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    Thanks Amanda!

    Strobe, yes, sexy and shaggy! Cardio is great actually, pushes me not to screw up.

    Yesterday's log:
    I did a full arm workout, but had to take it easy because my chest was still hurting and didn't want to risk an injury.

    DB (Dumbbell)

    DB Skull crushers 2x20, min weight
    DB Skull crushers 3x20, half weight
    DB Skull crushers 1x4, full weight (went to failure, almost dropped the weight flat on my face and had an accident. The accident could have caused superpowers, but since I avoided it, I will never know)

    DB Military press 3x15 full weight
    DB Shoulder Shrugs 4 x 20 full weight
    DB Bent over back shrugs, 3 x 20, full weight
    DB Front rises, 1 x 12, half weight (couldn't finish, went to failure, superpowers not located through this exercise)
    DB French Press, 3x15, full weight
    DB Bicep Curl, 3x15, full weight
    DB Bicep Curl 1x20, full weight
    Squats 3x15, body weight

    That's it, that's all my arm routine. Today is cardio, tomorrow legs, Saturday cardio, Sunday Rest, Monday Chest, etc.


    Decided to get a bike instead of a cellphone. The smartphone will keep me tied to my desk, the bike to my new life. If I have an accident on the street with my bike, I will be forced to use the horn of Gondor, or call for aid by screaming and crying as high and as loud as I can. No problem.
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

    Inspired by: Cherry Garcia -
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    Registered User fatandnotproud's Avatar
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    Today was cardio day.

    I did HIIT 20 minutes on the stationary bike, kind of blew it at the middle, but overall, was a good workout. Better than sitting on my butt!

    The reason I slacked a bit on this one was because it was too late already. I ate under my calorie deficit though (always), so I'm cool with it.

    Tomorrow is leg day.

    I am taking quite a bit of coffee, with sugar, which is good for me I guess.

    Bought a camera, go pro. My FitBit comes in a couple of days and want to have something to film it. Next, smartphone. Next, bike!

    Stay classy BB!
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

    Inspired by: Cherry Garcia -
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    Powered by Reese's Puffs anandagirl's Avatar
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    OMGosh, so much I want to respond to...

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    "Fat people try to be funny all the time."

    No we don't. We just forget we are fat.
    First of all, I am a bonafide member of the I Hate People club, not because I truly hate people, but as a species, we are beastly and cruel. The way we treat each others, animals, our planet, etc. is criminal.

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Yes, generally speaking, you are right. I do feel the world knocks me down more than it should because of my metal mindset, but it is also true people threat overweight people different, even with disdain. I don't think it is because they "hate" fat people, I believe it is because they don't know how to react around them; same deal than with a handicapped person, they don't know "what to look" or "how to look" at them, they don't know how to speak to them, they don't know or feel comfortable around them either. It takes time for regular people to get around noticeable differences in others, and being fat is a big noticeable difference that many people have, but not everyone is used to.

    That and the assumptions one makes from a noticeable difference. In case of fat people, that they are lazy, easily pushed around, etc. When they meet someone fit, they immediately make good assumptions about that person, but when they meet someone fat, they make the worst ones.
    This is going to sound odd, but there are a lot of factors that go into people being so awful, and it's not just about weight, it's about skin color, disabilities, health issues, etc. People sometimes don;t know how to act because they have not had a lot of experience what X factor that is making them uncomfortable. Some people are disdainful and think it could never happen to them because of XY&Z factors they think will never touch them or they have that will keep them at their "normal." Some people are deathly afraid of it happening to them so they don't know how to act or what to say. And then you have bullies that use whatever advantage they have to put someone, anyone down. Regardless as to the reason, it still hurts, the things they say, they way they look at you, or the way they ignore you. All I can say is that you are not alone and you have the power to overcome.

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Feeling strong. Feeling sexy.
    Yeah Baby!!!

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    its kind of funny to see people in shape who normally do nothing for their health talk down those who are trying HARD to be at a healthy weight. These people eat pizza, donuts, burgers, etc and they keep their weight within normal boundaries. Most of the time it is because they are young, so they see us and start babbling about how we are supposed to control ourselves in front of food (which they have never done before, since they eat everything they want). They even have the nerve to tell us "well, that is because you never move from that couch/desk" or "that is because you don't exercise, bum" like if they knew the inside of a gym or what a rep is (which, of course, they don't, cause the only iron they lift is a fork).

