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Forum: Religion and Politics

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Sticky Thread Sticky: Official R/P Chat Thread Version 5.0 - All your jimmies are belong to us...

Can't we all just get along? Let's start this off with some bipartisan content and set the mood.

A-GAME‎, 05-16-2017 12:05 AM
193 Pages
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05-04-2024, 03:53 AM Go to last post
5,782 361,246

Arrow Sticky Thread Sticky: General Forum Rules

Welcome to the Forums It is our hope that the members of the forums will help each other in providing motivation and information to those looking to reach their fitness goals. To protect our members and the forums, the following rules are effective in all sections. Please take...

anonymous‎, 05-19-2014 08:12 AM
05-19-2014, 08:12 AM Go to last post
0 102,240

Nick Fuentes Is A Fed [Groypers on suicide watch]

While conservatives rightfully ask why Ray Epps was ignored by federal prosecutors for so long and only got charged when the chorus became too loud to ignore Nick Fuentes being essentially guilty of the same thing Can any Groyptard explain why he was never charged with any crime?

dabbmw2002‎, Yesterday 03:46 PM
Today, 03:05 AM Go to last post
5 195

Russia vs Ukraine Thread V: The Fate of Humanity, Traditional Values vs Globohomo Part 1. Part 2.

Evil_D‎, 01-02-2024 12:45 AM
152 Pages
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4,555 134,173

Talking Can we get a comprehensive list of z4 lies?

I've seen this guy get caught up in lie after lie: * father was a World War Two vet who fought commies (thought Germans were commies) * father gave him 5 million dollars to get out of his life forever * Spent 10k at the range in one weekend (said he was shooting "fully-semi automatic weapons")...

OPGenesis‎, 03-12-2022 11:08 AM
39 Pages
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Today, 02:57 AM Go to last post
1,154 15,907

Looks like the Bodhster is off his meds again

More spam :D

LargePeter‎, 05-30-2024 12:39 AM
8 Pages
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214 4,607

ITT: We act like radical right-wing extremists.

BRB Court system rigged! Oh wait, Hunter Biden caught gun charges no it's not. BRB Elections are rigged! Oh wait, Trump won no it's not. *behaves extremely racist. *accuses others of being racist. *behaves extremely autistically.

Bodhy‎, Yesterday 02:02 AM
2 Pages
1 2
38 554

The Left

The left will overlook child fcuking if a person from the wrong party calls it out Spoken by a left winger How true this statement is today When Maher admits that De Santis is correct then you know the left are a sick bunch of fcuks oGtseVUw-_M

freeheeler‎, Yesterday 07:24 PM
Yesterday, 11:22 PM Go to last post
19 270

He's ****ing Lost Again

hAOLiT3Qyjo Well played libs.. Well played indeed. :rolleyes: At least he remembered to salute the bright yellow Bulldozer, so he's got that going for him. In before "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Trump!" Comments don't disappoint though lol...

Bushmaster‎, 10-22-2022 05:32 AM
16 Pages
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Yesterday, 11:11 PM Go to last post
452 29,517

The Lord Jesus Christ is so kind-hearted that he died for our sins(wrongdoing)...

The Lord Jesus Christ is so kind-hearted that he died for our sins(wrongdoing) so we could have a chance to be saved from ending up in hellfire and end up in Heaven after we die. (For those who missed Ron's earlier post.) Hey everyone. Did you know our past, present, and future...

tayebe3‎, 06-12-2024 09:18 AM
Yesterday, 10:32 PM Go to last post
2 211

Arrow Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports

gwg77‎, Yesterday 03:53 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Yesterday, 09:25 PM Go to last post
31 504

Getting fit is great – but it could turn you into a rightwing jerk The more self-actualised you become, the higher you are on self-righteousness, blaming other people’s problems on their failure to be as healthy as you. There is a dark side to...

Dave22reborn‎, 06-11-2024 11:43 AM
5 Pages
1 2 3 4 5
Yesterday, 09:07 PM Go to last post
130 1,625

G7 leaders agree to lend Ukraine $50 billion using frozen Russian assets

G7 leaders on Thursday agreed to lend Ukraine $50 billion this year -- backed by profits from frozen Russian assets -- to help the country's war effort and rebuilding. This plan has been years in the making. It's a win for President Biden, who has been pushing allies to agree to the deal, amid...

havoc00‎, Yesterday 12:23 PM
Yesterday, 09:03 PM Go to last post
11 238

Judge who liked post calling Israel a ‘terrorist’ state gets formal warning

Don't American/western judges know to never criticize or ridicule the Jewish state? How will American/western judges be expected to dole out punishments to everyday Americans who question the holocaust/Israel if they themselves cannot be obedient to the Jews? So sad that cuckservatives like Zio...

