 137 Lbs.

    That's 36 Lbs, the majority of it muscle, gone in the space of a month.

    Time to get that good stuff back!

    Here's how my weight has improved since then:

    06/03/10: 9-Stone-11 / 137 Lbs
    20/03/10: 10-Stone-2 / 142 Lbs [+5 Lbs]
    03/04/10: 10-Stone-4 / 144 Lbs [+2 Lbs]
    18/04/10: 10-Stone-7 / 147 Lbs [+3 Lbs]

    Steady progress is being made, and I intend to keep things moving in that direction. I'm taking in roughly 2700 calories a day; a tiny amount compared to what I used to eat (4000+ calories), but I've had my innards rearranged, so I don't want to stress things too early on. As long as I continue to improve, I stay at this level. If progress stalls/halts, I'll slightly increase intake. Simple. Effective.

    Apropos bodyfat%...meh. The Accu-Measure calipers I have suggest I've been 9.5% for ages. I really don't think I'm that low - though I AM all skin and bones at the moment - so I've never given the readings much weight. Besides, I've always used athletic ability as a marker of health, rather than bodyfat. I wont be taking readings for a while. My ostomy bag covers the measuring site, anyway!

    There are numerous complications regarding food when you have an ostomy bag - at least, that's what I've found. Some things don't digest very well, and so risk causing blockages or other complications. I have no desire to go back into hospital - at least, not as an emergency admission - so I keep things simple (some would say boring!): soft, low-residue, low-fibre food.

    Incidentally, vegetables are very complicated. The non-soluble fibre/texture of many is a serious threat (someone else I know with a bag warned me against mushrooms - she had a small amount and ended up spending a week in hospital on a drip to solve the blockage they'd caused...). I get around this with juices, soups, and vegetable powder supplements dissolved in hot drinks.

    An ostomy raises obstacles with food, but nothing that can't be worked around. You can spend forever crying over food you can't have rather than enjoying the food you can - heck, just enjoying eating at all is great after a month of being nil-by-mouth with tubes and rods rammed in every possible hole!

    My nutrition plan is simple, takes into account my unique condition, and has and will produce steady, healthy growth, restoring me to glory.

    The next post: we begin the journey...
    Last edited by Drunken Panda; 04-25-2010 at 12:37 PM.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
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    The Journey Begins...

    The scene is set, and the goal is simple: re-build my body. I have a workout plan, a nutrition scheme, and a unique opportunity ahead of me. The possibility of reinvention. How exciting!

    As my workouts are quite small and sedate at the moment, owing to my unique medical situation, I'll not post everyday. Rather, I will post bundles of workouts. Regardless, I intend for there to be steady progression.

    This journal is a place to systematically track the workouts I do and the progressions/modifications I need to make to advance. I'll continue to update my Bodyspace blog as and when with...well, anything OTHER than the nitty gritty of my workouts, which will be here! Monthly progress reports will be posted on both, just so there is a link between the two beasts.

    Before we head off, I'll post some 'before' - or rather, 'after surgery' - pictures. These can also be seen on my Bodyspace. Taken on 5th April 2010, both are standard frontal shots of my now skeletal frame, one showing my ostomy bag, the other with it covered up.

    We come to it at last! Despite all that I have gone through recently, I am filled with hope, because I know that I possess everything I need to claim everything I deserve. Like a Phoenix from the flame...

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    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
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    Thumbs up

    Originally Posted by Drunken Panda View Post
    The scene is set, and the goal is simple: re-build my body. I have a workout plan, a nutrition scheme, and a unique opportunity ahead of me. The possibility of reinvention. How exciting!

    As my workouts are quite small and sedate at the moment, owing to my unique medical situation, I'll not post everyday. Rather, I will post bundles of workouts. Regardless, I intend for there to be steady progression.

    This journal is a place to systematically track the workouts I do and the progressions/modifications I need to make to advance. I'll continue to update my Bodyspace blog as and when with...well, anything OTHER than the nitty gritty of my workouts, which will be here! Monthly progress reports will be posted on both, just so there is a link between the two beasts.

    Before we head off, I'll post some 'before' - or rather, 'after surgery' - pictures. These can also be seen on my Bodyspace. Taken on 5th April 2010, both are standard frontal shots of my now skeletal frame, one showing my ostomy bag, the other with it covered up.

    We come to it at last! Despite all that I have gone through recently, I am filled with hope, because I know that I possess everything I need to claim everything I deserve. Like a Phoenix from the flame...

    I hope and pray that you are able to achieve your goals at the shortest possible time with the least amount of efforts required. You are one positive guy............everything will be in place by the time you are through this. May God be with you.
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    Originally Posted by gr8guyme View Post
    I hope and pray that you are able to achieve your goals at the shortest possible time with the least amount of efforts required. You are one positive guy............everything will be in place by the time you are through this. May God be with you.
    Thanks for the kind words, gr8guyme! I too hope things come together quickly, though I'm not averse to putting in a lot of effort!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
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    Workouts: 25-28th April 2010 + Notes on Heavyhands

    My first three workouts. First, a note on Heavyhands...

    Dr Leonard Schwartz lays out a very detailed and scientific approach to 'long strength' cardio in his book, 'Heavyhands: The Ultimate Exercise'. I took the self-test (1-10-100: see below) from the book last week to determine how I should begin.

