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  1. #1

    Vertical Jump Training Log

    For those of you interested, I am starting a log on training techniques for the vertical jump.

    Will involve a lot of video footage. If you stick around you will probably learn a lot of newer techniques and nearly everything you need too about the vertical jump.

    If you want more in depth coverage visit my site (in sig)

    Beginning on Sunday. 7/25
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  2. #2
    More detail etc can be found here:

    I know most of you are lazy so I added some of the content here:

    Vertical Jump Training Day 1: Here we go!

    Day 1 Workout: Goal: Introduce the body to ground contact, moderate intensity of plyometric exercises.

    Week Goals: Weight Room Goal: Gain strength back on each prime mover: 15 pounds on the back squat, 15 pounds on the dead lift. Jumping Goals: 200 ground contacts this week of low to moderate intensity. Technical Aspect: Feel more comfortable taking off from a lower center of mass

    Workout: 7/24/16

    Kettlebell Swings: 4 sets 2 normal stance/2 wider stance x 8 reps per set (32 reps total x 50 lbs= volume load of 1600 lbs)

    Kettlebell Jumps: 3 sets x 8 jumps = 24 ground contacts (did not do these over-speed fashion, just don’t think I am ready for those at this point. If you don’t know what over-speed eccentrics are see: this

    1 Down Set of Body Weight x 8 reps: remember body weight maximizes power (see here) (8 ground contacts)

    Below Parallel Explosive Straddle Jump: 4 sets each leg x 8 reps (32 ground contacts)

    Single Leg RDL with Kettlebell: 4 sets each leg x 8 reps (Volume Load=32 reps x 50 lbs = 1600 lbs)

    Entire Session: V/L= 3200 lbs

    Ground Contacts: 64 ground contacts

    Rest Time Between Sets: 3 minutes

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  3. #3
    Day 2:

    Program Design: Multi-Targeted Block Periodization (for more info see here:

    Block 1: Maximal Strength + Maximal Speed more info here:

    Workout Details

    Workout Goal: Strength

    Rest Between Sets: 3 minutes minimum


    Back Squat with Variable Resistance: 6 sets x 6 reps with step loading scheme > 275 x 6, 280 x 6, 285 x 6/ 280 x 6, 285 x 6, 295 x 6

    Dead lift: 275 pounds x 4 sets x 6 reps

    Barbell Stiff Legged D/L: 225 x 6 , 185 x 6 x 3

    Session also included calf raises and isometric core series (planks, side-bridges 4 rounds x 20-30 seconds)

    Volume Load: 21, 480 lbs

    Microphone cut out towards the end, if you have any questions, post em!

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  4. #4
    Day 4 Vertical Jump Training:

    Today was a maintenance day of lower body explosive work.

    Workout Details: 140 ground contacts > takes me to my goal of 200 ground contacts for the week

    Rest: 3 minutes between sets


    Paused Seated Explosive Jumps: 4 x 10

    12 inch drop jump: 4 x 10 (bilateral)

    12 inch drop jump: 3 x 10 (single)

    Single Leg Straddle Jump: 1 set x 10

    Over-Speed Kettlebell jumps: 2 x 10

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  5. #5
    Day 5: Off (upper body lift)
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  6. #6
    Day 6 was back in the gym, following a Multi-Targeted Block Approach. Was not sure how the legs would feel and if I would have to adjust Intensity or Volume-Load, but after warming up my legs felt good to maintain the intensity of the week.

    Maximal Strength Session:

    Workout Details:

    Increased variable resistance used this session, two bands one pro-average and pro-light from

    Approximately 200 pound difference from the bottom to the top.


    Regular back squats with increased depth and narrower stance

    3 sets x 6 reps x 335 pounds at the top

    Box Squats

    3 sets x 6 reps x 315 pounds at the top

    Modified Sumo Dead Lift (not shown couldn't get a rack and proper video)

    3 sets x 275 x 6 reps

    DB stiff-legged deadlift (not calculated in volume-load)

    60# x 3 sets x 8 reps

    Calf Raises (not calculated in volume-load)

    6 sets x 8 reps

    Workout V/L= 16650 #

    Video Footage

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  7. #7
    Totals for Week 1:

    Volume Load: 3200 lbs +21, 480 lbs + 16650 =41,330 for the week

    Meters: 320m

    Ground Contacts: 200

    Maximal Strength + Maximal Speed Work

    Sunday was Day 7 of Vertical Jump Training and was a maximal speed oriented workout plus technique work

    Workout was as follows:

    Combo Uphill/Downhill Sprints : 20 yard drive phase uphill, maximal speed maintenance 20 yards: 1: 12 work to rest ratio x 8 repetitions

    Total Volume: 320 m

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  8. #8

    Day 9

    Day 9: Maximal Strength

    Today again was a maximal strength session following a multi-targeted block periodization

    Minor Tweaks from last week:

    Goal of hitting 15# greater on squat: Close, increase in 10 pounds this session but with narrower stance and increased depth, I would say it is a push.

