
Type: Posts; User: dakensta

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  • based

  • They used to hate Islam because the gubmint told...

    They used to hate Islam because the gubmint told them to. Before then, they didn't even know what Islam was.
    Now it's considered "based" in R&P circles.
  • When literally dozens of celebrities are critical...

    When literally dozens of celebrities are critical of Trump, their opinions are worthless, but when a handful are critical of Biden, we should listen to them?
  • Nah bro. Trump isn't president right now. When...

    Nah bro. Trump isn't president right now.
    When Trump tried to overturn the last election, that was an (attempted) coup. (failed)
  • Are you talking about the urban myth that Mandela...

    Are you talking about the urban myth that Mandela was elected while still in prison?
    Only low info, megacoping people believe that.
  • ITT we pretend Trumpers haven't been LARPing...

    ITT we pretend Trumpers haven't been LARPing civil war for the last 4 years, and aren't threatening to LARP even harder if Trump loses again.
  • Poll: I'd be glad to see the back of Trump, but that's...

    I'd be glad to see the back of Trump, but that's not going to happen. He's a mental disease now.
    Nutsy's aight.
  • Replies

    He looks lost and confused. prob can't...

    He looks lost and confused.
    prob can't understand why, in a room full of people, none of them are cheering him.
    it's godda hoight.
  • If you don't like Trump, you HAVE TO like Biden....

    If you don't like Trump, you HAVE TO like Biden. It's inconceivable to the average R&P to not be "rooting for a side", or "gargling some old guys balls".
  • hey, if you don't like being deported for your...

    hey, if you don't like being deported for your political views, go live someplace else.
  • The real Nikki Hayley would have put XOXOX at the...

    The real Nikki Hayley would have put XOXOX at the bottom.

    srs though, nobody's writing perfect cursive on the side of a shell with their hand at that angle.
    Fake AF.

    not saying she isn't a...
  • Smh.

  • lol

  • people with serious/terminal diseases were the...

    people with serious/terminal diseases were the first to be vaccinated, and vaccinated the most.
    a few years down the line, it's no surprise that more of them have died.
    but you already knew this.
  • Yeah, I always wondered about the sombrero and...

    Yeah, I always wondered about the sombrero and maracas too..
  • What the hell did Trump t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ imagine was...

    What the hell did Trump t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ imagine was going to happen? Srs question.
  • Being Trump. "If you love Trump, vote for me,...

    Being Trump.

    "If you love Trump, vote for me, because I am Trump. That's all. That's enough."
  • Let's Applaud Old Trump!

    Let's Applaud Old Trump!
  • You clearly can't remember 4-8 years ago like...

    You clearly can't remember 4-8 years ago like Trumpers can.
    Everything was great, there was world peace, everyone was happy; all the kids drank out of garden hoses, and were just fine, and it was a...
  • I got replaced yesterday, by some guy without...

    I got replaced yesterday, by some guy without fukced up knees and shoulders.
    Never felt better.
  • Results 1 to 20 of 86
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