    My target pulse rate is: 135-165 (I should aim to have sessions end with my heart rate in this range)

    My first target prescription is: 1-30-100

    The first figure [here, 1] indicates the WEIGHT (lbs) held in each hand
    The second figure [here, 30] indicates the DURATION of the workout in minutes
    The third figure [here, 100], indicates FREQUENCY in a minute of work. In Walk 'n' Pump, frequency is measured in steps per minute. Ergo, the above would indicate 100 total steps per minute, or 50 left steps.

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 25.04.10 - Heavyhands

    Pump 'n' Walk
    1-12-100 (+2 minutes duration)
    Ending Heart Rate: 135

    - Monday 26.04.10 - Convict Conditioning

    Wall Pushups: 1 x 10, 1 x 15, 1 x 20 [Level Achieved: Beginner]
    Knee Tucks: 3 x 5, half-reps [Level Achieved: N/A]

    - Tuesday 27.04.10 - Heavyhands

    Pump 'n' Walk
    1-15-100 (+3 minutes duration)
    Ending Heart Rate: 132

    - Wednesday 28.04.10


    * * * * *

    Small, simple workouts designed to build my strength up gradually after major surgery. I can push more on Heavyhands - I'm doing more work but barely hitting my target pulse range - and will probably increase the duration progressions more rapidly in order to reach my first prescription. Wall Pushups were easy - even in my current state I knew they would be - but I'll keep progressing slowly and steadily, putting 'strength in the bank' as Paul Wade calls it, so that I don't burn out and my body truly develops a strength that lasts.

    Knee Tucks...well, these are the first abdominal exercises you need to master in Convict Conditioning, and I was rubbish! Completing only half-reps was a struggle, not enough to even achieve Beginner Standard! I knew they would be hard. The surgery has really messed up my core, its been hacked to pieces, and having an ostomy bag really doesn't help when using that area for anything. Still, I'm in no rush. If I keep working at it then over time I'll get stronger and be able to do them.

    Nutrition is on track: a good 2700 each day this week. I'm hopeful for good weight progress this weekend.

    Tomorrow: more Heavyhands!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
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    Workouts: 29th April - 1st May 2010

    The first week on the new regimen is complete. Here are the final two workouts of the week:

    * * * * *

    - Thursday 29.04.10 - Heavyhands

    Pump 'n' Walk
    1-30-100 (+15 minutes duration!)
    Ending Heart Rate: 134

    - Friday 30.04.10 - Convict Conditioning

    Vertical Pulls (1): 1 x 10, 1 x 15, 1 x 20 [Standard Achieved: Beginner]
    Jack-Knife Squats (2): 1 x 10, 1 x 15, 1 x20 [Standard Achieved: Beginner]

    Note on Convict Conditioning: Numbers in (x) indicate Progression Level of exercise. (1), therefore, indicates the exercise is the first of the 10 listed progressions.

    - Saturday 01.05.10


    * * * * *

    I did twice the amount of work for Heavyhands than before - literally doubling my duration - but still failed to penetrate my target pulse range. As I've reached the prescription for duration, I'll increase the frequency next time - must push into that zone!

    I started on level 2 exercise for squats in Convict Conditioning as the first level involves the body being inverted - something I'm not comfortable doing with an ostomy bag. Really felt the jacknife squats, though - slow and steady gives the burn! Vertical pulls were ridiculously easy, but like I said before I'm 'banking my strength'.

    I know these workouts are nothing to write home about, but they are a start. I'd rather play the long game than burn out / injury myself in an egotistical rush to go 'heavy and hard' again after complicated surgery. Good things come to those who wait.
    Last edited by Drunken Panda; 05-01-2010 at 02:28 PM. Reason: Missed the dates of the title
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
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    Workouts: 2nd - 5th May 2010 + April Progress Report

    Progress was made in April! Let's see how:

    3rd April 2010: 10-Stone-4 / 144 Lbs
    4th May 2010: 10-Stone-11 / 151 Lbs [+7 Lbs]

    A seven pound gain in the last month. Nice. While some may say that kind of gain is too fast (that is, it will be 'fat') I'm sure it's just a post-surgery surge prompted by muscle memory and increased regular eating. Besides, considering how small I am at the moment, a little fat on my bones wouldn't be unwelcome!

    Workouts for this week so far:

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 02.05.10 - Heavyhands

    Pump 'n' Walk
    1-30-120 (+20 total steps frequency)
    Ending Heart Rate: 136

    - Monday 03.05.10 - Convict Conditioning

    Wall Pushups (1): 1 x 15, 2 x 25 [+20 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Knee Tucks (1): 2 x 5, 1 x 7 [+17 full reps / Standard Achieved: N/A]

    - Tuesday 04.05.10 - Heavyhands

    Pump 'n' Walk
    1-30-148 (+28 total steps frequency)
    Ending Heart Rate: 148

    - Wednesday 05.05.10


    * * * * *

    I pushed to the Intermediate standard for Wall Pushups - they felt strong - but will probably spend the rest of the month working up to the Expert level so as not to rush things. Folding my ostomy bag in half allowed me the range to do full Knee Tucks, but my core was seriously buckling under the strain, so the reps remain very low for now.

    After much fiddling, I've finally found a Heavyhands prescription that penetrates into my target pulse range. I'll stay at this level now until my body adapts. Once the workout fails to hit the target range, I'll increase one of the variables again.