    They never had to go through what we are going through, for as long as they remember, weight has never been an issue in their lives. So we must just, stuff ourselves with everything we find at the fridge, right? That's our problem, we eat too much. Like pigs. We should live in a farm, not in a house. They find it easy to be in shape, they just... don't eat like they suppose we eat.

    To them, to be in shape, is easy. Period.


    Tomorrow, its a whole different story. For those of us old enough to see friends, coworkers, family and regular people grow old like us (34yrs here) things definitely change with time. I began to see how these kind of people, the "normal" people, the kind that never had problems with their weight and always had everything they wanted on their plates, woke one day realizing they also had been starting to "put on a little weight lately".

    Maybe they would blame it on XMAS or to that office party last month, or maybe the blame would go to that last kid they popped a couple of years ago. But they definitely see they are beginning to change. That mirror is not the same anymore. The beast is starting to show its teeth. Same teeth we all know here, no need to dwell on that. We've seen the beast in the mirror. Sure looks ugly, isn't it?

    How strange. Without warning. From nowhere. How can it be? They have always been fit! They are getting fat and they don't know why.


    They panic. In their desperation (a very, very cautious desperation) they ask us, the fat folks from the hills, experts in the matters of nutrition why what is happening is happening. "How can it be?"

    After all, they have been doing the same thing they always had, aren't they? They have not changed their diet. Well, maybe just a bit. So after a small chat they began to convince themselves that things aren't as desperate like they seem. "That it is not going to happen to me" they say, and for "that" they mean us).

    Nah, not to them. They have control. They are not us. We eat like pigs, rolling naked on the floor with everything that was in the fridge. Not them, they are normal people, not "fat".

    Fat people eat anything they feel like without any sort of control or shame and don't move their butt even if their houses were on fire. Disgusting.

    But them? Oh no, not them. They are the normal people, they have been counting calories and exercising 3 to 6 times a week for about 2-3 hours for the past 20 years to be in shape....



    "I will just start walking to the office" they say out loud, like if by saying it you could make it happen. MAYBE they commit to the idea and do it. MAYBE.

    For a day. Maybe for two. Perhaps for a week or something like that. Not much more than that. "I don't really need it. It won't add up."

    Then you see them again, six months from now. They are twice what they used to be. "Its just part of life, we get older, we get fat. It happens to everyone. Have you seen Arnold? If he is fat, I'm fat too. I will just cut down on the bread and that's it, will be back in shape by summer. Not like you fatso, you will be rolling your way to work for the rest of your days. Me? I exercised in high school."

    So that beautiful blonde, naturally fit you saw at the office will slowly turn into another fat person. Same with that guy from the coffee shop. He looks fit now, cause he is 26. She looks great at 25, doesn't she? And she barely walks to work. He used to do some sports back in high school. She used to run, back when she was twenty.

    But he is not doing these sports now. Neither is she. Finding time is difficult they say. Both pushing thirty eight.

    "I have to work for a living."

    "I have kids."

    "I'm not that fat. I'm not you."

    "Can't join a gym, are you crazy? I barely have any time for myself. Besides, gyms are for these weirdos who like to watch themselves while lifting heavy stuff. I'm not like that. I'm normal."

    Want to know what's the difference between them and us? That we were fat before, but we are slowly becoming fit now. When we reach our destination, Sexy Town (TM), each one of us, we WILL be fit. I know that now, I have seen the evidence, so did everyone lurking this forum. It only takes time and dedication; that's all it takes, and we are willing to invest both. We ARE investing both.

    But they? These ones who point us on our way to work? These who laugh at us at our backs for "trying" (we are not trying, we are making it happen), they have never made this kind of sacrifice. Until now I though they were the ones blessed. Now I understand life a little better. They will slowly gain weight and there will be nothing (free, fast, easy) they can do to stop it.

    Slowly gaining weight. We have all been there, haven't we? It sucks. Its hell. Now, we are not there anymore. We are in a different kind of train, we are slowly LOOSING weight (expensive, slow, hard).

    Whatever we leave behind, they will pick up and stuff themselves with.

    It almost feel as if the universe was smiling at us. A big nasty grin full of teeth that says...

    Hahahaha! It's so true! I was that person as a teenager and in my 20's and then when I turned 30 the weight gain started. I had no idea how to even deal with it until my 30's and even then it's so difficult to maintain.