    Workout Details:

    Progressed from 6 reps last week to 5 reps this week, intensity up, volume load will go down slightly in an inverse manner. # ground contacts slightly up, in preparation for the overreach cycle next week (yay!), which ground contacts will be cut drastically and V/L doubled.

    Added: High Step Ups

    Added: 1 “Down” Set to maintain hypertrophy


    High Step Ups with 65# DBs: 3 sets x 5

    Back Squat: 205 Bar Weight + 100 pounds resistance: 3 sets x 5 reps

    Wide Stance Mod Sumo Rack Pull: 245 bar Weight + 100 pounds resistance x 3 sets x 5 reps

    1 Down Set of Walking Lunges with 40# x 10 reps each leg

    Total V/L= 12, 500 #
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  9. #9
    Had a rest day, explosive strength, rest day, and now today's Maximal Strength and Explosive Strength Workouts:
    Day 13

    Day 12 was a complete rest day this week

    Day 13 is another maximal strength session. As stated in the video, in an ideal world I would have split this workouts up at least 3 hours apart but sometimes life (and subsequently training) are not ideal. So practicality took center stage today.

    See video below of more details

    Maximal Strength Training Session: Training this week has decreased to the 5 rep range

    Wave Loaded Conventional Deadliftdeadlift great for novices improves rate of torque and vertical jump performance see here: )

    275# x 5, 295# x 5 (reset between each rep), 285# x 5, 305# x 5

    Stiff-Legged Dead-Lift:

    85# DB's x 5 sets x 6 reps

    Clean Pull Shoulder Shrug from the floor:

    225# x 8 sets x 3 reps

    Prone Hamstring Curl:

    Concentric Based: 110# x 5 sets x 6 reps

    Volume Load: 19,600 lbs

    30 minutes Rest

    Explosive Strength Workout:

    10 two foot approach

    10 3 step approach

    Single Leg Drop Jump: 3 x 10

    Bilateral Drop Jump: 3 x 10

    10 Penultimate 3 step drills landing in sand pit with implement (holding a ball)

    Sub-Maximal Bounding: 20 reps each leg

    Ground Contacts: 110 Ground Contacts

    Weekly Totals: Volume Load: 32, 100 # Ground Contacts: 226 ground contacts

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  10. #10
    Day 14 was maximal speed workout (posted on site)

    Day 15 Today August 8th is the beginning of the functional overeach which will last 5-7 days

    Goals for week: Minimum of double training volume/load: looking for around 80-90,000# which would be slightly over 16,000 per session

    Brief look at the week:

    Monday: Heavy Squat

    Tuesday: Speed Squat

    Wed: Heavy Deadlift

    Thursday: Speed deadlift/olympic lifts

    Friday: Heavy Squat using complexes

    Saturday: Undetermined as of now

    Today's Workout Numbers:

    Heavy Back Squat: Pro average band + pro light band from elite fts

    Bands added approximately 170 pounds to the top of the lift

    Workout details:

    Program progressed to heavy triples

    Wide Stance Box Squat: 170+95=(265 x 3), 170 + 135 =(305 x 3) ,170+155 =(325 x 3) 170+175 = (345 x 2 )

    (working set)

    Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 225 x 5 x 6

    Split Stance Step Up: 40# x 5 sets x 6 reps

    Volume Load: 12,870 #

    Workout thoughts: A little short on volume load today which is okay because tomorrow will be higher volume with all the speed work.


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  11. #11
    New Microphone! Sound is way clearer and better!