    Weight is going up. Strength and cardio are improving. Early days, but so far, so good.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
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    Workouts: 6th-8th May 2010

    The second week is complete. Here are the final two workouts of the week:

    * * * * *

    - Thursday 06.05.10 - Heavyhands

    Pump 'n' Run
    1-30-168 [+28 total steps frequency]
    Ending Heart Rate: 151

    - Friday 07.05.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Vertical Pulls (1): 3 x 20 [+15 total reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Jack-Knife Squats (2): 1 x 15, 1 x 20, 1 x 25 [+15 total reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs], 1 x 5 Right, N/A Left
    Card Tearing: 1 x 15, 1 x 17, 1 x 20

    - Saturday 08.05.10


    NB: COC = Captains of Crush

    * * * * *

    Pump 'n' RUN, baby! Didn't mean to increase the frequency, it just happened. Better yet, I felt absolutely fine running on the spot for 30 minutes. Getting stronger! The question is whether to stay at this level - as it penetrates my target pulse rate - or increase the weights and lower the frequency (e.g. 2-30-120). I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

    Vertical Pulls felt TOO easy. Although I'm happy to take the long route and 'bank my strength', there's also something to be said for working hard and pushing your limits. I'll really ramp it up next time. Jack-knife squats feel appropriately hard when done slowly. Happy where they are heading.

    Added some grip work too, and will probably tackle this on both Convict Conditioning days. Mixing gripper work and (working up to) tearing a deck of cards. I used to be a lot stronger in both of these, but strength is a skill and surgery down-time has robbed me of a lot of both. I look forward to regaining my 'iron hands'!

    That's it for the 2nd week. New progress picture is up on my Bodyspace (though not much progress is evident). Onwards!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
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    Workouts: 9th-13th May 2010

    I spent last night in hospital. My stoma had stopped working and I was in terrible abdominal pain. Thankfully, it turned out to only be a minor blockage in my re-worked guts - a night on fluids, painkillers and suppositories sorted me out and I am now back home, thankful it was nothing more serious. Going to be taking it easy the next couple of days, just to be on the safe side.

    Anyway, here are the workouts I got done before that little drama kicked off!

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 09.05.10 - Heavyhands

    Pump 'n' Run
    2-15-168 (+1lb weight)
    Ending Heart Rate: 148

    - Monday 10.05.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental Grip Work

    Wall Pushups (1): 3 x 35 [+40 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Knee Tucks (1): 1 x 10, 1 x 12, 1 x 15 [+20 full reps / Standard Achieved: Beginner]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs], 2 x 2 [Left / +4 reps], 2 x 10 [Right / +15 reps]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 15, 2 x 20 (a lot easier)

    - Tuesday 11.05.10 - Heavyhands

    Pump 'n' Run
    2-17:30-180 (+2:30 minutes duration / +12 total steps frequency)
    Ending Heart Rate: 151

    - Wednesday 12.05.10 + Thursday 13.05.10


    * * * * *

    Convict Conditioning strength is increasing nicely, and I felt a lot stronger doing Knee Tucks - finally achieved Beginner Standard! Slow and steady lets you feel the strength building. Happy with how my grip is progressing. Looking forward to adding cards to tearing: 20 was surprisingly easy!

    Stuck with Pump 'n' Run and increased weight, duration and frequency this week! Getting stronger! I'll keep working up to 30 minutes duration and try and maintain my 180 frequency.

    Of course, I may decide to take a few days off to ensure I've fully recovered from my latest hosptial bout. Certainly no Heavyhands training today at least. This is a lifestyle, not a race. I have all the time I need. No need to rush and do myself an injury.
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    Workouts: 14th-15th May, 2010

    The third week is complete. Here is the final workout of the week:

    * * * * *

    - Friday 14.05.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Vertical Pulls (1): 3 x 40 [+60 total reps / Standard Achieved: Progression]
    Jack-Knife Squats (2): 1 x 25, 1 x 30, 1 x 35 [+30 total reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs], 1 x 4, 1 x 3 [Left / +3 reps], 1 x 11, 1 x 5 [Right / -4 reps]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 11 (easy), 1 x 21, 1 x 22 (hard / braced)

    - Saturday 15.05.10


    * * * * *

    Vertical Pulls to the progression level felt ridiculously easy, justifying my decision to zoom ahead and be ready to tackle the next level of exercise next time. Jack-knife squats are coming along nicely. I imagine I'll be ready to move on with them in short order.

    Grip work fell a bit behind this time. On the grippers left hand was stronger and right was weaker. Odd. Also, whereas before I had torn through 20 cards with relative ease, 21 and 22 cards proved extremely difficult, requiring bracing to complete the tear. Bizarre. I think my confidence/strength had been shaken by the night in A&E two nights previous. Will do better next time.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
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    Workouts: 16th-19th May 2010

    The workouts...

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 16.05.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    2-20-180 (+2:30 min duration)
    Ending Heart Rate: 156

    Relax into Stretch: 10 minutes

    - Monday 17.05.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Wall Pushups (1): 3 x 50 [+45 reps / Standard Achieved: Progression]
    Knee Tucks (1): 1 x 12, 1 x 17, 1 x 20 [+12 reps / Standard Achieved: Beginner]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs], 1 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 1 [Left = 9 reps / +2 reps], 3 x 8 [Right = 24 reps / +4 reps]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 15, 3 x 20, 1 x 13, 1 x 22 (+2 card max)

    - Tuesday 18.05.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    2-22-192 (+2 min duration / +12 total steps frequency)
    Ending Heart Rate: 158

    Relax into Stretch: 10 minutes

    - Wednesday 19.05.10


    * * * * *

    Heavyhands work is feeling strong, and I now finish the sessions with static stretching, using the techniques from Pavel Tsatsouline's 'Relax into Stretch'. I used to be able to drop down into full splits whenever I wanted before the operation (Kung Fu training for the flexibility!) but the months of inactivity and atrophy have stopped that. I'm not going to be one of these people that constantly goes on about all the super stuff they could do 'back in the day', though...I'm going to hustle and get the ability back!

