
Type: Posts; User: Needhelp1027

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  • Lmao in to watch another miscer go down in flames...

    Lmao in to watch another miscer go down in flames with a Black Jesus line.
  • Replies

    you know you're not a native New Yorker when...

    you know you're not a native New Yorker when random things on the street like homeless people bother you

    after a while nothing fazes you
  • Replies

    Has anyone seen the thread in this dude's sig? ...

    Has anyone seen the thread in this dude's sig?

    This guy has a legit mental illness, can we stop taking him seriously lmao
  • That's actually exactly the difference ...

    That's actually exactly the difference

    inb4 fake news
  • Replies

    lmao at how triggered you cucks get over stupid...

    lmao at how triggered you cucks get over stupid chit like that.

    If I saw that (which i wouldn't since i don't spend all day on FB like a 14 year old girl), I would chuckle and move on with my...
  • Replies

    Anyone remember the thread where someone made a...

    Anyone remember the thread where someone made a female POF account using CamelJockey's pics? That account got more messages than I ever will

    Absolutely pissening lmao
  • That's life son.

    That's life son.
  • Live in NYC. Would prefer SoCal, but wouldn't...

    Live in NYC. Would prefer SoCal, but wouldn't live anywhere else in the country.
  • Cost of living is what it is for a reason If...

    Cost of living is what it is for a reason

    If it's low, it's because it's a chithole that no one wants to live in. If living in a chithole appeals to you, then by all means take advantage of the...
  • Replies

    Golden Doodle - Golden Retrievers are great but...

    Golden Doodle - Golden Retrievers are great but poodles are smart as fck and don't shed so you can get the best of both

    Love dogs but shedding is a total pain in the ass
  • lmao poor people

    lmao poor people
  • Replies

    Because they are beta white men with low IQs who...

    Because they are beta white men with low IQs who are poor and can't get laid

    Trump acts like an "alpha" male to them, so their silly brains think that him becoming the president will somehow allow...
  • Poll: Too big, too short, probably ugly

    Too big, too short, probably ugly
  • Replies

    So Trump himself just admitted on live TV that he...

    So Trump himself just admitted on live TV that he believes the Russians were behind the hack

    Shocking right?
  • would rather see him rot in a supermax prison

    would rather see him rot in a supermax prison
  • Replies

    Strong sig to post ratio

    Strong sig to post ratio
  • Replies

    CPA (tax) - made $110k in 2016.

    CPA (tax) - made $110k in 2016.
  • I'm pretty good looking but I'm Asian so i know...

    I'm pretty good looking but I'm Asian so i know that feel

    I've smashed some equally ugly hoes but hole is hole
  • I'm in a similar situation as you OP. Here's what...

    I'm in a similar situation as you OP. Here's what you should do:

    1. Move out of your parents place.

    2. Develop a hobby - gym is good, but find something else you enjoy doing that's not watching...
  • Yellow fever is just code for a beta personality...

    Yellow fever is just code for a beta personality and a small cock, because Asian women seem less intimidating and supposedly have smaller pussies
  • Results 1 to 20 of 83
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