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    19/In need of serious opinions and help.

    Hello all. Hope ive posted in the correct forum. Im hoping someone/people could shed some experience on what i'm about to write! I have read about on articles, daily in fact, but I now think its time i get some serious weightlifting experience. I'm going to give a lot of info, but PLEASE DO READ! Your opinion and experience will not be wasted!

    Well, I'm 19. My aim is to gain muscle and look good. I'm 5'6-7 and my weight is 65kg. 3 years ago i was the same height but a lot scrawnier (8.5-9stone), i was smoking weed at the time, and was never bothered in fitness. Then i joined a gym quit smoking, and as a beginner with no real program i made it to 10 stone and looked nicely toned and gained a lot of strength. Only supplement i had was whey protein. post workout mainly. though some days i use to have it regardless of working out. I got a little slacked on gym in Febuary 2008, due to other commitments. I recently joined Virgin Active gym in December. and this time I really want to stick at it, ideally I'd like to weigh 12stone. I work in retail so hours for gym can be dodgey, I try to stick with either a 3-day split body workout Mon/Wed/Fri or if i have enough time a 4th workout (I'd just move on to the next day of program).

    Spoke to a trainer at the gym this month as i wanted to make sure im hitting the right body parts in the same day, and he set me out a program:

    With all of my excercises I always aim for 8 reps as a MAX. Minimum of 6 though.

    Day 1 - Chest & Biceps

    4 x Bench Press
    4 x Incline Bench Press
    4 x Standing Barbell Curls (after reading a few articles i thought variation once in a while using a preacher pad always/once in a while might be good)
    4 x Hammer Curls
    4 x Reverse Barbell Curls
    4 X Incline Dumbbell Flyes

    In this day I try to bench press first, then do the biceps and finish with flyes. I walk out feeling like i shouldve trained my biceps more. I was thinking of adding incline DB curls and preacher 1-arm DB curls, but worried this may be overtraining? Could always take one excersise out and put one of these in?

    Day 2 - Triceps and Shoulders

    4x DB shoulder press
    4x Upright row
    4x seated lat raises
    4x tricep dips
    4x Skull crushers
    4x Tricep Pressdowns (with rope, back to machine)
    4x weighted shrugs

    In this day doing the shrugs just doesnt feel that its working, it just hurts my wrists from holding the weight for so long. I thought about exchanging this for cuban press?

    Day 3 - Back & Legs

    4x Deadlifts
    4x Lat Pulldowns
    4x Reverse Lat Pulldowns (close grip, reverse grip on same bar)
    4x Seated Row (done machine and/or using cable lying on floor seated.)
    4x Squats

    As you can tell, I'm not aiming for massive legs at this moment in time, my back is important though. Heavier weight in this day I'm worried about, being it my back.

    Cardio - 5/10mins rowing before weights, usually but not always a good 15minute swim post workout!

    So thats my program. My questions:
    1) enough sets/reps?
    2) enough variation of excercises to work the muscle group all round?
    3) heavier weight or perfect form? (using the heaviest weight is the only way i end up feeling 'ripped')
    4) should i be doing a warm up set 50% less weight 15-20reps for each excercise?
    5) are these muscle groups being over/under trained?
    6) supersets worth doing?
    7) have i got the correct muscle groups in right days for maximum results?
    8) how often should i attempt a heavier weight?
    9) is 30secs enough rest time between sets? with a 3min rest between excercises?
    10) enough cardio? i dont want to loose too much fat if i use supplements like weight gainer?
    11) should i be lifting to failure or not?
    12) is working the muscle groups once a week enough?

    Currently on a cycle of creatine. I'm using Body Fortress Hardcore Formula (The Holland and Barrett own brand stuff, heard its cheap and cheerful.) This stuff -

    5 days of loading (4 servings of 5g daily), I'm now on a maintenence for 11 weeks and then off. Is it worth doing another cycle after this one?

    Have been drinking the Holland and Barret Body Fortress Whey Protein too, always post workout, sometimes i had it 3 times a day. This stuff -

    Today, have bought more expensive MaxiMuscle Promax, after comparing labels hoping the MaxiMuscle will add more quality protein into my body. I'm planning on always having that immediatley post workout.

    I would like to drink either Whey or Muscle and Weight gainer regularly 3 times a day to bulk up a bit too, but it would be so costly as one tub would be just over a weeks supply, would it be worth sticking with maybe a H&B own brand for this? and also using a quality more expensive tub of whey for my body immediatley post workout. Also, how about multi-vitamins?

    Any other supplements worth taking? Anyone know a way of getting all these quality nutrients without spending a tonne on supplements?

    The last thing I wanted to mention was my diet. I've read about and heard a great workout is notihng without a great diet behind it? As i said, i work in retail, in a office, so getting lunch and breaks is never the same time. Should i be eating 6 meals a day, 2-3hours apart? Should they make me feel 'stuffed?' I try to eat plenty of protein, carb and healthy fats.

    Thankyou for reading if you have read all of this, bearing in mind of my goal to put muscle on, bulk up and look 'filled out' for my height, any experience,knowledge,and opinions on this matter will be taken into note seriously, and i will be extremley grateful! It will not be wasted as I now have the motivation, effort, and time to really get my perfect physique!

    Kind Regards,

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