    Progressing to the next level of pushup next time - this feels right - and the Knee Tucks are coming along though I'm still playing it safe because of the stoma. Slow and steady.

    Had an awesome grip workout! I've shifted to 3 x 5-8 for the grippers (working on strength) and I'm refining my technique for card tearing - I blasted through 22 in short order! Looking forward to developing this skill.

    A good training week thus far. Let's finish strong.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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    Workouts: 20th-22nd May 2010

    The fourth week is complete. Here is my training:

    * * * * *

    - Thursday 20.05.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    2-24-192 [+2 minutes duration]
    Ending Heart Rate: 151

    Relax into Stretch: 10 minutes

    - Friday 21.05.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Horizontal Pulls (2): N/A - see below
    Jack-Knife Squats (2): 3 x 40 [+30 total reps / Standard Achieved: Progression]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs], 1 x 6, 1 x 1, 1 x 0 [Left = 7 reps / -2 reps], 1 x 4, 1 x 8 [Right = 12 reps / - 12 reps]
    COC Gripper [#1, 140Lbs], 1 x 2 attempts [Right / assisted close]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 20, 3 x 22, 1 x 24 [+2 card max]

    - Saturday 22.05.10


    * * * * *

    Mixed results, as you can see.

    Heavyhands is coming along well. Grip work was all over the place: gripper strength down (think I tried tackling #1 too soon and it threw my confidence], but card tearing storming ahead! Moving up to Progression standard with the squats felt comfortable, and I'm ready to move on with these...

    ...and then, of course, I was meant to do Horiztonal Pulls. Sadly, I was unable to rig up anything in my apartment to be able to do these (safely, anyway...mocked something up by piling packing boxes and books into two piles with a beam across the top. Beam rolled off and I almost cracked my skull). I tried moving to the next level up (Jacknife Pullups), but despite having okay arm/back strength, my ostomy-modified core just wasn't up to the task and I stopped out of fear of causing a serious injury / blockage. Goes to show how core-dependent pullups are. Besides which, I was worried that my pull-up bar was going to wreck my flimsy new-build apartment doorframes...

    (This raises an issue I keep meaning to write an article about: 'hardcore, underground' training done in an inner-city apartment. Kegs, climbing ropes, tire flips etc. are all really cool...but how practical is that advice when you live in a 2nd floor, 0-bedroom studio apartment? More on that another time...)

    So, I find myself with an obstacle apropos pullups. Do I:

    a) Find somewhere else to do Horizontal Rows (this would mean leaving my apartment to train, which is not something I want to do at the moment)
    b) Do a substitute 'pulling' exercise (invest in strands or an 'exercise bow')
    c) Substitute something completely different

    I will fill the slot by next Friday. With what? I haven't decided yet. Stay tuned to find out!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
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    Workouts: 23rd - 26th May 2010

    The fifth week begins...

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 23.05.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    2-26-192 (+2 min duration)
    Ending Heart Rate: 150

    Relax into Stretch: 10 minutes

    - Monday 24.05.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Incline Pushups (2): 1 x 10, 1 x 15, 1 x 20 [Standard Achieved: Beginner]
    Knee Tucks (1): 2 x 25, 1 x 27 [+28 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs], 1 x 2, 2 x 3 [Left = 8 reps], 2 x 10, 1 x 7 [Right = 27 reps / +3 reps]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 22, 2 x 24, 1 x 13, 1 x 26 (+2 card max)

    - Tuesday 25.05.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    2-28-208 (+2 min duration / +16 total steps frequency)
    Ending Heart Rate: 144

    Relax into Stretch: 10 minutes

    - Wednesday 26.05.10


    * * * *

    Progress everywhere! Knee Tucks up to Intermediate Standard; Pushups to the second level exercise; tearing through half a deck of cards, and it being surprisingly easy too; and, finally, running longer, faster and it having less effect on my heart rate with Heavyhands!

    I didn't mean to increase the frequency in Heavyhands - I just keep running faster for longer! At that pace, running on the spot is more like high-speed jump rope. Probably wont be able to duplicate the effort if I were running for real - that is, forwards from point A to B - because of the ostomy bag, but I'd be interested in trying / testing the transfer. For now, I'm really happy that this is improving. I've never been especially good at cardio. Heavyhands seems to give me a scientific structure to remedy that.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
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    Workouts: 27th-29th May 2010

    The fifth week is complete. Here is my training:

    * * * * *

    - Thursday 20.05.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    2-30-208 [+2 minutes duration]
    Ending Heart Rate: 144

    Relax into Stretch: 10 minutes

    - Friday 21.05.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Short Bridge (1): 2 x 25, 1 x 30 [Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Supported Squats (3): 1 x 10, 1 x 15, 1 x 16 [Standard Achieved: Intermediate]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs], Left: 1 x 7, 2 x 5 = 17 reps [+8 reps]
    Right: 2 x 5, 1 x 4 [5-second hold-close]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 24 (easy), 2 x 26 (easy!), 2 x 28 (hard), 1 x 28 (seriously hard!) [+2 card max]

    - Saturday 22.05.10


    * * * * *

    RARRRRGH! Feeling strong this week. Thirty minutes running on the spot with Heavyhands felt easy, and this was evidenced by my heart rate: only 144 on finishing, despite going at he fastest pace I've ever done and maintaining a Level 2 height throughout.* Looking to add another 1lb next time and work up again. Perpetual progress.