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    There is also another way in which I am supposed to eat like pig on weight lifting days and eat normal (under calorie deficit) on my non weight lifting days, but I don't trust Internet experiments, so I will just wait like a good boy.
    Yes, that's usually best, use tried and true methods! I'm sure you are building more muscle mass than you think

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    @cherry, your friend sounds terrible. Does she knows how much you've struggled with your weight? Good for you on not visiting her too often. Next time use the cancer trick. "Oh no, I just read these cause cancer. It was on the paper, everyone talking about it on twitter. There are these gross pics from a university research. The FDA is studying to ban some of the components."

    It will automatically turn her down from offering you that and switch her into considering a more healthy snack next time. Plus, you just ruined her food! Bonus points for waiting until she is chewing some to tell her. That way she can experience the EXTREME GUILT when swallowing something you KNOW its bad for you. Extreme points if you grab one with a napkin and say "yeah, these look like them..." then put it down like if they were going to bite off your fingers.
    This is awesome!

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Ugh... sounds like I'm about to to join a sewing group...
    Hey! I belong to a Stitch and Bitch and it's awesome!

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Bit disappointed today. After looking myself in the mirror I see no immediate changes from what I used to be. I know they are there, I can notice, but somehow my brain is putting more emphasis on the fat side than on my gains.
    I don't think we are programmed to see the changes we are accomplishing. Keep taking photos, measurements, etc. and one day it will click

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Screwed up today.

    Everything was well until the moment of eating.

    Goal for the day: 1800 calories
    Total calorie intake: 1780

    Should have gone slow there. Normally I go to 1300-1400 calories. Today I came too close to my deficit, which means I will loose only a really tiny portion of the weight I could be losing today.
    No, this is not the mindset I want you to have. Your deficit goal is 1800 - you still stayed below that, which is a success! The only way you can screw up is to quit, so just keep going!

    If you would like a friend on FitBit, you can add me - my user name there is Dipitie
    Team Ogre Mascot

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    Thanks for reading my journal! ;-) Will add you to my fitbit when I get it (still on the mail)

    On other news, bought myself a go pro, so I will record my walks, etc.

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    This was my workout today:
    DB (Dumbbell, all I have, 33 lb)

    = Warm up =
    DB Chest Press 3x20, min weight
    DB Flies 2x20, min weight

    = Workout =
    DB Chest Press 3x20, full weight
    DB Flies 4x20, full weight
    DB Pullover 3x15, full weight
    DB Bent Rises 3x20, full weight
    Cavalier pec rise 3x20, full weight
    Squats 3x15, body weight

    Should I have done more? Perhaps, other exercises for my chest like, inclined? Sure, but I believe this was tough enough and besides, I'm on cut, so I'm not building that much muscle right now. I will be keeping the ones I have, that's for sure.

    Got myself a go pro. What for? Well, to film my walks, to film perhaps my bike rides when I get one, to film my progress. Will be getting a selfie stick tomorrow. It's a new way to push myself to go out there and get out a little more from the desk!

    How about you? What DO YOU do to get out more?
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

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    I remember when I wanted to start dieting 2 weeks ago I looked at your log reading through it, I read one post you made about us fat people are always being ignored and we forget we are fat and we are just a beast that's ugly, fat and sweaty. That post gave me the chills because I could relate to that.. I even read it to my wife and told her that's how I feel most days. I turned away from social life because I was so disgusted with myself I hid behind a TV and a computer monitor playing games. I still feel that way, but I guess we are bettering ourselves to show these people who us "fat" people really are. Great job on your log man and good luck to you! I will be checking on you and supporting you through out the whole thing!
    My Fat loss log:

    Starting weight: 286.4lbs (2/20/17)
    Current Weight: ???? (2/27/17)
    Total Weight lost: ????
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    Originally Posted by rbtsmith410 View Post
    I remember when I wanted to start dieting 2 weeks ago I looked at your log reading through it, I read one post you made about us fat people are always being ignored and we forget we are fat and we are just a beast that's ugly, fat and sweaty. That post gave me the chills because I could relate to that.. I even read it to my wife and told her that's how I feel most days. I turned away from social life because I was so disgusted with myself I hid behind a TV and a computer monitor playing games. I still feel that way, but I guess we are bettering ourselves to show these people who us "fat" people really are. Great job on your log man and good luck to you! I will be checking on you and supporting you through out the whole thing!
    You literally made my day. I am making this for myself, but never for a second thought pouring down my experiences and thoughts here could have some sort of effect in someone's life. Thanks man.

    Today was the worst day of my week, so far. I am tired, slept only 3 hours, mild depressed, had to do some errands too early in the fu*** morning and can't even think straight. No motivation whatsoever to do ANYTHING but to let sleep comes back again to wash my mind away.