    Days 2 and 3 of overreach
    Day 2 was high volume speed squatting broken into cluster sets
    Day 3 was high intensity, lower volume, and a lot of glute/ham work
    Tuesday was day 2 of the functional overreach and a higher volume day:

    The workout was as follows:Back Squat with elite fts pro average and light bands

    9 sets x 9 reps with cluster of the 9 reps (3 reps quick breather, repeat, repeat)
    3 sets with narrow stance, 3 regular, 3 wide
    Flat Pyramid Scheme
    Band + bar weight of 245
    Plyo Leg Press: 5 sets x 5 reps 90#

    Prone Hamstring Curls: 5 sets x 5 reps concentric emphasis x 100 pounds

    Volume/Load: 24,595 #

    Wednesday's Workout:

    Sumo Deadlift: Wave Loading Scheme: 295 x 3 315 x 3 305 x 3 320 x 3
    Hip Thrusters: 5 sets x 5 reps x 185
    Stiff Legged DB D/L: 120 x 5 x 5
    Volume Load: 11, 330

    Weekly Total: Volume/Load: #48,795

    Last edited by BHollandDPT; 08-11-2016 at 07:14 PM.
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  12. #12

    not sure whats up with the embed lately on here:

    Summary of the past 4 days:

    Day 18: High Volume, moderate intensity rack pull with variable resistance plus OL
    Day 19: Moderate Volume, moderate intensity squatworkout (not a great workout, felt fatigued, watch below)
    Day 20: Moderate Volume, high intensity squat session
    Day 21: Maximal Speed Workout, low volume jumping
    Total Volume Load for Week: 95,170# Ground Contacts: 40 Sprints: 8 (10s) 4 flying 40s
    Day 18 (4th day of overreach)

    Rack Pull with variable resistance: 9 sets of 9 reps, clusters of 3 reps during each set
    3 sets wide, 3 sets modified sumo, 3 sets narrow
    Power Clean: 7 sets of 3 reps
    Stiff Legged DB Deadlift: 70# x 5 sets x 6 reps
    Volume/Load: 27, 285#

    Day 19 (5th day of overreach)( no video footage)

    One of those days where you walk in the gym and just don't have it
    Box Squat: 225 x 5 x 5
    Hip Thruster: 185 x 5 x 6
    Volume/Load: 11,175#

    Day 20 (6th and final day of overreach)

    Back Squat: 245 x 5, 265 x 4, 275 x 2, 290 x 2
    Lateral Step Up: 30# x 5 sets x 5 reps
    Stiff-Legged DB Deadlift: 60# x 5 x 5
    Volume/Load: 7,915#

    Day 21: Maximal Speed

    8 x 10 m sprints
    4 x 40 m flying 40s
    8 x 5 paused seated jumps
    Last edited by BHollandDPT; 08-14-2016 at 06:06 PM.
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  13. #13


    Deload over: training volume was approximately 20,000 (slighlty >50% reduction)
    Beginning of the explosive strength block
    70% of efforts to developing explosive of the lower body via use of plyometrics, Olympic Lifts, and variable resistance
    20% effort to perfecting approach technique
    10% effort to maintain maximal strength
    1. Dunk (gain 4 inches on running vertical)
    2. Gain 4 inches on standing vertical jump
    Training Schedule:

    Block Duration: 2-4 weeks with possible mini strength block of 3-4 days

    Monday and Friday: Double Sessions: Plyometrics/Jumping Workouts in the mornings, speed and Olympic lifts on Monday's, Maximal Strength maintenance on Friday's.

    Wednesday's: Plyometric/Jump Workouts only

    Plyometric techniques: depth jumps, over-speed eccentrics, approach variations, hurdles
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  14. #14
    Today is a short post: Day 1 transmutation block

    100 ground contacts total

    4 x 10 over-speed countermovement jumps (3 minutes rest between sets)

    4 x 10 depth jumps (3 minutes rest between sets)

    20- 2 step approaches
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  15. #15


    Week 1 Ground Contact Totals: 270
    Week 1: Volume Load Totals: 22,710
    Monday Workout 1: Jump Workout found here:

    Weight Room Workout:

    3 minutes rest between sets

    Hang Clean: 3 x 8 x 135: cluster 3, 3, 2

    Speed Rack Pull Conventional: 50% RM (175) plus band tension: 5 x 8 cluster 3, 3, 2

    Full Depth Consecutive Barbell Jumps: bar only 4 x 10

    Total V/L: 14, 640#

    Wednesday Jump Workout: Same as Monday with volume cut in half (50) ground contacts

    Friday's Workouts:

    Jump Workout: 3 minutes rest between sets, 5 minutes rest prior to depth jumps (2 minutes fast paced walking, 3 minutes passive rest)

    Countermovement Jump x 4 sets x 10 reps with intra-rep rest

    Rebound Box Jumps: 2 sets x 10

    Drop Jump Box Jump: 2 sets x 10

    Depth Jumps: 4 sets x 10 reps

    Ground Contacts: 120 #

    Weight Room (strength maintenance):

    Front Squat (2 series): 87.5% RM 195 x 3 sets x 5 reps (2 series), 175 x 3 x 6

    Stiff-Legged DB D/L: 70# x 3 x 6

    Core Work (iso core: stir the pot, hanging leg raises, s/l bridge) 4 rounds

    V/L Total: 8,070 #
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  16. #16

    Week 2 Ground Contact Totals: 300
    Week 2: Volume Load Totals: 20,645#


    Jump Workout (am):

    Overspeed CMJ: 3 x 10

    Below Parallel Paused Jump: 3 x 10

    Depth Jump: 4 x 10

    Weight Room (pm):

    Full Clean: 5 x 3 x 135

    Stiff-Legged DB DL: 5 x 6 x 70#

    (V/L= 6,225#)


    Jump Workout:

    Overspeed CMJ: 3 x 10

    Below Parallel Seated Paused Jump: 3 x 10

    Depth Jump: 4 x 10

    Friday (am):

    Repeat CMJ: 3 x 10

    Below Parallel CMJ: 3 x 10

    Depth Jump: 4 x 10

    Strength Workout (pm)

    2 inch Deficit Snatch Grip Dead lift: 225 x 5, 245 x 5, 275 x 2

    Front Squat: 3×4 (89%) intensity 3 x 6 (79%) 2 series

    Stiff-Legged BB Deadlift: 245 x 4 x 6

    (iso core series: plank, leg raise, side plank, bridge, stir the pot)

    (V/L)=14, 420
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  17. #17


    Week 3 Ground Contact Totals: 320
    Week 3: Meters Run: 120 m
    Week 3: Volume Load Totals: 14,385
    Vertical Jump Increase of 3.5 inches since beginning the program: static CMJ of 10'4
    Last week of using depth jumps


    Workout (am): 10 m sprints x 4
    Depth Jumps 4 x 10
    Below Parallel Paused Jump: 4 x 10
    Hurdle Hops: 10 x 4
    Workout (pm)

    Speed Squat: 4 x 3 x 50% bar +25% band
    Power Clean: 4 x 3 x 165
    Over-speed RDL with resistance band: 3 x 5
    Volume Load: 4,860

    (am): 10 m sprints x 4
    Depth Jumps: 3 x 10
    Below Parallel Paused Jumps: 3 x 10
    Hurdle Hops: 2 x 10
    Workout (pm)

    Hang Clean: 5 x 3 x 155
    Snatch Grip Shoulder Shrug: 5 x 3 x 225
    Prone Hamstring Curls: 5 x 5
    Volume Load: 5,700

    Workout (am):

    10 m sprint x 4
    Below Parallel Paused Jump: 4 x 10
    Oscillatory CMJ: 4 x 10
    Hurdle Hops: 10 x 4

    Strength Maintenance
    Front Box Squat: 4 x 3 (82.5%)
    1 down set x 8
    Over-speed Eccentric with RB
    Iso Core program
    Volume Load: 3,825
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  18. #18
    Vertical Jump Log: Realization Update

    by Brett Holland, PT, DPT, CSCS on September 28, 2016 in Performance, Vertical Jump Log
    Update: Extending the realization 1 more week, we are getting an accelerometer which will give us much more objective data! (see video below for details)


    Realization/Taper Guidelines:

    Reduce Training Volume 30-60%. I think cutting training volume in half is a good start
    Maintain Intensity
    Increase Specificity: practice your sport
    Maintain Training Frequency
    A Recent Study Here for tapering in a strength-speed sport (track and field throwers):

    Bazyler, Caleb D., Satoshi Mizuguchi, Alex Harrison P., Kimitake Sato, Ashley Kavanaugh A., Brad Deweese H., and Michael Stone H. “Changes in Muscle Architecture, Explosive Ability, and Track and Field Throwing Performance Throughout a Competitive Season and Following a Taper.”Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (2016): 1. NSCA.