    (* A note on height levels: One of the ways Heavyhands recommends increasing intensity is to vary the height at which you lift your arms. Without going into too much detail, Level 2 means the arms start hanging by your side, and raise to chest-shoulder height.)

    I've decided to replace Pullup progressions with Bridge progressions in Convict Conditioning. Should have done this from the start, but hindsight is a wonderful thing! Anyway, feeling good on both these and the Supported Squats - reached Intermediate standard for both right away.

    I was smoking my grip training! Gripper strength greatly improved. I've moved to holding the fully closed position with the #T gripper with my right hand - hopefully this will build my strength in the final quarter of the close ready to tackle the #1 again. Left shouldn't be too far behind now.

    Card tearing was good - 26 tore like a single sheet of paper! - but I pushed it too hard and did too much volume with the 28's. The first two attempts were a struggle, and I should never have gone for a third. It took ages and didn't feel strong at all - I should have rested after the first two 28's and waited until next time. Live and learn. Next time though, I'll come in fresh and tear 28 asunder!

    Getting stronger. No excuses.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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    Workouts: 30th May - 2nd June 2010

    The sixth week begins...

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 30.05.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    3-10-180 (+1 lb weight)
    Ending Heart Rate: 135

    Relax into Stretch: 6 minutes

    - Monday 31.05.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Incline Pushups (2): 1 x 20, 2 x 30 [+ 35 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Knee Tucks (1): 1 x 30, 1 x 35, 1 x 36 [+24 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs], Left: 1 x 8, 1 x 7, 1 x 3 = 18 [+1 rep]
    Right: 1 x 6, 1 x 5, 1 x 4 = 15 [+1 rep / 5-second close]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 26, 1 x 28, 1 x 30, 1 x 32 (+4 card max!)

    - Tuesday 01.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    3-15-180 (+5 min duration)
    Ending Heart Rate: 147

    Relax into Stretch: 10 minutes

    - Wednesday 02.06.10


    * * * *

    The week has started well! I've increased the weight with Heavyhands and cycled the duration back down in order to work up again - it's surprising the difference 1lb can make. I was feeling a bit low on Monday, so I channelled my depression into RAGE and HIT MY WORKOUT LIKE THE FIST OF AN ANGRY GOD! Going to nail progression standard on both CC exercises next time for sure. After the struggle of 28 on Friday, it flew apart on Monday and I worked up to tearing through 32 cards without that much bother. Rarrrgh!

    I'm going to train to tear a complete deck of cards in half by the end of the month. My technique is solid and the fire in my veins says 'go for it'. Watch out, cards!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
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    Workouts: 3rd-5th June 2010

    The sixth week ends. Behold, such labours have been performed!

    * * * * *

    - Thursday 03.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    3-17:30-188 [+2:30 minutes duration / +8 total steps frequency]
    Ending Heart Rate: 146

    Relax into Stretch: 10 minutes

    - Friday 21.05.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Short Bridge (1): 3 x 50 [+70 reps / Standard Achieved: Progression]
    Supported Squats (3): 1 x 22, 1 x 23, 1 x 24 [Standard Achieved: Intermediate]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs] Left: 2 x 8, 1 x 6 = 22 reps [+4 reps]
    Right: 1 x 6, 1 x 5, 1 x 4 = 16 [+1 rep / 5-second hold-close]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 28 (easy), 1 x 32 (okay), 1 x 34 (better), 1 x 28 (after failing 36...) [+2 card max]

    - Saturday 22.05.10


    * * * * *

    Short bridges weren't challenging me at all, so I decided to blow right through to progression level - new exercise next time. Squats will increase to progression next week; i could have pushed through then, but decided to 'bank my strength' and blast Progression Standard next time.

    Heavyhands continues to improve, although my heart rate isn't going up especially high, and drops rapidly upon finishing. Mmmm... Also going to increase my stretching time - I'm convinced I can get my splits back soon if I work harder.

    Grip training was mixed. Excellent progress with my left hand apropos gripper strength, but I only made a +2 card increase on my care tearing. It's progress, yes - and that's always good! - but I was hoping to hit 36 cards. When it came to it though, I just couldn't do it, and had to siphon off the top to finish the tear at a lower number. It was very hot, which saps my strength and makes my grip sweaty and slippery...but I don't do excuses, so I'll just say that I made progress, and will resolve to work harder and making even more next time.

    Still hoping to tear a full deck by the end of the month. to...push!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
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    Workouts: 6th-9th June 2010

    And on the seventh week, he continued to train...

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 06.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    3-20-188 (+2:30 min duration weight)
    Ending Heart Rate: 144

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Monday 07.06.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Incline Pushups (2): 3 x 40 [+ 40 reps / Standard Achieved: Progression]
    Knee Tucks (1): 3 x 40 [+19 reps / Standard Achieved: Progression]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs]
    Left: 1 x 8, 1 x 8, 1 x 9 = 25 [+3 rep]
    Right: 1 x 7, 1 x 6, 1 x 4 = 17 [+1 rep / 5-second close]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 29, 1 x 30, 1 x 34

    - Tuesday 08.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    3-22-188 (+2 min duration)
    Ending Heart Rate: 144

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Wednesday 09.06.10


    * * * *

    Heavyhands improves at a steady rate. I'm going to hit 30 minutes with 3lbs very soon, and then I'll face a decision: order more weights to keep increasing in the same vein, or stick with the weights I have and increase the duration...or intensity, somehow (maybe different exercises from simply Pump 'n' Run.) Any thoughts?

