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Forum: Men's Physique

Discuss all things related to Men's Physique here!

Does Arnold Schwarzenegger had fat in his chest muscles?

I am facing gyno surgery, but I am confused a little bit. My doc said he won't remove all the fat, he will leave a little just to make it look natural, otherwise I would have a hole in my chest. So for example Arnold had fat in his chest muscles too? https...

MaxGraham001‎, 11-16-2018 06:04 AM
11-16-2018, 06:04 AM Go to last post
0 7,906

My 5.5 year transformation - IFBB Men's Physique - Mr NZ 2017

Considering some of my first ever advice was gotten from, I thought I'd share my transformation with you guys so far, as well as give back some knowledge and motivation! I'm very grateful to have found my greatest passion in bodybuilding - and if it wasn't for these forums back in 2013, I...

DenimoBrah‎, 05-04-2018 03:28 AM
10-22-2018, 03:14 PM Go to last post
1 10,863

6'4" 192 lbs. Still keep bulking?

Hey guys, I'm brand new to weight lifting and need some advice. Been bulking for about 2.5 months now. I'm 29 years old and decided being skinny sucks so I've been following ICF 5x5 and gaining about 1 pound a week. I'm 6'4" with a smallish bone structure. I started 2 and a half months ago at...

Nixim559‎, 05-31-2018 07:11 PM
10-21-2018, 04:14 AM Go to last post
7 10,101

Starting My First Bulk-Can I (someday) achieve good aesthetics or not?

Like the title says...Assuming I manage to pack on a good amount of muscle, do I have a chance at good aesthetics or are my wide hips going to prevent that no matter what I do? Just want to have realistic expectations for future results going in.

halcyon09‎, 12-30-2016 03:23 PM
10-02-2018, 07:47 PM Go to last post
4 9,870

Uneven shoulder+chest (right side) and right scapula pain

So I’ve been working out for about 12 months now and I’ve noticed my left side is more “full” my pec is significantly larger and so is my shoulder. My left shoulder also seems wider then my right (I’m right handed). I’ve been looking at scapula winging as I am able to fit my fingers behind my right...

HaydenTaylor‎, 10-02-2018 07:17 AM
10-02-2018, 07:17 AM Go to last post
0 5,686

Question Stuck in the bulk cut cycle of doom!

I've been training for the last 18 months with shameful result :( I start to train as a classic skinny fat, lost couple of kg for the first 2 months and then start to bulk. Got stronger but also fatter. I can't stand myself with a gut so for the last 18 month I'm on this vicious cycle of bulking...

Mooli88‎, 09-24-2018 03:15 AM
09-25-2018, 06:40 PM Go to last post
8 6,279

Body fat percentage

Hi, new here and I have a question Six years ago I weighed 140kg. Today my height is 164 and I weigh around 65kg, all body fat calculators say I'm about 20-21 body fat percentage, my abs are clearly visible (the first 4) and I've read that I shouldent be able to see them before I get to around...

gotenxds‎, 11-09-2017 03:15 PM
09-14-2018, 12:32 PM Go to last post
4 8,283

Smile Any examples of bodybuilders with big biceps /w bicep gap

I've been struggling like crazy to build good biceps, my triceps are awesome, but my arms overall look pretty puny due to my 4 finger bicep gap. Just wondering if there was any hope out there.

Limasol‎, 07-07-2017 07:58 PM
09-12-2018, 05:32 AM Go to last post
1 6,448

Quick question about having wide hips.

Hey I just wanted to know,if I have wide hips do I focus mostly on quads,obliques,delts and lats?And should I be ''afraid'' of leg workouts or do bigger legs actually help if I got wide hips?

AbsolutelyDumb‎, 03-14-2018 07:17 AM
09-12-2018, 05:20 AM Go to last post
1 6,203

Big belly but no fat ! HELP

Hey guys ! It's been few years I have this problem: I used to be fit and normal but with time my belly changed and became bigger and bigger, even though I was having a really healthy diet and doing exercise every day... I've seen countless doctors, tried literally EVERYTHING to solve that but...

Galingas‎, 06-30-2018 07:07 AM
09-12-2018, 05:14 AM Go to last post
5 3,116

Question Man boobs syndrome... How to improve chest shape

Hi there I've being training in they gym for the past 5 years now... I've being doing mostly bench press, but now starting to realise i don't like the shape of my chest. It's seems this is the strong part of my body, but recently it's starting to look like "man boobs" rather than muscular and...

Oboy5‎, 08-19-2018 04:02 AM
09-11-2018, 01:45 PM Go to last post
3 3,287

Working out every single day for almost 2 whole months with very little results

For almost 2 months Ive been working out every single day and Ive gained very little results. I work on 2 muscle groups per day while upping the weight every time I work on my set. I understand these things do take time but after working out every single day I would've expected a little more.

StuddedLeaf‎, 08-27-2018 01:09 PM
08-31-2018, 12:01 AM Go to last post
12 3,717

Big 19 year old

Hey guys I'm new here. Im 19 years old, weigh 170lbs. and Thinking of doing bodybuilding/fitness as a career in life as I really fell in love with it. I have currently 7700 followers on Instagram and I'd appreciate it if you could follow me or check me out, I really want to succeed in this...

