
Type: Posts; User: SuperHercules

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Search: Search took 1.78 seconds; generated 37 minute(s) ago.

  • I don't believe people take them seriously, it's...

    I don't believe people take them seriously, it's just fun playing along

    Maybe a few smoothbrains who don't post much might think they're real
  • Never with fat sloots, the heaviest I go is slim...

    Never with fat sloots, the heaviest I go is slim thick

    Most of the ones I bang have giant asses but small upper bodies
  • Gotta Be metallica or Iron Maiden Not a huge...

    Gotta Be metallica or Iron Maiden

    Not a huge fan of either but they mogged in the 80s
  • That's only elite meat. Most of what you eat is...

    That's only elite meat. Most of what you eat is the meat they crap out
  • Replies

    OP likes men

    OP likes men
  • There was still a drive in 50s style one my...

    There was still a drive in 50s style one my parents took me to as a kid in the 80s, but it didn't last

    It was awesome though
  • You must have zero haters

    You must have zero haters
  • Seems lame af to go on a cruise anyways. It's...

    Seems lame af to go on a cruise anyways. It's just like a hotel that you can't leave. What a chit tier vacation
  • good luck with your cephalalgia goals

    good luck with your cephalalgia goals
  • Replies

    It might work since you're part of the community

    It might work since you're part of the community
  • Replies

    Men are realizing that it's a scam and easier to...

    Men are realizing that it's a scam and easier to just be a CEO
  • Replies

    I got a guard snake to deter burglars

    I got a guard snake to deter burglars
  • Sounds like the words of someone whose height...

    Sounds like the words of someone whose height begins with a 5
  • Replies

    Getter_done drinks almost a whole coffee every...

    Getter_done drinks almost a whole coffee every day, imagine if he tried to quit
  • He seemed funny af. Too bad he shot all those...

    He seemed funny af. Too bad he shot all those people
  • If it makes you feel any better I didn't intend...

    If it makes you feel any better I didn't intend to throw them in the garbage. I was going to steal your car but saw how poverty it was
  • Didn't expect someone to out-gay OP so quickly

    Didn't expect someone to out-gay OP so quickly
  • Nice try FBI

    Nice try FBI
  • I don't think heterosexual males use "chasers" ...

    I don't think heterosexual males use "chasers"

    See sig
  • You missed a golden opportunity with the tent. ...

    You missed a golden opportunity with the tent. She would have seen you as an alpha outdoorsman and been begging for your seed
  • Results 1 to 20 of 93
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