    Convict Conditioning continues to advance. I knew I'd progress on Knee Tucks this week, but decided to blast through on Incline Pushups as well. Maybe this was premature - my arms have been fried with DOMS today! - but it felt right at the time, and you need to push yourself to improve. New exercises for both, next time.

    Once again my gripper strength improves greatly. I think I'm going to switch to 5-second hold with my left hand as well, and really work toward closing the #1.

    Despite all the successes so far this week, I am angry at myself for failing to progress in card tearing. I don't know what was happening on Monday. Maybe I'd burnt myself out on the grippers, but I just couldn't muster any strength for the task. I did the set of 30 because I failed 34...and then went and did a very hard 34 - which took ages! - just because my ego was determined to prove I could do 34 again.

    Seems I've hit a plateau with card tearing. There must be a way to proceed. Should I work the 30-34 area until I'm really confident, or should I keep trying to push forward and chalk last session up to fatigue? I thought I was confident at 30...strange.

    I will tear a deck of cards. I just need to find out how to charge through this latest obstacle.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
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    Workouts: 10th-12th June 2010

    The seventh week ends. The training is logged...

    * * * * *

    - Thursday 10.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    3-24-200 [+2 min duration / +12 total steps frequency]
    Ending Heart Rate: 144

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Friday 11.06.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Straight Bridge (2): 3 x 10 [Standard Achieved: Beginner]
    Supported Squats (3): 3 x 30 [+21 reps/ Standard Achieved: Progression]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs]
    Left: 3 x 3 = 9 reps [5-second hold-close]
    Right: 2 x 7, 1 x 5 = 19 [+2 rep / 5-second hold-close]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 28 ('s all going wrong! Arrrrgh!)

    - Saturday 12.06.10


    * * * * *

    More progress, in particular I'm ready to move up to the Level 4 exercise for Squats in Convict Conditioning, and my Gripper training has advanced so that both hands are now working a 5-second close of the Trainer (100lbs) gripper. Looking to move to closing the #1 (140lbs) gripper...just don't know when. There's no inbetween stage, so I guess I'll just keep training and trying.

    Card tearing has gone beyond stalling and ground to a complete and utter stop. Tearing only 28 cards was a furious struggle. I really don't know what to do here. I felt so confident a while back - up to 34 with relative ease and ready to steam through. Now I can't do what were once simple tears. I'd say it's overtraining of my hands...but my gripper strength is going up, so that doesn't make much sense.

    It makes me angry - I really thought I was on the right path to tearing a full deck very soon. Then I realise that being angry about not being able to tear a deck of cards in half is silly when there are so many more terrible things in the world to be angry with, so I smile and start thinking, 'Well, what can we do to get better?'

    I think taking a week off card tearing might be a start, or a deload week at least. I'm open to any suggestions!
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    Workouts: 13th-16th June 2010

    Week Eight, still going strong.

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 13.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    3-26-208 (+2min duration / +8 frequency)
    Ending Heart Rate: 149

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Monday 14.06.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Kneeling Pushups (3): 1 x 10, 2 x 15 [Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Flat Knee Raises (2): 1 x 10 (half-reps), 2 x 10 [Standard Achieved: Beginner]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs]
    Left: 3 x 4 = 12 [+3 rep / 5-second close]
    Right: 1 x 7, 2 x 6 = 19 [- - - / 5-second close]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 25, 1 x 27, 1 x 30, 1 x 32, 1 x 27, 1 x 30 (after failing 36...)

    - Tuesday 15.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    3-28-224 (+2 min duration / +16 frequency)
    Ending Heart Rate: 153

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Wednesday 16.06.10


    * * * *

    New exercises in Convict Conditioning. Before the operation, Flat Knee Raises would have been easy for me - now I'm grunting out every rep! Still, I'm making progress and that means I will get stronger. I running out of ways to progress with Heavyhands - I can't run much faster on the spot than I am already, and I've no more weights to add (or money to purchase more!). Once I hit 30 minutes I'll need to work out a way to keep things moving forwards.

    My gripper strength continues to improve - at least with my left hand - and I did a load of volume work for card tearing but still couldn't make it to 36. What a difference a few cards make! I'm taking this coming Friday off grip training: I'm super busy all day, and my right hand is - literally - cut up from the last tearing session, so I'll rest my hands over the weekend at hit things again on Monday.

    Maybe I should shift my goal to closing the #1 gripper - at least things are moving forward, there!

    A half-month weigh-in shows I've gained 4lbs so far this month - hurrah! Let's hope this continues to the end of the month; another surge of weight is good for the motivation and my progress. Gotta keep eating!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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    Workouts: 17th-19th June 2010

    As week eight ends, the trials are logged:

    * * * * *

    - Thursday 17.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    3-30-232 [+2 min duration / +8 total steps frequency]
    Ending Heart Rate: 152

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Friday 18.06.10 - Convict Conditioning

    Straight Bridge (2): 3 x 15 [Standard Achieved: Beginner]
    Half Squats (4): 1 x 10, 1 x 15, 1 x 20 [Standard Achieved: Beginner]

    - Saturday 19.06.10


    * * * * *

    I've reached 30 minutes of Heavyhands at a reasonably fast (on-the-spot) run. I have no more Heavyhand weights - what shall I do to progress? I can't run that much faster, my feet burn as it is! This will require thought. A de-load week first, perhaps.

    Speaking of which, no Grip training today. I tore flesh in my last session, so I'm giving myself time to heal. Should be fine to proceed on Monday. I don't mind such 'flesh wounds' - I kind of like them, in a wicked way! - but I'm aware they will slow me down in the long run unless treated with respect: best to rest now and train hard sooner, rather than much, much later.

