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I’m not a math guy but

What exactly is multiplication Is it just multiplying? If I have one ball and multiply it by itself why wouldn’t I have 2 balls

gesten‎, Today 01:49 AM
Last Post: Today 02:12 AM
by MiscMathematician  Go to last post
4 49

*inserts tongue*

lablablablsirb flKnf faark!!!!! hnnggg!°!!!!! gimme gimme gimme right NOW!!!!!!

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 01:56 AM
Last Post: Today 02:12 AM
by pyrogen  Go to last post
1 10

Talked to a girl online I met

Talked to her everything went smooth and then we talk some more tonight and I said idk what a rec center is…(couldn’t think) and she said are you dumb? lol people could forget and not know what a rec center could be etc So I told her you need to humble yourself and she stopped the vid chat… ...

Misclife333‎, Today 01:16 AM
Last Post: Today 02:12 AM
by Misclife333  Go to last post
2 51

Thumbs up Would you put your tongue on a chick's assshole after 1 week of her on no showers?

Would you still cram your tongue up her assshole after she was on no shower for a week? Let's say she'd been out camping deep into the woods or whatever.

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 02:11 AM
Last Post: Today 02:11 AM
by FelixTheCat1919  Go to last post
0 0

Am I being trolled?

Met a girl online only and things went smoothly until I asked her for Snapchat to see if it’s rly her that I’m talking to. She says she doesn’t have Snapchat and then says “ Well, I don't blame you because I initiated the text. If you don't believe me, why did you allow me to message you in the...

Misclife333‎, Today 01:13 AM
Last Post: Today 02:10 AM
by Misclife333  Go to last post
3 63

Biden unveils attempt to kill off gas cars by 2032

I suspect so this is law-enforcement can control the vehicle via remote? why else? btw: I've read that we have enough crude oil for at least 1000 more years assuming current rate of...

andrepmeet‎, Yesterday 08:01 PM
Last Post: Today 02:09 AM
by Thebigzub  Go to last post
26 385
Last Post: Today 02:09 AM
by Silence2  Go to last post
14 260

Smile First Lady Melania still looks great at the beach

But more importantly... (For those who missed Ron's earlier post.) Hey everyone. Did you know our past, present, and future sins(wrongdoing) are already paid for? God loves us even though we have a sinful nature and wants us to go to Heaven and not be hellbound. We all sometimes think bad...

yarehet294‎, Yesterday 11:09 AM
4 Pages
1 2 3 4
Last Post: Today 02:09 AM
by yarehet294  Go to last post
101 1,678

Thumbs up I haven't showered in 3 days

I wonder how bad my balls smell lmao

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 01:15 AM
Last Post: Today 02:08 AM
by FelixTheCat1919  Go to last post
4 53

Would you make out with a girl with really bad breath?

Like "smells like half a dozen rotten teeth" bad. Would you make out with her?

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 02:07 AM
Last Post: Today 02:07 AM
by FelixTheCat1919  Go to last post
0 2

this chick's bush is disgusting, right? (vid) (no embed sry) why just shave it lol

7empest‎, Yesterday 03:05 PM
Last Post: Today 02:05 AM
by 7empest  Go to last post
3 166
Last Post: Today 02:04 AM
by ChunkBuster  Go to last post
3 36

Wall clocks piss me off with how fast the batteries die

Gotta change the bastards constantly

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 01:52 AM
Last Post: Today 02:02 AM
by FelixTheCat1919  Go to last post
4 17

Could AI be the future of music? Check out this song I made with AI.

I made this synth-pop song with AI and just set the basic parameters: Song name, lyrics, theme, instruments to use, tempo, general vibe etc. And it makes this: This song is banger, you could actually be forgiven for thinking it's a real current pop song....

Bodhy‎, 06-05-2024 06:14 AM
4 Pages
1 2 3 4
Last Post: Today 02:02 AM
by Bodhy  Go to last post
108 1,647

Canada Billionaire, 91, Arrested For Sexual Assaults Spanning 4 Decades sexual assault in 2023 , so youre telling he s.a'd a woman or womaaanzzzz when he was 90 ? lol

MEDITATE‎, Today 01:59 AM
Last Post: Today 01:59 AM
by MEDITATE  Go to last post
0 23

Trump's Possible Arguments for appeal

First, it's important to note- Trump won't be getting an appeal on the 1st phase Also, technically he isn't a convicted felon yet- That will most likely happen at sentencing Here is the order of what will happen: 1. Trump's team will ask for a judgment notwithstanding the verdict- that...

gachase21‎, 06-05-2024 10:21 AM
Last Post: Today 01:58 AM
by Bodhy  Go to last post
29 351

Why do sloots do weird chit like randomly dance in public?

Sloots as old as their 30's will drop everything they're doing and start randomly dancing in public. Why is that?

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 12:38 AM
Last Post: Today 01:57 AM
by MajorTendonitis  Go to last post
6 118

China fakes its largest Waterfall (pic) LOL

is there anything not fake in china?

alphaalbertan8‎, Yesterday 11:48 PM
Last Post: Today 01:56 AM
by TwoTailedSperm  Go to last post
9 195

Poll Poll: Who would make a better wife - DustinTheBus, or Silencespeaks?

Who would make the better wife?

FelixTheCat1919‎, Today 12:40 AM
Last Post: Today 01:51 AM
by Thebigzub  Go to last post
11 108

Thumbs up Why can't most people live as minimalists?

An old used car A mattress on the floor for a bed A closet that's only about a quarter full with clothes A 1 bedroom apartment that about 75% of it is empty/unfurnished One meal a day (OMAD)

GMiscer‎, Today 01:36 AM
Last Post: Today 01:49 AM
by BraddlesMcGee  Go to last post
2 54
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