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For those of you who missed it

I hate my life, man. Doom! Doom!!!

davik‎, Today 08:25 AM
Last Post: Today 08:26 AM
by monster0ultra  Go to last post
1 0

DustinTheHuss is frauding about all of her stories, srs

There was a time when I sort of believed them, but her claims have gotten too absurd to be believable at this point. Every piece of "proof" she has posted about it is easily faked. Anyone who still takes all of her sex/hookup/flirting/getting hit on/etc. stories seriously is only feeding into...

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 07:59 AM
Last Post: Today 08:25 AM
by rollerball  Go to last post
10 72

Hunter Biden CONVICTED on all charges

inb4 he gets a week probation

Zelensky‎, Yesterday 08:20 AM
5 Pages
1 2 3 4 5
Last Post: Today 08:25 AM
by bezarker  Go to last post
128 1,881

NYC Goon Robs A 10-Year-Boy For $8 While He Was Walking Home With His Sister

havoc00‎, 06-09-2024 07:42 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 08:25 AM
by monster0ultra  Go to last post
34 716

The Lord Jesus Christ is so kind-hearted that he died for our sins(wrongdoing)...

The Lord Jesus Christ is so kind-hearted that he died for our sins(wrongdoing) so we could have a chance to be saved from ending up in hellfire and end up in Heaven after we die. (For those who missed Ron's earlier post.) Hey everyone. Did you know our past, present, and future...

yaxeb19313‎, Today 08:19 AM
Last Post: Today 08:25 AM
by sahij  Go to last post
2 1

why do liberals get hate when they only want the best? (srs)

is it more the intentions are good, but they sacrifice common sense? so they arent' inherently bad people

7empest‎, Today 07:23 AM
Last Post: Today 08:25 AM
by 7empest  Go to last post
3 50

Anybody else sick of the manosphere stuff?

I'm a 30 year old man who has been a miscer since he was 15 years old, I grew up with the red-pill mentality instilled in my since teenage years. I was basically miscistutionalised. If you know you know. However, I am sick of seeing people repeat the same sh*t over and over about sloots...

WiseOldApe‎, 06-10-2024 05:13 AM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 08:23 AM
by TomPaine  Go to last post
35 686

Clair Obscur looking like a fantastic game that you phaoggots would completely avoid

o9KQ4rlymEQ Saw this at the show and cottdamn, easily pretty high on my list and on my radar now. Looks like an absolute breath of fresh air.

bongowongo‎, Yesterday 04:46 AM
Last Post: Today 08:23 AM
by BraneyGumble  Go to last post
10 216
Last Post: Today 08:23 AM
by rollerball  Go to last post
4 26

Couple is late to their flight and screams at the gate attendant to let them on (sad)

Zelensky‎, Today 06:40 AM
Last Post: Today 08:20 AM
by EDcellent  Go to last post
27 378

Non-medical doctors who refer to themselves as "Dr." need to stfu already

I don't give a chit if you have a PhD and technically hold the title doctorate in social studies or some chit. Don't walk around calling yourself "Dr.", let alone demanding others do the same, unless you are a medical doctor, srs

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 06:32 AM
Last Post: Today 08:20 AM
by bezarker  Go to last post
19 213

Getting fit is great – but it could turn you into a rightwing jerk The more self-actualised you become, the higher you are on self-righteousness, blaming other people’s problems on their failure to be as healthy as you. There is a dark side to...

Dave22reborn‎, Yesterday 11:43 AM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Last Post: Today 08:20 AM
by SaltyDog920  Go to last post
78 741

NYP's Madcow: Blumpf is going to put me in a re-education camp

EhAFnVyEx1s While I am completely ok with her being put into a holding camp until she gets her mind right, I really doubt she is anywhere near important enough for that to ever happen.

Fishman15‎, Yesterday 06:33 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 08:20 AM
by KINGFABIAN  Go to last post
31 326

Hunter Biden convicted A jury in Delaware on Tuesday found Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, guilty on three felony gun charges. Hunter Biden was charged in federal court in Wilmington with three...

prbrah‎, Yesterday 08:26 AM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 08:19 AM
by bezarker  Go to last post
46 1,102

has there ever been a country not invovled in war?

and risen above (but also maybe been lucky enough in terms of location, not being caught in warfare like landlocked countries) i wonder if there is a country that has never been aggressive or into war like others i know some people didn't/don't have a choice. but nobody can say war isn't a...

7empest‎, Today 04:14 AM
Last Post: Today 08:18 AM
by TwoTailedSperm  Go to last post
17 181

The devastating consequences of Covid lockdowns

KXKsvpHSuWI Good vid, and echoes a lot of the points I made myself back in the days of the pandemic. The Dr speaks in Melbourne, the place with the most severe lockdowns on Earth and the worst effects on people. The argument? It is wrong to think in binary when dealing with Covid, or any...

Bodhy‎, Today 07:26 AM
Last Post: Today 08:16 AM
by Stizzel  Go to last post
15 143

Too many men are focused on only the hot women.

It's shocking how many men (women too i guess) are focused on only hot women. What people need to realize, is when you find someone who is humble, funny (to you), and has a good heart, men need to learn to appreciate these women. These are the ones who make good life partners. As long as...

CalmWind‎, Today 07:16 AM
Last Post: Today 08:15 AM
by CalmWind  Go to last post
9 146

Lost sex drive completely. Zero attraction or interest in women.

Please help misc. Never had this happen before, at least not at this level.

QuitYourCrying‎, Today 12:23 AM
2 Pages
1 2
Last Post: Today 08:12 AM
by Paul Kreul  Go to last post
33 564

Arrow Kevin Spacey's house is in foreclosure and he's in debt millions $$

It's over for this degenerate fаggot Watch:

gwg77‎, Yesterday 03:57 PM
3 Pages
1 2 3
Last Post: Today 08:12 AM
by Silence2  Go to last post
73 1,715

How do parents not stay together for the sake of

Their kids? Shrinks will tell you you got to put yourself first and your happiness first that's all bullchit as far as I'm concerned When you have kids you forfeit your happiness and their happiness must come first How do people just have kids together and then run off and not think...

latverian41‎, 06-10-2024 07:06 PM
6 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 6
Last Post: Today 08:11 AM
by TXBuddy  Go to last post
156 2,482
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