    Convict Conditioning was okay. Things are still moving forwards.

    Like me.

    Keep moving forwards.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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    Workouts: 20th-23rd June 2010

    Week Nine begins.

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 20.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Pump 'n' Run
    Ending Heart Rate: 144

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Monday 21.06.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Kneeling Pushups (3): 3 x 20 [+20 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Flat Knee Raises (2): 3 x 20 [+ 40 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs]
    Left: 3 x 5 = 15 [+3 reps / 5-second close]
    Right: 1 x 8, 2 x 7 = 22 [+3 reps / 5-second close]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 28, 1 x 30, 1 x 32, 1 x 35, 2 x 10, 1 x 15 (+1 card max)

    - Tuesday 22.06.10 + Wednesday 23.06.10


    * * * *

    Taking it slightly easy is this block. I've run out of weight to progress on Heavyhands and am unsure how to continue. Plus, I've been super-busy with study work that needed to be done. This has meant that I had a deload session on Sunday - just half the maximum duration - and rested completely yesterday as well as today. I'm sure this wont put me back - rest is necessary for growth, afterall.

    Convict Conditioning improves again. Studying my form I was able to advance to Intermediate level on Flat Knee Raises, which was nice.

    I finally made progress in card tearing! My new total is 35 cards...but, goodness me, it was hard! I went to War with those 35 cards; it wasn't a quick and easy tear, but took a long, long time. Got it done, but I think I'll work to consolidate this position before trying to advance the numbers. When I do tear a deck of cards, I want to go through them like a hot knife through butter!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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    Workouts: 24th-26th June

    Week Nine ends...and the going gets tough.

    * * * * *

    - Thursday 24.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Double Ski Pole
    3-10-32 (total 'ski strokes' per minute)
    Ending Heart Rate: 153

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Friday 25.06.10 - Convict Conditioning

    Straight Bridge (2): 1 x 20, 1 x 22, 1 x 25 [+22 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Half Squats (4): 1 x 20, 1 x 25, 1 x 30 [+30 reps / Standard Achieved: Beginner]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs] Left: 3 x 6 = 18 [+3 reps / 5-second close]
    COC Gripper [#1 / 140 Lbs] Right: 3 x 5 [close-as-much-as-possible]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 20, 1 x 8 - Grrrrr...

    - Saturday 26.06.10


    * * * * *

    With little way to advance with Pump 'n' Run, I switched to a different Heavyhands exercise outlined in the excellent 'Heavyhands: The Ultimate Exercise' book by (the now sadly deceased) Leonard Schwartz: Double Ski Pole. You basically act like you are skiing down a slope, bending your legs and swinging your arms as if you had ski poles and a desire to go faster! The bend of the legs, the thrust of the hips and the swing of the arms all have a lot in common with the Kettlebell Swing, incidentally.

    Anyway, this felt great! In just 10 minutes my heartrate was higher than in 30 minutes of Pump 'n' Run. Nice change of pace, and because I'm not bouncing up and down on the spot I don't feel paranoid about my stoma, so it's all good. Schwartz recommended 30-50 strokes per minute - I'm at 32 at the moment, so I'll build up to 30 minutes of 50 strokes...or something like that. Should be fun!

    Convict Conditioning goes well. I'm in this for the long run, so I'm banking my strength with slow and steady progress.

    Card tearing...ARRRRGH! What is going on? One day I'm going through 30-35 cards, the next I can barely do 20! It's so frustrating! I honestly don't know how to proceed. I took a week off, and that helped momentarily...but I can't keep doing that. I'm concerned that my strength varies so greatly. I feel sometimes that maybe I just need more muscle - literally, I'm too small and weak to do any more.

    Grrrr...plateaus. Don't they make you feel silly! If any other tearers have advice I'd love to hear it.

    Oh, and I decided to shift my gripper training - for my right hand, at least - to the #1 gripper. At 140lbs, it's a lot harder than the Trainer, but with no in-between stage I figured there was little point still cranking it out on the Trainer. I almost had it on the first couple of reps...if I can close the #1, at least that will be one goal accomplished!

    Got to pick up the pace. Work harder...
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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    Thumbs up

    Originally Posted by Drunken Panda View Post
    I survived a hole-in-the-heart as a baby. Though the price was dear and the battle fierce, I have conquered colitis. I will continue to survive and conquer. It's what I do.
    This is precisely why you will not only achieve your goals, but you will surpass them drastically. You do what you have to, take your time, pace yourself, do things as drunken panda sets out to do and there is not a single doubt in my mind you will have maximum happiness. Regardless of plateaus you may hit or just general walls, ignore them and push through. I don't need to tell you this cause you no doubt already know, but you definitely have my support.
    (☞  ̄3 ̄)☞ Air Force brah <---a link to my new log. Feel free to drop by
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    Thanks for the support, DusN! It's great to see someone in here - I'll do all I can to justify your faith in me. This is a long road, but I am nothing if not stubborn!

    No doubt. No quitting. No excuses.

    That's how legends are born.

    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
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    Workouts: 27th - 30th June 2010

    And so, Week Ten has begun...