SandowwScerri‎, 08-30-2018 03:40 PM
08-30-2018, 03:40 PM Go to last post
0 2,044

Not having progress when sick. Is it normal?

So I have been sick for 3 weeks now with common cold and flu-like symptoms, but I have been working out anyway. I am still far away from my potential, and has been stronger before I was on a cut in the summer, so expected som progress. I have been eating at more than maintenance, but the numbers...

3mill‎, 08-26-2018 02:11 PM
08-26-2018, 02:11 PM Go to last post
0 2,111

A question to men 6'3" or taller...

I'm 6'3" and have the prototypical tall man's build - long wrists, ankles, neck and a narrow frame. Of all these things, my narrow frame bothers me the most. No matter how much muscle mass I have when I look at myself I see a narrow framed ectomorph. Have any men of this height or taller been...

ChiefRocka‎, 08-15-2018 09:35 AM
08-17-2018, 06:52 AM Go to last post
2 2,238

26 year old man with 50 year old energy

Greetings, So, in short, I am tired. A LOT. I hardly, almost never work out. I am not in bad shape, got a bit of a beer belly, probably skinny fat to average would be an accurate description of me. The last time I remember feeling good and being in shape consistently was when I was 17. I had...

Rz2323‎, 02-02-2018 09:26 PM
08-08-2018, 01:42 AM Go to last post
2 3,787

Smile Cutting since December

Hi guys, Any tips or suggestions would be much appreciated. I am 5'7.5, started my bulk at approx. 160lbs (73kg) (Skinny fat) and ended my bulk at 182lbs (83kg) and currently cutting since December. I currently weigh 152lbs (69 kg). Can you give me a rough estimate of my fat percentage?...

deepestblue‎, 05-23-2018 11:16 PM
07-30-2018, 03:32 PM Go to last post
1 2,696

Going from skinny-fat to aesthetically cut in 7 months? Help plz

For the last few years, I've really been ashamed of my man boobs. I've had them since I was 17. When I came home from college this summer (I'm 21 now at 5'8"), I came back with a lot of bodyfat and bigger man boobs. On June 5th, I weighed in at 182.3lbs and that was at the very beginning of my...

arobb1015‎, 07-17-2018 04:21 PM
07-17-2018, 04:21 PM Go to last post
0 2,287

Critique and pointers for newbie

So I have been working out for Since Jan this year (took close 2 months off from March to Mid April); I am a complete newb. I have been reading, and learning, trying to get my workout, diet and nutrition on point. Also, had body impedance analysis to get body fat estimates have gone from 15% to...

ghoomsoda‎, 07-01-2018 07:40 AM
07-01-2018, 03:38 PM Go to last post
1 2,962

Lost 9kgs in just 3 weeks!

Hey everyone, My names Matt and Im 25 and until recently I was reasonably healthy and fit. About 3 weeks ago I got seriously ill and spent most my time in hospital. I arrived weighing approximately 81kg and when I left I was down to 71kg. I was never extremely toned or ripped, but I was still...

mashbolt‎, 04-21-2018 09:49 AM
05-31-2018, 12:15 PM Go to last post
4 3,292

Question What is this gap that in the middle of both pecs

I noticed a gap in the middle of the side pecs in most people (including me), and wondered if it had a name or something. Could not find it, do you guys have an idea ? (cannot post images or links)

Rockybilly‎, 04-16-2018 03:01 PM
04-16-2018, 03:01 PM Go to last post
0 2,808

Dairy Intolerance ----- What now?

Hi guys I have been informed to cut out dairy completely as it whats causing me major sinus issues. Along with bloating. Cutting dairy does not bother me much BUT now I have a issue on not been able to take any Whey protein, or any protein that contains "MILK". What now? Your...

pimpmymuscle‎, 01-04-2018 10:58 PM
04-11-2018, 09:24 AM Go to last post
3 3,813

Exclamation Want to start training, should I cut first?

Hi, I’m new to the mens physique scene and want to eventually compete. I’ve been hitting the gym every day for a couple months and have seen some pretty good muscle growth. My abs are decently visible so I think I’m around 10-13% body fat. The question is: Should I begin to cut fat right now...

JohnkFitness‎, 04-11-2018 08:56 AM
04-11-2018, 08:56 AM Go to last post
0 2,769

Building muscle from skinny fat base

hey bb community, need some help. been going to the gym actively (about 3-5x per week) and have been lifting regularly. I want to get out of the skinny fat stage and actually gain some muscle mass; hoping you could help. I am 155lbs (typically fluctuate between 150 and 160), 5' 11", and my...

mibroseph‎, 03-27-2018 01:08 PM
03-27-2018, 01:08 PM Go to last post
0 3,076

Should I start cutting?

Hello. Long time lurker here. I hit the point after 6months of hard work where I dont know if I should start cutting bodyfat or still bulk. Gained 10kilograms per 6months. Weight 70kg -> 80kg Height 1.91 I eat around 3000 calories daily if not more. Stopped counting and just eat when ever I...

hatsmindset‎, 03-19-2018 05:08 AM
03-27-2018, 12:39 PM Go to last post
2 2,990

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