    Training Totals:

    Realization Week 1: Ground Contacts: 150 Volume Load: 10,000#
    Realization Week 2: Ground Contacts: 130 Volume Load: 8,000#
    Workouts Week 2:

    Monday (am): Single Leg Rebound Box Jumps: 4 x 10, Single Leg Rebounds: 3 x 10 Rim Approaches: 10 (total: 80)

    Sprints: 5 x 10 m (50 m total)

    Monday (pm):

    Power Clean: 135 x 5, 155 x 4 , 165 x 3, 175 x 1, 185 x 1

    Overspeed eccentric RDL: 2 x 10 (135#)


    Wednesday (am):

    Single Leg Rebounds: 3 x 10 Rim Approaches: 10 (total: 40)

    Sprints: 5 x 10 m (50 m)

    Wednesday (pm): Power Clean: 135 x 5, 155 x 5 x 3 (clustered)

    Total: 3000#

    Friday (am): 10 Rim Approaches Sprints: 5 x 10 m

    (pm): Strength Maitainence: Front Box Squat: 85% 4 x 2: 1,680#

    Training Update:
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  19. #19
    Introduction to anatomical adaptation:


    Apologies for the lack of updates: Rolled ankle (rehabbing, about 80% back) plus flu last week (no training all week)
    **** Excited the home gym will be finished (hopefully in a month) will be getting lots of training footage up
    Will be using PUSH technology to establish baselines
    Introduction to Anatomical Adaptation which is a block introduced by Tudor Bompa (written several books on periodization)
    Goals of Anatomical Adaptation:
    Prepare the body for greater workloads
    Benefits of Anatomical Adaptation
    Improved tendon health via two mechanisms
    This phase involves significant time under tension: tendons respond well to appropriate doses of tension
    Training in the anaerobic lactic system helps stimulate the release of growth hormone, growth hormone stimulates collagen (which increases tendon cross sectional area [thickness] and stiffness
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  20. #20
    CEO 10k/yr y0lked's Avatar
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    Great stuff. Interested to see how much progress you can make with a training program this specific. I could see this being very beneficial to basketball players in the off season.
    Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA)

    **Dallas Cowboys**
    **Sacramento Kings**
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  21. #21
    Originally Posted by y0lked View Post
    Great stuff. Interested to see how much progress you can make with a training program this specific. I could see this being very beneficial to basketball players in the off season.
    Whats up @Yolked

    Yeah definitely, the issue with basketball is the many motor abilities that need to be trained and the potential for conflicting abilities. Sorry for the delayed response I have been holed up for the past month with the flu, bought a house, and overall craziness. Finally back to training and taking a block out of bompa's block model, basically a GPP block but its kicking my butt.

    Update Here:

    Week 1 of the anatomical adaptation phase complete: here is how it looked

    I am not going to discuss upper body workouts unless people are genuinely interested.

    Monday: Aerobic Restoration: 15 minute jog at a light pace

    Tuesday: Upper Body Push

    Wed: Aerobic Restoration 10 minute jog at a light pace

    Thursday: Upper Body Pull

    Friday: Off

    Saturday: Lower Body Lift: Rest Periods 60-90 seconds per set

    Dynamic Warm Up
    Front Squat: 135 x 15 x 3 sets Tempo: 2:0:1
    Back Squat: 225 x 15 x 3 sets Tempo: 2:0:1 155 bar weight plus 70 pounds band tension
    Single Leg Leg Press (eccentric emphasis): 4 plates: 4:0:1 2 x 15
    Power Clean: 135 x 3 x 6
    Standing Calf Raise: 3 x 15
    Sunday: Lower Body Lactic Capacity + Extensive Jumping

    Repeat Bounding 80 yards x 4
    Box Jumps with weight vest: 4 x 10
    Paused Box Jump with weight vest: 4 x 10
    200 m sprint x 4 (2-4 minutes Rest)

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  22. #22
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    Originally Posted by BHollandDPT View Post
    For those of you interested, I am starting a log on training techniques for the vertical jump.

    Will involve a lot of video footage. If you stick around you will probably learn a lot of newer techniques and nearly everything you need too about the vertical jump.

    If you want more in depth coverage visit my site (in sig)

    Beginning on Sunday. 7/25
    What’s a good vertical for age 13 male?
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  23. #23
    Registered User PercivalKenzie's Avatar
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    Very interesting, continue in the same spirit.
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