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 27.06.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Double Ski Pole
    3-12-40 [+2 minutes duration / +8 total strokes frequency]
    Ending Heart Rate: 153

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Monday 28.06.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work

    Kneeling Pushups (3): 3 x 25 [+15 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Flat Knee Raises (2): 1 x 25, 1 x 30, 1 x 35 [+ 30 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs]
    Left: 1 x 7, 2 x 6 = 19 [+1 reps / 5-second close]
    Right: 8 total recovery reps (inbetween max efforts below)
    COC Gripper [#1 / 140 Lbs] Right: 3 x 5 [close-as-much-as-possible]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 20, 1 x 24, 1 x 28, 1 x 14

    - Tuesday 29.06.10

    Double Ski Pole
    3-14-41 [+2 minutes duration / +2 total strokes frequency]
    Ending Heart Rate: 153

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Wednesday 30.06.10


    * * * *

    I'm enjoying the Double Ski Pole Heavyhands exercise, and am making steady progress in that and Convict Conditioning. Possibly ready to hit the Progression standard next time in pushups/knee raises, but I'll see how I feel - I may 'milk the program' at this level for another week to cement my gains.

    Slower progression with grip than of late, but you can't sprint forever. Progress was still made with Grippers, though I only did a bunch of low-level card tearing to stay in the game while I consider how to push past 35 cards.

    End of month progress report will be on my Bodyspace Blog soon. My weight is up to 158lbs. Progress again.

    Perpetual progress.

    Strive for greatness. Keep moving forwards.
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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    Workouts: 1st-3rd July 2010

    Ten weeks; lo the results:

    * * * * *

    - Thursday 01.07.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Double Ski Pole
    3-16-42 (+2 minutes duration)
    Ending Heart Rate: 150

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Friday 02.07.10 - Convict Conditioning

    Straight Bridge (2): 1 x 25, 1 x 30, 1 x 35 [+23 reps / Standard Achieved: Intermediate]
    Half Squats (4): 1 x 30, 1 x 32, 1 x 35 [+22 reps / Standard Achieved: Beginner]

    Grip Work:
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs]
    Left: 2 x 7, 1 x 6 = 20 [+1 rep / 5-second close]
    Right: 11 total recovery reps
    COC Gripper [#1 / 140 Lbs] Right: 3 x 5 [close-as-much-as-possible]
    Card Tearing: 1 x 18, 1 x 6 - ARRRRGH...!
    Phone Book Tearing: 1 x 18, 1 x 34, 1 x 20, 1 x 50, 1 x 55 [NEW]

    - Saturday 03.07.10


    * * * * *

    Heavyhands and Convict Conditioning both march forwards. Good.

    Gripper strength is improving - I'm very close to closing the #1 with my right. Good.

    Card tearing...NOT GOOD! I'm losing it, I can't seem to keep my strength let alone build momentum. I think that after the Convict Conditioning and Gripper work (where I am making progress) I may just not have the strength to summon. Plus, it's getting summer hot now, which makes holding cards difficult with my sweaty, sweaty hands!

    I think I'm going to have different 'tearing' days - maybe my rest days - to work on card tearing and, now, phone book tearing! I recently purchased a dvd instructional from Dennis Rogers, Grand Master Strongman, on phonebook tearing, and am eager to add this feat to my arsenal. I worked mainly on technqiue above, so the numbers aren't impressive. However, if I want to add this, then a tearing day(s) for cards and phone books would be sensible.

    Keep tuning in to see what happens!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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    Workouts: 4th-7th July 2010

    Week Eleven - arise, and do great things!

    * * * * *

    - Sunday 04.07.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Double Ski Pole
    3-18-42 [+2 minutes duration]
    Ending Heart Rate: 152

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Monday 05.07.10 - Convict Conditioning + Supplemental: Grip Work (Crush)

    Flat Knee Raises (2): 3 x 35 [+ 15 reps / Standard Achieved: Progression]
    Kneeling Pushups (3): 3 x 30 [+15 reps / Standard Achieved: Progression]

    Grip Work (Crush)
    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    COC Gripper [Sports, 80 Lbs], 1 x 10 (Left+Right)
    COC Gripper [Trainer, 100 Lbs]
    Left: 2 x 7, 1 x 6 = 20 [- - - / 5-second close]
    Right: 11 total recovery reps (inbetween max efforts below)
    COC Gripper [#1 / 140 Lbs] Right: 3 x 5 [close-as-much-as-possible]

    - Tuesday 06.07.10 - Heavyhands + Supplemental: Relax into Stretch

    Double Ski Pole
    3-20-42 [+2 minutes duration]
    Ending Heart Rate: 154

    Relax into Stretch: 12 minutes

    - Wednesday 07.07.10 - Supplemental: Grip Work (Tear)

    Warm-Up: Iron Ball Rotations
    Card Tearing: 1 x 20, 1 x 25, 1 x 30, 1 x 35, 1 x 37 [+2 card max!]

    * * * * *

    It has been a good week so far! Progression standard was hit on both Convict Conditioning exercises - and left my whole body trembling as a result (never let people tell you that bodyweight exercises aren't tough - if you do them in a certain way, they will take you to the limit). New exercises on both next time. Heavyhands advances steadily. No gripper progress, but no loss of strength either. #1 Gripper is seriously close...

    Big success in the form of my new tearing workout. Focusing just on card tearing, I was not only able to hit my previous max - 35 cards - suprisingly easily and in a fraction of the time it took before, but I also set a new personal best: 37 cards, a +2 card gain! Hurray!

    I should say that 37 was another war of attrition. I had to grind and grind. I got it, and the proof now sits on my desk, but in a way I'm happier about 35 tearing so easily. Anyway, after that monumental effort I just didn't have the energy - or skin left on my hands! - to attempt any phonebook tearing. It may be that I just do one of each (card/phonebook) a week...we'll see.

    Progress has been made. Forwards!
    For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike.
    When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.
    - Edwin Markham
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