    I am completely lost.

    But even today, with all that going on, I pushed myself and got out of bed. I put on my running shoes and used the bike, 20 min HIIT workout cardio, very vigorous pedaling, super effort.

    Ate all the right foods, under calorie level. I don't feel great, but I am 100% better than I would have been a year ago on one of my "bad" days. If I was in a fight, I would say I could go, PERHAPS, as far as seven rounds. Normal days will be twelve rounds.

    A year ago my normal days would be just two rounds and screwed up days would be not even leaving the lockers, not even getting on the ring.

    This is what exercise does for you. It changes who you are, what you do and who you can become. Suddenly, age is not important, other people's lives and opinions are not important, your own pain is not important. You start realizing everything, I mean, EVERYTHING was under your control.

    Control. That's what happens with exercise and sports. Control.

    Something I never really thought was in my power.

    Tomorrow will be another day. I will get my go pro, my fitbit sometime next week, hopefully, and will continue dropping my weight until I reach my sexy goal.

    Today I was walking down the street and decided to give jogging a little push. I went ahead and jog for a block. I could have gone for, perhaps, 30 minutes. I feel prepared, though I decided not to push it because:

    1) No running shoes.
    2) No stretching, need to learn how to and need to actually do it.
    3) Was not properly dressed.

    It was just a test. Turned out more than OK.

    Question is: should I go slow running with my current weight? Or just walk, jog, walk, etc low intensity for now? I honestly felt I could have gone for perhaps an hour.
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

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    Old weight:
    295 lbs (134 kg)

    New weight:
    291 lbs (132 kg)

    4 lbs (2kg)


    Get the f*** up.
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    Brotha you got this, whatever you're feeling is temporary. Look at how much you lost this whole journey! that should give you the best outlook on life because you did that by yourself! You're going to make everyone's jaw drop when you get to your sexy goal. As for the jogging the whole time I mean if you think you can push yourself to all that time go for it, me personally I can jog or run to save my life, I just don't have the endurance to and I get out of breath after a minute of jogging. It's something I should work on. And yes get running shoes! your feet will thank you in the long run! They don't need to be a $120 pair of Nikes but you get what I'm saying bud. Great job on the loss, keep kicking a$$!
    My Fat loss log:

    Starting weight: 286.4lbs (2/20/17)
    Current Weight: ???? (2/27/17)
    Total Weight lost: ????
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    Originally Posted by rbtsmith410 View Post
    Brotha you got this, whatever you're feeling is temporary. Look at how much you lost this whole journey! that should give you the best outlook on life because you did that by yourself! You're going to make everyone's jaw drop when you get to your sexy goal. As for the jogging the whole time I mean if you think you can push yourself to all that time go for it, me personally I can jog or run to save my life, I just don't have the endurance to and I get out of breath after a minute of jogging. It's something I should work on. And yes get running shoes! your feet will thank you in the long run! They don't need to be a $120 pair of Nikes but you get what I'm saying bud. Great job on the loss, keep kicking a$$!
    Thanks bro!

    About running out of breath when you go for a run: when I started, not eight months ago, I couldn't hold my stationary bike for 5 minutes on a steady pace. I mean, not even FIVE minutes, I was out of breath in 2 minutes, 3 top.

    Now I can do 20 minutes High-Intensity Interval Training, that is pushing myself to the extreme, to the point where heart attack can happen. 20 minutes. That's a whole lot of time from 3 minutes steady-old-people-pace. Take it one day at the time. There is something that happens when you push yourself... can't describe it, but you sort of... break inside, or something. It is like a second wind. Like if you were just about to give up then something primal happens.

    Like, the ape takes over. And you push. You push yourself harder and before you realize it, you are willing TO DIE, TO ACTUALLY DIE instead of quitting.

    Its amazing. Never felt it. That's the part where the adrenaline kicks in. That's the part everyone talks about. The one Nike and Reebok makes ads of. The part where you stop being yourself, for one second, and become who you want to be. Who you are going to become.

    It lasts ONE SECOND, but it is enough to push yourself another 10 minutes or so.

    Trust me, go for it, slow, one day at the time.