Islandboyo‎, Yesterday 06:22 PM
Yesterday, 09:02 PM Go to last post
5 128

Official CNN Insanity tracking thread

ITT Post the most insane cnn article headlines quoted with article link, video clips of insane cnn moments, screen shots of opening pages blatant beyond bias, along with any other cnn insanity. Just looking at the headlines every morning on cnn, including this morning, it becomes apparent we...

gachase21‎, 01-30-2018 03:43 AM
208 Pages
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Yesterday, 07:41 PM Go to last post
6,231 325,031

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson spent 30 bands on personal grooming in his 1st year

havoc00‎, Yesterday 10:31 AM
Yesterday, 07:36 PM Go to last post
17 246

In sweeping change, Biden administration to ban medical debt from credit reports

In a sweeping change that could improve millions of Americans' ability to own a home or buy a car, the Biden administration on Tuesday proposed a rule to ban medical debt from credit reports. The rule, announced by Vice President Kamala Harris and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director...

havoc00‎, 06-12-2024 01:54 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Yesterday, 07:23 PM Go to last post
55 789

Squad member Jamaal Bowman (House D who pulled fire alarm) getting destroyed by AIPAC

They're going to purge congress of the far left uovn2nh0u_c love to see bad guys fight each other

128‎, 06-12-2024 07:30 PM
Yesterday, 07:00 PM Go to last post
28 460

ABC News: Chemtrails Real, Now About Those COVID Vax CTs Like They Want to Kill You

Shills on suicide watch. So if this is true what else is true? Confused yet? sKKCzUneSa8 Former Chief Science Officer and VP for Pfizer says mRNA deliberately designed to kill you

chicagopizzaboy‎, Yesterday 06:53 PM
Yesterday, 06:53 PM Go to last post
0 94

Nathan Wade gets his interview stopped while explaining when his Fani affair started

Wade: I'm getting signals...lmao NHMQ_NM8iPs A rare moment of journalism by CNN and Caitlyn Collins...

Fishman15‎, Yesterday 06:48 PM
Yesterday, 06:48 PM Go to last post
0 79

Exclamation EU fines Hungary €200m + €1m PER DAY for securing border, not letting migrants in! The European Union's top court has fined Hungary €200m (£169m) for failing to follow the union's asylum policies. The court will also issue a penalty of €1m a day until it changes its policy. The European Court of Justice said Budapest was in...

BrianDaMan‎, Yesterday 05:33 PM
Yesterday, 05:35 PM Go to last post
1 86

Biden Destruction of the Dollar Ramps Up: Allows Saudi Petrodollar Agreement to Die

The thing to understand is this is the deliberate destruction of the dollar in order to bring on a Venezuelan style hyperinflation, so they can can declare an emergency and switch over to digital ID and CBDC. A China style total financial control grid is the goal. Then you are harmless to the...

chicagopizzaboy‎, Yesterday 11:51 AM
Yesterday, 05:27 PM Go to last post
2 125

The Biden Boom™ Is Coming Baby...

1) This year is Biden's first full budget year, 2021 was Trump's last budget year... Nearly a $3 Trillion deficit because of the $Trillions in tax cuts Trump gave to himself and the rest of the 'Swamp'. 2) Biden has done a heroic job of cleaning up the mess Trump left him, especially...

EctoCanuck‎, 02-15-2022 11:02 PM
84 Pages
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Yesterday, 05:06 PM Go to last post
2,495 84,405

After Censoring Autopsies, Media Says Vax May Share Blame for "Unprecedented" Deaths

Biden: Our "patience" for the unvaccinated person is wearing thin DHhVz4-kGds Remember they wanted you to starve with no job, be denied medical care, wished death upon you if you did not comply, and were not able to prove that you complied. Now even MSN is running this story. The shot was not...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 06-05-2024 05:33 PM
2 Pages
1 2
Yesterday, 04:09 PM Go to last post
38 893

Official UK Data for 1st Time Shows Vaccinated Are Dying at Higher Rates Than Unvaxed

It is slam dunk case closed. The COVID vaccines kill. Have always killed. Were meant to kill. Or they wouldn't be lying their heads off about everything. Deal with the "fact check" first. The "fact check" at the top of the search engines regarding the ONS data attempts to dismiss the...

chicagopizzaboy‎, 01-01-2024 12:19 PM
Yesterday, 04:00 PM Go to last post
20 648

I've become convinced that NYpat has to be a Jew

There's no other explanation. Even a Fed wouldn't be this bad.

swoleyo‎, 06-12-2024 12:28 PM
Yesterday, 02:57 PM Go to last post
29 388

Biden wanders off today in Italy: LOL

Lmao wtf

Foxmulder0‎, Yesterday 10:26 AM
Yesterday, 02:06 PM Go to last post
15 338

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