    It won't happen this week, or the next, but by the end of the month, you will sure experience it.
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

    Inspired by: Cherry Garcia -
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    Thumbs up

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Question is: should I go slow running with my current weight? Or just walk, jog, walk, etc low intensity for now? I honestly felt I could have gone for perhaps an hour.
    I think the only concern would be pounding on your joints. Maybe do a couple shorter sessions with a minute job, minute walk and see how your joints feel, and build up from there. It sounds your cardio is there, but you don't want to injure yourself

    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Old weight:
    295 lbs (134 kg)

    New weight:
    291 lbs (132 kg)

    4 lbs (2kg)


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    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Thanks bro!

    About running out of breath when you go for a run: when I started, not eight months ago, I couldn't hold my stationary bike for 5 minutes on a steady pace. I mean, not even FIVE minutes, I was out of breath in 2 minutes, 3 top.

    Now I can do 20 minutes High-Intensity Interval Training, that is pushing myself to the extreme, to the point where heart attack can happen. 20 minutes. That's a whole lot of time from 3 minutes steady-old-people-pace. Take it one day at the time. There is something that happens when you push yourself... can't describe it, but you sort of... break inside, or something. It is like a second wind. Like if you were just about to give up then something primal happens.

    Like, the ape takes over. And you push. You push yourself harder and before you realize it, you are willing TO DIE, TO ACTUALLY DIE instead of quitting.

    Its amazing. Never felt it. That's the part where the adrenaline kicks in. That's the part everyone talks about. The one Nike and Reebok makes ads of. The part where you stop being yourself, for one second, and become who you want to be. Who you are going to become.

    It lasts ONE SECOND, but it is enough to push yourself another 10 minutes or so.

    Trust me, go for it, slow, one day at the time.

    It won't happen this week, or the next, but by the end of the month, you will sure experience it.
    Bro you never cease to amaze me with the words you use to describe stuff! Every time I want to get off that treadmill or stop running to walk I tell myself "how bad do you want it?, do you want to be fat for the rest of your life? and I just keep going. I think what really gets me the most is that it seems like forever when I'm running, and I'm looking at a wall in front of me. Maybe I just need to take my ass outside and run I mean I live in the middle of no where surrounded by corn fields and crops. Maybe that's what I need to do then go back and just lift weights to finish it up.
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    Yesterday was a crappy day.

    Basically the world wanted me to quit. I almost did. I went 450 over my calorie deficit. That means I overate 450 calories more than what I needed to lose weight, so my goal got pushed away for one day. Also I couldn't do any exercise because we are out of water (the whole building is out of water, there's a leak somewhere down the street, so I couldn't take a bath)

    So what. Not the first time I screw up in my life. At this age, you shrug it off like if it was nothing. "Fu** it, tomorrow I will do better" and I did, because today I rocked hard.

    SO WHAT.

    Arms: dumbbell 34 pounds each one.

    Warm up, 2x30, bitch weight (military press, skull crusher, bicep curl).

    Military Press 3x20, full weight.
    Military Press 1x15, full weight (went to failure on the fourth set).

    Bicep curl 3x20, full weight.

    Bent shrug, 4x20, full weight.

    Shrugs, 4x20, full weight.

    Skull crushers 3x20, half weight.

    Skull crushers 1x15, half weight went to failure.

    One arm row, 1x12, just one arm cause my back popped really hard and my shoulders were gone from Monday.

    Did I stop? hell no, screw the back, lets move to the arms.

    French press (overhead), 4x20, full weight.

    Concentrated curl, 3x20, full weight.

    Crunches, 12 body weight.


    The only way you know it was a good workout is when you end up all sweaty and in pain, seeing black dots, your muscles shaking. If you don't push that hard, then don't bother.

    I am on cut, no muscles were built today.


    The most important one was built. My heart. My brain. Myself.

    That's the gain right there.

    Beast mode. Warrior mode. I could have killed something, I could kill something right now. Primate. Ape. Go ape or don't try at all.

    So you pull something. So you break something. So you snap something. You go to the ER, you get it fixed, wait six months, then try again. Break your back mother*****, break your back, because when you are 50 the only thing you are going to regret is not being able to do that last set.

    Captain out.
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

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    Today was CRAZY workout with the fitbit! 15.800 steps! 3700 cals burned! 11.94 km walked! 165 minutes of pure activity! That was it! That was the workout that needed to experience!

    I mean, cardio is great, and biking on that stationary bike works charms, but you have to mix it up a little or you are going to go nuts! I can see myself doing this kind of walks twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, if I don't break something, that is.

    Need to incorporate my leg workouts on Friday, then do this on Saturday (or legs on Sunday). Sounds like a plan!

    This and weight lifting: boom, you get yourself into the zone in no time. In August I will be around 125kg (275 lbs) or so, which will be interesting!

    Captain out!
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    Today was another bad day. Still no water, so its camping time in the middle of the city, apparently. There is something about washing your **** with cold water that makes you realize life isn't always what you thought it was going to be. The pressure is so low it never reaches the apartments. Oh well.

    Slept only 4 hours. Had a good breakfast, then took care of some crap that needed my attention and was already lunch time. Had two light burgers and an egg with two yolks. Mutant chicken.

    I'm well under my caloric deficit, eating healthy, eating meat, eating chicken, eating eggs, avoiding bread, etc.

    But I was tired. Only 4 hours of slept. It was my chest day. Needed to work my chest. But no water to take a bath afterwards, no sleep, no energy.

    I didn't want to risk to drop a weight on my face, so instead, I went for a run.

    That's right, RUN TIME.

    9,100 steps. I neglected to reach my goal for a mere 1000 steps or so. My goal is 10,000 a day. If I had checked, I would have gone for a bit more.

    Things I learned on my first run after never doing it in my entire life.

    1) I can't run.
    2) I shouldn't be running.
    3) Pants are important, especially when they slide down to your knees because they are too loose for you.
    4) People look at you, especially if your pants are down.
    5) I can't even make one block. No idea if it was because my pants kept falling, or because my knees kept telling me to please kill myself now.
    6) It is a lonely thing to do, better carry some music.
    7) Old people runs faster than me, makes me sad.
    8) Dogs will try to eat you if you run near them, regardless of your size.
    9) Runners are a community. They look at each other and they know they are different from everyone else. Not better, not worse, but different. There is a mission, a battle being fought and you can recognize that in their eyes (and they in yours).
    10) I have the heart of a bull. At this stage I suspect someone can literally unload a gun to my chest and I will keep going.
    11) Shoes are important too. I could feel every single tiny rock under my feet. Almost hurt myself, need to get some running shoes.

    Those are the things I learned. I wanted to run a marathon (5k) but I won't be able to at this stage of my weight loss. Probably next year.

    So I can't run. So I walk, then run for a few seconds, then walk again, then run and then walk. When I started doing bike I couldn't go for a minute, now I can do 20-30 minute HIIT training at the top of my heart rate while eating lunch. My guess is my body will eventually say "hey, I think this dude is not trying to catch a bus or something! He really wants to run!" and release the proper encimes that lubricate my knees to run for longer periods of time.

    I'm not a scientist, but I will name that the "Fat ass adjustment period" in which the body says "oh ****, this is for real" and stops slacking around to make things happen. Let's see if my theory is right.

    Captain out!
    Last edited by fatandnotproud; 06-13-2016 at 03:02 PM. Reason: Forgot about the shoes.
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

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    Alright, workout update.

    Chest day.
    Everything with Dumbbells, 16kg each, 32 both

    Bench press, 4 sets, 20 reps, half weight (32kg)
    Bench press, 3 sets, 20 reps, full weight (32kg)
    Straight arm pull over, 3 sets, 20 reps, half weight (16kg)
    Dumbbell fly, 3 sets, 20 reps, full weight (32kg)
    Crossover w dumbbell, 3 sets, 20 reps, half weight (16kg)
    Row, one arm bent, 3 sets, 20 reps, full weight (16kg)
    Lateral rise, 3 sets, 20 reps, full weight (32kg)

    That's it, that was today. Chest, shoulders and back. I've been told by a friend of mine who is a body builder that I should start using more weights and keep my chest and back/shoulders day separated, so I'm going to follow that advice.

    Will be getting a barbell and some more weights for my chest workouts. Since I don't have space here and I can't get a proper bench (they cost literally like 5k USD here) I will have to build something of my own. Already built a bench made of wood, with the cushion and all. Need to figure out something for the barbell extension.

    Tomorrow is running day, 10k steps, around 8.00 km (more like walking, running, walking, etc). Got myself some headphones, they suck, they are Chinese and they are full treble... but at least I won't be hearing the sounds of the street while I'm doing my workout.

    Good news, got my weight down to 131kg (289 pounds). Just a couple of weeks ago I was 292 pounds. That's 3 pounds!

    Anyway, hope everyone's reaching their goal. Running made things a bit... different for me. Will still hit the stationary bike next couple of weeks, but running is cool too.
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    Really happy for you that you are continuing to achieve your goals, in the 280s already? That's fantastic!

    You're writing continues to inspire me, I had been gone for abit due to dealing with *life* but hoping to get back to logging daily and checking in on others as I always find reading others logs helps to inspire and motivate me to keep on going, to never give up knowing that others are working hard too.

    Great job on the whole starting to run thing. Many times when i'm on the treadmill i think to myself, what if i just started jogging...but in my case as i'm short i think it would still be too much impact on my joints so will try maybe towards the end of the year. But really glad to see you're making progress with it

    Wow, great job with those fitbit and workout goals! You are kicking some serious butt!!!
    Total weight lost: 128 lbs

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    Hi Cherry!

    Thanks for stopping by! Yeah I've seen your weight loss, you are going through some hard times. Things will go back to normal eventually. Don't despair, keep it slow, don't push yourself if you don't have to right now. If it helps, then go for it, but take any time needed. Nothing is more important than saying goodbye.

    Went out for a run today. Managed to do bursts of 30-60 seconds between spans of 2-4 minutes. About 4 or 5, really. The rest of the time was spent walking at a brisk (and almost-brisk) peace. My legs hurt a lot, won't be able to go on Friday, perhaps Saturday. It is crazy, but people in this goddamn country are either sad, angry or indifferent to everything (not in USA right now). Running would feel a lot better if there was people to talk to. Weights feel great because you are in a fixed place, but when you move outside, when you run, you want to socialize.

    Won't recommend anyone coming down to Latin America. People is just... ugh... weird.

    Good news is I can run a bit more than Monday.

    Tomorrow is arms day. Will work out my biceps and triceps, nothing else. Just keeping it real.

    I've noticed a huge change in the way I look. I've lost quite a few pounds, but I'm still a long way to go. There will be some loose skin in my tights and all around my body for sure, I can see that right now (unless it shrinks to almost nothing, which will be perfect, but I don't expect it to happen).

    Got a selfie-stick so I can use the go pro without touching the mic and all that. Also got myself an armband, to carry my mp3 and phone.

    Now I just need to get a phone.
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

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    Alright, done with the arms day.

    Everything with Dumbbells, 16kg each, 32 both.

    * Bicep curl, half weight, 3 x 20, 1 x 5

    * Super set, skull crushers, 3 x 20

    * Bicep curl, full weight, 4 x 20

    * Shoulder shrugs, full weight, 4 x 20 (some even 25)

    * Overhead press (French press), full weight, 3 x 20

    * Overhead press (French press), half weight, 4 x 30

    * Concentration curls, full weight, 3 x 20

    Couldn't do any shoulders since I did those on Monday and my arms are on fire. But I managed to put a pretty damn good workout for my biceps and triceps.

    I really kind of hate going out to run, because people here is not friendly. They are actually pretty hostile towards each other. Damn country.

    Btw, this is progress so far. Ignore the background, it is the cave of a man.

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    Good job man, definitely looking good! and trust me I hate running too.. especially when people are around me I feel as if they're watching my belly and man boobs flop up and down
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    Wow, that's some great progress, lots of inch loss in the abdominal area and can see a difference in chest too. WTG!

    About running in public, you are much braver than me, i'm too chicken to even workout outdoors in public at all, and at the gym I always have my earphones on so that I'm not bugged by the stares of others.
    Total weight lost: 128 lbs

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    Thanks Cherry! Yeah people is rude when you go for a run. That's why fat people don't workout either, because most people (who don't workout btw) make judgement on us while we are doing our best. Somehow everyone has to be a Nike ad. You are fat, you STAT fat. That's the message. They can shove it up their ass.

    Smith, my man! They do look at me while I run, the bastards. Also, I can't just run away, half of the time I have to deal with it because I get to tired and have to rest for a couple of minutes (sometimes 15 min) by doing a brisk walk instead. That's when they judge you. "Oh look, why you run? You are too fat. Look how tired you got. You can't even run a block." That's what their stare says.

    Screw them. I say go for it. You too Cherry. We are already in pain, they are already stabbing us for being fat. Let's get something out of it.

    This week I couldn't even jog for a block. Did I quit?


    I walked, faster and faster. I ran for two minutes, a minute. Sixty seconds. Thirty seconds. I could only do it for twenty seconds, but I did it, then walked again. Did I quit?


    I went for it anyways and if something happened and I couldn't walk anymore, I would have crawled my way to the 10,000 steps.

    So what if they stare at you. They consider you a fat lazy bum anyway. Let them do the talk and the hate and the giggles. That's what they are good for anyway. In our position, they would sit on the couch and die. We don't. We fight back. We go out there even when there is no chance for us to win. It is not that "we don't have it easy", we are on HARD MODE, we have it HARD, we have it TERRIBLE. All the weight of our fat and the weight people put on our shoulders while we do our workout. Its not just our weight, but the weight of others.


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    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Thanks Cherry! Yeah people is rude when you go for a run. That's why fat people don't workout either, because most people (who don't workout btw) make judgement on us while we are doing our best. Somehow everyone has to be a Nike ad. You are fat, you STAT fat. That's the message. They can shove it up their ass.

    Smith, my man! They do look at me while I run, the bastards. Also, I can't just run away, half of the time I have to deal with it because I get to tired and have to rest for a couple of minutes (sometimes 15 min) by doing a brisk walk instead. That's when they judge you. "Oh look, why you run? You are too fat. Look how tired you got. You can't even run a block." That's what their stare says.

    Screw them. I say go for it. You too Cherry. We are already in pain, they are already stabbing us for being fat. Let's get something out of it.

    This week I couldn't even jog for a block. Did I quit?


    I walked, faster and faster. I ran for two minutes, a minute. Sixty seconds. Thirty seconds. I could only do it for twenty seconds, but I did it, then walked again. Did I quit?


    I went for it anyways and if something happened and I couldn't walk anymore, I would have crawled my way to the 10,000 steps.

    So what if they stare at you. They consider you a fat lazy bum anyway. Let them do the talk and the hate and the giggles. That's what they are good for anyway. In our position, they would sit on the couch and die. We don't. We fight back. We go out there even when there is no chance for us to win. It is not that "we don't have it easy", we are on HARD MODE, we have it HARD, we have it TERRIBLE. All the weight of our fat and the weight people put on our shoulders while we do our workout. Its not just our weight, but the weight of others.


    That's what I'm talking about brother! Screw all the people who look down upon us because we are not "normal" because we are part of a statistic that is a problem. They rather laugh at us and not encourage us.. that's what is wrong with society today. It's a damn shame.
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    You look great!!! And you're doing great - don't let the jerks get to you!
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    Went for another walk / run today. I could run a bit more, then realized what is keeping me down is my weight. I am too heavy for my own feet. They hurt quite a bit. My knees are cool though. I gather that the pain will go away with time and when I get down a few more pounds.

    Today was a good run. I keep wanting to bring my camera because sometimes there is cool stuff to film, but then I keep forgetting. I should just bring it and get done with it. At one point I outrun a running dude and it felt good. At another point an old couple tries to outrun me and I had to push my way to the finish lane. I had been running for two hours so I was pretty tired when the old couple incident happened. I won though.

    Now, it may sound like I am not in shape, but then i see people smoking or not taking care of themselves just because they happen to be mildly into shape (ergo, not obese like me) and I understand what those doctors said all those years ago. They are being unhealthy. It doesn't matter if they don't have the big belly. Their life style is pretty toxic.

    I managed to run/jog/walk and eat under my caloric deficit today. I wish I was in my sexy weight goal already, but it is not going to happen until end of 2017. Tomorrow is chest day. All is good.

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    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

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    Keep it going! Those are some amazing stats. I think I'm doing good if I get to 12K steps
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    Brilliant work! Keep going
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    Originally Posted by Pheeeeebs View Post
    Brilliant work! Keep going
    Thanks mate!
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

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    Originally Posted by anandagirl View Post
    Keep it going! Those are some amazing stats. I think I'm doing good if I get to 12K steps
    Thanks anandagirl! But your fitbit is waaaaaay superior to mine! (That is you on fitbit with 72k steps, right?)
    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

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    Today was chest day!

    A friend of mine told me only to exercise chest on chest day, so I could really focus into it. Thursday is arms day, Friday back day.

    Add another 4 sets of 20 reps for bench press, full weight I forgot to enter into the app.

    As you can see, the weight is 32kg (70 pounds) for both dumbbells and half that for, well, the times when it is half. Fly are extremely hard with that weight for me, since I'm not putting on a lot of muscle due to my weight loss.

    My arms are flapping. I've got wings now.
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    [ Starting Weight: 165 KG ]--[ Current Weight: 117 KG ]--[ GOAL: Sexy ]

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    Originally Posted by fatandnotproud View Post
    Thanks anandagirl! But your fitbit is waaaaaay superior to mine! (That is you on fitbit with 72k steps, right?)
    Hmmm, today I have 79K for the week. I'm Dipitie and my photo is my feet in the snow
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